The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, January 06, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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cussed the particular cass of the town the chairman, Mrs. M. P. Campbell, guests of honor. The woman's club of treasurer. Addre6sss were made by
of Albion, Nebraska, which had asked Malvern, Iowa. The household eco'nom- Lincoln kept open house during the the retiring president, Mrs. Kearney,
for help in establishing a library, show- ica department of any woman's club, if afternoon and although the weather and by the incoming preeident.
ing in detail how suet a town should properly conducted, may do much to was wintry there was a large attendance The literature lesson was Canto 11 of
proceed in order to establish a library, dispel the illusions that housekeeping is and those present found the occasion Lucile. This waB followed by a social
most enjoyable. The pink color scheme half hour. Mrs. Crane presented each
carried out in the decorations of the guest with a dainty New Year 3 souvenir
rooms, extended even to tha refresh
ments, although pink lemonade was
not served. Besides the beautiful floral
decorations in pink, holly and ever
Adjourned to meet
on January 8th,
with Mis. Drahos
pointing out the law covering the case a routine of cooking, washing diehep,
and different methods of bringing the dressing the children, etc Whatever
people of the place into sympathy with betters the home, betters the nation,
the library idea. In the matter of do- And systematic study of household
nations, Mr. Wyer said many libraries economics will vary the monotony of
oU u ...... j -....--. ., OTFB. uecorBuons in pinK, nony ana ever- TnQ woman's club and mental cul
instead oi money, loria. ..cranes ,n greens were in evidence everywnere, ture club, the two federated woman's
general should be selections of books in- Mrs. C.S. Lobengier, leader of the po- contributing to the festive appearance clubs of Auburn held -ecoptions New
Btead of collections. Books for a small Iitical and social science department of of this beautiful holiday gathering. Year8 day in thg afternoon and even-
jiumij uiudl w iui an mo (iwiiio, uu mg wuujau a ciuo vi umaui, presented a mandolin club iurnisbe'J music
for specialists. He emphasized the fact a thoughtful paper before the aseocia- throughout the afternoon. The ladies
that the personal character of the libra- tion of women's clubs which was held at of this club of four hundred members
rian had much to do with the Buccess of Lincoln last week in connection with the outnumbered the masculine callers, so
a library. State Teachers' Association. "Does in- that each man who ventured in found
Fred Abbott, superintendent of the tellectual life develop simultaneously himself the object of flattering interest, expressed themselves fully satisfied with
Albion schools, was present and gave with the religious life, and are the The guests were received by the follow- the work done
his experiences in working up a senti- schools under obligations to foster both ing officers of the club: Mrs. A. W. '
ment ror a norary, ana me pians max, equally!" Field, Mrs. I. N. Baker, Mrs. H. M.
had been made in that place for organ- Bushnell, Mrs. Henry Gund, Mrs. T. H.
izing the library. Representatives from The household economics department O'Connell and Mre. Morning. Mrs.
Scribner, Sutton and Norfolk were pne- of the woman's club of Lincoln has ar- Ackerman. Mrs. Castor and Mrs. Kelley
ing, the woman's club at the Masonic
hall from seven to ten in the evening,
and the M. C. C, at the residence of
Mrs. Robert Teare. Both receptions
were well attended and those concerned
ent to inquire about organization of a
ranged a Nebraska product day for Feb
ruary 2Fcb. In so far as possible all Ne
braska products, natural or manufac
tured, will be exhibited. For this pro
assisted by several young ladies served
ices and cake.
town library.
The paper of Miss Edith Tobitt of
Omaha whb read by Miss Parsons. This tureri, will be exhibited. For this pro- At the regular meeting of the Wo-
paper on "Reference Work" laid empba- gram the following motto has been man's club of North Bend, a miscel-
sis on the importance of selecting refer- adopted: "Lincoln goods for Lincoln laneous program in charge of Mrs. Nor-
ence books. It wap recommended to people; Nebraska products for Nebras- ris was given, and resulted in one of the
keep all IiBtB obtained, to make lists of kans." Women are the largest buyers most interesting sessions of the year,
special books for use, by special classes for the home, and this means of ioform- Quotations from Longfellow were given
of people; to make the reference depart- ing themselves of home products is a in response to roll call and many were
ment useful in every way; in snort, to long step in the right direction. I hope
let it be known that the reference part this meeting may prove agreatstim
of the library is to be useful to all for ulus to Nebraska products. Four hun-
all purposes.
