s THE COURIER. tOtMOMMOlUMMMMMillMdMMMIMMIMIII - MIMHMMHHIIIIMMMMHim1MMl , 1 '). ; fyGmiXA i I Our great stock reducing" sale continues for one more week. While our business was exceedingly heavy last week ; ; we still have too much stock on our floors, .which must be moved quickly to allow us to display our large lines of Holi ; day Goods. Such prices have been made in all departments throughout the store that will unload our stock in short order. Remarkably low prices have been placed on all garments in our cloak department and if you have not purchased I ; your jacket or cape yet there is a chance to save yourself big money on anything in this line. An especially good week : : to buy your blanket and comfort needs at reductions that will not occur later. This sale is uot occasioned by the need ' 1 of money (as is usually advertised) but for the need of room, and its the room we must have. hence these sacrifices at i this season of the year. Commences Monday morning at 8 o'clock and ends Saturday night at 10 o'clock. 000000 HO0M0MOOMM9OttaoepOO8 0 - ?w on 0090000000MMHHiOCmM0MOOOOM00H' Rev. Father HonneBBey.of.LouiBvillp, Ne-bi-Hekx. The hrido who gowned in a gray truvoling dreeB, wilh bat and gloves to match. Her maid of honor, Miss Helen liuike, of MiFBOuri. wub go w nod in gray and white. Mr. Hugh Mu Quire acted an hBt man. Mr. und Mrs. Driscoll left for their future homo in Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Parker spent Thanksgiving in St. Joseph, Mo. Mn. D. E. Thompson entertained the Bohemian Olub at her homo in the Hotel Lincoln Wednesday afternoon. The club ib noted for its delightfully informal afternoons. Thoee preeent were Mefu'atnoB Tilton, Hargreaves, Leonard, Wright, BmkBtatf, Wilson, Boeeon, Fitzgerald, Qriflith, Crittenden, Funke. Mr. and Mrs. Crittenden gave an in formal dialing diah paity Wednesday evening. Tho invited guests were Messrs. and Mesdames Buukstaff, Boo bon, Ourtic, Leonard, Marshall, Roi.'gers, Irvine, HargreaveB, Mu Daniels, of Oma hu, Mra. Gufllth, Mrs. Jajk-joo, Mr. E imop. The Le Veta club was entertained by Mr. and Mra. O. J. Wilcox Tuesday night. Ghioago whiat was played by (he following: Messrs. and Mesdames Hul'ett, Weir, Boggp, Fields, Waugh, Limlley, Gillian, Davip, Bjggs, Bell; MiBses Uog'B, Caftiu; Mrs. I W. Lans inj. The U. B. club gave one of their in formal dancea Thursday night. The club member- are Messrs. and Mesdames Ackerraau, Friend, Newmari, Wessel, Charles Mayer, Speier, Henry Mnyer, Scblesingt r, Weil, Herzog, Simon May er; Mrs. Frank, Auna Majer, Ida Friend, Keller, Schlesinger, Kellner; Messrs. Greenbaum, Kobn, Speier, Blum. Acb. Misi Lena Raildatz and Mm. Fred Res were married Wednesday at their now home, 2739 Dudley street. The Thanksgiving matinee given by Mr. RicheEon in the pcudemy for the juvenile clans was an ei joyable and Oiigin-dl entertainment. Daiuty pro grams of viulet, edgd with purple, woie distributed. The children danced from 2:30 until -1 o'c'ouk. Tno romainder of the afternoon was duvolud to the enti r tainmout of visitors. R'jfrushmHnts wore sorved t- about 130 guests. Tuo eve ning was devoted to the adult cUbsof, thjre being about eighty preaont to en joy the program of twonty numbers. Miss Marian Starrott ontortains the Delta Gamma Saturday night in honor of Mjbb Catberiao Oliver, Mies Oliver is a noted reader of Scottish dialect, at d while trrveling in Scotland, read selec tions from "Beside the Bonnio Briar Uueh" befuru Ian Maclaron and won hiB hearty approval. Miss Oliver cornea to Lincoln to start a course of lectuics at University Place. The Misses Woolsey, of Nebraska City, came up for the reception given Mr. and Mrs. D A. Rieeer. Daisy and Winifred Bounell went to Baldwin, Khs., Wednesday afternoon to attend the Gamma province convention of Delta Delta Delta sorority. Miss Winifred Bonnell is official delegate from Nebraska chapter. Mr, S. H. Burnham is convalescing from a serious illness that hss kept him in the houBe for a number qf days. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Kirby spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mrs. Kir by 'b parents in Jacksonville, III. Mips M' rle and Mr. Edward Boynton gave a crokinole party Wednesday eve ning. After the game refreshment were terved and dancing was indulged in. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Faticber; Mipses Fancher. Johnson, Frost, Wbaley; Messrs. Rhea, Fancher, Ryan, Smith, Fancher. Mr. Calvin Atwood and Mr. Donald At wood will give a dance Fridiy n'ght, December 8tb, at their home, 1037 H street. Mrs. Curtis and her daughter, Mifs Be6eie Curtis, left Tuesday afternoon for Chicago. Mrs, E. A. Riseer, of Council Bluffs, is visiting Mrs. D. A. Rieser. