10 THE COURIER 1 THEATRIGAfo. THE OLIVER. Tho Matinee Girl of tbo Boaton Trav eller war voiy favorably impressed with Paul Giltnore and the "Musketeers." ShoFnid: , 'There are (Ivo nets in the version uced by Mr. Gilmore, all Bhort and riht to tho point. "If I know a better word than ''Fascinating'' I would apply it to each of tho live. I can only Bay that pluo wouldn't bo in it with any of th( in for holding you to your chuir. Nature hue given Mr. Gilmore a com plete outfit for a romantic hero. I can't Hue that anything has been forgotten. Lot mo think. Thore is youth. What would Bob Muntell, Jamea O'Neil and a few othor romantic actora not give for that blessed b"on of youth. Then there is figure. No bunting around to find hie own belt line for Paul Gilmore. Youth, figure, talent, good look?, voice, ptt'Bcnco, fire, artistic perception at.d Mignoti." This opera affords ample opportunities for the display of all the fine qualities possessed by Cotlamarini, Sostegni, Russo and the rest, who have juBt endeared themselves to tho Lincoln music lovers in "Carmen'' and 'R'gal otto." Tho requests which have poured in upon tbo management hfra, asking that the company remain and eing "Mignon" grew to such proportions that it was ini possible to ignoro them. THE FUNKE. Tbo man of tho hour is without doubt Admiral Dewey. The American people with one accord have given him the grandest reception ever given an Amnrl can hero. Very few Nebraska people had tho opportunity to witnees the New York or Washington demonstrations, yet all will have the opyurtuaity next week, by the aid of the famous Kline-Lumiere Cicematographe Co., which is without doubt tho laigest'aud finest organiza tion of tho kind traveling, carrjiogtbrae pootic tomnerament. What more would ou bavo in this young actor? JuB.t mention it. There's nothing lacking that I can think of now. Name your gift and then keep your eve ou Gilmoro Ht haBit. He is a tine, manly, dashing D'Artag nan, bis performance being in thp highest degree excellent. At the O.ivor Monday, November Gth. larga machines and five operates, guar anteeing the emuBoment-louing public a ploaeant evening's pleasure one to bo remembered for a life time. At tbo Funke Monday, Tueslay. Wednesday and matinee, November G, 7 and 8. riceB 10 j, 20c, 33 j and 50 :. That eminent success, the Primrose & DoL-kstader B'g American rainB'rdls will l,e seen hero at the Oliver theater on Tuesday evening, November 7. It is ono of the moat amusing entertainments traveling, and, with its host of first-clasB comedians, vocalists c.nd specialists, ia ono of the bast talented, well equipped and most expensive. It being election night full and complete election returns will bo furnished by tbo Postal and read during the evening as fast as they come in. Come and enj )y an ovoning and see i. it goes you way. The political satire, a Texas Steer, which is considered Charles Hoyt's masterpiece, comes to the Oliver, No vember 0. Will II. Bray is still in tho oust, playing tho part ho originated ten years ago, tho minister to Dahomey. Kutio Putnam is Bossy, James B. Mc -Cann, the maverick brander, Alice Kosc Isnd, tho Dixie style and the original Texas Steer quartet, aro a strong feature. The ltentz Santley Novelty and Bur lesque company comes to the Funke Thursday. Vaudeville turns to the number of six opens the bill, and a thort musical burlesque in which a bright enough crowd of chorus beauties stand in a row and shout until the curtain drops. What they shout ie often rhyme, sometimes melody, but it serves to in troduce numerous cbangeB of costume, and includes a number of pretty dance?. The High Flyer club is tbe scpne of the revels. Tho Sisters Palmer follow with a musical fourteen minutes, and Mur pby and Nolan do some. Irish sketch. Lynne ai-d Baker aro very good in a German American Yow-Yow, and A I. C. Lawrence is a ventr.loquist of no mean ability. The two Roainos onded the olio with a very clever bit of tumb ling, done on a billiard tible Luilt for tbe purpose. At the Funke only ono night. Thurs day, November J). foEGAfo NOTIGEd The Lamhardi Italian Grand Opera company, which has just closed a suc cessful engngemont at tho Oliver thea ter, bus .been secured to return hero on November 8tb, noxt Wednesday, when they will present Charles Ambrose Thomas' colobratod opora comiquo A complete tile of "Tho Courier" is kept in an aiiholutkly kikephook build ing. Anotber Hlo is kept in this oflice and still another haa baon deposited elEewhore. Lawyers may publish leoal notiof.h in 'Tho Courior" with security as tbe kii.es aie intact and are pre served from year to year with great care. OMVER UNtlKR TUB IHRI'.CTION (l 0. T. GMWFOHD 8 F.C.HHING Cornor Kith and P. Pln.i " "' Monday, November O. American representative romantic actor. PAUL GILMORE and bis col03SHl Fp'cUcuiar procincMon or uumiiB- masiorpioco mo TBE RAGE OF THE HOUR Tho originul New Yoik production exaclh ttB pbiyed our months at tho Lnon theatre. A CAR LOAD 01 EFFECTS A fortune spent on costumes and scenery. Price 2."i conta to 81 00, now on s do. Itiessclay, November Tm THE REAL HELLO BILL Onlv one night. Something to remember Biff American Minstrel Festi;il. tf PR 1 u M 11 It being election niffht complete returns will be read from tho stage as fast as they come in. Prices Entire lower floor $1.00; balcony 75 and 50 cents; gal lery, 25 cents. By unanimous request Re-engagement of the LAMBARDI ITALIAN GRAND OPERA COMPANY WEDNESDAY ISVISNISSG IOVJEjaJAIiJI 8 Charles Ambrose Thomas' brilliant opera company Collamarini as Mignon; Sostegni as Filina; Russo as Wil helm Meister. Entire company in the cast. Excellent chorus. Superb orchestra. Magnificent costumes. Prices 50, 75, 1.00 and 1.50. 'JTlxtirscliasr NovemberO The Big Success HOYT'S A TEXAS STEER Matie Putman as ''Bosey". Will H. Bray as the "Minister to Dahomey.' A Brilliant Satire on Washington Life. Eor the Fiist Time. Specialties will be introduced throughout tho play. Prices 25, 50, 75 and 1.00. funks UNDKU THE DWEOTION OF . 0. T. CRAWFORD MD F. C. ZEHRUltG COK. O AND TWELFTH. 1'lluNK "i:, Mon. Tues. Wed., "Wecl. JVIaf Nove mber O-T-. KLINE'S LUM1ERE, Cinematograph Co. 3 MACHINES 3 Tbo SpanlBh American and Philiplno Ware. Reviow of tho Fire, Second, and Third Nebraska Regiments Note the prices 10, 20, 30, and 50 cents. ITjriclojr and citwrclo- Tho largest or them all. Equal to a circus, STETSON'S BIG DOUBLE UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO. Bring- the little ones to see the good old play Prices lo, 2o, 35, and 5o cents. MAGNETIC HEALING All diHoaBee, no druup, no knife. Art taught to oihorn Consultation fno. PUOP. AM) MILS. I.AL'dllMN. IMINhtiful . . Miu'oln, Nuiir. N It HI i m m m m HMMtil)g MMIMWWW ARTISTIC pniMTiKin oviry inscription. Jt will piiy you to consult t. h. Lkmmon, at tho . LEGAL NEWS PR I NTING . , LxcollontWork. Hntlsfulory Prictu. HOl X Ntrect. a w HIMMMOrWW s iBWWWiWflWttMwtj