THE COURIER. ledium through which the progressive present wheo all the world in watchintf ipiritof the age must -mike- progress, the (rouble brew log between the Boers Phere is uo daubt.that moat of the prob- and England. The subject under dia- Bms clubwworkcan be illumi- cutsion at this flist meetine- was "An. lated bv free, honest discussion. One cient abd modern Holland: the earlv it the beat resulta to be obtained from-lnhabitants." It waa very entertaining Blub life is the ability to differ contcienb nrcaented bvthe'lMdir? Mr. n. n. tiously in opiniona and yet entertain aitWaite'. While refrfshmenta were fhoneet respect for the opinion -of others, served, instead of the usual ditcuaaion As women, we are charged more or leas :. justly with being too narrow, too per jaonal, in Imparting or-recetving- ideas. ; ThiB defect, or weakness, is half correct ed, when recognized, the entire cure, we 'hope, may be secured through lntor change of thoughts," theories, plans, in fact through a discussion of all subjects beginning with principles underlying the thought and making the applica tion general, cot personal. The trite saying "the greatest good to the greatest number" has become one of the watch words of club life. It Beam's to me that one of the surest ways of realizing it is in interchange of the newest and fresh est thought among club women. When you have a good idea a new thought expreus it briefly not" only to your club, but eend it to your club paper you will always find that the editor of this de partment welcomes ndvico, criticism and suggestions. the club decided to indulge in summer reminiscences. Mra, M. E. YanBrunt is leadftforthe next meeting which will be held October 10. A woman's club has been organized in New York for the blind women of that city. It has not been named but it has been inaugurated by a few noble women and it is "intended that it shall offer opportunities to the blind who are not only shut off from most of the The first meeting of Lincoln' Sorosis each fall is a business session. Last Tuesday afternoon at this annual buel nets meeting which waa held at tho home of Mrs. Gujhrio, the following officers were olected. President, Mra. H, H. Wheoler; vice president, Mrs. T. H.'McGahey; eocrotary, Mrs. A. S. Tib bete; executive committee, Mrs. J. E, Miller and Mrs. N.Z.Snell; delegiteto the fitate federation at York, Mrs. M. D. Welch, with Mrs. E. H. Barbour, cs alternate. The executive committee which is compostd of the two ladies elected and the president was requested to present at the next meeting Borne changes in the constitution. ' After the transaction of business there was a general discussion as to ways and means of aesisting in the effort to restore the public library of the city. Sugges tions were made of donations of money, books or magazines, The city library was diecussed and suggestions made relative to aiding it. Mm. Welch waB appointed a committee to ascertain how how many and what volumea of old WHY DEWEY OUT THE MANILA CABLE, .Being asked by. an 4 intimate friend if hVreally cut the cable between Manila and Hongkong, not to shut "off k' the Spaniards from home ordersbut rather to get beyond quick reach ot the United States Nary .department, Dewey suavely said; "We had no. apparatus fof'cabling onboard ship. But even if we could have obtained it, the cable company would have been obliged to refuse to re ceive or transmit messages in that way. It could not have afforded to do any thing that would enable the Spaniards in case they returned to power in Manila after the war to withhold pBy. ment of their subsidy. Don't you think IheBe reasons are good enough?' Octo ber Ladies' Homo Journal. Have you anything laid by for a rainy day? a. Yes, but its for my rainy day, lot 26.00 125.00 The Union Pacific has made the Great ly RedaeedRate-of W&00 to Portland and other Puget Sound 'point, also to Helena and Montana points, Salt Lake City and Utah points. For tickets and full information call E. B. Slosson, pleasures, of life but too often become wards of the public. It is intended to" magazines and periodicals could' be 'ae' maKeimeciuoa DieEBing to tbe blind. CUred by Sorosis members from their The plan, which is still tentative, is to own files or from eastern friends or fit up a club house suited to the special trim ' any other source to assist in re'. needs oi tbe blind. In thia house in structions will be- given in occupations that will make them self-supporting. Also this club house will be made a place ot exchange for the sale of their handiwork AtJ the eame time sys tematic arrangements will provide for the social and intellectual culture of these unfortunate women. Regular readers are to be employed who will read aloud the newspapers .while the women: work.' Therje will , also be a regular course of study for the hours ot leisure.'' ?'" ""' " lift 30J' placing those lost in the fire. Dates for eadera were appointed for the coming year. After adjournment refreshments were served and disposed of to the strains of mueic furnished by Mrs. Guthrie's oldest son. The next leader is Mies Anna Miller, subject "Tho Growth of the American Press." The next meeting will be held at tbe home of Mre. Barbour. Miss Miller's outline is as follows: The growth of the American press, . Modern newspapers what they are, Origin of printing, ' ' The first newspapers, Exceptionally low rates have been authorized by the Burlington Routo and connecting, lines to Portland, Tacoma, or Seattle and return. Tickets will bo sold October 14, 15, and 16, going limit October 20, final return limit November 10. Stopovers will be allowed in both directions and the rate will be one fare (50.00) for the round trip. Tho Burling ton offers diverse routes without addi tional charge. For the National Jubi lee Convention of the Christian church to be hold at Cincinnati, October, 13 to 10, bIeo for the Lbundrymens' National Association at St. Louis, Octobor 0 to 11 and for tbe meeting of the grand lodge, Knights