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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1899)
l i!E W' oiHiLiK 12 the cou:;.x. THE OLDER LOVER When bb a boy I loved you, dear, 'Twas Love himself I loved the best, And I, Love's music n my ear, Forgot that one could be more bleat, Forgot your joy was more to me Than joy of love could ever be. At last itself my dull heart knew And turned from Love, my dear, to you. F. C. Patmek in Harper's Weekly ALL OF THESE SONG3 FREE. Announcement was made last week of a Sunday World Music Album of ten songs to be issued weekly. Following is the complote liBt: In the Shadow of the Carolina Hills by George Taggart and Max S. Witt, authors of "The Moth and the Flame." "If All the Girls Were Like You," by Charles Graham, author of "Two Little Girls in Blue." "I'm nothing but a Big Wax Doll," by Malcolm Williams, author of "My Ann Elizer." "You'll Have to Transfer," by Abe Jiolaemann, composer of ''Smoky Mokes" the greatest cakewalk bit of the Beason. "Sweet Norine," by Gussio L. Davis, author of "The Baggage Coach Ahead." "Snap-Shot Sal," by Williams and Walker, the two real "coons," authors of "I Don't Like No Cheap Mas." "Tell Mother Not to Worry," by Louis Myll, composer of Coontown Carnival Cakewalk." "Prancing Pickaninnies," by Max Dreyfus, composer of "A Carolina Cake walk." "My Georgia Lady Love," by Sterling Howard end Emerson, authors of .'Hallo, Ma Baby." "There Ain't No Use to Keep on Hanging 'Round," by Irving Jonesf author of "Get Your Money's Worth." One song each week for ton weeke, First Bong published Sept. 3, "In the Shadow of the Carolina Hide." The entire set is to be given away with ten Sunday Worlds, and will be sent postpaid, including ten Sunday World Magazines, Art Portfolio and Comic Weeklies for 50 cents. . Send GO cents today, tomorrow or next wepk, Don't wait later than next week. This is a most exceptional offer and is only put forth to advertise the great Sunday World. Address, Music Editor, Th World, Pultizer Building, New York. The Nebraska Sanitarium. Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following inducements to the tired and suffering- public who are seeking- Health, Rest and Comfort: THE institution is situated pn an ele- Scientifically classified dietary. Skillful attention oivan tn !, L vated Bite, overlooking the city of r ' Hicwrai attention given to the trat Lincoln, which lies three miles to Laboratory of hygiene forjbacterlologi- mentor the northwest, and with which it pal and microscopical investigation. nia.oanf,a..t. j is connected by an electric street rail- Q. . . ,. . ... Diseases of the Stomach and tics. . .. ., , . , Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose. Throat Aseptic operating rooms and surgical and LunOT ' ' m' Diseases peculiar to women. Best of advantages for the treatment of all forms of chronic diseases. Incur able and offensive patients not received. way. One of the most healthy locations be tween the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. A well regulated institution for the treatment of all chronic diseases. Water of unusual purity. Bathsof every description, including the Electric-light bath. wards. Four physicians, well-trained, with large experience in eanitarium medical work. Trained nurses of both sexes. For circulars giving rates and further information, address, NEBRASKA SANITARIUM, ' College View, Nebraska. ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT G. A. R. PHILADELPHIA. LOW KATES, VARIABLE ROUTES, STOP OVERS. Here is a popular excursion for you by the North-Western line, nearly every- ! thing one can want is granted. Fare for round trip same route going and teturning.continuous passage $32.85, going and returning same route with one stop over in each direction east of Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or PittBburg $31.05; going one way and returning an other with one stop over as above $36 05. Tickets will be Bold September 1, 2. and 3. Extreme limit September 30. For other information please call at city ticket office, 117 S. 10th Str. Lincoln, Nebr. 30-Gt Ilmvv KnrrlnK. In the early days of Rome the women' of that city worn such heavy earning? that they made their ears sore and sometimes tore the lobes. There were doctors whose business was chiefly to heal ears thus injured. The Rock Island playing cards are the slickest you over handled. One pack will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. A money order or draft for 50 centB or same in stamps will secure 4 packs. They will be sent 'by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Sebastian, G. P. A., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y, Chicgao. Expensive