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rudge gave' a card party with entree of billiards for Mr. and Mrs. George Risser Tuesday night, Ex Police Judge Will Houston died Tuesday morning of consumption at the home of hiB mother in Columbiana, Ohio. Mr. Charles and Miss Helen Gregory gave a poverty party Thursday eveniug. The ingenuity of their friends was shown by many novel and etartling co6tumep. Died on Saturday, November 25, 18139, in Council Bluffs, Mrs. Kaiharino B. Wadsworib the singer who lived in Lincoln some five or six yeard ago, when she was a member at one time of the Congregational church choir and later of the Presb) terian choir. She was Boloist at odo of the philharmonic con certs about two years ago. She pobboeb ed a very clear aud molodious soj rano voice. Her husband und an infant nine months old are bereaved. Go to Shepurd's for your Christmas Pbotop, 1238 O street. Union F.uel Company, 1014 O, phono 355, coal, coke, and wood. Violets Mrs. Perry sella violets, phono 927, residence 1127 So. 11th str. Ladies giving dinner parties at.d receptions should telephone their ordecs Violets. Perry pictures at Port9r's, 125 S. 12th Call at Rigg'a Pharmacy and see. his lire of tine stationery. Now is your time to select Holiday Presents at Fleming Jeweler, 1211 O str. Hair Dres ing, Shampooing, Scalp Treatment, Manicuring, and Switch Work. Anna Rivett and AgneB Rawling 143 South 12th street. For Sale Cheap A first class fifty horsepower high pressure boiler with full front and all castings nd rocking grate, Koremeyer Plumbing and Heat ing Co., 215 So. 11th street. One Thousand Five Hundrad Dollars given for the best fifteen stories about "Soroois" the new Bhoo for women, for sale at Webster & Rogers 1043 O street. Call and they will givo you particulars of the contest. Save money by calling at Fleming's before buying Holiday Goods, 1112 0 str If ou wish to be strictly up-to-date, ueo Swastika stationery. Rigo's Pharmacy. This is an advertisement; read it if you a-e interested in a better set of teeth than the ordinary rubber plate. Are you pleased with the appearance of pink rubbi r gum? Do you feel satis fied with the gum section teeth where the joints show? Continuous gum work or an all porcelain plate overcomes this unnatural appearance of the gum. The porcelain plate is the best rcudo for the following reasons: It can be made to look natural even if the gum shows; the entire plate is one piece of porcelain; is .clean and agreeable to tho mouth, and ' is equal in strength to any plate made. Porcelain for artificial teeth is fused at a high temperature. Dr. Sherwin makes all porcelain work with an elec tric furnace which insures the best quality of worK. Du.F. D. Shkkwin, Dentist, Room 17, Burr Block. Mr. Harry Chaim, for years con nected with the loading art stores, has now charge of our retail art denartnmr t and is wull qualified to attend to all its requirements. 'Our now pictures, raouldingp, fancy framep, etc., for tho fall trade are now in, and wo would be pleased to have our patrons call and inspoat them. Ckanoku & Cuutiok Co. Silver novelties at Fleming Jowoler 1211 OBtr. Perry pictures at Portor's, 125 S.12th Wanted- Sevoral persons for district oflljo managers in this state to represent me in their own and surroundinir coun ties. W iljing to pay joaily $('m, pay. ablo weekly. Desirable employment withunueualoppor umticB R-forences exchanged. Enclose Belf-aodmsod st-mpod envelope. S, A. Pmk .''() Caxton Building, Chicago. ' J. W. JVIitolell dte Co,, Wholesalo and retail dealer in WALL PAPER Room and'Picture Mouldings. 1338 O Street. Telephone 237. CARLSON & GO., Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Poultry. Butter and Eggs. Telephone ooi, isu so. i-'th St. ? '$0666666tv J Furrier . . . : (!). Steele. S IlcpstirlnK Done In tho Neatest Manner q t 0 All Work Guaranteed. ,w 5 143 So. 12th str -- Lincoln, Nebr. ' &f) fxxsx&aASxss'i$ i I ?. H. WKAY- 1 .WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. & Watch Work a Spcctalty-ClcantnK f 1.00 Mainspring 81.00. tt All Work Warranted 1206 O str., (Burr block) Lincoln, tt CHICAGO CANDY KITCHEN . . . Home-made Candy Fresh every day. 15 and 20 cents per pound CHOCOLATE WALNUTS 25 cents per pound 1425 O street. y SuAexswaxsxixaWtfvxeftYatf A. D. GUILE. TTNnFRTAlCFR and EMBALMER .... S Office Teleohone 470 m Residence Telephone 471. 315 So. 11th Street. SXg) ttf ARTISTIC PRINTING in evnry inscription. It will pay you to consult C, L. Lkmmon, ut tho . LEGAL NEWS PR I NTING . Excollcmt Work. BatUfatory Prions HOI IV Htreot. i rW 4) J y fijLJipUWjmjWWJwwg WWTW mtmmtmwMi Kl Jww&'jur KNITMM