ixmmmmm THE COUTi.-i.t. . vtttitntur . (. v. ii f ft l. 5 T1 Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following inducements to the tired and suffering public who arc seeking Health, Rest and Comfort: Scientifically classified dietary. Laboratory of hygiene for'bacteriologi cnl unci microscopical investigation. Tho great, dark, emp'ytheatro cchotB T1f VT i t A back iho strains ioiy, mockingly. I ne Nebraska Sanitarium. Far back in tho shadows an army of . , nuuitora may uo ssatud, but my oyes cannot discern that fur. As tho lo. chord crashes and dies away upon tho silence, 1 fancy that a low sigh dies too Tho placo 13 haunted ly tho ghoet of tho multitude- that lies sat hero hours ago, even as my heart Ib haunted by Elida. My nervous fancy Boes you of ten, loved one, whnro you aro not; nnd tonight in tho box yonder, for ono flset ing moment, to my longing oyo?, a girl appeared, alone, so like so liko you Out over tho jangling keys 1 throw my anna atd bury my faco bctwoan them. And as I lio alono ia tho ir.tensu quiet of the grent empty place, thoro comes to mo tho motif cf tho great eong I ehull write, tho tong that shall livo . when wo both aro long dead and for gotten. Twico before baa its divine tnUBic sung in my ears. Once, faintly, when I lost you; once again the night the world acknowledged mi. Yet uevor buforo tonight were tho tones of that eoul'Siit sfying melody bd clour, bo strong, 'HE inf-titution is situated on an ele vated Bile, overlooking tho city of Lincoln, which lira throo miles to the northwcEt, and with which it is connected by an electric street rail way. One of tho most healthy locations bo. twocn tho Mississippi lliver and tho Rocky Mountains. A well rfgulntrd institution for the treatment of all chronic diseases. Water of unusual purity. Bathsof overy description, including ho Electric-light bath. Skillful attention given to tho treat ment of Stomach fluids analyzed tics. Aseptic operating rooms and surgical wards. Four physicians, well-trained, with largo experience in onnitarium medical work. Trained nurses for both Boxes. Di-casesof tho Stomach and DifoRfi for dyspep- System. Diseases of tho Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Ltin;p. DIsoaDeB peculiar to women. RpBt of advantages for the treatment of all form" of chronic dieoasos. Incur able und oflonsivo pationtB not recoivod For circulars giving rates and further information, address, NEBRASKA AIVI'rARHJIVr, College View, Nebraska. bo pure, so masterful. This thall be tho Bignillca2C3 of my life; this shall bj my greatness, Elidu. In a fovor of rapture I roisa my hoad and drop my hand to tho keys that the Bong may be born out of tho silence, out of the BadneBd of my heart. Yet I Btrike no note. For no v all power in mo is cuspended, all my facul ties aro dead but one I can see. And I am not alone. In tho box nearest t-j me, on n level with the stage, so near that I cm al tuo3t hear her breathe in the intense atillnesa, u woman Bits. One gloved hand clutchei thd heavy curtaio that half conceals her ligure, tho other holds h lorgnette whose gleaming rubies catch the Hare of the one luht. And tho eyes behind are fastened upon mo, hero at tho piano wo two alano in tho va3 dark, echoing hall, when night itsolf is dead and morning yot unborn. If, iu tho dusk that hovers over tho groat stn.ro, ahd cm read my oyes, she must Bee terror there, my hurt's pant ing .fear of tho unkno-vn, my strained nerves' repudiation of the unexpected. In hir eyoa ah! but I uunuos be sure. AnlthiB relljction Bt)dics mo. Perhaps I am mistaken, as mistakan as when, earlier in the evening, 1 bad thought this motionless Hguro Elides glorious, free, supple body ocd tho9o tul. Tho thoatre emptied, and still sbo sat in the Bhadow of the curtain, as 1 aaw her sitting that once, when she re minded me of Elida. And when, re turning I pi dyed alono to my lo3t love she, this doad woman, Bat gazing with eighties t eyos through the lenses of hor lorgnotto. I am mad to think of it. Yet I turn back from thu box, und sitting down at tho piano again bjgin to play. Of all the music that lives ia my heart, of all the composerj who30 melodied passion lies waiting at my linger tips, none iB mine at this moment. 1 have forgotten all. But one eong lives for me my own. Yet mighty, superb, complete it chorusei within me now a composition so great, eo sorrowful, bo human, ttut ono might be content to die, and die worthily in giving it birth. 