The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 13, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Office .73CJ T)p XT "M" fJaafibaer J Office, rooms 74 and 75 Burr Block,
Kcs .7371 UI. n.m.UOODUOOI (Residence, 1636 F street.
- t
Jffice 618 J v .' :. ,, I Office, Zehningt Block 1 9 to 10 am
Dr. Ben j. F. Bailey ntov-ao
itm 671.1 J -".7 j Residence. 1313 C street 1 2 to 4 p m
ETeniuci. by appointment. Sunday'! 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment.
I Dr. J.B.Trickey,
I Refractionist only
! Office, 1035 O atreet.
19 U
9 to 12 a. m
4 p.m.
k lit
sfrt ww ntS
Office. 153-1 J.M.LllCaS -J 15th and O atreet.
1 . . . (Office, rooms 26, 27 and I
Office 530. J-LOUlS N. W ente,D.D.S.i l. Brownell Block, 137 V
I ( so 11th atreet. I
" """
f,. , , ( Office orer Barley's 1
Oliver Johnson, D.D.S. -j f.jftf"
office iM j Drs Clutter & Shannon -j use o street.
i , .-... ..., I Richards blk. Practice limited
Offlce 940 VClyde DaVlS, M.D., D.D.S. I to dentistry. Hours, 8:30 to
J ' ' I 12:30 and 2 to 5.
OriOn F.LambertSOn, D.D.S. KTOmssTAlexa'nderblock
Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
W col
$575 delivered.
1044 O Street.
ITS ., - MT
x -. --.- ..
W0S 0 STR., POHt 05,
11. ' orfuaHT
Brookside Garor
$665 Delivered
f A X7 V CDC Send The Courier your legal notices
LiW I C l"" files are kept in fire proof buii'ti s.
Mrs. Nelson Brock and Mrs. George
Woods entertained a very pleasant
euchre party at the home of the former
on Thursday afternoon. The drawing
room was decorated with pink roses and
pink colored lights and the library was
in red. A delicious three course lunch
eon was nerved to the following guests:
Mesdames Burr, Raymond, Woods,
Rodgers, Dorr, Bwing, Hammond, Ladd,
Nance, Muir, Curtice, Buckstaff, Smith,
Crancer, Hargreaves, Putnam, Rickette,
RichardB, Dorgan, Clark, Woods, Burn
ham, Beeaon, Griffith, Fitzgerald, Mc
Murtry, Crittenden, Holmes, Clark9on,
Irvine, Titton, Wilson, Marshall, Car
san, Wright, Rollins, Morrison, Web
ster, Moore, Branch, Perry, Oakley,
Merrill, Welch, Risdon, and Rehlaender.
Misses Burr, Richards, Saunders, Put
nam, Rickette, Marshall, Nance, Ray
mond, Norton, Carson, Oakley, Hoover,
and McLaroy of South Dakota
The members of Delta Delta Delta
sorority, wjll give a dancing party this
evening at Walsh Hall. The rooms will
be decorated with the sorority colors,
gold, silver and light blue, flags, meteor
roses and palms. Icee will be served
during the evening. The invited guests
are: Messrs. and Meedames Barbour,
Fling, and Manahan. Misses Honey
well, Em 01900, Burt, Cole, Cochrane,
Maecomber, Harper, Howey, Macfar
land, Emmons, Wilson, Kelley, Mackin,
Peugb, Cunningham, Auld, Andrews,
Thomas, Robinson, Cunningham, and
Whiting. Messrs. Sbedd, Whedou,
Roddy, Mansfelde, Fransworth, Clark,
Haecker, Deweese, Coliett, Manchester,
Morrison, Hewitt, Culver, Ely,' Adams,
Williams, Rotb, McKillip, Hill, Witt
man. Case, St Clair, Elliott, Bliss, King,
Noyes, At wood, Beans, HoIIenbeck,
Drain, Yoder, Poynter, Langley, Mann,
Robert?, Sanders, Hedge, Heuck. King,
Garroutte, Wehn, Davidson, Killian,
Jonee, Smith and Crandall. The mem
bers of the sorority are: Misses Bon
nell, Millar, Sails, Wilson, Gund, Ames,
Smith, Dean, Lascb, Cady, Bonnell,
Thompson, Du Teil, Lumry, Hazlett,
Kolbhr, Vore, Steele, Du Bob and
The Pythian Sisterhood held public
installation Tuesday night, followed by
a banquet and dance. Palms, flowers
and the lodge colors red, yellow and
blue decorated the rooms. The officers
for the cornice year are: Chancellor-in-command,
Mrs. Weidman; vice,
Mrs. Hamilton, past
chancellor, Mrs. Uarrop; prelate, Mrs.
