m-MfmSSSnrTilSn3SmTSmEiMSEmMm:MtiBm 'Stiitc TllHtorlml Society, Unl Libya:-: 1HE COUR1EK. 12 I i' StS fv fc. fch- 1 !?. B IPS'. : ac Hair I. ft 31 '? ;' .3b' I L.. F1t A DEFINITION OF A GENTLEMAN. Tho term, "gentleman" always repro Bents tho total eutn of a fow quoliilca tions whli.'h cxporlonco Iibb proved to bo moBt useful in tho actual state of social lifo, and today it roproBenlB qualifica tions that, upon tho whole, are not natural artistic qualifications. Thero are those who will refuse to admit that tho conception of what a gentleman is varies with different epochs and con ditions. They will assort that tho gentleman of a thousand years ago, of a hundred yoars ago, is a geotloman to day and will be ono tomorrow. As to large matters of ethics and conduct, yes; as to minor matters of behavior, no. We decide that a man is a gentleman by the manner in which he -'wears" in daily existence; in its hep-hazard and promisucous companionships and situa tions. And social life at present is an international affair. Its interests are not confined to the limited stages where they would formerly have been local ized, but move over extended surfaces. The gentleman of today, therefore, is the individual who best adapts himself to prevailing circumstances by not stopping tho general How of things with an intrusion, when not strictly necessary, of his own personality. He is the individual who puts no ovor eeneitive valuations on his personal standards, iuterfereB little with others, has the silent courage of bis own con duct, but no itch to explain it, or him Bel f, or to impose either on a preoccu pied world that has no time and lees patience. This, in any case, may pass as a definition of the social side of what the Anglo-Saxon calls a gen tU man; and aa the Anglo-Saxon race has spread over the face of the globa more exten sively than any other and been brought in contact with the greatest num. bar of peoples under th? greatist diversity of circumstances, it may fairly be considered no bad judge of the way to get through that complicated thing, modern life, with the least irritability on all sideB and the smallest friction. We of tbe'English tongue, in short, be lieve at present, that man moBt ac ceptable to his fellows, all round, who least obtrudes, in personal intercourse, the insistent personal note. From American Society and the Artist,' by Aline Gorren, in the November Scribner'e. The Nebraska Sanitarium. Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following- inducements to the tired and suffering public who are seeking; Health, Rest and Comfort: T ing publ HE institution is situated on an ele- Scientifically classified dietary. vated site, overlooking the city of uf,iis Lincoln, which lies throe mike to Laboratory of hygiene for bacteriologi- the northweft, and with wnich it ' "" uhbiuf"''" ... a-.. Stomach fluids analyzed for dyspeptics. is connected by an electric street rail way. One of the most healthy locations be tween the Mississippi River and tho Rocky Mountains. A well regulated institution for the treatment of all chronic diseases. Water of unusual purity. Bathsof every description, including he Electric-light bath. Skillful attention given to tho treat ment of Dieoasoeof tho Stomach and Digestive System. Diseases of the Eve. Ear. Nnnn Tlu-not Aseptic operating rooms and surgical and TjuWe. wards. Four physicians, well-trained, with large experience in sanitarium medical work. Trained nurses for both sexes Diseases peculiar to women, Best of advantages for the treatment of all forms of chronic diseases. Incur able and offensive patients not received. For circulars giving rates and further information, address, NEBRASKA SANITARIUM, College" View, Nebraska. First Publication October 21. SHERIFF SALE. Notice In hereby kIvcii, Thnt by virtue of an order of sale Ihnuc(1 by the clerk of the district court of the third Judicial district of Nebraska, within and for Lancaster county, in an action wherein Susun A. Kay Is plaintiff, and John S. Main, ct nl, defendants, I will, at 2 o'clock p. m. on tho JMst duy ofiNovember.A.D.lHW.ot the east door of tho court house, in the city of Lincoln Lancaster Co., Nebraska, offer for sale at public auction the following described lands and tene ments, to-wlt: all of block sixteen (10) In S. W. WrlKht's addition to llelhany Heights, In Lan caster county, Nebraska. Given under my hund this 10th day of October A. D., 18W. John J. Thompkn, sheriff. $25.00 925.00 The Union Pacific has made the Great ly Reduced Rate of $25.00 to Portland and other Puget Sound points, also to Helena and Montana points, Salt Lake City and Utah points. For tickets and full information call E. B. Slosson, First Publication October 21 NOTICE. Ames &Amcs attorneys, 145 south ltth street. In tho district court of Lancaster county. Ne braska, The Boston Investment Co., plaintiff, vs. Charlotte A. Dclnncy, William H. Hammond, Mrs. Tlllle Land and Fred Uullurd, defendents. Charlotte A. Delancy will take notice thut the Boston Investment Company, as plaintiff, has tiled its petition in the district court of Lancas ter county, Nebruska, against you us defendant, the object and prayer of which said petition is to foreclose a certuln mortgage on the East llfty feet f&O) of lot sixty (0)) In S. W. Little's sub division of the west half (lA) of the south-west quarter (H i of section 24, town 10, ranged, and lot seven (7) of block eighty-five (Kri) of the orig inal plat of the city of Lincoln; said mortgage was executed by you to Kichard D. Miller and Wm. E. Darkly, Jr., on the twenty-eighth day of May, 18SM, by them assigned to the Old Na tional Hank of Cambridge, Ohio, by it assigned to the FlrstNutlonal Dank of Lincoln, and by it assigned to this plaintiff, said mortgugo being given to secure u certain promissory note