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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1899)
THE COURIER. 11 -LETTERS TO "GUEENUOY ." I f Your queetiong, boiled down to oows- ipnr dimensions, rcduco themselves to bout this: You desire to wreBtlo with iiblic life or, in other words, to plunge ito politics. To this is coupled an rdont desire to remain honest. The iiestion arises whether to array yourself rlth the republican party or onliBt in 10 democratic army. The matter of honesty is ensily set- Jo'J. To remain honest in public lito is aaaiblc. All one has to do is not to be 9r salo. As to parties: Not long ago a socialist Bcturor of notohad this to say: "The epublican party has sevonty per cent the brains of this country, but is WBpected of beinc in league with con- Bntrated wealth in the hands of the imperatively few. The democrats row sympathy with the toiling masses ad their needs, but lack brains." TbiB kmo lecturer aleoBaid that third party ivements and gatherings of tnalcon atfl generally, were worse than futile. lird parties are absolutely inelTctivo thia country. Its adherents are ireamors. They do not convert thought to action. Many individuals in pri- Uto life paddlo the same canoe. That l, they do not paddle at all. They Ho Dwn in tho bottom of the boat and Slow it to drift. s'For better or for worse wo must rust to one or the other of our two reat parties. : Regard for the majesty of truth com- Is me to say that progressive and ag- Iressive policies originate with the re- iblican party. The democrats stand r conservatism, wnen iney nappbn ' make a desperate attempt to appear Ileal, as exemplified in the Chicago itform of 18!)G with its cabalistic ratio ! 1G to 1, they are always grotesque. Che dear old lady doe3 not mean it. be is only tiirting witn ner ran. n juld be a grievous mistake to take her riouely. She extola the virtues of her icient idols Messrs Jefferson and ickson and fails to understand that live in a ditleren: age, which ac- bunts for the fact that she cannot rid Ireolf permanently of political priori- bb batched in the dayB of Christophor Dlumbus. 3omo flxod phrases aro uaod lu politi- warfare to which I invite your at ition. "The crime of '73," is a fair aple. "Waving the bloody shirt," happily passed into oblivion. Phese patent expressions need not lerve you from the path of rectitude. fcey are meaningless, perfectly harmlesb may be taken in large doses without 11 effects. In my next letter 1 will have some- Ing to say about me ainerence ub eon fresh issues real live and llggling issues and old rubbish. 3e careful to remember that funua- intal principles underlie all party itforma and that now issues are not Ibe lightly taken in like the week's Bhing of a limited family. J. H. Tvndalk. r. TvndHln'n excellent dramatic IticiBm is familiar to everybody.. The lineal analysis be intends to conuuui tho columns of tnls paper, win oe ifln hn rlAsirnn mn to HftV. without ilico or personal vilification. En. iLL OP THESE SONG3FREE. tnnouncement was made last week of lunday World Music Album of ten Iga to be issued weekly. Following the complete list: 'In the Shadow of the Carolina Hills,' George Taggart and Max S. Witt, Ibora of "The Moth and the Flame." fit All the GlrlB Were Like You." by irles Graham, author of "Two Little lain Blue." I'm nothing but a Big Wax Doll,' Malcolm Williams, author of "My Ann Elizor." "You'll Have to Transfer," by Abo llolztniinu, composor of ''Smoky Mokes' tho groatcst cakowalk bit of tho season; "Sweot Norlno," by Gussio L. DavlB, author of "Tho Baggage Coach Ahend." "Snap-Shot Sal," by Williams and Walker, tho two real "coons," authors of "I Don't Like No Chap Man." "Tell Mother Not to Worry," by Louis Myll, composer of Coontown Carnival Cakowalk." "Prancing Pickaninnies," by Max DroyfuB, composer of "A Carolina Cake walk." "My Georgia Lady Love," by Sterling, Howard end Emorson, authors of .'Hallo, Ma Baby." "Thora Ain't No Use to Keep on Hanging 'Round," by Irving JoneB, author of "Got Your Money's Worth." One Bong each week for ton weekB, FirBt song published Sept. .'