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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1900)
;sm&W?0imi THE COURIER. 12 LITERARY NOTES. The Nebraska Sanitarium. ' Table Talk. The January issue of Table Talk pre sents exhaustively the art of good cook ing, of wise and economical living. "The Latest Served," is the title of an article by Eire. Grinnell. "Table Mannere," by Mrs. Burton Kingsland. "Raised Biscuit oriightiRolle." Richard Harding Davis' New Story, "La Lettre d'Amour" is one of the best love stories Richard Harding Davis has written. The scene is laid in Lon don and" the characters are a beautiful American girl, her mother, a wealthy young Harvard man, and a violinist of the Hungarian Orchestra. The illus trations are by Howard Chandler Chris ty. La Lettre d'Amour ia tne leamng story in the Midwinter Fiction Number of the Saturday Evening Post, which will be on sale January the 25th. T Located at College View, Nebr., offers the followini tired and suffering- public who are seeking Health, Scientifically classified dietary. inducements to the est and Comfort: 'HE institution is situated on an ele vated Bite, overlooking the city of Lincoln, which lies three miles to the northwest, and with which it is connected by an electric street rail way. . One of the most-healthy tween the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. A well regulated institution for the treatment of all chronic diseases. Water of unusual purity. Baths of every description, including Hie-Eleetric-light bath. Laboratory of hygiene foribacteriologi cal and microscopical investigation. Stomach Quids analyzed tics. Aseptic operating rooms and surgical wards. Four physicians, well-trained, with large experience in sanitarium medical work. Trained nurses for both sexes. Skillful attention given to the treat ment of Diseases of the Stomach and Digestive for dyspep- System. Diseases of the.Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Luncre. Diseases peculiar to women. Best of advantages for the treatment of all forms of chronic diseases. Incur able and offensive patients not received. For circulars giving rates and further information, address, NEBRASKA fciiVlVI'DLWRHXIVr, College View, Nebraska. Good reading for the new year pre dominates in the January issue of the Cosmopolitan Among the sixteen well known" writers who have contributed to its pages are A. T. Quitters-Couch ('.Q"). with a stirring bit of fiction entitled "The Lady of the Ship;" John Luther Lon, who -has furnished s story in a new field, which" he entitles "Dizzy Davej" Kirke La Shelle, who tells of the tricks of "The Theatrical Advance Agent," and Seumas MacManus, who brings fori another of his clever Irith stories under ,the title of "Patrick's Proxy." Corn Tassels. This graceful and appreciative review of "Corn Tassels by Miss Emma Morton appeared m last week's Conservative: " "CorrrvTassels: a Book of Corn Rbymes,"by W.R.Tunroy, is now inlts second edition. No lover of the prairie land whose finely attuned ears have listened to th9 41 Song, faint, far and low A marvelous melody" blown by the winds through the corn fields, or whose eyes have followed the springtime tints that creep over the level land like "a verdant tide." on fail to fiinl ill ii iiliinni in this little vol ume. The poems have found th,eir way into the hearts of many readers who recognize not only the charm of having ths familiar and well-loved scenes set before them by one who possesses poetic insight, but also the helpful thought and earnest aim. that underlie the flow of rhyme andgraceful'rythm. Mr. Dun roy is fortunate in realizing the fulfill ment of the "Foreword." desire expressed in his THE WAY TO GO TO CALIFORNIA "foreword." MH I cosld know that by my song Sosac toiler's burden I made lighter, H assae wan sufferer's bit of sky My atagh made a little brighter, Pd be content. " If I could know some broken heart ercsaakd a trifle by my singing, Or tkat sosae pilgrim in despair Might through the night hear hope-bells ringing, I'd be content. time. You see the finest scenery on the globe. Your car is not so expensively furr nished as a palace sleeper, but it i6 just as clean, ji'at as comfortable, just as good "to ride in and nearly $20,000 cheaper. It has wide vestibules, Pintschgas high back seats; a uniform ed Pullman porter; clean