dated May twenty-eighth, 18U4. In tho sum of 2,500.00 due on the first day of June, 1899, and there is now due on said note and mortgage tho sum of M.OMM'J together with interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the tenth day of Oc tober, IBIW. Said petition ulso, prays the fore closure of a certain tax certitlcute Issued to Wil liam H. Mendenhull and by him usslgned to this plaintiff, upon which and prior und subsequent taxes paid by it there Is" now due the sum of $242.KI together with ten per cent for attorney fee and interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 18th day of October, 1899. For which sums with Interest to date of decree plain tiff prays for a decree; that tho defendant bo re quired to pay tho same or that said premises be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before tho 4th duy of December, 1HU0. TlIK llOHTON INVKSTMKNT COMPANY, Uy Ames & Ames, its attorneys. First Publication October 7-5. Sealed bids will be received by tho city clerk nthlsortlcc until 4 o'clock, p. m November 11, 18TO, for the salo of district paving bonds on re paving district number nine (0), bearing inter est at live per cent per annum payable annually, interest and principal payable at the Nebraska llscul ngencv. New York city, tno amount of bonds to be issued and date of Issue, to be de termined hereafter. Uonds payable in ten years, one-tenth each year. All bids must be accompanied by u cnrtillcd check for 10(). The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids, '1HOS. II. I'HATT. October 5, 1899. . City Clerk. First Publication October 14-1. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE CITY REAL PROPERTY CO. Notice is hereby given that the subscribers hereto have associated themselves together for tho purpose of forming an incorporation under the laws of the state of Nebraska and to that end have adopted articles of incorporation. By the terms of the said articles of Incorporation the name of the corporation shall bo "Tho City Real Propertv Company." Tho principal placo of transacting the business of tho said corpora. Hon shall be in the city of Lincoln, Nebraska. The amount of the capital stock of this corpora tion Is the sum of "0,uio.OO divided into shares of 100.00 each, which shall be paid at or lajfore the date of the issuance of certificates therefor, either In money or In real estate, fixtures or ap purtenances situated In the city of Lincoln, Ne braska, but the corporation shall be deemed complete for all purposes upon tho subscription of thrco shares. The general nature of the busi ness to bo transacted by this corixiration shall be to purchase, own, maintain, repair, insure, rent, mortgage, sell and convey real estate, fix tures und appurtenances In the city of Lincoln, Nebraska. The time of tho commencement of this corporation shull Ikj tho 29th day Of Septem ber, 1899, und tho time of Its termination shull be ut the expiration of Twenty-Five years from said last named date. The highest amount of Indebtedness or liability to which this corpora tion shall a', any time subject Itself shall bo 10,000.00. Tho affairs or this corporation shall bo conducted by a board of three directors who shall choose a president from among their own number, and who shall also appoint a secretary and treasurer, but the lust numed offices muy bo held by the same person. R. C. HA7.1.KTT.T W. P. STK1I1I1NH, E. E. SPKNCKIl. What were his last wordB? He did not have any. So his wife was with him to the end rew Lincoln gteel Range. News and Opinions of Na tion Importance. THE SVlH Alone Contains Both. Daily, by mail $6 a yeai Daily and Sunday by mail $8 a year flE SVifloM SUN is the greatest Sunday newspaper in the world. IS BETTER THAN EVER Made from the very boBt material. Warranted to be a Good Bo leer und economical of fuel. When in want of a new Cooking Stove Tkl. TTTriT7"cm a tju T)TAO "iifEin nrv Lincoln :j2 -DUUIYOJ.A.C 1JLWJO. 1UJDU. jJ, Neuii. otto i sumjkju Price, 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Address The Sun New York. llTo PATENT Goori lint " may bo secured by our ma. AUurcM, THE PATENT RECORD, BiHImnra. Vit. Suujcrlptloaa to Tlio Patent Record SI.U) per annunv Caltf ainia and Oregon Ex- cursione; Leave the Missouri River and Nebraska Points EVERY WEEK,a!so Daily Ordinary Sleeping fttf ars lor 1 OUIUIS and Homeseek- ers THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE. Dally Service, Quick Time, I ow Rates, Picturesque Route and the Greatest Degree of Comfort uro tho attract ivo features which cotnblno to rondor pro-cniinontly populur thoso Excursion! in Ordinary Stooping Cars to tho Pacific Coast Steam Heat. Pintsch Light M N S54B5K oxa na u kv? 7 zi uMU shi m lr . rvi i l HM " " 0'SPKT0V For Time Tables. Foldcro, Illustrated IJooks Pampnlets.descrptlvo of the territory traversed call on E. B. Sr.oRRON. Aecnt. r ARE YOU GOING TO Gliioatso or the Eaat THE THROUGH EXPRESS FROM VIA OMAHA m jl sssissssBsssssssslsssBWHMslssslsMsMsiiissiii.jjMMMa...Jt.. ..,.-, lt . . -,,........ jii&f'wTT't iJis"jTfrfrvf.SjiLjyjT3BBsWBBBssWBssBc .AND THE Chicago Express from Kansas City In aJdition to Pullman Sleepers, Fre Chair Care, and tho Best Dinintr Gary Service in the World, are equipped witof Buffet Library Smoking Cars furnished in club style and supplied wito latest periodicals, illustrated papers and a select library of recent Action. ARE YOU GOING TO Colorado or tl "W TRY THE "COLORADO FLYER" Fast, carries Dining Oars and PullraBU Sleepers. Leave Oingha,G.40 p.m ; Khd saa City, 0 30 p.m.; St. Joaeph, 4 50 p.m. Arrive at Denver and Colorado Spring next morning, JOHN SEBASTIAN. G. P. A Chicago, E. W. THOMPSON A. G. P Topeka, Knn PRANK H. Barnes. G. P. A., llth and O Streeta, Lincoln, Neb. What's Floater's politics? j He bBsn't any. Ho's nothing buty voter. ' 5