Remarks were made by Mies Dennis
of the Lincoln public library, Miss Par
sons, Superintendent O'Connor of Nor
folk, Mr. Fouquet of Lincoln, Professor
Jillson and others. Mr. Wyer suggested
dred wemen pledged to home products
means an impetus to home industries.
the beautiful sentiments expressed.
The vocal selection by Miss Ethel
Hanks was received with favor.
The leader then introduced the
on "The Negro Problem" by Mrs
Fowler. The excellency of this
T. H.
Mrs. Sarah S. Piatt, the very popular
vice president of the General Federa
tion of Women's clubs was married last
month to Judge W. S. Decker of Den
ver. The ceremony was performed by
Dean Hart in St. John's chapel in the
presence of a few of the intimate friends
of the contracting parties. The bride
and groom left the same evening for St.
Louis where they will remain for a few
days. After returning to Denver they
will be at the Hotel Metropole for the
winter, expecting to take a house in the
spring. The death of Colonel Piatt
left his business affairs much com
plicated and Judge Decker has been
Mrs. Piatt's attoraey in her efforts to
straighten the tangled condition. The
engagement has been rumored a long
time. May a long, happy, prosperous
life be theirs.
The Fairbury Woman's club enter
tained a large company of friends at
A Christmas meeting of the woman's was clearly manifested in the close at-
club of Ashland was held at the home tention given by every member. "The
of Mrs. Cbickering on December 27. solution of the negro problem rests in
alistof six best periodicals for an aver- with Mrs. Cowen as leader. The pro- the application of the great truths of
age public library, in aoBwer to a ques- gram opened with music by the Misses Christianity, both to black and white.
tion of Mr. O'Connor, as follows: Re- Mansfelde, Miss Joe playing the violin, The two grat substantial and under- their club rooms in the court house New
view of Reviews, St. Nicholas, Hcrperp, Miss Belle the violincello and Miss Duty lying facts of Christianity are that of a Years night. A very interesting musical
.Century, Littels' Living Age, Forun.. the piano. Following this was a paper common nature and of a common re- program was presenteJ, the leading
.A paper on ''Library Legislation" by by the leader, in which she portrayed lationship to Christ. Here is the ce- musicians of the city participating. A
D. A. Campbell of the state library gave the great influence which Christ's com- ment of love that will ultimately settle series of questions, which were answer
a resume of the efforts to get a library ing has produced on the world, and com- the question. Legislation cannot do it. ed by 6'ving the name of a popular play,
bill passed at the last legislature and pared His leadership with that of others, but Christianity can and will if we have was an amusement feature which creat-
explaioed why the two bills started the power and universality of Christ!- natience. forbearance and the erace and ed a eol deal of amusement. The
failed of passage. These were the trav- anity, etc. .Mrs. Camp read a paper Bpirit of God.'1
eling library bill and district library written by Mrs. Marcy. -'Christmas Interesting articles on Fred Douglas
bill. Discussion was made by Mr. Customs of England;" Mrs. Jerome fol- and Booker T. Washington were given
Pentzer, Miss Edna Bullock and others, lowed with "Christmas Customs of Hoi- by Mrs. Dana Dodge and Mrs. Roberts.