Halay; mistress of exchequer, Mrs Law
lor: mistress of finance, Mrs. Grimes;
mistress of arms, Mrs. Plette; assistant
mistress of arms, Mrs. Henry Brown;
inner guard, Mrs. Young; outer guard,
Mrs. Descher; mystic one, Mrs. Moul
ton; organist, Mrs. Pound. The follow
ing were the officers of the evening:
Grand president, Mrs. Stein; grand mis
tress of arms, Mrs. Young; grand assist
ant mistress of arms, Mrs. Stevens.
An Indian afternoon was given by
the ladies of the Home Missionary so
ciety of the Presbyterian church on
Wednesday afternoon. A wigwam waa
erected in the parlors of the church and
was filled with blankets and curios, and
Indian posters covered the walls.
About one- hundred ladies were present
and listened to a paper on the work,
done by the presidents of all of. the
Presbyterian churches in America
a -boo g-the Indians and specially the
work of Mies McBeth among the Nez
Perce's. Miss Lansing followed the
paper with both instrumental and vocal
music and Mrs. Le Gore read a leaflet
on the.difference between the English
child and the Indian papoose. The
former is carried on the mother's breast
and looks forward, while the latter n
strapped on the mother's back and
looks backward. Mrs. C. M. Sheldon
of Holdrege gave an interesting talk
on- the Indian question, touching
especially the idea of education among
the Indians that is carried out by
Major Pratt in the Carlisle 6chool of
Pennsylvania. Pop-corn chrysanthe
mums were given the guests and a social
time was held immediately following
the program.
A very pretty reception wa3 given by
Miss Morgan and Miss Lulu Wirt,
on Friday evening at Walsh hall.
Mrs. Morgan of Hebron and Mrs. Wirt
of Council Blufff assisted their daugh
ters in receiving. The dancing hall
and parlors were decorated in red. Mi'es
Edith Foster and Miss Helen Laws
served ices during the evening. The
guests during the evening were: Mes
srs. and Mesdames Latta, Ladd, Edgren.
Lyons, Weeks. Liws, and Clementp,
Misses Bbrr, Woodford, Loomis, Post,
MiIlar, Richards, Douglas. Harper. Cun
ningham, Wiggenhorn, Macfarland,
Stewart, Cramer, Wilson, Cunningham,
Macfarland, Phelps, Watkins, Wilson,
Marshall, Sarbach, Paddock. Honey
well, Agnew, Paddock, Jenkins, Edgren,
and Foster. Messrs. Weeks, Lau, Mar
lay, Brown, Tukey, Robbins, Adams,
Wittman, Pancoast, Crandall, Roddy,
King, Johnson, Sedgwick, King, Cran
dall, Deweese, Roberts, Korsmeyer,
Case, Atwood, Manchester, Holt, Ken
nard, Davidson, Killian, White, Groff,
Hanson, Hopwell, Piper, Broady, Cun
ningham, Smith of Omaha, and Pattee
of Prry, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitzgerald en
tertained the Good Times Euchre club
Friday night. After a pleasant evening
spent with cards, delicious refreshments
were served to the guests present The
members of the club are Messrs. and
Mesdames Woods, Dorgan, Howe,
Woods, Rector, Crancer, Mullen, Mar
shall, Curtice, Kelley, Woods; Misses
Burr, Putnam, Harrison, Nance, Oakley.
Mrs. John Dorgan entertained a few
friends very delightfully for Mrs. Rol
lins Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. William Hayward of Nebraska
City is stopping in Washington while en
route to New York.
Mr. B. G. Auld of Council Bluffs
visited his brother, Mr. J. H. Auld, this
Miss Edna Dinwiddie of Wyoming is
visiting Doctor and Mrs. Ladd.
Messrs. A. H. and J. A. Buckstaff
went- to Oshkosfa, Wisconsin, on Tues
day to attend the funeral of their father
John Buckstaff. of that place. '
Dr. and Mrs. Stanhope and Mr. and
Mrs. Hibner gave an.Up-Jenkins party
on Wednesday evening. The first part
of the evening was Bpent in a conver
sational game after which a great deal
of merriment was caused by the game
Up Jenkins. Refreshments were served