of Pythias, to be held at Lin coln October 10 to 12, tbe Burlington offers a rate' of fare and one third on the regular certificate plan. For particulars regarding any of theBO excursions please call at the Burlington City Tickot Office corner lOih and ,.0 streets, or at the Union Passenger Station, -7th-and P str. The Rock Island playing carda are the slickest you over bandied. One pack will bo Bent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps, A money order or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will aecure 4 packs. They will be sent by express, charges propaid. Address, John Skiiabtian, G. P. A., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y, ChicifMO, Cure Conattlpatioxi, BilliousncBs, nervousness and tho pill habit. Action not followed by coative noes, Doubt it? Try it. Sample free. DruggiBts.25c.or address ANTI-PILL CO , Lincoln, Nob- Pleasant home for .students at THE MODEL DINING HALL. 310 South 12th street Twerf ty-one meals for $2.50, ' I understand he was once , jilted by a girl worth over half a million. Did be take it baid? Yes, very. Why I honeBtly believe if the girl bad been worth fifty thousand more be would be a dead man today. Lt lADY 1 LINCOLN, NEBRHSKI. i Wearein.receirjtof the vear book of ' Tho political party trees.! the History arid Art club of' Seward, '.Transition period, ' , , whose honored' president, Mrs. 'S?C.' Women as journalists, ' , Langworthyis our beloved state preai- A Paperaf pthe,r countries. miring motto' ' Subjects for discussion: TheMofl dnnt. This hih Viaa thalnanirinfl "No footsteps backward" and has enter, of the press; 'is it decreasing? eu upon a year a study or uerman nis- ofluence The Great Rock Island Route is placing Interchangeable Mileage' Books on sale at all coupon offices, west of. Missouri river. These books are good on 37 different railroads and sill be a great advantage to commercial men and travelers., The net rate is 2c per mile in .Kansas)' MissouriV'-Nebiiska, -Okla-'i homa and Indian Territory. I don't like my caddie tie laughs every, time 1 misa a ball. ,, .. . -I'lnotfceyhewaandars'o.:'-'. ' ) ARE YOU GOING TO Cliioaso or tTtxG Icset: THK THROUOH XXPRKSfl FROM COLOR DO r,VIAOMABA V tory. Each page is appro priate and helpful mottoes, as, for the October meetings. "Autumn ia here and we will cull hia lingering flowers. An other motto tells ua that "Nature when she adds difficulties adds brains." That "TIb the mind that makes the body rich," and that "Strength growa with burdens." One feature of this program I should like to emphasize. The carry ing through the year's study one thread ot thought. Another feature presented by this year book ia the length ot its club year tbe first meeting ia held October 7, the last meeting which is purely for business, viz: election of of-. The executive board of the Woman club held a business session last Wed nesday afternoon at which plans for the coming season's work were discussed. Upon the new basis of representation thia club is entitled to five delegates be sides tbe president and these were elected at this meeting. Mrs. Milton Scott was elected laat Spring, the ad ditional ones elected on Wednesday were Mrs. W. D. Fitigerald, Mrs. Abel' and Mrs. I. N. Baker. These with the president will entitle this club, to' six votes at the coming annual meeting to' be held in York Oct 10th to 13th in clusive. Tbe standing committees for fleers, report of program committee, etc, the yr "ere appointed and all general t . " ni .' ' ' . ri.uL hiialnftaa irranmil. . TtinaA )AalIni ib neia iaay zm. wnueon may .win business arranged. r the club eniova an annual nicnic. We memoersnip ttcxeis might hear from the History and Art club as to the advantages or disadvan tages of weekly meetings as it is the on Those desiring can obtain them from Mrs. Richardson in the Burr block or from any member of the board. One of the pleasant entertainments provided . How. did you come to find 'a 'wife Bobbins? I didn't. She waa looking forme. TIME IS MONEY. When you are traveling, due con slderation snould be given 'to the amount of time spent in making your journey. The Union Pacific ia the best liuo aud makes the fastest time by many houra to Salt Lake City, Portland and Cali fornia points. ' For time tables, folders, illustrated books,pamphlets descriptive ot the ter ritory traversed, call at City Office, 1044 Ost.A , " E. B. Slosson. Gen. Agent, iv ?'. . r ly club in Nebraska which holda weekly for hI 'ub Shakspere recital to be meetings. The Century club held its first meet ing last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Milton Scott. Thia club will study thia season,. Holland and her characteristics. . Thia . will be' an unusually intereating study just at given by Mr. Barnes. The first regular testing will be held in its old quarters the'Salsbury block Oct 0. There goea a roan who is a benefactor to hia race. What has he done? He has invented a noiseless hand organ. AND THE Chicago Express from Kansas City' -, InaJditionto Pullman Sleepers. Free Chair Cars, and tho Best Dining Car V bervice in tbe World, are equipped with Buffet Library Smoklaf Cars ' ' ' furnished in club style and supplied with ' latest periodicals, illustrated paper Hndv a Mfcct library ot recent fiction. '- v ARE YOU GOING TO ' ColuruUo ox the We TRY THE "COLORADO FLYKR" Faat, carries Dining Cars and Pullman Sleepers. Leave Omgha,.40 p.m.; Kim aas City, 6 30 p.m.; St. Joseph, 4 50 ,,.ui. Arrive at Denver and Colorado Spr'ugo, next morning. JOHN, SEBASTIAN. G. F. A. u2 ' Cbicigo, J E. W. TnQMP60N,tAG., V m&y 'Topakarkiii,. FRANIT.H. Barnes, op. A, llth andj BtMeta, Lincoln, ?fb Britisher England man to do bisduty. ', AmericanBut will hold out. - . " There is one good thing about the expects every Filipines. ..""' How so? our heiresses They are islands and we can not very well have, boundary disputes. v HXr - - t'-.cFW- , M . "fll ar I 'I'lrll'Iv H ( IlNTEITMIta t ' THt PATgNT ICtM, S9riiM WH KMN nt ml. A. t i 1