The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, October 21, 1899, Image 10

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reception in tbo library room in honoi
of Mrs. Appereon und Mrp. A roup. Tho
froo ubo of ru;s, draperies uud potted
plants converted tbo room into u moot
ploaeant parlor. Tho president of tbo
city federation, Mre. Pollock, presented
tho now stato olllcers in a few, well
chosen words.
Mr. Apporcon and Mrs. Arnup each
responded in a neat, modest speech,
Blowing how much thoy appreciato
tho conlldonco placed in them und bow
fully loo they realize tho responsibili
ties and opportunities resting upon
them. Tho gontlcmon also did them
honor upon this occasion, expressing cb
much piido nnd pleasuro as tbo women.
Indocd wo all feel proud of having theBO
ofllcoa fall to two such well q'ial flod
women from Tecumseh. We can hearti
ly unsure those who havo thus shown us
this honor tbpt nil which lies in tho
powor of Tocumseb club woman shall
be dono for tbo gcoJ of tho Stato Fed
oration. Tho president of the city fed
eration and each of the stato o Ulcers
woro presented with a bouquot of roses,
and after tbo rendering of somo music,
the evening wns paEsed in a general
ougbly amused. Tho plot is not allowed
tointerfero with tho comedy parts, thus
producing a piny that is not only thrill
ingly interesting, but is said to contain
as many laughs as there are grains in a
"heaped up'' bushel of wheat.
Regular Funko prices, 15 to 50 cente.
Tho world famous Herrmann will
nppenr at tbo Oliver theatre this after
noon and cvoning. Loon Herrmann
(the Qroat Horrmnnn) is acknowledged
to be tho greatest living magician, and
his sleight of hand and palming is
simply marvelous, excelling anything of
tho kind ever attempted in magic.
Herrmann always brings many novel
ties with him upon each succeeding
visit somothing out of tbo beaten tracks
of magic. Herrmann will present upon
his present visit to this city, many nov
elties, among others being tbo charming
ballad singer, "Lonn," and tho "Four
Musical Luciers."
Evoning prices, 25 cents to 81.00.
Matineo, balcony 23 conte; lower ileor
50 cents.
A really up to date comady, and an up
to date company, is tbo Rays' "A Hot
Old Time," which will bo tho attraction
at tho Oliver theatro on Wednesday
evoning, October 25th. Tho fun in this
musical comedy is fast and furious, and
a laugh a minute is guarantee. Just
ono of those pieces every thoatro goer
likep, no tears, all laughs, full, of sur
prises, good muBic, and high class
specialties; there aro also many pretty
girls in handsome csBtnmeB. Clever
artists are, John W. Joss, the Rajah of
Irish comedians; W. Wallace Black, tho
phenomenal basso; Ada Melrose and
Pearl Revare, John and Bertha Gloason,
the world's greatest dancors and caUo
walkers. Hyberta Pryme tinging com
edienne and tho greatest of all novelty
dancers, Miss Annie St. Tel, known as
tho "Bounding Ant;lopo'' from tho
Of tho many attractions, Managers
Crawfcrd and Zehrung has bcoked for
tho Funko oporn, probably nono will
provo more satisfactory than "Tho
Wheel of Fortune." At the Funko
this afternoon at 2:30 P. M , and this
evening at 8:15. Evoning prices 15 to
50 conts. Matineo piics 10 and 25
Tho attraction at tho Funko opera on
Monday nnd Tuesday evoninga will bo
tho "Joshua Simpkins" Company. It
is a strong, rurul comedy, opening with
a realistic sceno of rural homo lifo, show
ing Skinner Tavern with Undo Josh's
Wild Briar Farm in tbo distance,
"JoBhua Slmpkina" was writton with
tbo view of keeping an audionco tbor-
Tho question is often asked by thoeo
who bavo never seen Lincoln J. Carter's
play, "Tho Heart of Chicago," but who
havo heard of tho approaching engine
rcone, "Is it accomplished by tbo uso of
tho now nnimated picturo machines
such bp tho Vitadcopp, Cinematograph,
etc?" It is not. Tho ongino and other
apparatus ia BBrpal ub Btego limitations,
iron, wood and steel can make it. As to
how it is mado to appear to camo
miles away, nit the timo being in pluin
view, os Rudyard Kipling would nay,
"That's another story," It is tho in
ventor's secret.
At tho Funko opora, Thundny, Fri
day and Saturday evenings and Satur
day matinee, October 2Gtb, 27th and
23th. Evening prices 15 to 50 cent?; box
Boats 75 conts; maticoe prices 10 and
25 cents.
First Publication October 21-
Ahicn &Ancs uttornc.VN in south lllhiitrcct.
In the district court of Lancaster county. Ne
braska, The Boston Investment Co., plaintiff, vs.