'When tho Heart Breaks, it shall bo called, Elida," I sjy in a stammering whisper. For now I know her. From afar, out of the., past, my heart haB called her. And its imperious entreaty haB wrought tho miraclo. While I had played before that vast audienco of strangers, the ono tho one in all tho world who hold tho key which rould translato into words the torrent ot music that gushed from mo had board. While I had stormed through tho streets, diiven madly on by my yearning sorrow, sho bud been there waiting fur me. Alive then? When I ro entered and sat playing to her thb history of our old musical life Leave Ohicigo every Thursday via Colo, ado and Scenic Route to Snn Francisco and Los Angeles. Southern Route leaves Chicago overy Tupeday via Kansas City, Ft. Worth and Ei Puso to Loe Angeles. TheFO ExcurjionsCars aro attachod to FaBt Pas enger trains and their popu larity is evidence that wo offer tho beet Accompany theeo excursion and save money for tho lowest rate ticl els are available in these popular Pullman Tourist car.'. For oflicial map or city of Los Ange les and N. E. A. pamphlet, .addrees E. b Slosson. fixed eyes behind the dull gold lorgnotto together she bad been there. Listening? he says thare was'no woman there the frank, 8eet,ehiaing eyes of m Iovp. Before I reach the box I k low 1h.t she is dead. S'.tt'iug there listoning with her gaze upon me, eho hid passed into the great beyond, J know it ull, no-; 1 real zo tho situation in every do- God! To know wlin. iuat when Deith hid found her! And yet ye'. My flngrj seek tho keys. My eyes seek herB. Onco again that wonderful melody leaps from" with in me, 6trorgtr, BUrer. perfected now, alive with glorified papsion, yet so eloquent of sorrow, ro fraught with human misery, that tears fait upon ray hands. My eyes aro running over, and in hers in hois She lives, then! I swear it. If dead before, my rauBic, mine, has brought hor back. Behind that ghastly, watch ful, mocking lorgnotto I see hor eyes ngain; her own oyes vanquishing tho cold, steady, vacant glaro that froze tho blood in my veins; ber own sweet, shin ing eyes, alight with purity, afire with love tor me. And now 1 mourn two deaths. My song, my grdat hearts melody, the d. vino strain that should have been im mortal, struggles within me. Yet evon w,hen its perfect beauty ia near.'nt to utterance comes again tho memory of that night, and I am again at the piano in thut great dark hall, and I ase those dead eyes bsbiad tho lorgnette coldly peering at mo. Bat then comes menfal torturp, and tho remombranco of the after part of that terribla night, wLich no one knows, grows clearer. Then I roalizi that if I follow tho two memor ies, eo closely linked that one is not but in tho other, my song shall live again. . For thoa I shall know what followed rru m j , whnElidu;B,.yf88rewcolll aBai, and 0 SZ,"SS'SSsLTS: -and whither 1 carried hor. I shall overwhelming value or The Tiiriop.a. know-God! on what a thread does Week Woiild to overy reader. For mi sanity ewing-Ithall know if tho dead SilTT"' im. libBB ke l,B6"'" woman was indeed my love-my love! wltf&rrStt I Bhall know if Mohr, to quiet mo, them b promptly and fully us if it wore heB; blunderingly, as ho would lio, when ! ua"3; Wi.,h our interest! etill extend- K iuiuul'UUUC me WOrld- IV h nnr i Ph(linr.!nnn ..,, tbeurrac Prn-. Hnniini ,.:. ..: ..- ui ID '.THIS AND THE him , . .. : r xnrice-a-weefc: Editidp, Practically Daily at the price of a Weekly. NEI in . - - w runuj 1111 Ut troop3 operating in tho Philippiner, hd hegreo; ProMdential campuign, too, i me t4"""' " ''" ih runner increased, son. .lho mo.tto ,,f T w TiimcE-A Week MANUPACTUREJ . . . -XHI3 JVIW LINCOLN STJKXy RANGE . . . Warranted to be the Best and Most Satisfactory Range ever made. Any kind of fuel may be used, that one item alone being economy. These Ranges would be a comfort in any home. For what they ape They are the cheapest you can buy. At least give one a trial. We warrant you complete satisfaction. Write us for full particulars. wo o mt ., MJvoor,3v, Neb, " i Herr August Mohr announces nu uui i:i(iH til inn ifnnn i r a,ww AJwuiDtw Mt'HRnn. .--. -- With torrow, Herr Mobr. Botianopri1., ;.OKLD18'n'Provemont. It strivoa each lblcth.fuotofth. dnRerouB illnct. "town by tho 'faot tfantll S IrSu Mm U1 uv uno oi cno i'iano. All con- i " ,WICBas many papers eiery tracts have been cancelled, bB tho duil v nnl.liaLSV"!; noW6IjnPer. a -,rious nature cf the disease', n. ftS'ft " rewspappr proBtntion, makes it impossible to say nd the Counu:,, togeK one yTn? for when lioerski will play again -Town rm TopicB. . i'ho regular nubscription price of the two minora io HO nr r -" - . ,.. .D WW.WJ Alvax Allthe no ws without prejudice; ' The best general reading; , ' The best market reports; 7 ' . The Great Paper of the Great Wesfc, ' !' Tlxe Kansas Oity Star By mail, postage prepaid, daily ad Sunday, I year $4.00 By mail, postage prepaid, daily and Sunday, 6 months. . . 2.0 Tlle Weekly . oity Star Postage prepaid, 25 cents a year. K y r ' " -vB