The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, November 25, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Ii?of e anion al Directory.
. Offli'o 7MJ DB- H M rJaSfihfifir J Occ, rooms 74 nnd 75 Burr Block,
Kcs TJ71 Wl XI. JUL UttHOUBW 1 Residence, 1C3 OF street
3fflc 8) -q4 -ni T3n. 1 Office, Zohrun Block 19tol0m
, 1-Dr. Benj. F. Bailey -L ,, vutoudo
Jto '11 " f Residence, 1313 C street i 2 to 4 p m
Kvonings, by appointment. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. m, and by appointment.
Dr- Ja&E28E&' l" F
9 to 12 a. m
4 p.m.
M W m
W$W i ?jt
. Over Western $ Fletcher M. Gardner, M.D. ) Surgery and Diseases
SSSh co!" ( Lucy Woodward Gardner, M.D. f of Womon'
onicc iss Lenore Perky, mi south istn.
OHlce 153 j J.M.LUCaS j 15th and O street.
oibc. mo-IlouIs N. Wente,D.D.aiWrf5SKft&i,a.
I (so 11th street.
f T. O. Kern, D.D.S. S
Room 30 and 37
Miss Clara F. Brundage once 1331 o street If o &? m,'
omce 784 Oliver Johnson, D.D.S.-jffiVoTreerIIarloy,,,l
(1105 O street )
omce oDrs. Gutter & Shannon 11300 street
Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
axsggSj&:,-rX -cajfesSs-Ss&RissSy'Ss
1 ?. M- itz.
1 107 O Street, Telephone 626.
Z - . I Lil
009 0 SIR., PflOflE, 05,
BrooUside Garvorv
$6.65 Delivered
1 H
mnirs hair ton in I
Wo are proud of this preparation. It contains proper ingredients known to bo benefi
cial to the hair and sculp. This hair tonlo Is not oily. It contains no mineral substunccs.
People who have used it tell us that It Is better than the much advertised Hair Vigors
HatrFoods, etc., We believe it Is the best and will return the price If, after a fair trial,
you are not sutlsfled. In 50 cent bottles.
RIGGS PH ARM AC Y Funke Opera Houk, J2th awl O
The Phi Dolta Thota fraternity gave
a very elegant dance last Friday night
at the Hotel Lincoln. The promenade
was scarcely to bo recognized for the
many Japanese lanterns and palms used.
Fink roses covered the lights in the par
lor and cast a delightful shadow over the
many coBy corners, Rugs and pillows
were used in profusion. The ordinary,
whore supper was Borved during the
dance, was decorated in blue and white,
the fraternity colors. Blue and white
bunting was draped across the ceiling
and fell in a cascade down the walls.
Blue and white ribbonB and white pinks
decorated the table. In one corner of the
promenade a delicious punch was served
under a large Japanese umbrella. The
dance was a scone of gayety. The side
board and chandeliers were hung in
scarlet and cream. Large American
flags were above the eidoboard and on
different walls of the room. The guests
were met by Chancellor and MrBjBeeBoy,
Mr. and Mrs. Lambortson, Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. WebBter, Dr. and Mr Wolcott and
the delegates, Messrs, Hubert H. Ward,
of Cleveland. O.; Prank J. R. Mitchell,
of Evansion, 111., president of the pro
vince; George Kemp Tallman and J. G.
Osborne Alpha university of Wisconsin;
Neal Tomey, Northwestern, H. A. Pur
kins, Knox college; Louis B. Morton,
Iowa university; Charles Ruffner, Uni
versity of Missouri; Edwin Carter, Wash
ington university; L. P. Crawford, Uni
versity of Kansas; George English, Kan
sas City alumni chapter; Walter
Thomas, University of Nebraska.. The
following were the invited gueBts:
Messrs. and Mesdames Beseey, G. M.
LambertBon, J. R. Webster, Wolcott,
Greenlee, Corwin Haggard, Emory
Hardy, O. F. Lambertson, W. J. Morri
son, McCVoery, Peter Lau, Hill, Welch,
Shorman, Shoars, Goorgo Palmer, Case,
Abbott, Fisher, I. M. Raymond, Witt
mann, Lyons, Harwood, McDonald,
Tukey, Parnsworth, Mansfelde, Branch;
Mesdames Thomas and Fisher; Misses
Curtis, Raymond, Tukey, Cole, Garten,
Agnew, Wilson, Webster, Emmons,
Welch, Watkine, Hargreaves, Richards,
Thomas, Hamilton, Emmons, Bonnell,
Andrawe, Gere, Honeywell, Cunning
ham, Whedon, Woodford, JayneB, Doug
las, Edgren, Hayes, Lau, Tukey, Macom
ber, Cunningham, Outcalt, Funke,
Lasch, Houtz, Kelley, Holdbrook, Mul
liken, Macombor, Miller, Richards,
SaLee, Bratt, Burr, Putnam, Burnham,
Hill, Jackson, Woods, Gore, Towle,
Haecker, Daniels, Macfarland, Winger,
Gregory, Ames, Woodward, Cochrane;
Messrs, McCreery, Sherman, Raymond,
Tukey, Roddy, Mansfelde, 'stebbins,
Case, Kennedy, Farnsworth. Thomas,
Wittmann, Lau, Hill, Abbott, Johnson,
Paine, Lowell, Wostonnann, St. Clair,
Lau, Pinkerton, Raymond, Sumner,
ThomaB, Lyman, Welch, Croigh, Manley,
Lewis, Adams, Lehraer, Sumner, Fo.
