r.. I B TOL. XIV., NO. XXXIX. ESTABLISHED IN 1880 PRICE FIVE CBNTS ' i ' t ... , " i . LINCOLN. NBBR.. bAIUrvDAY. SbPIBMBBR HO, 1899. Jmm? ENTERED IN THE POBTOFHOB AT LINCOLN AB SECOND CLA8B MATTER. PUBLISHED EVERY 8ATDRIAY BT W COURIER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO Office 1132 N Btreet, Up Stairs Telephone 384. 8AKAH D. HARMS. Editor Subscription Katep In Advance. Per annum 9100 Six months 75 Three months 50 One month 20 Single copies 05 Tub Courier will not bo responsible for vol notary communications unloss accompaniod by return postago. Communications, to rocolvo attention, must bo signed by ttio full namo of the writer, not merely as a guarantee of good faith, but for publication if advisable X OBSERVATIONS. 8 Street Decoration. Many elaborate booths erected for Inst week's street fair were undeniably ugly though the merchants spent enough on their decoration to have se cured beauty. Not to be invidious, but for the sake of truth and in order to profit by the experiences of one year for next year's improvement, there were but three booths that re ceived praise. Believing that the de cision of the multitude when uttered unconsciously and offered gratuitously Is valuable, it is worth while to study the reason for these three village tri umphs. A glance eastward from the government building on O utreet re vealcd among a hedge pedge of booths one dimlnant Moresque domo. This dime wlih itsslender peak was light and airy and iudiscnbably festive in effect. The short arcades, on each side of the dome, were also very pleas ing. Further east on O street was a email Greek temple, erected with nice detail and smoothly covered with is hi to oilcloth. A block further east stcrd another booth, in the shape of a rugt da and filled with goods exquisite ly draped, and juxtaposed by a color 1st of no mean ability. These three notable displays among a confusion of badly designed and decorated booths indicate that before another fair time we should learn ntu methcdB and accept new canons. The decoration of New York for Dewey was a new departure in Amerl can street decoration. In the first place the streets were not left to be decorated in spots by each house liolder nccordlng to the riot or the commcnplaceness if his imagination. Leading up to the arch, Vene,tan masts have been erected. Far "from criticising the plan and scope com mittee for adopting a foreign archi tectural expression of triumph, it Ib to be congratulated for selecting the arch, the masts and winged victorys to express a nation's Joy over the re-, return of a conqueror. . The moment that the Admiral sees these old sym bols of triumph his mind will, per-, force, be rurrled buck to the Medici and the warriors of the Italian cities, to Caesar and Rome triumphant, to Athens and Mlltladcs or to Admiral Thcmlstoclcs. It is with architecture as with songs and words: certain notes and certain vowel combinations mean triumph, and if a new symbol be selected it will require centuries for a nation to learn it. The architectural language the New Yorkers used was first adopted by the Greeks, enriched by the Rom ans and completed by the Italian cities. The unity of the decorations is the new feature In American municipal triumphs. The householders along the line ef march have been requested to hang rich rugs and bright stuffs from their windows. Thus making a better and more effective background for the procession than the tawdry cotton bunting with colors rain soaked and stained that we have been in the habit of putting up wherever a tack or nail could be driven and with out much regard to the effect. By decorati ng the sides of the streets them selves and by restricting the decora tion of buildings to flat draperies hung from windows the committee has secured unity, or the subordina tion of one part to another for the sake of the whole. The Fire Department Most of the citizens who take an in terest in and hope for much from the weekly council meetings were disap pointed that the council did not, at least, discuss the needs of the fire de partment on Monday, A change in its organization or the destruction by fire of more valuable property is im minent. Considering the condition of the oity funds it is difficult to se cure a better fire chief than Chief Wicdman, but these difficulties are not so great as the dangers which menace the city so long as an incom petent man is in charge of the depart ment. Lacking the force, the self confidence, the good Judgment, and the specific knowledge of fire fighting which a chief should possess, Mr. Wiedman's encumbency of the office is a menace to the city. The firemen are unprepared by drills for the emergency of a fire. The stations are neatly kept, the horses well groomed, and there is probably no'; another fire chief's cart in this country so gorgeously painted as the Lincoln one. And the latter seems to be the principal perquisite of the position. It will be remembered that when Mr. Wicdman superceded Mr Malone.that either the new chief or the old one alternately sat in the cart for days waiting for a fire alarm. The cart has been made tho insignia of office, the splendor of the position belongs to him who sits in tho cart. It is as the crown to the king, and more it is his seal Without it there