Some considerable discussion occurred land." Mrs. Mansfelde told of German Thn nresident introduced Miss Mabel
Christmas, and the difference between Lee of Fremont who gracefully rendered
that of the North and South of Ger- "A Set of lurauoise." The djbate. Re-
many. Mrs. Scott read "Christmas in solved, "That the Negro is a Desirable "
Venice," followed by Mrs. Pierson, read- Citixen' was participated in by almost The members of the Plattsmouth wo-
ing Crismus is Comin'." The pro- a'.l present Owing to the club being man's club were "at home" to their
gram-closed with music. pressed for time the Child Study pro- friends Monday evening at the home of
gram was postponed to the next Mrs Ago ear, who kindly threw open her
Jsaturday afternoon, December 23, the meeting. spacious parlors tor the reception of
over the question of remedy in a Case
where the one c:ll levy is not large
enough to support the town or city
At the business meeting, which
lowed, bylaws were adopted and
following officers were elected for
honors in this wero carried o.T by Mes
srs. De Witt Hansen and Harvey Bar
ker, two university students. Delicious
refreshments were served at a season
able hour. The ladies of the club are
becoming immensely popular here as
coming year: President, J. I. Wyer,
Lincoln; first vice president. Miss Carrie members of the English history depart- We were pleased to note among our guests, from eight until eleven o'clock
C. Dennis, Lincoln; second vice presi- ment of the Stromeburg Woman's Club visitors three of Fremont's club women, Tno reception room, parlors and dining
dent. Prof. T. C. O'Connor, Norfolk; assembled at the residence of Mrs. D. D. Misses Johnson. Lee and Summers. room were made most inviting by lovely
ecretary. Miss M. Baumer, Omaha; Little. The topic for the day was dis- Mrs. Eigler ahd Mrs. Grant will rep- decorations or pink and white, club col-
trehsurer. Miss O'Brien, Omaha. cussed, followed by a review of the in- resent our club at the Fremont open ore, large bunches of pink roses and
Interest in the meeting was increased vasions, by Mrs. J. L. Johnson, assist- meeting on Saturday. A number of waxen hyacinths making a pretty
by tee presence oi traveling norary jo. ant leader. Mrs. Johnson talks readily other members win aiso auena uiib
73, which, through the courteey of the and received close attention. A club meeting.
Iowa state library and the efforts of letter from the president, Miss Ada
Miss Edna D. Bullock, was on exhibi- Coleman, who is spending the winter in
tion in ihe university library. The staff Colorado, was read by the secretary
of the university library had prepared
an extensive exhibit of rare, curious and
contemporaneous bindings which re
ceived much examination.
wmca gave information with regard to
women in politics, and also mentioned
some work done by clubs of Denver.
After adjournment, a collation was
served and the pleasure of a social half
hour was enlivened by music. Mrs. M.
pisiure against me background of
Christmas greens. Mrs. Fellows, the
preeident, was assisted in receiving by
different members of the club, who vied
with each other in their efforts to make
their guests perfectly at home. Partners
The following is the standing commit
tee on household economics for "Ne
braska: Mrs. Pugh, Thirty-sixth and
Nicholas avenue, Omaha; Mrs. Milton were chosen for the refreshment room
Scott, Lincoln, and Mrs. Mary F. Paul, in an entertaining manner. Each guest
of St. Paul. This committee will be was presented with a card bearing a
glad to assist in any possible way any pen and ink sketch of some article that
club or department wishing to under- needed a companion to render it corn
take this study. plete. Much merriment ensued when
the pen started to hunt the ink the
The committee on household econ
omics appointed at the recent meeting A. Makeever has charge of the depart-
of the executive board of tne a. t . w. ment or current events. The program
C. lists Nebraska as the third state for the last meeting was successfully The Woman's Literary Club of Stan- needle the thread, the cup the saucer
federation to give household economics carried out, and "Robert Ingersoll" ton held an instructive and interesting and many laughable incidents followed
a standing committee. The formal rec- proved interesting to the unprejudiced, session on Tuesday afternoon, January the matching of the bits of paetebosrd.
oznition of the importance of this de- The next paper will be "The Literature 2nd. The club met with Mrs. Crane. Mrs. Dr. Elster and Miss Stoutcnbor
partment will give new strength and im- of the Nineteenth Century." Twelve members responded to roll call, ough poured coffee, Misses Marshall
petus to this practicij and important . Dy giving New Years resolutions. The Loving?, Buzzell and Mapes Berved re
branch of study. The members of Holiday week brings a derth of club following officers for the year 1900 were freehment, and at the close of there
Iowa's standing committee on household reports, still we know that most of the introduced: ceiving hour they all stayed a little
economics have issued a pamphlet con- womens' clubs throughout the state Mrs. Frank Huntley, president; Mrs. longer "to talk it over," and good wishes
taining information and programs for held receptions on New Year's day, on A. A. Kearney, vice preeident; Mis. C. for a happy and prosperous New Year to
use of clubs. It may be secured from which occasions the men were made the G. Clougb, secretary;Mrs. Jos. Gratton, the Plattsmouth woman's club were