The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 20, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Professional Directory.
Office .736J Tt TT "M" rinoohoar i Office rooms 71 and 75 Burr Mock,
Ites .7371 Ur t1, JM- aboDBer Koidence, 1636K street.
Jfflce .6181-. .,, I Office, Zehrung Block 1 9 to 10 am
J-Dr. Ben j. F. Bailey ! vntoisao
ios 671.) I Residence, 1313 C street 1 2 to 4 p m
Evenings, by appointment. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment.
I Dr. J. B. Trickey,
I Rofractionist only
I 19 to 12 a. m
Office, 1033 O street J-I to 4 p. m.
Office K3 -J J. M. LllCaS ' 15th and O street.
office 530. j-Louis N. Wente.D.D.S.-l i.&?ownei! BloWKnl
I I w 11th street. I
' mmmm.
) rt -r i. -. T. -, ( Office orer Harley's 1
omce 784 Oliver Johnson, D.D.-S. dm store
I ' f 1105 O street J
office 426 j Drs Clutter & Shannon use o street.
1.. , - . - - - ,-. - ( Richards blk. Practice limited
Office 940 VClyde DaVIS, M.D., D.D.S. to dentistry. Hours, 8:30 to
) " ' ' I 12:30 and 2 to 5.
Orion F.Lambertson, D.D.S. Kms3.2ainAieiatnder wock
Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
7 ip
$575 delivered.
1044 O Street.
omrk cojai co .
WOfc 0 SIR., PfOflE 05
W KvfiA Ji
w K H fc COU
Brookside Garor
$6.65 Delivered
illHT 11 CO.
f A A V P P Send The Courier your legal, notices
L YY I E iw files are kept in fire proof bui1 1m s.
A Bmart reception was given by Mrs.
Jaques and Mrs. Stein in honor of Mrs.
Randall of New York, on Wednesday
afternoon. The two homes in the
double house were thrown into one.
Mrs. Jaques and Mrs. Stein received
their guests in Mrs Jaques' drawing
room and the refreshments were served
in Mrs. Stein's rooms. The following
ladies assisted in receiving: Mesdames
Garten, McCieery, Jaques, Babcock,
Huntington, J. D. Moore, Robinson and
Sullivan. Flowers were used in great
profusion. The parlors of Mrs. Jaques
were in meteor and La France roses.
A mandolin club was hidden by a bank
of palms in the library. Mibb Robinson
served punch in one of the upper rooms,
aesieted by Mies Katbrina Jaques and
Miss Frances Stein, yellow being the
color scheme used. White hyacinths
decorated the rooms where the gue3ts
removed their wraps. Upon entering
the hall of Mrs. Stein the guests were
greeted by a burst of music from a
mandolin club. The drawing room was
decorated in red, and the dining room
was beautifully decorated in pink and
white. The table was covered with
Battenburg lace over pink, the centre
piece held a mirror that reflected a
bunch of pink roses, and the table was
aglow with pink candles. The mantle
was decorated profusely with pink roses
and candles and the chandelier was
covered with similax and pink roses.
Miss Garten served the ice and cakes
and was assisted by Misses Noren, Hag
gard, Hyde, and Liudley. Chocolate
was served in the library and was pre
sided over by Miss Cochrane. The,
room was entirely in white. Mexican
drawn work covered the table and a
beautiful bunch of white pinks wae the
centrepiece. White candles lighted the
room. Miss Miller and Miss Rowland
assisted in serving the chocolate and
cheese straws. Over three hundred
guests called during the afternoon.
Miss Emma Outcalt will give a lunch
eon this afternoon for Mibb Louise Tu
key of Omaha. The invited gueete are:
Misses Welch, Tukey, Jackson, Woode,
Cole, Edmineton, Macfarland, Hayes,
Whiting, Jenkins, Sarbach and Har-
Miss Oakley and Miss Hoover gave a
tea in honor of Mrs. Rollius, on Tues
day afternoon. About eighty guests
called during the afternoon. The draw
ing room, where the ladies received
their guests was decorated with pink
roses and pink colored lights. Mrs.