bedding; snateinun toilet rooms: tables and a heating range. Being strongly and heavily built, it rides smoothly; is warm songs m winter and cool in summer. were In charge of each excursion party is an experienced excursion conductor who accompanies it right through to Los Angeles. Cars leave Omaha. St. Joseph, Lincoln THE ROCK ISLAND WALL MAP OF and Hastings every Thursday,- arriving Wanted Several Demons for district; nffiftA mflmiMM in fhiaafata (n.AnMiaanf is in a tourist eleeper. personally con- me in their own and surrounding coun ducted, via the Burlington Route. You ties. Willing to pay yearly 9600, pay- don't. Ch. cars. You .make., fast .5" .". V -empwymen with unusualoDnbrtunities. References' exchanged. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. S. A. Park, 320 Caxton Building, 'Chicago. THE CENTURY MAGAZINE In lOOO NOVELTY IN LITERARY AND ART FEATURES. "To sing, and send A-wandcring through my vagrant the world pleasure If I but .knew one halting line Were kept by someone as a treasure." PRINTING IN COLOR. TJIE BEST ILLUSTRATIONS. with Cole's Engravings and Castaigne's Drawings. THE UNITED STATES Is the best offered to the public. It is very large and specially -adapted to school purposes. Every teacher of geography and every business office should have one. It will be sent post paid to any address on receipt of fifteen cents in postage stamps or coin. Address, John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago, 111. A NEW AND SUPERBLY ILLUS-TBATED LIFE OF CROMWELL San Francisco following Sunday, Los Angeles Monday. Only three days irnm tha fay.,-! JSfcer to .the PaniHrc coast, includine a ston over of 114 hours at Denver and2l hours at Salt Lake By the Right Hon". John Morley, M. P. City two of the mot interesting cities . on the continent. .Begin new subscriptions tcithNovem For folder giving full information, call ber. Price $4 00 a year. Subscribe at any Burlington Route ticket office, or through dealers or remit to thepublisli- THE ROCK I8LAND WALL MAP OF THE UNITED STATES Is the best offered to the public. It is very large and specially adapted to school purposes. Every teacher of ge ography and every business office should have one. It will be sent poet paid to any address on receipt of fifteen cents in postage stamps or coin. Address, John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago, 111. write to J Gen'l Passenger Agent, 44-4 t ers. . Francis, Omaha, Neb. THE CENTURY CO., UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. With THE COURIER, $4.25; The best of all t) children's magazines. London Spectator St NIGJ40LV5 S For YOUNG FOLKS! A Monthly Magazine Edited by Mary Mapes Dodge. A Splendid Program of Art, Literature Fun. J Jl J S zx) Lincoln gteel Range, IS BETTER THAN EVER FOR 1900 kEGAfo NOTIGEs A complete tile of "The Courier" is kept in an absolutely fireproof build ing. Another file is kept in this office and Btill another has been deposited elsewhere. Lawyers may publish legal iroTicEs'in "TheCourier" with security as the files are intact and are pre servad from year to year with great care. Mads from the very beet material. Warranted to be a Good. Baker and economical of fuel When in want of a new Cooking Stove Ten Long Stories by Ruth McEnery Stuart, Mary Mapes Dodge. Elizabeth B. Custer and other writers. Each complete in one number. A Serial Story for Little Cliildren Storiss of Railroad Life. A Important Historical Serial of Colon ial Life In America by Elbridge S. Brooks. Theodore Roosevelt promises to con tribute a paper on "What America Ex pects of Her Boys." Fun and Frolic both in rhymes, stori'v 5 pictures and puzzles, will be. as a- 5 ways, a striking characteristic of St. g Nicholas. Everything Illustrated. 1 FREE SMPIE COPT Oil REQUEST. November begins the new volume. Price S) 13.00. All dealers and agents take sub- scriptions, or remittance may be made S) direct to the publishers. The CENTURY CO.. Union Square, 'New York. S Price $3. 00 a Year. 5 With Courier, $3.50. H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Fine Stationery and Calling.Cards 127 So.Bleventh Street. PHONE 68 t t IKKKiOv ooooa wMlwMimMMMMa , 2 Furrier ... 2 . Steele. Repairing Done in the Neatest Manner All Work Guaranteed. J43 So. I2thr - - LincoIn.Ncor. n isn Tel. 32 BUCKSTAFP BROS. MFG. CO. Lincoln Nebr. ; . s0fVfVf ! SB-