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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1900)
THE COURIER. y i. re 1 dames Meeds, Tavers, Maddox, Shilling, Evans and Merrill. Misses Leland, Kisser, Shuto and Cochrane. Messrs. Gregory and Ally. Miss Sally Groh of Omaha is visiting Miss Maude Risser. Mrs. Morrison entertained informally for her sister. Miss Louise Takey of Omaha, on Thursday afternoon. The annual Praise Service of the Wo mens' Missionary society of the Presby terian church will be given on next Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. Ladd, Mrs, Campbell and Miss Childs. Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Burnham gave a six o'clock dinner to the mombors of tho Round Table on Monday evening. Mrs. Peter Lau had a serious opera tion performed on her neck at the St. Elizabeth Hospital on Thursday. Mrs. E. L. Holyoke entertained the Athenea elub on Friday afternoon. Mies Louise Tukey or Omaha, is visit ing Miss Helen Welch. The La Veta Whit club met with Mr. and Mrs. Lindley Tuesday evening. Tho Social Recitation club met with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bowen Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Arnett gave an in formal dance at their home Monday night. Sorosis met with Mrs. J. E. Miller Tuesday afternoon. Miss Selma Noren of McCook is visit ing Miss Garten. Word has been received in Lincoln that Mrs. Philips and Miss Walsh have arrived safely in Boulogne. Miss Louise Tukey of Omaha is the guest of Miss Helen Welch. Mrs. Noel of Beatrice is vieiting Mrs. Garoutte. First Church of Christ (Scientist), Fourteenth and K streets. Arthur C. Ziemer, C. S. First Reader. Sunday morning services at 10:30; subject, "Love."' The sermon consists of the reading of selections from the Bible and the Christian Science text book, "Scienre and Health, With Key to the Scrip tures." Wednesday evening meeting at 7:30. The public is cordially invited. Mrs. Ro6s Curtice gave a 'iinen shower' for Miss Jessie Leland Wednes day afternoon. A delicious luncheon was served at one o'clock. Lilies of-the-valley and violets decorated the tables. Caboose occupied the remainder of the afternoon. Miss Leland's friends brought some very fine pieces of linen for her. Those present were Mesdames Merrill, Meeds, Clarkson, Lee and Evans; Misses Lau, Hooper, Leland, Cochrane, Garten. The next Pleasant Hour party will be on January 2Cth. The Century club met with Mre. Kirker Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Garoutte gave a kensington Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Noel o.f Beatrice. Much amusement was caused by a guessing game wherein prizes were awarded. The invited guests were Mesdames Garten, Winger, Winnett, Welch, Cochrane, Shepherd, Reese, Whedon, RiEser, Watkins, Wells, Schwake, Burkett, Doane, Morrison, Ileaton, Ricketts, Coffin, nards, Pipe', Talbot, Jacques, Parsons, Holcomb, Crandall, Poynter, Robbus, Wharton, Lamb, Stearns. Barber, Finney, Hyde, Campbell, Keefer, Field, Lahr, White, Jacques, Stein, Miller, Baldwin, Miller and Burkett. Mrs. Harry Evans entertained for M'ss Jessie Leland Thursday afternoon. The guests spent a very pleasant after noon in guessing advertisements, and refreshments were served to the follow ing guests: Mesdames Lau, Curtice, Meeds, Merrill; Misses Nance, Leland, RickettB and Hooper. Mr. and Mrs. Garoutte will entertain a six-handed euchre party this evening for Mr. and Mrs. Noel of Beatrice. Tho guests will be Messrs. and Mesdames Chapin, Woods, Hill, Foster, Usher, La Gore, Stine, Jewell, Jones, Turner, Baker, Spencer, Faulkner, Rudge, Arnett, Green, Clark, Whiting, Milton berger, lilton, Bignell, O'Connell. Van Brunt, Wilkinson, Gearbart, Hayes, Casebeer, Lindley, Mitchell and Wilson; Miss Brundage. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Leland an nounce the marriage of their daughter Jessie to Mr. Edwin Alley January 21th. Only relatives and friends of the family will be present at the wedding. Mrs. O. N. Humphrey entertained the ladies of the L. L. A. kensington Monday afternoon. A very pleasant af ternoon was spent with needlework, and refreshments were served. The Tuesday niht club gave a dance at Courier ball this week. Those pres ent were: Misses Hayes, Jackson, Bur ns, Wort, Jenkins, Douglas, Paddock, Graham, Hoi brook, Woodward, Ham mond and Ricketts. Messrs. Ricketts, Folsom, Hayes. McCreery, Matson, Rob bine, Turpin, Paine, Atwood, Brown, Woodruff, Kennard, Marley, Ambs and Shick. , The Officers and Board of the mana gers of the State Agriculture society were given a six o'clock dinner by Gov ernor and Mrs. Poynter on Wednesday evening. The Ak-Sar-Ben colors were used in decorating the