gwwww ' Iflstorlciil Society, Uirf Library immwt- ) v 4 V ..15 5P The Nebraska Sanitarium. the back, where they stuck in tho tight fitting groove, as tho lid closed up. Lady Mary carefully drew out. the page of note-paper, intending to return it to her husband. Aa she pulled it toward her, however, her eyes - fell on her own narao, bo ehe thought, in hia mosilno fanramlinrr tinndarritlnc?. . uM.tfi nu.i urinralilA Mavf.'.'What y Lincoln, which lies three mllce to "May! Cruel, adorable Ma l-WMl nfao northwest, and with which it Is thie that you nay about separation? 1a connected by an electric street rail- About ray, being' able to live without way. you? Why, you know V can't. And if ' One of the moat healthy locations be- V ,j ' ' t- kt. ..u. . tween the k Mississippi River and the iniuiu. a wuuiuu s M.m buss .,- mm- . mm m WW J ward for you? Not that a fellow wants to speak Located at College. View, Nebr., offers the following inducements to, the tired and suffering public who are seeking Health, Rest and Comfort:- THE institution is situated on an ele- .??vated site, overlooking the city of Vr.,,il Z '.wlrifflted institution for treatment of all chronic diseaees. the of that, only " The paper was blurred the ink not yet dry. No more.had been .written. Lady Mary stood ' holding the paper in her hand. A: great joy came into her eyes, filling them to overflowing. And then she buret into tears. "May! Gruel, '.adorable May!" He had been writing these very words, when she had broken in upon him with hia reproaches. No wonder then, that in his righteous pride, he had withheld them, left them unspoken, hidden them, for the moment, away. What she bad said that morning that he no longer seemed to need her company that he sought his bappinees away from her these unjust accusations had wounded him to the heart. Not trusting himself to speak calmly, he had written .a few loving words of reproach and "reply. Before he' had finished, she bad inter rupted h'nvreturnfng to the. 'charge. "Cruel, adorable May!" 'He still thought her "adorable." And hed.em ed her to be "cruel." He was right. She stood looking at the dtmp, blurred word in a mist of loving ecstasy and shame. "Still here?" said her husband on the threshold. Then .he spring forward, and his voice changed i'snwn. "My God, Mary, whnt havo you iot ther?' .She held out "the untini-thed note. "Forgive me," ehe etamra -red, and rhe tears rained down her cheeks. "Def eat, forgive me; see, I found your note to me. It had slipped through tbe back of the desk. Oh, Gnome, can you forgive me that I ever doubted your love?" He hesitated for a moment, and his color came. back from ashen whitn to a burning red. Then at lust he anid: "Please don't talk nonsense, Mary. Of course, I never thought you doubted .my tove. ' But. men, ate different from women. I I-of course I love you, Mary." Scientifically classified dietary. Laboratory of hygiene for'.bacteriologi cal and microscopical investigation. Stomach fluids analyzed for. dyspep: tics. .Aseptic operating rooms and. surgical wards. iFoar physicians, well-trained, with large experience in sanitarium medical work. Skillful" attention, given to tho treat ment of ; Diseases of the Stomach and Digestive ' System. Piseases.of the Eye, Ear, Noso, Throat and Lumrs. Diseases peculiar to women. Trained nurses of both sexes. Best of advantages for the treatment of all forms of chronic diseases. Incur able and offensive patients, not rocoived Water of ,upusal purity. Bathsof 4wydssciiption, including he Electro-light bath. For circulars giving rates and further information, address, NEBRASKA AJVMRIUM, College View, Nebrabka. A second flood of color streamed across his face. "May!" he.said, almost affectionately; "foolish, darling May!" "Not 'cruel,' " she murmured, looking up at him. "No no, not cruel," she said, and kissed her. "But ?" And still she looked up at him, with. smileB. among her tears. "But V he repeated, uncertain, searching. "A little -just -a little adorable?" ehn prompted., almost inaqdibly, all blushes and rippling happiness. "Altogether adorable," he answered hastily, andikisacd her again, and eoftly dhtenguged himself. "Now hurry up and dress." Lft alone, Gaorge Tresling gazed at his shiny boots. Then he 1 1 rued to the secretaire . and thought fully unlocked it. "Wr-lirVhe anld, "well!" .