sora, Joyce, Mudge, Hayes, Watkins,
Earaes, Honeywell, Hoagland, Bolcher,
Haecker, Walsh, Stein, Bishop, Towle,
Cortelyou, Edminston, Morrison, Adams,
Browne, Bobbins, Lewis, Gregory.
Mrs. T. II. Marslandgave a delightful
kenBlngton Tureday afternoon for Mrs.
Curtis. Many an animated conversa
tion wbb held over the delicate needle
work, and old acquaintance was re
newed with Mrs. Curtis. The following
ladies were present: Mendames Curtis,
Welch, Winger, Milton Scott, A. A.'
Scott, Long, Hindman, H. E. Woods,
Guthrie, Pickett, Billmeyor, F. e!
Campboll, D. A. Campbell, William
Clark, Hohman, Atwood, Van Brunt.
Parmele, of Plattsmouth, O. W. Wob
ster, Loomis, Plurrmer, O. I. Jones,
Polk, Van Brunt, Chambers, Howells
Waite, Babcock, Candy, C. E. Yates,
McCreery, Rhodes, Jamison, J. b!
Wright, Miss Eulass.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Rhelaender enter- V
tained a six handed euchre club Wed
nesday. The club is composed of neigh
bors and the meetings are always in.
formal and delightful. The members
are Messrs. and Mesdames Wilkinson,
Bignell, C.J. Guensel, O'Connell, Fos
ter, Bert Richards, Steve Hoover, Frank
Thh Reverend Curtis, of Chicago, for
merly pastor of the First Presbyterian
church of this city, is visiting old friends
in the city.
Miss Helen Welch gave a dinner Wed.
nesday evening for her guest, Miss Cur
tis, of Chicago. Covers wore laid for
Misses Blanche Garten, Gertrude Ma
comber, Ethel Tukey, Fanny Cole;
Messrs. Bert Watkins, Harry Tukey,
Orlo Brown, Dan Sherman, Earl Mc
Creery. The Presbyterians will give a recep
tion for their former pastor, the Rev.
Curtis, Saturday night in their church.
Misa Lena Dewoeso will givo a card v
party December 2d at her homo, 530
South Sixteenth street.
Misa Minor, of Blue Hill, Neb., is vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gund.
Mrs. Henry gave a small luncheon
Monday afternoon. The ladies after
wards attended the woman's club to
gether. The following ladies were pres
ent: Mesdames Marsland, Milton Scott,
McLaughlin, Gund and Miss Minor, of
Blue Hill, Neb.
The Cotillion Club met with Mr, and
Mrs. Buckstaff Friday evening. The
cotillion was given in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. A. G. Be. son and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Burr, and was led byMr.aod
Mrs. Oliver Rodgers. Beautiful favors
were given to the following dancers:
Messrs. and MeBdames Dorgao, Hove,
George Woods. Carl Funke. W. B. Har
greaves, Critteniten, W. A. Green,
Wright, Rodgers, Ladd, Marshall, Cur
tice, Wilson, Mrs. Griffith. Tho invited
guests were Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bu'V
MIbbob Burr and Hoover, Messrs. JoyceV
and Thatcher.
Mrs. William Leonard entertained tbe
Bohemian club Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. T. II. Marsland expects to visit
in McCook next week.
MrB. H. A. Babcock gave a large re
ception Friday afternoon in honor of
her daughter, Mrs. Royal Babcock, of
Omaha. PalmB and chrysanthoaiurue
were used in decorating the parlors.
The receiving line consisted of Meedaraee
A. H. Babcock, Royal Babcock, E. 0.
Babcock, Curtis and Mc Creery, nesisted
by Mesdames O. W. WebBter, HodgniaD,
Candy, Scott and Plummer. Mrs. 0.
M. Thompson, gowned in pink, served
the ice. A pink umbrella was ap
pended over the table and pink roee
decorated tho table. A large lookitrftr
glaBs, draped on each side with smilt"
and white chrysanthemums, sorvod