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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1899)
EUIUjPJK3I ttmnmumwimuMum THE COURIER Profeanional Directory. i . , ) Ofllco over Hnrloy's J Oliver Johnson, D.D.S. j.0-g,t Ofllco 784 Jffiee :::::riDr-Beni-p-Baii6y L EToningi, by appolnttnont. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. I Ofllco, Zehrnng Block j 9 to 10 a in V12 to 12:30 lei Rosldence, 1313 G streot ) 2 to 4 p m ) 2 to 4 p r m, and ny appointment. 5 MS Jl g?IETY t jit I Dr. J. B. Trickey, f Refractionist only i 1 9 to 12 at m Office, 1035 O atroot VI to 4 p.m. DENTISTS. ( Office, rooms 26, 27 and ) ) - . -- . I Office, rooms 26, 27 ana OBIce 630.VLOUiS N. WenteJXD.S.S l.Brownoll Block, 137 ) I Bollth streot. Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy, Farmers and Merchants Building. )foroior(KOfMKiorN o oocxxoroJOooJOro ? i INSURE Z PHENIX ? LANDY C. 6LARK, Agent. 6 O Q 1009 0 street. Telephone 105. 2 V v oroiotoooio(iorx(H o oooiooioioicc'0io I ?. ffl. Seite 'ill 1 107 O Street, Telephone 626. All tlie People Will agree that we are cut price druggists on prescriptions as well as patent medicines and sundries; that we have the best equipped as well aB the brightest anil cleanest store in the west. 70c Florida Water 35c 50c (Jatar'h Pow'der Ingersoll 40j 35c Castoria 25c 25c Bromn Sellzer 20i 25c imported Violet Boap.... 10 50c Birney'B Catarrh Powder. 40c 50c Syrup ot Figs 40c 10c Vaseline 5c 25c Juvenile Soap 15c 25: Swaosdown Powder 15c Carter's Pills 15c RIGGS PHARMACY Fonke Opera House, 12th and O st MMMHMMIIMMMMMMI 0 : mmMsm i 06W" Send for new catalogue after September 15. B. K. Begulpon Pljoto Supplies. ROOM 6, tft'i, ioa.1 o Rf Vai .A.VS IA -- BJ B I ,rftasmmmssuaiSiie Mnooin, ieni', tn " ity?v' SvV )MMMIIMIMMMI MIMMM MMMMMMMMMMCMQmOtM ". iff Ihe week has held little of interest that has not in some way boon related to tno reception to our gallant First. The preparations which have tilled the past two weeks were eo complete, thanks to the indefatigable energy of tho com mitttcB, that the soldiers were fittingly received and feasted upon their arrival. The ladies who have bad in charge the arrangements for the serving of moale. are much to be commended for the business ability aad practical grasp of large affairs displayed, be well as for the taste and ingenuity exercised in the decorations of the dining hall as a whole and of the individual tables. The hall used is in the form of a maltese itoes. In the center, a platform, drapod in rod, white and blue, with upright pillars twined with bunting, furnished a pleas ing point from which the long rows of tables radiated. This stand waB occu pied on Wednesday during the time of the evening meal by Hagbnow'a bani which rendered a pleasing program, Wednesday was the first day of the feast and much curiosity was evinced by the crowds who surrounded the open doors, and many commendatory remarks were heard concerning the interior ar rangements. The entice ceiling space was hung with triangular banners of pink and green, forming an overhead sea of soft and pleasant coloring. The center of it was filled with flags and a profusion of small flagB and streamers of bunting distributed about the wails added the necessary patriotic touch. At the north entrance was a large arch of the delicate green of asparagus ferns, and decorated with tiny flags. Mrs. Will Wittmann was in charge of tho dec orations of the hall and everyone was surprised at the transformation wrought by the thousands of pennants depend ing from tho roof and Btrung in con verging lines towards thecentor. Pass ing through the arch the soldiers dis tributed themselves through tho room and selected places at the daintily pre pared tables, each of which was pre sided over by the chairman who bad been responsible for its preparation. The bevy of young ladies who assisted in serving were charmingly gowned those at each table presenting Eorae in dividual feature, such as dainty caps or distinctive rosettes, which added to the charm of the