Rollins was gowned in a pink and blue
Dresden silk elaborately trimmed in
Duchess lace. Miss Oakley looked very
charming in a pink silk gown and Mies
Hoovnr was daintily gowned in white
organdie trimmed with black insertion.
The foliowing ladies apsist'd in receiv
ing: Mesdames Oakley, Yates, Camp
bell and Muir. Punch was served by
Mrs. Dorgan in the library. Meteor
roses and red shaded lights decorated
the room. The dining room where Mrs.
Griffith and Mrs, Walsh served coiTee
and ices, was in American Beauty
shades. The table was covered with
Battenburg and a mirror as a centre
piece held a gorgeous bunch of Ameri
can Beauties. Silver and cut glass was
placed about on the table and a silver
candelabrum held red shaded candies.
Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. Hargreavs and Mrs.
MLr6ha!l assisted in the dining rot n
A large music box was placed in the
library and played during the entire
afternoon. The receiving party and the
ladies that assisted made a pleasant
little party in the evening. Miss Oak
ley and Mr. Thatcher mng a number of
beautiful songs and Miss Hoover played
in her usual brilliant manner.
The executive committee having in
charge the coming auditorium benefit
ball and promenade concert held a
meeting at the Commercial club rooms
on Monday and now have matter?
specifically placed in the hands of the
various committees.
Tickets may be purchased of Mr. W.
H. Raymond, secretary, or any member
of the committee. ''Old Glory" will be
used in decorating and any person hav
ing flags, large or small, which he is
willing to ioan for this purposp, will
greatly assist in the work by notifyirg
Mr. George W. Fawell, chairman of
that committee. By sewing jour name
to the Hag all danger of loss will be
For the benefit of many who have
made the inquiry, it is stated that a
promenade concert of one hour will be
given from 8:30 to 9:30, the remainder
of the time will be devoted to dancing.
The committee is determined to retp
the full benefit and with that object in
view the expenses are to be kept at the
lowest passible mark, so that citizens
purchasing tickets can rest assured that
the auditorium will be benefitted and
not newspapers, musicians, florists,
etcetera. The city has been divided
into districts for the sale of tickets and
it is hoped that citizens will assist the
committee by helping in every way.
Three dollars will buy a ticket admit
ting one gentleman and ladies. The
auditorium is the property of the city
and this concert ball is entirely for the
benefit of the auditorium fund.
A eix-handed euchre party was given
by Mr. Garoutte Friday afternoon. An
enjoyable afternoon was spont by the
following guests: Mrs. Noel of Beatrice,
Mesdames Holm, Nance, Branch, Blish,
Hector, Hibner, Holyoke, Harphara,
Turner, Hoover, Quigle, Herrick, Davis,
Marshall, Perkins, Holyoke, Folsom,
Hutchins, Mullen, Traphagen, Warner,
Crancer, Gleason, Harley, Morse, Finch,
Seacrest, Ackerman, Newmark, Laflin,
Kehlaender, Brown, Teeters, Davis,
Newbecker, Witter, Dearing, Bewick,
Scott, Searles, Risser, Guenzel, Lee,
Kolley, Smith, Baker, Campbell, Wente,
Kennatd, Thompson, Richards, Hoovpr,
Lambertson, Marpel, Snider, Billmeyer,
Harley, Warren and Hartley. MisseB
Risser. Frank and Tibbets.
Mrs. Hans Peter Lau announces the
engagement of her daughter, Nellie
Marie, to Mr. Alfred Spielmann of Chi
cago. Miss Lau has alwajs been very
popular in Lincoln and haB a large num
ber of friends here. Mr. Spielmann is a
member of the International Naviea
tion Company of the Red Star Line of
L. G. Burr and Miss Mae Burr
will spend Sunday in Chicago.
Mr. Joe Burnham is still ill at his
home on D street.
Miss Olive Graham entertained the
Paragon euchre club on Friday eveuing.
A very pleasant evening was spent by
he following gnests: Messrs. and Ms-