The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 21, 1899, Image 9

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was tho last program given undor tho
auspices of tho ttato federation of
women's clubs and wap heartily onjojed
by a mo?t appreciative audience. Tho
tnuEical was entitled "Thu Soasone," and
was composed of numbers cepsoially
ndaptcd to the various Bensond of tho
year. Those who took part and made
this ono of tho most enjoyable, programs
of tho weok's convention were MeethmeB
II. S. IlarriBOLj D. E. Sjdgwick, 0. 0.
Campbell, J. A. Parke, Robert McCos
augby and Misses Carscadden, tMaudo
Woods, Cura and Jessie Conawoy.of
York, and MIbb Eloacor Raymond of
Lincoln, responded to tho insistent on
core by singing that bright little, gem
"Come Down to tho River Tonight"
Tho piano solo of Mr. Earl Wehn of
Beatrice, was much erjoyrd but ho made
tho hit of tho evening with hia cornet
s )lo. The performers wero in good form
and tho audicniO appreciative, nearly
every number receiving an encore.
At a short business eceeion Friday
morning tho following delegates to tho
biennial convention whh h wilt be held
in Milwaukee next Juno were elected:
Mrs. S. O. Langwortby of Seward,
Mm. D. M. Stoutenborough of PlatU
moutb, Mrs. W. P. Harford of Omaha
Mrs. CarEcaddon of York, Mrs. G. M.
Lambeitson of Lincoln, Miss llascall of
Waktibld, and Mrs. H. P. of
Invitations wero extonded by tho Te
cumseh dolegato3 and the Lincoln dolo
gates for tho federation to. meet at Te
cumseh aud at Lincoln uext year. These
invitations were enthuBiastically re
ceived and referred to tho executive
committee for decision.
An amendment to tho constitution
was introduced by MiB3 Fairbrother nf
Omaha providing for the nomination of
candidates from the iloor, instead of
through a nominating committee as has
been the custom in the past. Final ac
tion upon this amendment will bo taken
at tho next meeting of the federation.
It waB tho expressed wish of many at
tho recont federation that nominations
might be mado in open convention, feel
ing that such acouiso would bo moro
democratic. Others fear it may bo
moro confusing and con6u mo a greater
amount of time.
Tho nowly elected oflicora wore pro
Bented to (lie convention by Mre. Lang
worthy, and their ehort addresses of ac
ceptance wero cordially applauded.
With tho clobing song of America
camo the end of ono of tho most enjoy
able, 6ucce66ful and inspiring conven
tions tho N. F. W. C. has ever held.
The Iowa federation which was in
seEBion at the Bamo time as the N. F. W.
C, sent greetings which wero answered
by teIojr.m.
There, is a growing feeling that tho re
ports frm individual club- aro instruc
tive, Through them wo loarn of tho
work of tho clubs, and wo olsoluarn to
associate tho nam?, the faco of tho del
egate, and tho club, and tho more defi
nitely wo knoTT each other tho greater
the sympathy.
Tho inability of Mre. S. C. Ling
worthy on account of homo duties
which doaiaud h'or Etrongth and time
to permit hor narao to be usod for n sec
ond t rm of cflho was recoived by the
convention with groat regret. By her
Bweet graciousnoes, tho breadth and
fairno3s with which she viowod all
questions and hor unBoltiah devotion to
tho work, buo has endoarcd hereolf, for.
ever, to tho club women of Nebraska
May her mantle- fall on her successor.
Mrs. W. A. Appcraon, of Tecumsoh,
tho nowly elected prejidnnt of the N. F.
W. 0. Ib n lady of rare giftB. A genuine
Nobraeka product. Bjrn in this state,
educated at tho state university, intense
ly intcro3tod in tho club movemont
from its inception, bringiog to tho work
tho energy mul enthueiusm which al
ways wins. Tho clubs of Nebraska havo
no fear of tho onward and upward trend
of tho state federation for tho coming
J oar. Mrs. App;raon comes from ono
of tho BtrongoBt club conters in tho
stuto. From observation, I should
judge thero was not a member in her
delegation that could not acceptably (111
any oflico to which tho might bo oloctcd.
W.thalocal BUpport of 6uch strength,
and loviog loyulty fro-n tho wholo stato
I pred'et great things for our fedora
tion tho coming joar. ",3 rongth united
becomes stronger."
In closing her roport tho treasurer
rnado a plea for more rovonue. Our
president has paid herown faio and met
many olher expenses tho past year.
Other ofllcors havo dono tho samo. It
was voted in open session to assess tho
members of oach club (ivo coots in addi
tion to regular dues This assessment
to cease- whenever the treasury becomes
too full.
Tho Womau's club of Falrbury is al
ready starting tho yoai's work along
practical as well as literary lines, and
expect during tho year to be able- to ro
port much goo.l work accomplished.
The leaders of our two departments,
Mrs. Lotion of tho Home, and Mrs. Mc
Dowell of tho Literary are keenly alive
to the needs of their departments and
will vie with each other in doing good
work, while our president, Mrs. Cros,
can bo trusted to most carefully watch
that we have a harmonious porfect wholo
It w:s a matter of great pleasure and
surprise to eeo the number of bright and
interesting women present. The wom
en of tho larger cities and thus pre
sumably of wider opportunities, must
look sharply to their laurels, for tho
delegates from the far away corners of
tho state were as bright and 'apt in ex
pressing their views, and as up to da to
in their thought cs tho rccent'y gradu
ated woman. Indeed many present
from tho different parts of the stato were
gruduatos from the State university and
thoir Alma Mater hai to occasion to
apologizj for them. plea3
uro and benefit to bo in a convention
with tho class of womon wo mot at
Tho favorable comment on tho happy
thought of taking tho delegates for a
drivo about the city, has been universal.
