The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 21, 1899, Image 7

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Values and Qualities that appeal to every well dresser in this line of wearing apparel.
--- i
Ladies' all wool Kersey Jacket, lined
with Skinner's satin, strap and
button trimmings, 22 in. long-,
splendid value for $15, special for
$12 45
Ladies' Fine Electric Seal Jacket, 26 in.
long, lined with best quality cf
heavy satin, 'has high storm collar,
all sizes, a beautiful garment
$17 75
Just received Manufacturers sample
line of Misses Jackets in all the
new shades, most stylish cuts and
best materials. "We have divided
them into 3 lots at 3 prices viz.
$2.50, $3.50, $4.95
Always the largest stock of Collarctteb to select from
will be found in our cloak department, we sell 25 to
any other stores 1.
Fine electric seal fur, astrakhan yoke, tab front, 10
tails, lined with best quality of satin, ail elegant and
stylish collarette for only $7 45
Dressing Saoquo
we call particular attention to our line of dressing
sacques, special priced at 98c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.98
B Wit '
" M? t vTJl'VV ' JJ
Ladies' all wool Kersey Cape, 24 in.
long, circle cape trimmed with mo
hair braid; $5 value for $3 95
Ladies' fine wool Astrakhan Cape, 27
in. long, 125 in. sweep, fan pleated
back, lined with black serge, inter
lined with canvas, deep facing of
astrakhan, edged collar and front
with bear fur, all sizes, $6.50 quali
ty for $4 95
Ladies' plain Plush Cape, 30 in. long,
j.iu in. sweep, ian picatca back,
thibet fur edired collar and front.
1 mercerized lined $7.50 value for
$o vo
Rolny Doy Slclrts.
Another big order of rainy day skirts just arrived,
also a full line of walking skirts in 41, 42, and 43 inch
lengths, all tailor finished, prices $5 and $6.50, excep
tionally good values,
Children's long coats and Gretchens, a big variety for
your selection, can suit you on any priced garment from
98c, '$1.49, $1.98 upwards.
we request you to see this lino
TBest - - Fitzgerald i (Joods (Tompan Tft BusM nc
dining room in richest red. Mrs. Rcb3
Curtice served refreshments. Those
present were Metdames Wocds, Free
man, Morrison, Howe, Rathbone, Spen
cer, Hiil, Holmes, Kirby, Men ill, Biggar,
Welsh, Folsom, Smith, Rudy cf Sioux
City, Wright, Winger, Woods, Van
Drunt, Clarkeon, Helwig, Aitken, Wol
cott, Fling, Guen.o), Rector, Garoutte,
aeebecr, Curtice, Harley, Bailey,
Branch, Putnam, Billmeyer, Abbott,
Clark, Burr, Holm; Misses Burr, Bar.
bcr, Marshall, K'rker, Sauudere, Harrl
Eon, Harley, Garten, Bailey.
On Wednesday evening at tho home
ot tho bride's parents in University
Place, Mies Flora E. Smith and Mr. L.
B. Stoner were married. Mendelssohn's
wedding march was played by Mies Mae
Baldwin. Miss Smith's wedding gown
was a beautiful white organdie ever
white (ilk made entraine. Her bequet
was of bride icbcb. A profusion of
American beauliep-, carnations and
stiMlux adorned tho house. Miss Smith
was a popular teacher in the public
B"hoolB and Mr. Stoner is in tho employ
of tho Burlington railroad. Mr. and
Mrs. Stoner left on the evening train
for St.JoEeph and eastern points and
will bo gone two wocks.
On Tuesday afternoon Mm, C. I.
Jones gavo a children's party in honor
cf tho fourteenth birthday of her
daughter Annie, at which foity or moro
young MisseB were present, Tho draw
ing room was handBomoly decorated
with American boautle?. A luncheon
wus served by Mrs. Jones assisted by
MisB Alico Huntslpgcr. During tho
afternoon a photograph of tho company,
grouped en tho piazza, was taken.
