The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 21, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Professional Directory,
omco 1U Oliver Johnson, D.D.S.SVTrSrIInrloy'n
1 HlOSOstroot J
co cc7!8 Dr. Ben J. F. Bailey " Zohran B,ock Rft'SW
Evonlng-, by appointment. Stroday'a 12 to 1 p. m. and by appointment.
IDr. J. B. Triokey,
I Rofractionist only
10 to 12 a. m
I to4p. m.
Office 1033 O street.
oaico wo. Louis N. Wente,D.D.S.-TB-"ndf MkSSl
( lolltliatroet. i
T n TTor T T T ) Room 20 nml 27
J. W X1.U1U) s,s,j.
f Burr block.
Miss Clara F. Brundage office isai o street ? IS J p?;
Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
Tho strength nnd oflloncy of many drills nro In proportion to their nowncss nnd
Our Stock-RIGGS'-
Is kept fresh all tho time; Even If tho sales nro slow? Yon, because tho manu-
un;mrurH uxcnuno lor us any oiu koous, rcplaclnB them with tho newest und
purest. But In addition, sales nro not slow. Sales nro fast. Our business Is
wowing fustcr than wo ever anticipated. Wo appreciate the valued patronafjo of
our many customers. With their continued trade wo can keep on tho Increase,
without It wo can do nothing. Their trade means our business, our living, thut is
why wo nro so particular to give them only a service and goods which wo know
will meet their approval. Their conlldenco is a great Inspiration to'us nnd will nl
ways be. We invito you to got your prescriptions illlcd at Riggs' Pharmacyt
Funke Opera House, 12th and O Streets, Lincoln.
1009 0 STO., PflOflE 05,
1 SiLHgKfiR;EEr
1 107 O Street, Telephone 626.
j . JkJm -A
I KHYVri O 1
Wr LFr N dopypiaHT VT
u n a r. C K .
ififift " " -
W&PTV . . . is . . .
"Jsr w
BrooUside Garor
$625 Delivered
t aw.
Tho cbildron, bless them, have held
tho boards in the social world for a
part of this wot lc. This moans much to
them now, moro perhaps than it will a
few years henco to givo a party. This
ha9 aleo been a favorite week for wed
dings as many as eight or ten happy
couples having beon launched upon the
sea of matrimony since- last the Courier
appeared. Tho irapottant events for
grown-ups camo yesterday in the re
ceptions given by Mrj. Sanderson and
Mr. and Mrs. Woods. Miss Ferrenberg's
recital this evening at tho homo of Mr.
and Mre. Sawyer is anticipated with
pleasure by many. The social club3
will b?gin thoir mtotingg soon, one
kensington meeting fcr the first time
noxt Monday. Tho whist clubs which
include man, wait I believo until after
tho election to boin operations.
Apropos of whist tho mottoes given
below were selected from the works of
Shakspero by a member of an Ohio
whist club to be used in connection
with tho game. They may bo of intor
o:t to our readers:
Whatever else shall hap tonight give
it an understanding, but no tongue
(Ham. i. 1).
Seal up your lips and givo no
but mum; the business aeketh
secrecy (2 Henry VI i. 2).
No tougue! alleyee! bo silent
IV 2).
Be assured wo come to use our hands
and not our taaguoa (Rich. Ill, i. 3.)
I am fain to shuffle (M. W. ii. 2).
Who leads? (I Hen. IV iv 1).
The most patient man in loss,
mo3t coldest that ovor turned up
(Uymb. i. 3).
I have beon in continual practice; I
shall win at the odds (Hamlet v 3).
tlavo I not hero the best cards for the
game, to win this easy match? (K. John
Oao out of cuit with Fortune that
could give moro but that her hand
Iack3 means (A. Y. L. i. 2).
Our sport shall be to take what they
mistake (M.N. D. v 1
I'll mark the play (Ham. iii 3).
Our forefathers had no batter books
but the B2oro and tha tally (2 Heu. VI
Wednesday oventog at 8 o'clock at the
home of the biido's mother, Miss Kath
erino Oatveth and Mr. John Warren
Freeman woro married, Rev. N. A. Mar
tin of Trinity M. E. church officiating.
It was a pretty wedding though simple
The bride woro a gown of whito baptiste
mado entraino and carried brido roses.