Charlotte A. Delaney. William H. Ilumuiontl,
Mrs. TIUlo Land and Fred Uullartl, defendents.
Charlotte A. Delaney will take notice that tho
Uostui Investment Company, ns plaintiff, lnw
tiled Its petition In tho district court of Lancas
ter county, Nebraska, ugninst you as defendant,
the object and prayer of which said petition hi
to foreclose a certain tnortYJKe on the East fifty
feet (50) of lot sixty (0'J) in S. W. Little's sub
division of the west half (!4) of the south-west
quarter (i of section 24, town 10. ramie C, and
lot seven (7) of block eighty-live (85) cf the orig
inal plat of the city of Lincoln; said mnrtKUKO
was executed by you to Hlchard D. Miller and
Wm. E. U.irldy, Jr., on the twenty-eighth day
of Muv, IWH, by them assigned to tho Old Na
tional Hank of Cambridge. Ohio, by It assigned
to the First National Hank of Lincoln, and by it
assigned to this plaintiff, said mortswKO belnc
uiven to secure a certain promissory note dated
May twenly-elKhth, 1801. In the sum of :,r(W.(K)
due on the llrst day of June, 1HW, and there Is
now due on said note und morti;at,'e the sum tf
3,0su W tojethcr with Interest at the rate of ten
per cent ior annum from the tenth day of Oc
tober, I WW. Said petition also prays tho fore
closure of a certain tax eertltlcuo issued to Wil
liam H. Mcndenhull and by him assigned to this
plaintiff, upon which and prior and subsequent
taxes paid by It there is now duo Ihe sum of
f-'f.'.fKi together with ten per cent for attorney
fee and interest at the rate of ten per cent per
annum from tho l!Uh day of October, I8W. For
which sums with Interest to date of decree plain
tiff prays for a decree; that tho defendant bo re
quired to iiav the same or that said premises be
sold to satisfy tho amount found due.
You aro required to answer said petition on
or beforo tho 4th day of December, 1HD!).
Tub Uoston Invkstmknt Company,
Dy Ames & Ames, Us attorneys.
First Publication October 21.
Notlco is hereby wlven, That by virtue of an
order of sale Issued bv tho clerk cf the district
court of the third judicial district of Nebraska,
within and for Lancaster county, in an action
wherein Susan A. Hay Is plaintiff, and John S.
Main, et al, defendants. I will, at 2 o'clock p. in.
on the 21st day of.Novomber.A.D.I8W,ut the east
door of tho court house, In the cltv of Lincoln
Lancaster Co.. Nebraska, oiler for halo at public
auction tho following described lands and tene
ments, to-wll: all of block sixteen (10) In S. W.
WrlKht'K addition to Helhany HcIkIUs, In Lan
caster county, Nebrask i.
CJlven under my hand this 10th day of October
A. D 18UK. John J. Tkompkn.
First Publication October I l-l.
Notlco is hereby kIvcii that tho subscribers
hereto havo associated themselves together for
tho purpose of forming an Incorporation under
tho laws of tho stato of Nebraska and to that
end havo adopted articles of incorporation, lly
tho terms of the said articles of Incorporation
the name of tho corporation shall bo "The City
Real Property Company." The principal place
of transacting tho business of tho said corpora
lion shall bo In tho city of Lincoln. Nebraska.
Tho amount of the capital stock of this corpora
tion Is tho sum of ?0,imkMM divided Into shares of
l(0.()0 each, which shall bo paid at or before
tho date of tho Issuance of certificates therefor,
either In money or In real estate, fixtures or up.
purtenances situated In tho city of Lincoln, No
braska, but tho corporation shall bo deemed
complete for all purposes upon tho subseiiptlon
of three shares. Tho general nature of tho bus!,
ness to bo transacted by this coipoiatlon shall
bo to purchase, own, maintain, icpalr, Insure,
rent, mortjfuue, sell and convey real estate, llx
tures and appurtenances In tho cltv of Lincoln.
Nebraska. Tho tlnio of tho commencement of
this corporation shull bo tho 20th day of Septem
ber, IHSW, and tho timo of its termination shall
bo at tho expiration of Twenty-Five yearn from
said last named date. Tho highest 'amount of
Indebtedness or liability to which this corpora
lion shall at any time subject Itself shall bo
HO.Ouu.oo. Tho affairs of this corporation shall
bo conducted by a board of three directors who
shall chooso a president from iinionu their own
number, and who shall also appoint a secietary
and treasurer, but tho last named offices may Ira
held by tho same person.
It. C. IIA'I.KTT,1
W. P. Stkiiiiinh,
E. E. Spknuku.
Dnekot T. No VM.
In tlio circuit court of tlio Unltoil States for
tho district of Nebrnskn. llnnnnli Oliver,
complainant, vs. John J. Davis, ct al, respond
ents. In chancery.
