ftp'TVBWlHMtfMsi fjtiW'wtj-aniWi ii JsBssgBssssssWsssEspsjsjsisss s H .,Stlc niHtoricil Society, Unl UbraryJ I I 12 THE COURIER. tilt (! - M - iir !f I fc- - K' ' B It , : ? t, in lit 5f- 1 Si it i .'!' .rs n s ift' If if-. ii' fi I f & w VH. A Good Citizen. Tho man who thinks, talks, writes and works to improve and build up tho com munity where he lives, without regard to 'what people say, think or vn.te," ft) a good citizen. Too many men never do anything without first trying to Ond out whether the proposed action will be popular or unpopular. The almost universal weak ness of the public men of the United Status is debility of moral courage, This enervating epidemic is more dis astrous to the republic than war and pestilence. The good citizen will always endeavor to love his country for its own sake and not to stand by its flag because of the liberty and happy protection which that flag represent; but the demagogue talks glibly of country and flag, and the rights of the plain people for his own sake. The demagogue is worse than war pestilence and famine unified. The Conservative. The Rock Island playing cards are the slickest you ever handled. One pack will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps, A money order or draft for 50 cents or Bamo in stamps will secure 4 packs. They will be sent by express, chargeB prepaid. Address, John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y. Chicago. Chappie She called me a conceited idiot. Dolly The idea! Why an idiot nothing to be conceited about. has Dead men tell no tales. They don't have to. They leave ows who can do the talking. wid- GIVEN FR EUGENE FIELD'S POEMS, A $7.00 Book. J J J To each pei-Hon interested in subscribing to tho EuKcnc Field Monument Souvenir Fund. Subscribe any amount desired. Subscriptions us low as tl will entitle donor to this daintily nrtistic volume, (cloth bound, 8x11), as a certificate of subscrip tion to fund. Book contains a selection of Mr. Field's most representative works and is rcauy ror aenverv. But for the noble contribution of the .world's greatest artists this book could not have been manufactured for less than 17,00. The fund created is divided equally between the family of tho lato Eugene Field and the Fund for the building of a monument to the beloved poet of childhood. Address Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fund, 180 MONROE ST, CHICAGO. (Also at Book Stores.) If you wish to send postage, inclose 10c. Mention this paper, as advertisement is in rte d as our contribution. The Nebraska Sanitarium. T Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following inducements to the tired and suffering public who are seeking Health, Rest and Comfort: Scientifically classified dietary. 'HE institution is situated on an ole- ' vated site, overlooking the city of Lincoln, which lies three miles to the northwest, and with which it is connected by an electric street rail way. One of the most healthy locations be. tween the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. A well regulated institution for the treatment of all chronic diseases. Water of unusual purity. Bathsof overy description, including he Electric-light bath. Laboratory of hygiene forjbacteriologi cal and microscopical investigation. Skillful ment of attention given to the trout Stomach fluids analyzed tics. Diseases of the Stomach and Digestive for dyspep- System. Aseptic operating rooms and surgical wards. Four physicians, well-trained, with large experience in sanitarium medical work. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Lunge. Diseases peculiar to women. Best of advantages for the treatment of all forms of chronic diseases. Incur able and offensive patients not received. Trained nurses for both sexes. For circulars giving rates and further information, address, NEBRASKA AJVI'T ARIIJM, College View, Nebraska. First publication December 0-4. LEGAL NOTICE. Anna A. Boeder will take notice that on tho 4th day of December, 1899, Harry O. Rccder filed In the district court of Lancaster county, Ne braska, his petition against her In which no al leged that he Is and for more than two years last past has been a resident of Lancaster coun ty, Nebraska. That he was married to tho de fendant on or about tho 88th day of December, 1891 and has since conducted himself towards her as a truo and faithful husband. That de fendant without Just cause or excuse on or about tho 25th of January 1895, wilfully abandoned the plaintiff and left his home and has not since re turned, and since on or nbout the 35th day of January 1895 has continuously absented herself from the plaintiff. Plaintiff prays that In suld action he may bo divorced from tho defendant. The defendant is required to answer suld peti tion ou or before tho 8th day of January 1000. Dated December 4th, 1899. Chab. O. WnKDON, Attorney for Plaintiff Harry G. Rccder. First Publication Nov. 25-6, MASTER'S SALE. Docket T, No. 182. In tho circuit court of the district of Nebraska. tho United States for Hannah Oliver, co-u e New Lincoln gteel Range. IS BETTER THAN EVER Mama Iham !