A canopy of smilax and pink and white
rorcs was arranged iu a corner of tho
drawing rjom and benoath it tho cere
mony was jorformed; tho same colors
woro used in tho deviations in tho
dining room. Mr. Wilcox played Mon
delesohn's wedding march. Mre. Car
voth was assisted in receiving her guests
by Mrs. Worsley, and Mr. and Mrs.
FreeUnd und auut of tho groom
Refi03hments wero served by Mrs, Wil
cox, Miss DcBsio Carveth and Miss
Ward. A largo number of beautiful
gifta woro roceivod by tho bride. Tho
guests wero Messrs. and Mc6dames
Wilcox, Meyer, Worsley, Freeland,
Couger, Tobpy; Mojdaroea Gillespie,
McGreor; MisBoa Couger, McGreor,
Ward, Pusehold; Messrs. GeiEtbardt,
Couger. Mr. and Mrs. Freo'.and will bo
States and Mr. D
a guessing game
and Wilma C
throughout tho
home after November 1 at Eleventh anJ
K streets.
The Puoterone socioty of the high
school entertained a number of young
moa Friday evening at the homo of
miss iiiinei uigcoil 1845 F street. Misi
'romfield won prizes in
Mieses Vera Bcneli
isebccr served nunch
evening. Dancintr nnd
music weie enjoyed. The member r
the society are Misses Bignell, States V
TricKey, Wosdruff, DeweeBe, Broady,
More, Abbott, Whitcomb, Chessington
Trigg, Palmor, Lansing, HuttoD, Stam.
baugh, Whijcomb, Parks, Cornell, Ce
beer. The guests were Messrs. Giffen,
Parks, Whodon, Driskie.Tomson, Hurlz,'
Brock, Wharton, Mills, Kimball, Milton!
bargor, States, Bentloy, McConllT,
Dearing, Jotrj, Hutton, BnmfielJ,
Moore, Hubbard, Jacobs.
MUs Kathryn Manahan, three years
old last Saturday, gave a party to cele
brato the event, and it wsb the prettiest
party imaginable. Like grown upa ehe
had a luncheon served from decorated
tables but there was no stiffness nor
formality, just tho sweet naturalness of
children. Tho little hostess received
many gifta from her guests who were
Ruth Fitzgerald, Eleanor Lowrey, Olive
Meads, Lucille Leese, Celia Ward
Dorothy Pettis, Elizabeth Doyle, Mar.
garet and Harold Freeman, Raymond
and Kathleen Doyle, Faith Schvriod,
Grace Bryan, Catherine Lee, Olen
Everett, Mary Stuart, Robert Flans- T
burg, Helen Butler, Henry and Thomas
Woods, Mildred Morning, Thecda and
Katie Fox, Ruth Gillilan, Lilas I)r;an,
Allen Lynch, Vallio Bonnell and Ella
Wednesday evening at 8:C0 at tho
home of the bride's mother Mrs. S.E.
Doylo the marriage of MIes Mabel
Doyle to Mr. George G. Vanderpool
was celebrated. Dr. F. L. Wharton of
St. Paul M. E. assisted by Rev.O.W.
Fiferof York, officiated. Mrs. Fifer
played a wedding march. The bridal
party stood under an arch of smilax and
pink and whito roees. The bride's
gown was of white silk mull made en
train and her bouquet was of brido rowf,
A supper was cerved on- small table
decorated with pink and whit rosei
Mra. O'Neil and Mrj. Vanderpool.o'stere-in-law
of the groum, assisting. Many
beautiful gifts were presented totbe
bride. Mr. at.d Mrs. Vanderpool will
ba at homr at 225 South Twelfth ttrett.
after November 1. V
A party waB given Saturday ovoniog
by MisBoa Jessie Chappell Bnd Rose
Scott in honor of MIsb Lois Givens who
left this week for Denver where she will
in future reside. PrcgreBjlve doroioo
was played, Miss Druse and Mr. Fisher
winning tho prizes. Thoso prosent wore
Mieses Givens, Kepler, Taybr, Ed'omen,
Prey, Mercer, Chappell, Drus?; Mewra
Thornburg, Hamlin, Hayden, Hallett,
Hallott. Langor, Fisbor, Barry, Dun
baugh, Wertz, Ervine, Mercer, Francis,
Mrs. George A. Crancer gavo a very
pleasant card party Saturday afternoon
Six bandod eurbro was played bdo
prizes wero awardsd to Mrs. B. '
Bailey, Mre. Mark Woods and Mrs. 0.1
Burr. Tho decorations wero beautiful.
tho drawing room being In pink, thjr