Public nollco is liorcby rIvoii that In pnr
Fiinnco and by virluoof n ilecroo entered in tlio
abovo causo on tho 17th day of ovemhor, 1818.
J. A. J. Snwyor, mnMpr in chancery, of tho
circuit court of tlio United States for tlio dis
trict cif Nebraska, will on tho 21st day of Octo
ber, 1S0O, nt tlio hour of two o'clock in tlio
afternoon of said day nt. tlio oust door of tlio
county court liouso uulldltiK in tho city of
Lincoln, Nebraska, soil at public auction fur
cash tho following d scribed property, to-wlt:
Lot number thn.0 (ill in block number throo
(3) IMnnsnnt lllll Subdivision. Lincoln, situnto
in Lancaster county, Nebraska.
A. J. fAWvisn, Master In chancery.
r.nsTsn & Fm:habtv, Solicitors for
First Publication, October 7-4.
Edward L. Uawllnt's. defendant will t.ike
notice, that on tho 6th day of October ih'ci
Ajfnes M. Knwllnsrs, ns complainant, filed tidr
petition in the District Court of Lancaster
County, Stato of Nebraska, UKitlnst said defend.
tint, thu object nnd prayer of which Is to urn.
cure n divorce from tho snld Edward L. Uiw
Unison the ground of hi.s wanton and cruel
refusal and neglect to provide suitable muln.
teuancc for her although of sufficient tibllln so
to do.
You, Edward L. RnwlIiitfN, nro required to
answer said petition on or before the 20th dav uf
November, I8S9,.
First Publication Octobar 1 1-2.
Olllco of tho Clurlc Coal Co., Lincoln, Nebr.,
September 1, 181K).
In compliance with tho compiled statutes of
tho stato of Nebraska for 18S:, and especially In
compliance with section 13 a chapter 10, entitled
Corporations." wo the president and a majority
of the board of directors, hereby lvo public no
tlco that all existing debts of tho Clarlc Coal Co.
amount to the sum of nothing.
Directors I Lanuv C. Cr.AUK,
Landy C. Clark, V President.
A. C. Clarlc. j
First Publication October 7o.
Scaled bids will be received by the cltv clerk
at his olllco until 4 o'clock, p. mi, November II
181W. for tho sale of district puvlntr bonds on id
paving district number nine (0), bearing Inter,
est at tlvo per cent per annum, payable annually.
Interest nnd principal payablo at the Nebrasln
fiscal agency, New York city, tno amount of
bonds to be issued nnd date of issue, to bo tie
tcrmlncd hereafter. Bends payable in tea
years, one-tcnth each year. All bids must bo
accompanied by a certified check for f 100. The
city reserves tho right to reject unv or all bids
. , e .., 'i HOB. II. riCATT.
Octobers, 1830. City Clerk.
For ofllc'al map of city of Lcb A nic
ies and N.E. A. pamphlot, cddrciB E. Ii
Corner )3th and P. I'lionoMil.
Matinee ocl rcigtit, Sat. Oct. 91.
The famous King of Masric
New and startling Legerdemain and Sensational Illusions
LONA The singer of popular ballads. 4 Luciers, the
monarchs of the musical world.
Evening Prices 25c to $1.00. Matinee 25 and 50 cents.
Wednesday, October25.
The Ray's Howling Success
A Hot Old Time t
Two and one-half hours of pure and wholesome fun
Under the direction of Edw. A. Braden.
Pretty Girls. Catchy Music. Excellent Specialties.
Miss Annie St. Tel, America's Greatest Novelty Dancer.
Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, and $1.00
rx'i, and Sat. October 2021
JVIatinee Saturday 2.30
Two Big Sensations. Special Sceuery. Strong Situations,
FRIDAY The Pay Train.
SATURDAY and MATINEE Wheel of Fortune.
Evening prices 15 to 50 cents. Matinee 10 and 25 cents,
Mon. anclTues., Ootobora3 cmcl S-2
GrouU'st or All Rurnl Plajs. See tho thrilling
Saw JVIill Scene,
Hear our famous orchestra Charming mush dancing and swoet sing
ingTwo brass bands.
Watch for tho parade. Roular ric a.
'.Niui J?iJ.. Sat, c&iacl ci Saturclny mntlnco
OCTOBER 2G. 27, 28
Tiiiooli J. Carter's
Great Spectacular Production. Auother Big Success. A Powerful Company
Introducing u splendid lino of h'gh-class specialties.
Elegant special econory; wonderful dovicop; Mystorioua eloctrl j
rnl i ffautr; A vivid picture of tho groat tire. See tho Marvolous Approaching i
Evoning prices -IG, 23, an, and 00 conts; box seats 73; matinoo 10 and 23 cente
t.c..tir , Ft.-r.i-c.