!, "In the Shadow of the Carolina Hills." The entire set is to be given away with ten Sunday Worlds, and will bje Bent postpaid, including ten Sunday World Magazines, Art Portfolio and Comic Weeklies for GO cents. Send 50 cents today, tomorrow or next week Don't wait later than next week. ThiB is a most exceptional offer and is only put forth to advertise the groat Sunday World. Address, MubIc Editor, The World, Pultizer Building, New York. HIS OPPORTUNITY. Tenor (singing passionately) "RUe my soul, and stretch thy winge." Small Boy (in rear) Rubber! rubber! Why don't you advise your wife to save her money for a rainy day? She does not need it then. She never goes shopping when it's wet." I-aw-bad-bwain-fevah-larsteummah. Indeed; where did you have it? Hero's the bill for my bathing suit my dear. Well, well, well! it's the little things that count. Grewitt seemB to know the ropes. It's horedity my boy. His grand father was hanged. Jack Thoy say a kiss without a mustache is like egg without salt. What do you think about it? Ernestine Well er really, I can't eay. I never Jack-What? Ernestine Ate an egg without Bait. I don't believe in saying mean things about a man behind his back. It's generally safer than saying them before his face. To be able to play a star part in the drama of life a man must be managed by a woman. "Will you show us no quarter, sir?1' pleaded the captain of the captured merchantman. "Sorry," replied Captain Kidd, "but our quarter master 1b on his vacation at. present." Ethel George is teaching me to ride a bicycle. Maude Then that explains what he told me about your being thrown a great deal in his company. This is a hard world. When a man iB rich he is suspected of being a knave, and when he is poor he is known to be a fool. rcnui 11 Ti PATENT ImMms m may bs secured by our aid. Address. THE PATENT RECOUP, iHImsm. yd. ubfcrlptloos to The Patent Record 11.00 per annum. ' v ,1 bbbbbbbbbb) , t m?. - A BSBBSBBBB EbhHbWj i sbbbbbbbbbI l . QbbbbbbbbbbbbbI bbbbbbbEE BBBBBVSBpSW BBBBBBABBf. IsbbbV . -' ' sbbbbbbbbbB a EaaaV-SBBVf'SBBBBBBBaSBB " ' --bWEm" bbbbbbbbbbm bbb BV..T!Si '-bbbbbbbbbbbTbbm .BBBBBBvAaVWWBBBBBBBBBBBB BBS BBBBBBBmSmL-Ju BBBBBBBBBBBB BBM BBVBBBbBBK'v1-BBBBBBBBBBvBBBb $i$? Jk y"V''V ' bbbbbbbbbbbUbbI l Wm -Sf i 'ItBBBBBWHJ&BBBBBBBBBBBBBBVEkL' Y-8kijjfc tiffiS' yCBEflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsCBBBV w'SSnTMsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiN BBbV W aiirYlBBBBBBBBBMiEa r- tlfl$'M wJ eIsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbeIs1VIbIeIsbbbbbbT aSS i J XW 'VAiV 1 VfL T BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI M iSE&BB jnSSBBBBBBsV "jtfJll r FjmkmSXfsyf )T IbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbCHeVsVwIEBBbV" ft t jl ll if I 'BElEKEflBBBBBV'ii,f "V&l r JUbbbbbW'.u ) ssEssswnlsssssssssr--,A'' J r" -Vw vJEbbbW' ,j HEjtf4vv WEBSTER'S -INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY xmu I Hon.D.T.Brewer.Tusticeof U.S. Suoremc Court. I Bays : "I commend it to nil an tho one irrcnt stund nrd authority." . It excels l:i thacuim with wlililillmrvnflnila(lin wonlfiouirht: i:i nccunicv of ilallnltinii- hi nfTo(. ivo method!) of Indlciitliirriiroinnicliitlon; lu tcrno and comprelioiiRlvo ntntcmiMid) of fuct and In prncticul uoo na a vorkliitf dictionary. Specimen payes, etc., rxnt on amplication. jG. & C Merriam Out PublUher, SprinKfic!J, Masi., U. S. A. -jBBBrBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTB HARPER'S PERIODICALS Magazine, Weekly, Bazar, Literature, Round Table, $4.00, with Courier, 4 00, with Courier, 4.00, with Courier, 4.00, with Courier, 1.00, with Courier, 7t OTHER PERIODICALS SAME CLUBBING RATE ap & fcs a s a ? ? ? i ? ? ? sv sv 4 5V if sv sv sv ' IV v w WW THE Western Club Woman i . A magazine devoted to interests of clubs and The Courier ''lia t For ONE DObbAR and SEVENTY-FIVE cents a year. -'- ) , ' ,"' t ; , "4 if V " i,f y '.'f-Jtokfi .! .V ."RWjl HH EksLbbhJbbm - $4.00 - r H.o6:; 4.00 - - 4..00. - i.oo : m ST it if a t "4V if it it it if it it it