This now departure will undoubtedly
become a foature nf the coming conven
tions. It is tho only way by which tho
delegates can receivo a correct, or com
prohonsivo idea of tho c'ly whero the
convention is located. In the largest
cities this idea'oould bo carried out by
Btroet car rido?.
Tho arrangements of tho York ladies
to care for tho delegates was mo6t ad
mirable. Wolcomj was written every
where, and the cordial hospitality was a
subject of frequont remark. No meals
being sarved in privato homes left tho
hostessos froe to attond tho mooting?,
enjoy thoir guests socially, and provido
for thoir ploasura and comfort. Tho
rest and comfort o! going to a homelike
room and bed can only bo appreciated
by thoso who havo been compelled to
accomodate themselves to tho usual
hotel accomodations. At tho same time
in tho smuller cities it leaveB plenty of
room for thoeo who prater tho absolute
independence of going to tho hotel.
Tbero was no moro pleasant feature
of this convention than tho harmonious,
cordial spirit which seemed all-prevad-ing.
No mooting of tho state federa
tion has ever passed of so courteously
and ploasantly. Several matters came
up where thoro was a difference of
opinion in somo inetnnccB a wido dif
foronco but thodobato was carried on
in a courteous, considerate- manner,
This docidod growth in good fooling
is ono of tho strongest asBUcancos of tho
benefits Nobraski womon nro deriving
from tho Btato federation,
cess of this tin do sioclo vontura.
With this number 1 ho Couiior enters
upon an era as tho oflleial organ of tho
N. F. W 0. In tho robolutlon providing
for this departuro two objects wero
named: 1st, Bettor knowledge, conse
quently onhrgod sympathies and
stronger ties botweon tho clubo of tho
stato. 2nd, A matter .of economy for
tho ttato, federation. Wo hope to as
souiuto tho names nnd locations of tho
club womon of Nebraska ro intimately
in tboso colums that at tho next con
vontion tho addition of tho faco will
mako all feel well acquainted. As a
means of economy many things horoto
fore sent out in lottors and circulars,
will be laid bo'oro tho clubs in tho ofll
cial organ. When it is remembered
that all tho club olllcers servo without
pay this method of lightening thoir
labors should bo choerfully accepted
and mado Uio of by tho clubs of tho
On tbo other hand Tho Courior is
proud to represent a body of womon,
such as gathered at York. And tbo aim
and objjct.of this dopartment shall be
to further in every possible way tha
intvrest of tho clubs of Nebraska. Sug
gestions and criticisms will be thank
fully received, and, cluba'of Nebraska,
t lies with you to make a grand sue-
Tho cxcculivo board ot tho Woman's
club met on Friday afternoon ot tho
club rooms to arrargo for tbo recep
tion and elocutionary reciti) to bo
givon on noxt Monday, and to consider
tho proposition of tho directors of tho
city library relativo to tho transference
of tho rooms in tho Silsbury block to
librnry uhos. No action was taken
about tho rooma ns nothing had been
hoard from tho Christian chnrch which
is part lossoo. Tho following commit
t.'CB woro appointod to usUt at tho
special rocoptloDB and gonoral meetings:
Social, Mesdamca CuBtor, Ackerman
and Kelly; courtoslcB, Mosdames A. A,
Scott, Piper, Gloaoon and Chapman.
Greater attention will bo givon to tho
sociul side of tho club this wiutor, and
it will bo tho duty of tho commlttco on
courtcsios to proruoto in cvory posBiblo
way friendly intorcourso among tho
guests and members.
Muny of tho reports utd othor im
portant items are of nocccvity left over
for coming issucB. Most ot tho papers
will bo printed as timo and spaco permits.
Tecumsoh welcomod tho roturn of
tho nowly oloctod ofll :ors of tho No
braBka Proration of Womon 'd clubs
with open arms. .Tho Stato President
and Corresponding Secretary elect wero
royally assured that To:umseh feels
proud of her two lopresrntatives. On
last Saturday ovonlng tho city federa
tion of Women's clubs gave a publ
We are selling- a great many fur
' . We have them in all the most fash?
ionable furs of the very latest shapes
at moderate prices. Electric 'seal
$2.75, $4.75, $5.00, $6.00, and $7.00. Electric seal with
strakhan yokes $5, $6, and $8.50. Astrakhan $5, $6 and
$8.50. Monkey $7.50 and $9. Brown Martin. 10 in., $18,
$20 and $22, Marten with tabs and tails $30, $40 and $50.
Stone Marten $18. Bear $30. Mink $30 and .$42.60. Per
sian lamb with black Lynx $47.50 each.
For ladies' ready-to-wear outer garments of any description
we invite you to our cloak and suit department. ,,'
Mll9bgR& PAIN
(oiiFier Readers
Are cordially invited I 4t'
to call at our.
and inspect out Fine
stock of
iUi)WIG ar&cl
i Sheet Music and Musical Instruments.