10 THE COURIER I'll i fl f I THEATRICAL). THE OLIVER. Tho Lombard! Italian Grand Opbra Company, direct from Milan, Italy, and nuir.boring G8 pooplo, will bo at tbo Oliver Thcator Wednesday and Thurs day Nov. 1 and 2 and wlli preEcnt two of tho maBterpiccoB of Italian operatic writors, past and present, in a manner not hitherto attempted thb side of New York, if tho press noticeB are to be relied upon, for that eourco of informa tion claims that tho aggregation is mado up of artists which, in number, capabil ity, and versatility, outrank anything over 6 ten in this country, outside, tho Mnurico Grau forcea All tho old favorites of the "H.'l Canto" school, and thoss by tho modem Italian writers, ore includod in tbo Lombard! roportoir, and oach opera is cast and presented with a drgrco of perfection which has won highest en comiums from the most exacting critics wherever thcB3 groat singers have ap peared. Thb company, it seems, is not mado up of one or two world famed ar tiste, oupported by choap material that goon to make the ensemble, all tho more disappointing by reason of the obviouB contrast between principals and secon dary singers. In addition to the exceptional in. dividual gift3, vocal and dramatic, of the Lorabardt company, every member of tho chorus is said to sing well, and in tho ensembles the volume of Bound is magnificent. William Doan Howells will lecture at tho Oliver on Heroes and Heroino3of Fiction. He iB universally accepted as tho first American novelist. For the fair fame of this university town lot us give the author of Thoir Silver Wed ding Journey, The Lady of the ArooB- took, Annie Kilburo, A Hazard of Now Fortune?, Thoir Wedding Journey and many other books, a crowded house. As every ono knows, Mr. Howolla is a wes tern man. He was born in Marsh, 1837. His father was a printer, and, after learning that trade, Mr. Howells early became associated with journalistic work. He mido his mark ai a journal ist, and became, known bb a poet aud clever critic, but it was not untd 1871 that ho began to write Action, and en tored upon tho career which has mado bim famous as America's representative novelist. He has always been an indus trious and prolific writer; to him genius is hard wot k"; and hard work has given to American literature one of its richest possessions tho literary works of one of tho moat distinguished of modern writers, Murray and Mack in their comedy euccoes, 'Finnigun's 400," whbh comes to tho Oliver, Tuesday Oct. 31pt, is composed of three acts. Messrs. Murray and Mack muko no claim to a plot what ever, uutagieoto amuse tho theatre goin public. Murray and Mack have with them somo of tho highest salaried people un tho etago today. Tho com. pany is composed of thirty people, one half comedy stars, acd tho other half vaudovillo artiBtp, who introduco their specialties at edd timos during tho no tion of tho comedy. and tho wreck of the Trenton are among the ecenicaids promised for tho forthcoming production of Under the Domo which ' will bo eeon for the first timoin this city at the Funke Opera House, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 2, 3 and 4, with a ladies' and chil dren'a madnee, Saturday 2.30. No team of comedians have been moro successful or come to the front rank in tho thoatrical world in a shorter space of timo than tho Lyman Twins. Thoir neat, refined work and clever singing and dancing specialties has won them favor and made them popular favorites wherever they havo appoared. This season their new comedy "A Merry Chase" has been one of tho biggott artistic and financial success of tho year. They are supported by a capable com pany and carry elegant special scenery. Thcyappoar at tho Funke on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. GO and 31. Bat a Moment to EtlUon. When at work solving some mechan ical problem Mr. Edison is completely absorbed, bo