pceno. The ladicB in charge decorated their tables with a success which bespoke n devotion and enthusiasm which merited the admiration of all. Tho decorations can not be described fully but the merest outline must suggest the care given to their arrangement. In the north wing were five tableB presided over by Mrs. W. B. Ogden, Mrs. D. D, Muir, Mrs. John Dorgan, Mrs. Lyon and Mm. C. II. Ladd. Mrs. Ogdon's table was decorcted in pink and green, a huge jardiniere of ferns occupying the center of the table while bowls of btidesmaid roses lent a touch of color. A roso at each place completed a most dainty wholo. Mrs. Muir'a lablo was in red and green, the blossoms used boing scarlet geraniums and cannas to which ferns added brilliancy by contrast. Mrs. Dorgan 'b tablo was in pink and green, a largo canopy formod of pink chrysanthemums aud asparagus feme, overhung tho center. From each cor ner deponded tendrils of green which 'ffi were fastened to upright wreathed coluranB rising from the four corners of the table. The fourth tablo at which Mrs. Lyon presided was done in red and white carnations with a touch of groon. Tiny flags added to this brilliant and effective decoration.- The beauty of tho fifth table, Mrs. C H. Ladd'e, was also dueto a tasteful arrangement of smnll Hugs. The first table in the west wing, Mrs, Lew Marshall being in charge, was mosk appropriately adorned. CroBs guns if the center supported a basket of trailing vines with blossoms of red, white and blue peeping out here and there, lied white and blue asters at each place added the last bright touch to a very unique and striking table. A cozy cor ner adjoining made inviting by a gener ous use of rugs, divanB and cushions was evidently much appreciated by the BonB of Mars who chanced upon it. The next table presided over by Mrs. W. A. Green was gay with golden-rod, massed in big yeilow jardiniereB with the over-Dresent flag appearing here and there amid the gold. Mrs. Carl Funke had chosen flags and asparagus ferns as the medium for working out a pretty scheme for a tablo surrounded by white capped maidens. The central piece was a large American flag draped from the ceiling. Mrs. Albert Watkins, with red and green aB color scheme, worked It out uniquely with flowers and fruit. Scar. lot geraniums and ferns formed a center " piece, while at each end of tho table watermelons carved into pyramidal shape upheld-the dignity of the vine. Mrs. Mitchell's table was in green and white charmingly cool and refresh ing in effect, duo to the tasteful arrange ment of white carnations, palms and ferns. Mr 9. Barbour used Hags and ferns to most artistic purpose in the dec oration other table. In the south wing two small tables under the care of Miss Clara Smith were decorated alike with red geraniumsacd asparagus fern. In the east wing Mrs. Frank Woods presided at the first table which was gorgeouB in red and yellow, cannaB be ing the Btately flower chosen. These were massed in yellow jardinieres with a bit of green to emphasize their brilliance. Mrs. Walter Hargreaves chose golden rod as a seasonable decoration. A great mass of it glowed in the center of the table, while foliage plants with their soft rich coloring, subordinating tbeniv selves to the rich yellowa, made abar-7 monious and artistic whole. Glints of vivid red here and thorp added to the satisfaction which thB beholder felt. Mrs.C. E. Yates bad chosen green and gold and her tablo was beautifully diees od in forne and goldon-rod while graceful palms added a suggestion of the far tropics whence our own are returned. Miss IIollnwbuBh's table had a pyra mid ot fruit with asparagus ferns making a delicate tracery, At each plato a red and a white carnation tied with red, white and bluo ribbon spoke of tho Hag again. Mrs. H. O. VanBrunt presided at tho coffee urn, no small duty when coffee ia served to hundreds. It is estimated that moro than six hundred soldiora par took ot Lincoln's hospitality during this. tho first day, and surely none of tbeinV can over doubt the sincerity of tho wel