Dancing was etj)od and a floral con
test was introduced and a prisrt won by
Miss Emma Tyler. Miss Jones received
from her father a flno bicycle and many,
remembrances Irora her guo3te. Those
present were Mis3ea Hail, Hobar.1, Hay
nie, Clark, Hydr, Deweeee, Benton,
Gasebeer, Roonan, Kltchoner, Garoutte,
Faulkner, William', LiGoro, Hoover,
Hibner, Micor, Porkinp, Woodwortb,
Talbot, Baker, Auld, RodgerB, Hableton,
Braco, Tyler, Laws, PoikinB, Koener,
Burkett, Taylor, Lolf, Hunteinger,
Bowers, Boggp, Nowmaik, Jewell, Fos
ter, Waugh, Doteon, Cunningham, Ly
man, Sears and Matter Edward Jones-
A Eocial event of especial Interest to
tho Falrburyclub took place Tuesday
evening October 17th at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hanson when
their only daughter Gertrude whs
united in raarriago to Mr. Harry Wilfred
Daubrava. Tho marriago ceromony
was witneeeed only by immediate
frionds and relatives, but was followdd
by a largo rocopti n. Mrs. Hansen has
been identified with tho Woman's club
from Its start, wbilo tho daughter hHB
been a most acceptable member, ono
who could bo rtliod upon to furnish
musical numbors when jacked to do so.
Both Mr. and Mis. Daubrava are well
known In University circles having been
Btudents there. Tho Fdirbury club
unite in wishing them a long lire and a
happy one,
MUc Helen Burdick Welch has re
turned frjiu Kansas City where eho at-
tended on Monday afternoon tho mnr
riage of Miss Ada Gregg formerly o? this
city to Mr. Matthew Adam Foster
Tho wedding was a quiet ono only rela
tive being preeent but was very elob
orate in detail. ' Hundreds of American
beauties combined with ferns and
palmB were ubdJ in decorating the draw
tag room wbero tho ceremony was per
formed by Dr. Neal ot tho First Presby
terian church. Miss Grogg was mar
ried in her traveling gown, a handsome
brown cloth tailor mado with hat to
match. Miss Gregg Is tho daughter of
Mr. and Mr?. Muboo Gregg former Lin
coin residents, and is known and ad
mired by a largo circlo of friends. Mr.
Foster is a member of an old and
wealthy family in Kansas City, The
wedding presents wpro very elegant
among then a handsomely furoithed
hqmo by the groom's fathor. The
groom's gift to the bride was a superb
diamond brooch. Mr and Mrs. Foster
have gone to New York and other east
ern cities for an extended stay.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods enter
tained a largo company laBt evening at
Wash's ball. Tho reception occurred
from eight to ten after which dancing to
tho musicof Hugenow's band was en
joyed. The reception room in which
Mr. and Mrs. Woods received their
guests was decoratod with red roses and
lighted by rod shad.d lamps. The
hostess woro a handsome toilet of black
silk grenadino over whlto taffeta, with a
yoko of wbito applique. She was as
sisted in the reception loom by Mo:
damea Cochrane, Ward, Wilson, Bakon
Woods, Bowman, Misses Garten and
Cochrano each of whom carried Ameri
can beauties, The rsfreshmant room
was done in pink streamers ot tarleton
extending from tho corners of the. table
to the chandelier, from which was sus
pended u cluster of carnations. Mrs
Mark Woods in a beautiful pink silk
gown poured coffee. Sho was assisted
by Misses Woods, Macomber, Haec'ier
Cole. In the dancing hall old rose was
the chosen color for decorations, this
shade appearing in the hangings and in
the chrysanthemums which softened
tho lights. In an artistically arranged
cornpr Miss Watkins assisted by Misses
Welch', Jackson, Macomber, Mulliken,
served punch.
Mrs, Georgo Fawoll gave a euchro
party yesterday afternoon in honor of
Mrs. Evans of Columbus, Nebraska
The bouse was decorated with Ameri
can bsauties. At tho conversation
table punch, confections and almonds
wero served and after card?, a lunch.
Mrs. Fawell's guests were: Mesdames
Evans, Thomas. Buckstaff, Codjry,
Buckstaff, Ewing, Ludd, Marshall, O.
L. Burr, Tilton, Outcalt, Clark, Walter
Hnrgreavee, A. E. Ilargreaves, Rudy.
Fitzgeaold, Howe, Coffrolh, Wright, I.
M. ttaymond.1 A, 8. Raymond, John
Dorgan, E. P. Brown, John Fawell,
Tefft.Griflithand Green; Miss Cowd
ery and Miss Alico Cowdory.
Mrs O.E. Sanderson gave a beauti
ful reception yesterday from two. until
five o'clock, in honor rf Mrs. Henry
Sandorson who has recently come hero
from St. Louis to reside, and Madame