-And he sat down and wrote the follow ihg note, in the place of , the one his wire bud carried off .with her, pressed tight Hkjainet her breast: "Dear May: If you wish it-so, of course it muet be so. You are the best juduo of your own happiness, and on no account would i interfero with such planB as you may deeire to make for your, .future. So I regretfully bid you farewell, wishing you all prosperity. odours sincerely, k - Gkobge." This nota.he carefully -inclosed in an envelope and addressed to "Mjsa Max. St. .Claib, . . 3 Piccadilly MansionsrW;" -,and.the envelope he as carefully placed little table altered, if we can," he said. "Should we?" answered Lady Mary, gaily. "I don't know. I owe it all my happiness." He bent, as he offered his arm, and kissed her upturned countenance. "It shall be as you like," he said. "Every thing, henc-jforth, shall be exactly as you like, dear." October Cosmopolitan. SALT IAKE 8AN FRANCISCO PORTLAND THR COURIER in i m w M Thricera-week Edition, Practically Daily at the price of a Weekly. m TRmjCitmLj B b R PICTO ..AND., All - Principal Western - Points ARE MORE QUICKLY REACHED VIA THE "UNION PACIFIC" THAN VIA ANY. OTHER LINE. . . ne tooKa step toward mm, ana lie-in, the inner brsaet-pocket of his coat, caught her in bis arms. ' fdr mailing. Then he went out on the ONIY 1 Ni'Ktxt to Uttlli a JVatKlita to California PHOM L,INCOtN. ManiBcently Equipped Trains Daily. For time tables, folders, and illustrated .'CaUmeMay,'" she whispered, h'eM landing, and there waited for his .wift'i pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra- head upon his shoulder, "hb vqu always 'used to, until nveor six montns ago. coming down. 'We must contrive, to have that stupid r versed, call on E. B. Slosson General Agent ITl PATENT iMi may be secured by oar aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, aHimAta. MJ. Subscriptions to Tne Patent Record tupr annum. vlilimil U MANUPACTURB the araw riivcioriv Warranted to be the Best and Most Satisfactory Range ever made. Any kind of fuel may be used, that one item alotie'being economy. These Iviingcs would be a comfort in any home. For what they ahe They are the cheapest ybii can buy.. At least give one a trial. .Wejwarrant you complete satisfaction Write us for full particulars. 80 O t WNOOIN, Kieb, The striking and important events of tbe last year have established the overwhelming value of; The Thrice-a-Week Wobld to every reader. ForM almost nominal aum it has kept its sub. senbers informed of the progress. of all our waan and, moreover, has reported them as promptly and fully as if it were a daily. With our interests still extend ing throughout the world, with our troops operating in tbe Philippines, and the great Presidential campaign, too, at hand, its value is further increased. The motto of Tu w Thrioe-a Win World is improvement. It strives each year to be better than it was tbe year before, and .public confidence in it ii shown by the fact that it now circulate! more than twice as many papers every week as any other newspaper, not a daily, published in America. We offer thie unequaled newspaper and the Courier together one yearJor 9125. The regular subscription price of tbe two papers is .$2.00 riBST PUBLICATION 8arr. 23,1899-5. MA9TER'8 8ALE. Docket T. No. 182. ' In tho i ircult court of the United SUtet (or the district of Nebraska. Hannah Olinr, complainant, vt. John J. DayU, et nl, respond ent. In chancery. f r FORECLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. Public notice is horeby given that in it suanceand by virtue of a decree entered lou above cause on the 17tb day of ovember.JW. I, A. J.Sawyer, inaater In chancery, of tM circuit court of the United Btatea for tbe di trict of Nebraska, will on the 21st day of Octo ber, 1899, at the hour of two o'clock intM afternoon1 of said day at the east door pi im county court houso building in tho city 01 Lincoln, Nebraska, sell, at public ouctipa (or cash tho following described proporty, to-w: Lot number threo (3) in block number WNJ (3) Pleasant Hill Subdivision. Lincoln, iihu in Lancaster county, Nobraska. A. J. hawibb, Master in chanceri. Webstkb A Flcuabtt, Solicitors for complainant. 4"M(.' ) tf" V i All the news without prejudice; The best general reading; The best maricet reports; The Great Paper of the Great West, Tlie KEuattaLsB Oity . By mail, postaere preoaid. dailv and Sundav.l vear By mail, stape prepaid, daily and Sunday, 6 mdnths... 2. 113 WeeklyKnaasi Oiljy 0ttir Postage prepaid, 25 cents a year. j ,i t i.'.. . SSmSiSimaSS&ii. -ujgi: iJ