table, the colors being red, green and yellow. The red is for the sugar beet, the green for alfalfa, and yellew for corn. Covers were laid for President Basset, Secretary Furtai and Treasurer Mclntyre. Messrs. Do little, Dinsmore, Vance, Younger and Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher gave a luncheon on Thursday for Mr. and Mrs. Bence Cunningham of Liberty, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Moore acd Mrs. Malta lieu and son, will leave for Newark, Ohio, next Saturday where they will make their future home. Mr. Moore expects to go into business in Newark. The Wednesday afternoon club was entertained by Mrs. Fred Gardner on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Morris Turner gave a number of small card parties this week. Mrs. Alva Kennard gave a small whist party on last Saturday afternoon for Miss Mary Pitcher of Oswego, New York. Chancellor and Mrs. Huntington gave a tea for the professors and their wives of the Wesleyan university on Friday evening. The college colors, yellow and brown, were used in the decoration of the dining room. Miss Rose Carson will entertain for her sister, Mrs. Rollins, this evening. Miss Welch entertpined a small com pany for Miss Louiso Tukey on Friday evening. The Busy Bee charity orgacization of the Episcopalian church held a meeting with Janet Ramey on Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Usher entertained the Wednesday afternoon club on Friday evening, Those present were Messrs. and Mesdames Blackburn, Weote, Ar nett, Cooper, Gardner, O'Neill, Keefer, Stevens, Scott, Vanderpool and Vander pool. Mr. and Mrs. Jdwell gave a progres sive crokinole party to the members of the auditor's and treasurer's offices Tues day evening, ine urst prize was won r m. Ui94h77Zl9 QUI I PlEARllVn We haven't taken' j x ii-,j- L.uniuj stock j'et, but will do so in a few days. In the meantime we're going to reduce stocks to a still smaller size. That's why such reductions as these are made. I3RI5S-S GOODS-Splendid quality two toned dress suitings, 32 in. wide, 20c value, clearing price, per 'ard 14c Best quality half wool cashmere, per yard 25c Bright colored wool plaids in a choice variety of colo - combinations, regular 50c values, clearing price, per yard 35c IIJVIJVG'rS and NOTIONS-Hooks and eyes, per card lc Brush binding in odd shades, per yard 3c Wool skirt braids in all colors, 2 rolls for 5c Splendid quality black percaline, worth 12c, clearing ricc, per yard 10c Taffeta lining in all shades, 25c values, clearing price, per yard 15c Fancy striped moreen skirting in a beautiful line of colorings, worth $1.00, clearing price, pr yd..50c 'TRIIVIAJHIVG'S-Colored jet trimming in a large variety of styles, values as high as 25c, clearing price, per 3'ard 5c Black jet trimming in a choice variety of styles, worth up to 50c, clearing price, per yard 25c Ready-to-wear-Goods All New, This Season's Goods. Fur Capes, Muffs, Scarfs, Collarettes and Jack ets, a big lot just received from the makers, to be closed at a discount of 33 1-3 per cent Any Cloth Jacket in the house during this sale, 1-2 off season's THIRD OF Children's two-toned boucle and all wool ripple eiderdown Cloaks, worth $2.25 and $3, this sale, each 97c Fleece lined Wrappers, assorted percale, were $1, this sale, each 55c 75c and $1 black sateen waists at - - - - - 47c $12 and $15 suits, this sale ------ $5.00 Another lot of suits, assorted colors, this sale, half-off All Children's Jackets, new styles - - - Half-off 50 breakfast shawls, 60c values, this sale - - - 15 25 silk and wool crepon skirts, $7.50 values, this sale, each ------------ $5.00 Heavy all-wool cheviot skirts, taffeta silk and tailor stitched down front, $7.50 values, each.. 5.00 $5.00 silk waists in black to match trimming on above skirts, this sale, each ----- $3.45 Children's cashmere dresses'all lined, sizes 1 to 5 years, were $1, this sale, each ----- 49c LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. sa Plush and boucle capes, all new this goods, this sale ONE nyi k as? Cheap rates at 104 106 North 10th Drugs. Stationery, Perfumery. The latest novelties. Good Goods. Complete Stock. DR 1 mMMMIOIMOOCMOMIMMQOCCOO, ARTISTIC PRINTING Of every dUcription. It will pay you to consult C. L. Lemxo.v, at the . LEGAL NEWS PR I NTING . . Excellent Work. Satisfatory Prices. UOl IV aatreot. OdllMMIMMH mm ITl PATENT Ctrilfcu may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Riftfmara Mi Subscriptions to Tbe Patent Record IUU per annum. MlT-Pii Cre ConatipatJon Billiousness, nervousness and the pill habit. Action not followed by costive nesa. Doubt it? Try it. Sample free. .Druggists. 25c. or address ANTI-PILL CO . Lincoln. Neb XR. IEONHARDT'S