" I I I"" r ; ti.j-'jw v T?7 fT '" .' V7 T" b. TV " : ?-?3V'V. l'?5 -""?? . ' k 8 THE G0UR1ER r f. I: i V r fc H&fc i-t. ' MF -' If ' r lino do boIp. Sho carried r bugo bunch of Araoriuan beauty rosoB. Mrs ToniHun of Lincoln woro a very becoming gown of rod tnouBBeiino do eoio ovor red tniTeta. Ovor 100 ladies woro preeont during tbo afternoon. Omaha World Herald. Tho luJioe of tho First Prosbytorian church will open thoir annual Thanks giving market Wednesday morning, No vember 20, in the Lindoll botnl. Homo tnado pice, cakes, plum puvldings and everything wanted for dinner will bo on bhIo. Tho ilrat artist recital of tho Matine6 Mutical season will bo given Monday evening, the 27th, by Mr. Max Hein rich, tho eminent baritone of tho First Congregational church. Tho matineo recital givon in Stein ert hall yesterday afternoon by Mr. Max Heinrlch, tho eminent baritone, was one of the most enjoyable entertainments of its kind that haB been hoard here thU Boa&on. Tbo program wbb varied and Borvod, admirably to bring out all the good points of Mr. Heiurich's voice its richness, its strength and its compass. Boston Post. proved facilities could not bo accopted. The reported action of the city council at its last mooting in instructing tbo city attorney to draft an ordinance per mitting grocery stores to remain open on Sunday was strongly condemned, tho members feeling that if any discrimina tion oxiflta between grocery men and keepers of fruit stands that steps BhoulU bo taken to close tho fruit BtandB. Tho good reputation of Lincoln's orderly Sundays should not bo jeopardized by permitting a change in the present laws. An informal dinner was given Friday night by Chancellor and Mrs. Bessoy for the Chancellor's assistants in tho botan ical department. The guests were Me6srB aud McBdames Roscoe Pound, Clements, Manes, and Rimbach. Profeesor and Mrs. Hodgman gave a luncheon Friday for Dr. and Mrs. Cur tis, of Chicago. Clara and Edward Danielson have issued invitations for the wedding recep tion of their mother, Mrs. Eva Rose man Danielson and Thomas Watson Bain, to take place. Thursday evening, November 30, at 1222 P street. MAX HEINBICH The Eminent Baritone, Matinee Musicale Concert, Monday, Nov. 27, Congregational Church. Vocal instructor Chicago Conservatory, Auditorium Building". The Lincoln club gave one of their delightfully informal dances Thursday night in the Light Infantry rooms. The dancers were Misses Sheldon, Peters, Hughes, Bohanan, Peters, Wiloughby, Hughes, FiEher, Frow, Herminghaus, Peters, Condon, Houston; Messrs. Du Tiel, Plamandon, Hughee, Haschenberg er, Lecklitor, Fredericks, Stanbro, Law lor, Herminghaus, Wolf, Lapp, Berndt, Hardin, Wiloughby, Glassman, Googen helm. Tho regular aomi-monthly meeting of tho city improvement Bocioty was held Thursday morning in tha Union-Commercial club rooms, The committee ap pointed at the last meeting to confer with the street commissioner concerning cinder walks in tbo Bocial settlement at 8th and Y streets reported that now cross walks and cinder walkB had been laid. Tho ladies expressed gratification at the promptness with which the work had been done, Tbo secretary upon invita tion of tho health ofllcr had visited the city dumping grounds and reported that tho present mothod of disposing of the city garbage could bo greatly improved. The origin of tho exceedingly unpleas ant odor which is occasionally wafted across tho city was discovered by this visit, and a committee was appointed to investigate tbo subject more thoroughly and ascertain if a better plan and im- Perry pictures at Porter's, 125 S. 12th Call at Rigg's Pharmacy and boo his line of fine stationery. nair Dressing, Shampooing, Scalp Treatment, Manicuring, and Switch Work. Anna Rivett and Agnes Rawling 143 South 12th street. For Sale Cheap A first class fifty horse power high pressure boiler with full front and all castings nnd rocking grate, Korsmeyer Plumbing and Heat ing Co., 215 So. 11th street. Ono Thousand Fivo Hundred Dollars given for tho best fifteen stories about "Soroeis" the now shoe for women, for sale at Webster & Rogers 1013 O street. Call and they will givo you particulars of the contest. Cards have been received announcing the marriage of Miss Alice Heywood Brosa to Rev. Arthur Frost Newell, to take place Monday, December 4, at the home of the bride's parents, 2004 Q street, at 5 p. m. SWASTIKA. What is Swastika? It is the latest fad in writing paper. The Swastika is