THE COURIBEfe r h- 'a ' p let, hearts and festoons of chrysaothe- guests were: Mr. and Mrs. John Dor- -mums were used in great profusion, gan, Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Thompson, Mr. Ice was served in. the dining'rooea, un- ad Mts. W.B. Hargreaves, and Mrs. D. der a hoop of scarlet hesrts and1-chnrs , D. Mulr. Mrs. Sykes left on Thurt antbeiuums, by'MksLaBBlogan'd lustl dayfor her'hotneln Harrison, PeatAyN Waagb. Sapper was served after" tbv faaW. ,Mrf and MraC Seeerest leave" dancing to the following guest:,' "Mr"; fr New York tomorrow, and Mrs. Risser. Misses BatfLrt Doctor s j AbboU of gouth Qm ing, Reynolds. Andrew MontgoaaerT; former.y BUperintondent 0f the hospital Henry, Hayelwood McPbeely Burru., for ionaia Hncoln vMy. Thomas,. Wood ward Waugh, Robinson-; nfr!W.n itu .ioIo t.,. ',i ing. The left Bide is affected.- (ij&jo&JiB&i; J&afei&fo&m&z THS?4 Sedgwick, Marshall, Chapin, Morreil, Branch of Omaha, Wright of Schuyler, BurruBs of Geneva, Dorrington' and' Custer of Falls City. Messrs. Rodgers, Ricke'.te, Edminston, Sanders, Wester man, McKillip, West, Wells, Blackman, Sheldon, Brown; Fisher, Everett, Adams, Brown, Kimball, Smith, Sbilder, Mudge, Hopewell, St. Clair, Loveland, Barber, Bishoff, Morrisson, Barber and Moir. A pre-nuptial luncheon was- given Mies Alta Wilson on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Miss Anthony. After a seven course luncheon Mies Erford gave' a toast to "Our Bride;' Miss Watson spoke of "Our Now Brother;" Miss Leese spoke of "The Maid of Honcr;" and Mies Raphael closed with a tcast on '-Sincerity." The following out of town guests and members were present: Mies Jackson of Beatrice, Miss Mack of South Bend, Indiana, Miss Tails of Columbus, and Miss Spott of Ashland. Mieses Wilson, Raphael, Erford, Leese, Anthony, Clinton, Giltzen, Shoeffer, Barrick, Macfarland, Stearns, Shaw land, Gregory and Watson. Miss Wil son was also given a tin shower by the young ladies. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lewis gave a duplicate whist party on Wednesday evening in honor of Mr. Tom Wing1 of New York City. The following guests were present: Messrs." and Mesdames Aitkin, Burnham, Helwig, Funke, Out ealt, Snell, Goodell, Guthrie, Jackway, Barbour and Morrill. Mrs.' Imobff, ill! IK f "., s n For women and children begins here on IVIOIV A.Y, :FM5R. l&tli, and continues until Saturday evening", February 24tti. T?hese undermuslins are of the same reliable kind always offered during- our sale. They are made by the best workmen, of the best ma terials, properly" cut and perfectly finished. The introductory price quotations are, as always, the lowest possible for such values. Every garment new and clean, fresh from the cases and now shown for the first time. Mrs. Macdonald will entertain in' honor of Miss Oakley on the Eighteenth The annual valentine- party, of the Delian literary society of th'e University was held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms- on Wednesday night. Doctor and Mrs; Ladd entertained In formally in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Boal 7J of Sheridan, Wyoming, on Wednesdays JSl evening. fVj The Good Times euchre club was en- jfe tertained by Miss Mae Burr in honor cf fr"3 Miss Medsker of Kansas City, and Miss jSl McDonald of St. Joseph, on Thursday ffo evening. The following guest were Wg present: Messrs. and Mesdanier Rc- 2 tor. Woods, Dorgan, Crancer, Mnjlrn, UN Woods, Curtice, Kelley, Marshall, Filz- zs& gerald, Howe, and Morrison. Misses nC Oakley. Welch, Tukey, Hoover, Put- nam, and Nance. Messrs." White of fjj Omaha, Eames, Butler, Joyce, Brink, jjj Thatcher, Johnson, Hayes, McCreery, ffo Sherman, Tukey'and Dostor White. jZ Miss Gertrude