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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1899)
wmwm i imiMmmyjwzte 2 &.... .&-' m THE COU .j SOME EFFECTS OF THE AMERI CAN OCCUPATION OF CUBA. The Nebraska Sanitarium. i r The story of the reconstruction of Cuba, by Franklin Matthews, la to be published in September UDder the title "The New-Born Cuba." Judging from the papers as they appeared in Harper's Weekly, this will be one of the most in teresting books of the war. No one, unless bo has read the book, can really appreciate the magnitude of the task that faced the American army of oc cupation, or the admirable way in which order waa brought out of chaos. There were also many amusing features connected with the reconstruction which are well described by Mr. Mat thewH. "The most striking signs of American military occupation," according to Mr. Matthews, "outside of the aotual pres ence of our soldiers, were the placards poated up in every cafe and drinking place in the city to the effect that by order of General Ludlow positively no alcoholic liquoi a were to be sold to our soldiers. Everywhere in Havana there were brilliant lithographs advertising various brands of American beer. It was a wonder that some enterprising agent bad not plastered the sides of Morro Castle with these signs. One would think, from the number of them in town, that we were simply a nation of beer-guzzlers. One noticed with satisfaction, to offset this, that in many of the shops were signs, 'English Spok en Here;' and American bicycle stores, typewriting establishments, haberdash ery stores were a pleasant relief to 'Greater New York Cafes.' 'St. Louis Cabinets,' and 'Chicago Retreats' that had sprung upon all sides. The Ameri can occupation of Havana came home to me with a jar one day when I was passing through busy Obispo street, as I read this sign: "STOP, AMERIOAMS! CHEWING-GUM SOLD HERE! TEN CENTS A PACKAGE!" "It wbb not wise to take too seriously the sign 'English Spoken Here.' The interpreter frequently lived, or did business, half a block away, and some times he could not be found. When be did arrive, his English waa likely to correspond toan advertisement that I bbw at the entrance to a barber shop. It read: 'Very good works made here.' Here is the advertisement of au 'Ameri can restaurant,' taken from its busineBB card: "This first class of establishment offeir the public, rooties with every comfort and con- vinionco for accommodation of permaent anf tran- T Located at College View, Nebr.r offers the following' inducements to the tired and suffering public who are seeking Health, Rest and Comfort: Scientifically classified dietary. HE institution is situated on an ele- afAl a!h rhVAplVhlr inn 4tiA nlf.v nff Lincoln, which lies three miles to Laboratory of hygiene forlbacteriologi the northwest, and with which it cal and microscopical investigation. is connected by an electric street rail way. One of the most healthy locations be tween the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. A well regulated institution for the treatment of all chronic diseases. Water of unusual purity. Batbsof every description, including the Electric-light bath. Skillful attention given to the treat ment'of Diseases of the Stomach and DIgettlr System. Stomach fluids analyzed for dyspep tics 4" , .. . . , Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Noso, Throit Aseptic operating rooms and surgical and jjnngBt ' inroat' wards. Four physicians, well-trained, with large experience in sanitarium medical work. Diseases peculiar to women Best of advantages for the treatment of all forms of chronic diseaseu. Incu, able and offensive patientB not received" Trained nurses of both sexes. For circulars giving rates and further information, address, NEBRASKA SANITARIUM, College View, Neiiuabka. cient guest. "It will be observed that there is more trouble with spelling than with syntax in that sentence. Here is an extract from a circus handbill printed in 'English:' "Special collection of train doge in troducing Domestical Dogs and ETC presented by Mr. Antoni Pubillones "And so the American military oc cupation of Havana unfolded itself to the visitor." ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT G. A. R. PHILADELPHIA. LOW KATES, VARIABLE ROUTES, STOP OVERS. Here is a popular excursion for you by the North-Western line, nearly every thing one can want is granted. Fare for round trip same route going and leturniog.continuous passage $32.85, going and returning same route with one stop over in each direction east of Buffalo, Niagara Falls, or Pittsburg $34.05; going one way and returning an other with one stop over as above $36.05. Tickets will be sold September 1, 2. and 3. Extreme limit September 30. Fo other information please call at city ticket office, 117 S. 10th Str. Lincoln, Nebr. .TO-Ct The Rock Island playing cardB are the slickest you over handled. One pack will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps, A money order or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will secure 4 packs. They will be sent by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Sebastian, G. P. A Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y, Chicgao. r BUCKSTAFF BROS. 21 AST UP ACT CJREJ . . . 'X?SZ1S J&EZr WNCOIyN Warranted to be the Best and Most Satisfactory "Range ever made. Any kind of fuel may be used, that one item alone being- economy. These Ranges would be a comfort in any home. For what they ape They are the cheapest you can buy. At least give one a trial. We warrant you complete satisfaction. Write us for full particulars. 0 O St , WNCOI.N, Nob, $25.00 $25.00 The Union Pacific has made the Great ly Reduced Rate of $25.00 to Portland and other Puget Sound points, also to Helena and Montana points, Salt Lake City and Utah points. For tickets and full information call on Ej, B. Slosson, TIME IS MONEY. When you are traveling, due con sideration snould be given to the amount of time spent in making your journey. The Union Pacific is the best line and makes the fastest time by many hourb to Salt Lake City, Portland and Cali fornia points. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter ritory traversed, call at City Office, 1044 O st. E. B. Slosson. Gen. Agent, The Great Rock Island Route is placing Interchangeable Mileage Books on sale at all., coupon offices west of Missouri river. These book's are good on 37 different railroads and will be a great advantage to commercial men and travelers. The net rate is 2c per mile in Kansas, Missouri, Nebieska, Okla homa and Indian Territory. Subscribe for The Couiuvr $) h year Mil in i m w Thrice-a-week Edition, Practically Daily at the price of a Weekly. The striking and importnnt eveoti of the last year have established the overwhelming value of The Thrice Week Wobld to every reader. For id almost nominal sum it bsB kept its tab ecribers informed of the progress of ill our waan and, moreover, haa report) them as promptly and fully us if it uttt I winy, wun our interest? etui extend , log tnrougnout the world, with oar troops operating in tbe Philippines, god thegreat Presidential campaign, too, it band, its value is further increased. The moHo of The Thkioe-aWhi World is improvement. It strives each year to be better than it wns the )tir oerore, and public confidence in it a shown by the fact that it now circulate more man twice as many papers ever) weeit as any otner newspaper, not daily, published in America. We offer this unequaled newspiper ana me courier together one year (or The regular subscription price of tin two papers is vz.uu For official map of city of Los Aw es and N. E. A. Damohlet. address E. ft Sloesont I A Gold Mine at '" Yotr Door Would present great attractions. Moncv to burn" would be a reality. But if you had 'a million and Vinl,n?d to Spend jt on a wnec1' yu" could only use ux?7- ltt0 advantaffe- That would be for a Wittmann." If you bought any other wheel at any price, you would need the hahmrp fnr rntinirv. Do you know why the repair men never recommend "Wittmanns?" Well, it's plain. Thev don't get any money out of "Wittman" riders. 7 . 4- 4- . i ' T I LLIIUIUU you go into a shop. Scarce teeth. Look mann" bicy the streets, ves on the Why? Use your if iii -ftrs 1 ttv.' ' ii n tiV a ' V ' rir nw -:j"-Wi -Jit 41 yr reason and ride a ''Wittmann" bicycles suit rough and heavy weig riders because they hang together. At :mv ratovi can taice no chances. Jf defective parts are found in Wttuuinn Dicydo we will replace FlttiK at our stoic and pay all tram Look for a next time repair as hen 'is for "Wit cles on Like lea-trees. iX7'.U- ,m " V 1 ULlUUIll" weight mv rate vuu 1 portatiou charges, if any. '.en is C NOW IS THE TIME to buy owing to rapid advanc ing prices on material and labor. "Guaranteed price of $40.00 for entire seasons of 1899-1900. Harness, HI cycles, mid IMiuuogiiiplis. 1 WITTMAHH mill Dinitfi Lincoln. iVqbr. I j 14!I.Mfi s'oiitli )mmim:m$mm)ms)mm m$mm)mmi$ mm &'-