&& bs.h Ea. uZf t1f.iJ Aa. 1.a a v iurud iruiu iuo very uesb lumeriai. warrameu iu ue i gt Good Baker and economical of fuel. Tel. no a m u When in want of a new Cooking Stove BTJCKSTAFF BROS. MFG. CO. Lincoln Nebr. The best of all children's magazines. London Spectator St. NIGOLS : For YOUNG FOLKS. A Monthly Magazine Edited by J Mary Mapes Dodge. A Splendid Program of Art, Literature Fun. & J J 2 Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions- FOR 900 flalnant, vs. John J. Davis, ct al., respondents n chancery. FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. Public notice is hereby Riven that in pur suance and by vlrtuo of a decree entered in tho above cause on tho 17th day of November, 1898, I, A. 'J. Sawyer, master In chancery of tho circuit court of the United States, for the dis trict of Nebraska, will on the 20th day of De cember, 1B99, at tho hour of two o'clock in tho afternoon- of said day, at tho cast door of tho county court house building In tho city of Lincoln, Nebraska, sell at publio auction for cosh the following described property, to-wit: Lot number three (3) in block number three (3), Pleasant Hill Sub-division, Lincoln, situate in Lancaster county, Nebraska. A. J. Sawtkb, Master in Chancery. VVkbstkb & Flkharty, Solicitors for Complainants. feEGAfe NOTICES - A complete tile of "The Courier" is kept in an absolutely vi reproof build ing. Another file ia kept in this office and atill another ha been deposited elsewhere. Lawyers may publish legal notices in ."'The Courier" with security as the files are intact and are pre served from year to year with great care. Ten Long Stories by Ruth McEncry Stuart, Mary Mapes DodKC, Elizabeth 11. Custer und other writers. Each complete In one number. A Serial Story for Little Children Stories of Railroad Life. A Important Historical Serial of Colon ial Llfo in America by Elbridge S. Brooks. Theodore Roosevelt promises to con tribute a paper on "what America Ex pects of Her Boys." Fun and Frolic, both In rhymes, stories, pictures and puzzles, will be, as al ways, a striking characteristic of St. Nicholas. Everything Illustrated. I FREE SIMPLE COPyOM HtOUESL November begins tho now volume. Prlco 13.00. All dealers and ugents take sub scriptions, or remittance may bo mado direct to the publishers. The CENTURY CO.. Union Square, New York. Price $3. 00 a Year. With Courier, $3.50. THE CENTURY MAGAZINE 1900 PRINTING IN COLOR. THE BEST ILLUSTRATIONS. with Cole's Engravings and Castalgne'B Drawings. A NEJW AND SUPERBLY ILLUS TRATED LIFE OF CROMWELL By the Right Hon. John Morley, M. P. Begin new subscriptions with Novem ber. Price $i00 a year. Subscribe through dealers or remit to the publish ers, THE CENTURY CO.. UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK. With THEJ COURIER, $4.25. -TO- CHOICE OF TWO ROUTES. Scenic Route leaves Kansas City and Oraahs every Friday via Colorado Springs and Bait Lake to California and Pacific coast points. Southora Eoute leaves Kansas City and Omaha 7T edaesdar-rta Ft. vWorth and El Faso to Los Angeles and Han Francisco. TuoBe Tourist Cars are ef latest pattorn and carried on Fast Passenger Trains, and tbolr popularity is evidjnoo that wo offor tho Those lowest rate tickets ure available In thoio- Popular Pullman Tourist Gars . For 'ull description of this service and tho benefits givon its patrons, Address E. W. THOMPSON, A. G. P Topeka, Kan. JOHN SEBASTIAN. G. P. A, Chicago, III. NOVELTY IN LITERARY AND ART FEATURES. California and Oregon Ex cursions. Leave the Missouri River and Nebraska Point! EVERY WEEK,a!so Daily Ordinary Sleeping Cars for Tourists and m PCT01 THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE. Daily Service, Quick Time, I ow Rates, Picturesque Route and the Greatest Degree of Comfort aro tho attractive features which comblno to rondor pro-emlnently popular those Excursions in Ordinary Sloopiu'g Cars to tho Pacific Coait Steam Heat. Pintsch Light H H vSsSbisuTIbh nr .av W MT-PUll 0ra Oonsitipation liilliouBneBB, nervousness and the pill habit. Action not followed by costive ness, Doubt it? Try it. Sample tree. Druggists, 25c, or address ANTI-PILL CO . Lincoln. Nebr M A. D. GUILE. UNDERTAKER aad EMBALMER.. Office Telephone 470 ResldenccrTelcphoac 471. 315 S. nth Street. 9999999 1 1 b ISONHARDTisl IIMIHMt I A... , , - , . .v,., S' BASKS1''