Chambers gave a very h$ pleasant Valentine party on Wednesday JUS) night. Judge and Mrs. J. R. Webster gave a reception to the senior law class of the State university on Tuesday afternoon. Over titty students called during the afternoon. Judge Webster'has accept ed a position in Washington Dects-to. make his home in that citv. ence and Health, With Key to the, Scrjp- trance door there was an immovable, - . l. . . . ted in red tuxes. Wednesday evening- meeting- a V isapewetrww man We are sole Lincoln' agents for Butterick Pat terns and publications. YUNKA black silks, absolutely guaranteed, ( x clusive with us. LINCOLN. NEBRASKA. the reading' of selections ffbnf the Bible' deities; and 'ladies'in thin evening dress. add ex- and the Christian Science text book, "Sci- in the snowy street Before the en- The house was prettily decorated in red Miss1 Harris, Miss Alice Wing,. Miss" and pink roses. Miss' Webster; Miss Elizabeth vjcg. Doctor Davenport, Garten, Miss Folk, Miss Mulloo, Misr Doctor White. Mr. George Wing and Mr. Tom Wing. Mrs. Frank Irvine entertained Le3 Bohemiennes on Wednesday afternoon". Mrs. Hallet will entertrin' for' MHr. Jones on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurd entertained the D. K. W. club and a few friends on Gregory and Miss Bridge assisted in serving the refreshments. MiBsTNelia Cochrane gave an infor mat'tea at the Delta Gamma fraternity house-on -Monday-afternoon. nhnnnflllnr and Mm RMmt' ! n didder inhohftr of' Ex-Chancellor Ben- ton on Thursday evening. The 7:30. The public is cordially invited. Mrs. H. W. Brown is entertaining' Mrs. W. W. W. Jones and" Miss-Edithr oee4ife.-.wM&rtBd paddl j ones oi ueaier. six re- The regular meeting of 'the' city isa--piovement society was held Thursday mornidg in the Union-Commercial club rooms. The officers of the club com pose the park committee, and the, sec retary had notified the committee that Wednesday evening. Progressive-hearts' u Ul "" """"""y WOI ! the city council was reaoy to acs- wun- was played. The following-guests were Mrs-Burnham entertained ttie Lotc them- Mrs. Monger, delegate from present: Messrs; and'MeedameB- Jorito, clubotfTbtirBdayaftemoon Sorosis, reported two new members; Spangler, Kimmerer, Carpenterf Will ' Mrs. Guthrie was the new delegate from kinson, Hart. Sullivan and'DeaWi Mia Mr. Louis Westerman met with a Sorosisv Mrs. F. E. EaHr f rtm the Wo Bell. Messrs. Morse, Streight, Young, Berioua accent recently by falling en a- nan's club, and Mrs. W. A. Green from Gascoyne, Hamilton, Brooks," Howland, sidewalk and injuring his back, causing the Athenea. Ringer and Davis. aMerion of a nerve affecting' the heart. Health Officer Rohde spoke of tie me ucciueai wm not prove muu u sanitary condition oi mo cuy. stjuvts appropriated" for the health fund by the Mrs. ward and Mrs. woicoiv enter- th'ereieno relapse, tained the Faculty Woman's club on Wednesday'arternoon at ttie home of' TbVthlrd'annual banquet ofth'e Kap the latter. A valentine-WHrgivTBn" efCh' p"SfgmarfrateTnitywasgivBn.on Tuet lady with-a guessing game' writteh- on day nfahtfthe Hotel'Lincohi to the resi the blank side and two pretty posters dent members of the fraternity atfd' to' s? were given as prizes' number of alumnae. Mr. Germain Towl or Omaha, was toastmaster. Mr. William Adarri orKearney? Mr. Tdwl'of Omaha, and' Mr. Howard" Cittle1 of Madison, we're' th'e odt'of town guests". macs of people pwbom the door keepera would not let in' and who wcMld-not" recede from their poeitions. Ea'dtes"ahd"gentleaJen' dressed for the e through ao alley of intf froxen'wateiTonly to be deoied eatraoce by the ticket takers at the side entrance who referred them to the blockade at the front door. It was the'familiar scene which has marred so niaey University commencement days tiete;- only thl occaaiotf was- in the night, the ticket-holders were in" even ing drees and the temperature was be lbwzero; It was after nine before a tumbled, torn, angry, nervous audience roorrTjMed-PadeTewfck'i himself who was etHMHtlypcnBrbed a- only a highly strung, sensitive artist can be. Then th'ere were boys on the roof who sound ed as through they were cracking it. When" they were Mr. T M'. Bromwell visiting friends in the the week. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Whedon dinner for" the members'" of the Table on Tuesday night'. The crowning social event of' Omsht, city the first of gave a Round dislodged Paderewski city; of whiciff800is paid- to--thecity'l,1JJriB:,Bvw1tBjan expression scavenger for the removal of refuse and or nope'ese .determination. However, manure from the fire and police sta- beore the evening was over the perfect tions, the' maintenance and' care of acoUstiesTof thV hall' and the evident dutnping grounds, etc. The remaining', eympattiy and'appreciation of the audi JM5t)'goea to the hospital fund. ThV erfee reconciled the'player' to the un idearmethod'ordisposing'of garbage" is' fotilnate'at'd'vexationsbeginnings and by "a creihatory which is self-eustkining herespohdedto overwhelming applause in'citiee'of this'size. witlftwo encores; A" resolution Was offered and adopted4 uW Cora Hwrirlc. ram a n,.i Mr. Frank' Kingi Clark? and Mr. J. P. by the society recomnfending' that all' valeatine-party to her Sunday Echcol Whedon of Chicago, will be the- gueetsw refffse. eetiecially from the kitchen, be of Mrcand'Mr0.R. H-. Oakley over Sun-- burned in stoves or furnaces: of the day. Mr. and-Mrei Walter Hargreaver The health officer explained' that an" University was the Junior' Promenade will-entertain for Mr. Clark- and Mr. up to datef umigatbr was now' owned given at the Hotel Lincoln on Friday Whedontooight. Mr. Clark-is- a very by the cityand that' the greatest cate- night. successful baritone singer and music was exercised in properly fumigating Mrs. Hull (born Farwelllof OinahB.-was will probably occupy most of the even- clothing, bedding, etc., before the pla- - . . . ina catda were removed irom miec"d prem- Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Campbell gave a-lses' dinner on Wednesday eveningsto a Tew The paderewski concert assembled friends. mosfof'the people who love, or are re"- First (Jtiiircli of Christ (Sciehtlst), lated to those who love music. But Fourteenth and K streets. Arth'dir' C before eigh't o'clock th'e entrance" was Ziemer, C; S. First Reader. Sunday inaccessible to those who had' bought morning services at 10:30: subject, reserved seats, (jarnage alter carriage in Lincoln this"week visiting Ler'parentB Mr. ard Mrs. Holmes'. A large number of people from all over th'e state were in Lincoln on Mon day evening to hear the Paderewski concert. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Cr Seacrest gave a- card party on Tuesday eveningan honor claavof the Plymouth Congregational church, on- Thursday evening. Por tiere of red hearts were hung between the-roosM and the red hearts decorated the en tire-house. A paper donkey was pinnedon-the wail and a great deal of merriment-was caused by the attempts of tiie guests to pin on the donkey's tail. A valentine was given as a prize to the guest most successful. Born To'Mr. atidMrs. Rollin Miles, (Mrs.3Iilea born Marshall) of Burling-t-)BvVemotat, on February the Third, aseer Cam yaiij uu j.uwo eiuuiuguu .awmw. w D . v,v, MHV4WW., . - . of Mrs. Sykes of Pennsylvania. The "Chust Jesus.'' The sermon consists of arrived and deposited its load of gen- The-Household Economics conference