Fence. Almost every nation, with the excep tion of the United States and Great Britain, Is overtaxed to meet the ex penses of maintaining its army and navy. France runs behind to the amount of-$l,000,000,000, Austria has an annual deficit of $80,000,000, Russia of 50,000,000"and Italy of $30,000,000. Onion Specific for Epidemic. Onions are commended as a specific against epidemics if sliced and kept in a room, where they will absorb any atmospheric poison. manufacture; . . tjh bhsw uncoin (STEEIv RAXGS . . . Warranted to be the Best and Most Satisfactory Range ever made. Any kind of fuel may be used, that one item alone being economy. These Ranges would be a comfort in any home. For what thby ape They are the cheapest you can buy. At least give one a trial. We warrant you complete satisfaction Write us for full particulars. ae o at , Lincoln, Neb, i Twelve Business Maxims. x The president of the London cham ber of commerce gives twelve maxims which he has tested through vears of business experience, and which he recommends as tending to ensure suc cess: 1 Have a definite aim. 2 Go Btralght for it. 3 Master all details. 4 Always know more than you are expected to know. 5 Remember that difficulties are only made to overcome. 6 Treat failures as stepping stones to further effort. 7 Never put your hand out farther than you can draw it back. 8 At times be bold; always prudent. 9 The minority often beats the ma jority in the end. 10 Make good use of other men's brains. 11. Listen well; answer cautiously; decide promptly. 12 Preserve, by all means in your power, "a sound mind In a sound body." THI5 The Great Rock Island Route is placing Interchangeable Mileage Books on sale at all coupon offices west of Missouri river. These books are good on 37 different railroads and will be a great advantage to commercial men and travelers. The net rate is 2)c per mile in Kansas, Missouri, Nebjeska, Okla homa and Indian Territory. con mo i m i m Thrice-a-week Edition, Practically Daily at the price of a Weekly. Hissed Ills Own Fiirro. When Lamb's farce of "Mr. H." was acted he gave a curious instance of one of his singular traits. There were few evidences of humor in the play and the construction was undramatlc; still, there was much to show that it was written by a man Infinitely su perior to the farce writers of the day. Toward the end of the play, when It was evident to all that It was unmis takably damned, the attention of the audience was attracted to a very loud and violent hissing. What was the as tonishment of Lamb's friends to find this expression of vigorous dissent came from Lamb himself, who, when questioned as to his motive after the fall of the curtain, stammered: "I was afraid they would take me to be the author." The striking and important events of the last year have established the overwhelming value of The Thriok-a. Week Would to every reader. For an almost nominal sum it bus kept its sub scribers informed of the progress of all our waas and, moreover, has reported them as promptly and fully as if it were a aaily. With our interests still extend ing throughout the world, with our troop3 operating in the Philippines, and the great Presidential campaign, too, at hand, ita value is further increased. The moHo of The Thrioe-a Week World is improvement. It strives each year to bo better than it was the year before, and public confidence in it is shown by the fact that it now circulates more than twice as many papers every weok bb any other newspaper, not a daily, published in America. We offer this . un equaled newspaper and the Courier together one year for 81.2j. , The regular subscription prico of the two papers is 82.00 Globe Sights. . If you know" that the bride has made her own wedding outnVglve the groom a particularly glad hand of con gratulntlon; he has struck a prize. Af ter a woman has been married to a man as long as a year she deserve as handsome a writing desk 'as he can give her for pay for the letters Bhe has written for him to his kin. An Atchison man treats his wife so mean when they are alone that she Iwb ap pealed to her parents to provido her with a chaperone. A chaperone should lie provided for married people, any way; they are always more consider ate and polite when a third person ii around. Atchison Globe, -alvajs 1 ,'t .'.'- if T" ( fT All the news without prejudice; The best general reading; The best marKet reports; it The Great Paper of the Great West, IMxe Kansas Oitjr Star By mail, postage prepaid, daily and Sunday, I year SOO By mail, ostapre prepaid, daily and Sunday, 6 months. . . 2.00 1?lie Weekly Kanaaa pity Star Postage pre-paid, 25 cents a year. .' Y