an East Indian mystic figure or symbol of good luck, well known to tbo Bra hamans nd Buddhists and frequently employed in the decorative carvings and paintings upon tho temples of the east. The word is of Sanskrit origin and sig nifies happineES, well-being, good luck. Tbo origin of this symbol is wrapped in mystery. No ono knows bow, when or where it originated. However, it has positively been ascertained that tho rymbol had its birth in pre-bistoric times Its one great point of interest lies in the feet that it is extremely old. Its unquestionable significance as a mark of happiness or well being makes it doubly acceptable to ono who is writ ing to a friend desiring to convoy in every possible way that expression of good will which nullifies distance and draws tho world together in a fooling of kinship. This stationery can bo hud at Rigg's Phannucy, Funko Opera House, corner Twelfth and O. r0P0MtMMMf 0U009000UHUt HAVE YOU SEEN THE AT THE I x buuumoiM iyimk rc i , su. iZTn v666AAAAftAftfl Furrier ... . Sele. : Kcpairinj? Dono In tho Neatest Manner 5 All Work Guaranteed. 5 143 So. 12th str -- Lincoln, Ncbr. .&!)iXbje ? H. WKAY- WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. S Watch Work a Speclnlty-Clcanlm? Jl.00 S g MulnsprlnK if (.00. jg tt I All Work Warranted 1206 O str., (Burr block) Lincoln, :XI)IX9( J. "W. 2Iltol-&oll As Co,, W holcsnlo nnd retail donlcr in WALL PAPER Room and Picture Mouldings. 1338 O Street. . Telephone i37. A. D. GUILE. UNDERTAKER and EMBALMER .... Office Telephone 470 ResldenceTelephone 471. 3 ) 9) (ft m up sysxwsysysx5x3y)(5y5)jy5ysysy5y5)sy5iirSYSYa 315 So. 11th Street. Perry pictures at Porter's, 125 S. 12th This is an advertisement; read it if you ae interested in a better set of teeth than the ordinary rubber plato. Are you pleased with the appearance of pink rubber gum? Do you feel satis fied with the gum section teeth where the joints Bhow? Continuous gum work or an all porcelain plate overcomes this unnatural appearanco of tho gum. The porcelain plato is tho beet made for tbo following reasons: It can be. made to look natural even if the gum shows; the entire plate is one pieco of porcelain; is clean and agreeable to the mouth, and is equal in strength to any plate made. Porcelain for artificial tooth is fused at a high temperature. Dr, Sherwin makes all porcelain work with an elec tric furnace which insures the best quality of work. Dr. F. D. Sherwin, DentiBt, Room 17, Burr Block. Mr. Harry Cbaim, for years con nected with the leading art stores, haB now charge of our retail art department, and is well qualified to attend to all its requirements. Our new pictures, mouldings, fancy frames, etc., for the fall trade are now in, and wo would bo pleased to have our patrons call and inspect them. Chancer & Curtice Co. fMMMMMMIMMMMMIOOOK)ft ARTISTIC PRINTING ! Of ovory diecrlption. It will pny you to consult C. L. Lemmon, at tho . LEGAL NEWS rR I NTING . . Excellent Work. Satlsfatory Prices. llOl 97 atreot. H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. WJhtltlncc ? Fine Stationery and T Calling Cards a 127 So.Eleventh Street. J PHONE 68 -eXoJBc 9 0000-C? 11 Cycle Photographs J Athletic Photographs J Photographs of Babies 2 K Photographs of Groups Exterior Views 2 THE PHOTOGRAPHER 129 South Eleventh Street. 2 $&$&&&&& 33ggA n -... ..' E? mivv m vTinc & i ROYS' DRUG STORE j Cheap rates at 104 100 North 10 i WW DRUG STORE I CHICAGO CANDY KITCHEN . , . Home-made Candy Fresh every day. 15 and 20 cents per pound CHOCOLATE WALNUTS 25 cents per pound 1425 O street. 7$W . "WW GIVEN FR EUGENE FIELD'S POEMS, A $7.00 Book. j . J To each person Interested In subscribing to tho Kimono Field Monument Souvenir Fund. Subscribe uny amount desired. Subscriptions as low as l will entltlo donor to this dulntlly artistic volume. (cloth bound. HxlP, as a cortlllcato of subscrln il'i"! , fll"t, 1,ooU coMutnN u selection of Mr. I-lelds most representative works and Is ready for delivery. lint for tho noble contribution of tho world's Kreatest artists this book could not have birn manufactured for less thnn D7.U0. The fund created Is divided equally between the family of the lato Kimono Flelil and llio fund for tho building of a monument to tlm beloved poet of childhood. AddresH Eugene Field Monument Souvenir Fund 180 MONHOK ST,. CIlIGAdO. (Also ut Hook Stores.) If yon wish to send postime, inoloso 10c. Mention this paper, as advertisement Is in rted us our contribution, fr. hi