is no Joy in being chief and the fire men who have the knack of painting arc put to work painting and striping tho cart whenever a scratch mars It, According o the rules of conduc con sidered essential for tho Lincoln lire department, the first and most im portant relates to the fire chief's cart and the state he is thus enabled to maintain while being driven about the city by an obsequious fireman. There Is really no other vehicle per. fee In appointments, driver and all, in the city. Coupes are scarce, tho only victoria has disappeared and the large two seated family carriages, stanhopes, and surreys are not especi ally startling. A rickety cart, poorly groomed horses, and untidy stations would not be a credit to the department, but tho citizens would submit to less show and fewer parades by the fire department, if they might witness a few drills, and be surprised by the quick, concerted, Intelligent action of trained firemen. At the present time the department is apparently unconcerned about fires but particular about shining brass and polished paint. Sixty or seventy dollars a month paid to a fireman for painting carts and shining brass and copper Is very much higher than the market price of such labor. For a trained fireman who knows exactly -what his duties are when the fire alarm sounds, who understands the machinery of the various Implements for putting out a fire, and who can handle them without breaking, the salary is not excessive. The audiences which have watched tho Lincoln firemen at work will bear witness to their lack of discipline, their disor ganization and helplessness when the department is attempting to get con trol of a serious fire. On dress parade they are a hearty, clean, neat group of men, and in so far as shining paint and brass can reflect credit upon the department, the department receives it then. But, I maintain, as firemen doing the work for which the depart ment exlsts.the shiniest street parade is but an obnoxious reminder of their real inefficiency. If they are failures as firemen, it is a conspicuous and re peatedly demonstrated failure all around. Nebraska has a meteorological rep utation for high winds which the weather record sustains. Up to the present time it has happened, only happened, that no fires have broken out during a wind storm of great ve locity. With the present inexperienc ed set of carpenters, painters, and hostlers, called firemen by an uncriti cal council, if a fire were to break out In any of the down town blocks while the wind was blowing, in a few hours Lincoln would become but a name for Isolated resldcncts surrounding a few acres of what was O street, N s'reet,' Eleventh street, etc., flanked by a' postoffice building, banks, shops, and all tho various buildings which make a town. Thoro aro very few fire proof buildings here, and a fire department that could not prevent a stone church from burning when it was separat ed ten feet or more from a burning building would be unable to keep a lire from spreading in the direction of the wind-over the whole block and. if the block then the town. What Dewey Said. In his first interview with reporters in Amerlcun waters, Admlrul Dewey contradicted the Impression which the unti-expansionists have indus triously circulated, that he' was In favor of Agulnuldo and of evacuating the Filipincs to any sort of govern ment. The Admiral said that he, k new Aguinaldo well and that he was bright but shallow and the tool of sharp lawyers who were using him 10 accomplish their own purposes in tho Filipinos. He said the Filipinos were a bright and industrious people, still incapable of self-government,' but more capable of autonomy than' the Cubans. The Admiral said also that he only knew enougli to run a ship and was pretty sure he was not clever enough to run tho United States, that he could not even make a good speech and that he must bo con-' tented with his lot. To be sure his lot is not deplorable Just now and most anybody would be contented with It. Even Julius Caesar or Na-' poleon on his return from the Italian' campaign was greeted with no more' enthusiastic affection than Admiral Dewey has been. It seems very likely' that One of the two great political parties will nominate him for the' presidency. None of his family seems to know what his politics are. He said' to a reporter who quoted his (Dewey's) son's authority for saying that lie was a republican, that his son knew no more about it than a stick of wood that lay on the deck near where he was standing. It has been suggested,' therefore, that the national conven slon that meets first, either demo cratic "r republican will nominate ' Admiral Dewey His freedom from a landsman's predilections prejudices,' the width and soundness of his views and his habit of making decisions quickly and correctly would be of la estimable value to a president. As for the speech-making we can get along without that, wo have heard so many speeches and whatever Dewey does say Is so pointed and sensible. As the president of this country the heart of the people might safely trust In him. , He has spent the most of his life on the open sea, with a wide horizon on all sides of him. Wall Street baa. never blocked his vision. It has been t so far away that it lips not influenced; s