much so that he Is lit erally unconscious of what goes on about him. On one occasion, when ho was called to Chicago, a "thought," as ho calls his problems, came to him as ho reached the railway station in Jer sey City. He took his seat In the train and wbb booh In deep study. When the porter called out "Chicago!" Edi son turned to a fellow passenger with tho remark that the porter must be Joking, as they had only just gotten outside of Jersey City. The "wizard's" mind was so concentrated upon an electrical problem that the twenty-four hours seemed but a fleeting moment to him. After the suburbs of Jersey City had been left behind his mind was closed to everything, and he became bo absorbed In his problem that he did not realize that all his fellow passen gers had had a night's sleep and had eaten three meals. A Slight Difference A London Journal tells of a certain lady who has In her room a pipio of Btatuary which bears tho inscription, "Kismet." The housemaid was dust ing the room one day, when the misi tress appeared. "Sure, ma'am," ild the girl, "would you mind tolll.V ine the m'anin of this writln' on the bot tom of this flgger?" " 'Kismet' means 'fate,' " answered tho lady. "Sure, an' is that it?" said the girl. A few days afterward the housemaid came limp ing Into her mistress's room. "Why, what is the matter wlth.you, Bridget? ' asked the lady. "O majam, sure an' 1 have the most turriblo corns on me kismet!" Bald tho girl. News and Opinions of Na tion Importance. THE SVlU Alone Contains Both. THE FUNKE. Tho Capitol at Washington illumin ated, two addition scone s in Washington, a marvellous illusion showing a ferry boat trip from Jersey City to New York in which tbo audionco, by means of clover arrangements, appear to tako tho trip with tho characters of tho play, a beautiful viow of tho coral reef harbor at Apia showing tho Olga, Adlor and Eber of tho German navy and tho U. S. mon of-war Nipsic, Tronton and Van dalia and the British Calliope a ropro- uctian of tho hurricano of Mar. 5, 1881), Daily, by mail $6 a yeat Daily and Sunday by mail $8 a year is the greatest Sunday newspaper in the world. Price, 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Address The Sun New York. HBaBB; :'?' H WILLIAM DKAN JIOWEI.L3 OIvIVER UNDER TUB DIRECTION OF 0. T. GRAVFOHD X F.C.ZEHRUN6. Coruor I3tli and 1 Phono iM. ITttesclosr, October31. The Rapid Fire Comedians Jamos D. Flynn'e MUHR AY Sa. MAOK-Suro-pop laugh cieator Finn igan's 400 You will miss it if you miss it. Regular prices 25, 50, 75, $1.00. Seats on sale Monday 9 a.m. Wetlnelcloy S Tliurcloy :Ncrv. 1-2 Engagement extraordinary The first time in Lincoln. The Lambardis Italian Grand Opera Co. SIXTY-FIVE ARTISTS Their own orchestra. Opening opera ' 'Carmen" Prices from 50 cents to $2.00 Sale of seats opens Monday 9 a.m. At S o'clock MAJOR J. B. POND has the honor to announce the first and only appearance in Lincoln of the eminent novelist, critic, and lecturer. MR. WILLIAM DEAN HOWELLS. Subject HEROES AND HEROINES OF FICTION, Tickets 1.00, 75, and 50 cents. Seats on sale Wed. 9 a.m. fxjivk:e UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ,. 0. T. CRAWFORD AND F. G. ZEHRUN6. COU. O AND TWELFTH. PHONK 355. Monday Ootobfti ftr-ti Those Jolly Comedians THUJ LYMAN TWINS In their new Comedy Creation. .. A MERRY CHASE Supported by a company of the best talent in the Comedy World. A comedy with a new and novel plot. All the latest musical Hits. 1 he one big laughing success of the year. Prices-1, 25, 35, and 50 cents. 1111 11. Sot. and Mert. Kov. S. , -, . UNDER THE DOME LinTOw r4ei'mterP1ecc of stage realism. THE GREATEST SUCCESS OF THE AGE. A sumptuous scenic spectacle. A continuous series of dra- V natic surpuses; startling situations; novel effects; thrilling ' climaxes. A powerful company. Sec tho Marvelous Storm Scene and Great Perry Boat Scone. ggggiippiiniiiBwafi