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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1899)
THE COURIER. 10 THEATRIGAb. THE FUNKB. The Metropolitan Opera Company of thirty arttBta will play at The Punke Opera House for one entire week be ginning Monday, September 11th. The company brings with It an excellent reputation for clever and conscientious work and ii splendidly endowed by the pieBB of Davenport, Dubuque, Cedar Raplde and other leading cltlea where it haB appeared. While in Lincoln the following operas will be presBnted: Pra Diavolo," "Boheman Girl,' "Vic tor the Blue Stocking," "Olivette." Mikado," "OhlmeBof Normandy," and .The Mascot." Among the .principals are: MIbbob Blanche Aldrach, prima ionna, Jeanette Lincoln, Lillian Kem- ? THE OLIVER. The attraction at The Oliver, for the season's opening on Thursday and FrU day, September Uth and 15th, will be HoytV'A Milk White Flag." In "A Milk White Flag," Mr. Hoyt has brought his attention to the National Guard, and he has treated it with much originality. "A Milk White Flag" has more of a plot and story than ia usual with farce comedies, and it is more pre tentious than the other Hoyt plays, requiring a large cast for its production and a carload of scenery pnd costumes. It Ib spectacular in effect and ia bo full of music that it might easily be called a comic opera. Last season "The Flag" played all the towns In the south Id which the military are located Trunks Traveling BBBBBBLBWW :- BBBBBBBLBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr fr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH VlBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBwBSBBBBBBH BBBBBBBBBH We have only been in the trunk busi ness a few months but in that short time we have sold a great many trunks. We sell trunks easily because we have well made trunks in attractive shapes and styles at very low prices. When you travel it pays to have a good trunk. We have traveling bags of every description, from very low priced ones up to the best. There are many new shapes and styles in traveling bags which it will pay you to see MlkbER & PA1N. ble and Marie Wells. Messrs. Will S. Rising, leading tenor, A. S. Khororj lead ing baritone. Eddie Smith, leading come dian and Rhln Nares. Such an1 array of artists alone would guarantee that any company in which they played was fully prepared to give good opera.' The chorus is far above the average in beauty, number and training. The operas are all put on with every possible attention to detail. ,1 Monday evening will be Ladies' Free Night, under the usual conditions. Note the never changing prices 15 to 50 cents. Seats now on sale. and did a record breaking business. No doubt many a soldier boy who saw the play while on duty last winter will renember It. It comes this seaBon with an entirely new and handsome scenic equipment, aleo new costumes. The musical numbers have been changed and new specialties added to the long list. Mr. Hoyt has partly re-written "A Milk White Flag" and haa supplied matertial that ia particularly appro priated the present time. The com iaoy includes several of the old favor tea and is said to be one or the strong est ever engaged for this play. Sale of seats opens Tuesday morning. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBBBv BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHf J aito'-j BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa f Bvtyt' V-bbbbbbbbbbbI LbbbHVIbbbHbI' BBBBBLK WFlRillBH BBBBBBSEBhvta " -' jj H BBBbUIHU V 'X. jmyt wf7Kt rt trnrfm r BBBBBl HsiiiSHHBH HBBSmrvflUdtotaaBBmlBH BBBBBBBBBBBBBBPBMjiSaflBVvUfHHBHSSBBBBBBBBBBBBBH bbbbbbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbkbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI UNDER THE DIRECTION OF 0. T, GRAWFOHD 5 F.C. ZEHRUNG. Corner 13th and P. Phono i4!S. GRAND FORMAL OPENING THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, SEPT. 13-14 THE FIRST NEBRASKA'S WEEK A PLAY FOR THE SOLDIERS s a Af ilk OTliite Flats. Fifty Farce Men and Maids Gloriously Generous Value Giving", Spectacular Features and Lavish Costumes An Amalgamation of Earth's Funniest Fads Sale of Seat Opens Tuesday A&:ojra.ii8 PRICES - 25, 50, 75, and $1.00 the itcik:e UNDER THE DIRECTION OP , L. M. GRAWFORD AND F. G. ZEHRUNG. COR. O AND TWELFTH. PHONE 355. Oraiid. Formal Opening. REUNION WEE, BEGINNING MONDAY SEPT. 11 i& METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY BUT Principals Marie Bell, Blanch Aldrich, Jeanette Line ln, Lillian Kemble, Will S Rifling &. 8. Riorer, Eddie Smith, Artour Evans, A. Db Wolf. REPERTOIRE-Fra Diavolia, Monday. Mikado, Tuesday. Chimes of Norman da, Wednesday. Bohemian Girl. Tnureday. La Mascotte, Friday. Olivette Saturday. Faotine, Saturday Matinee. NOTE THE PRICES, THEY NEVER CHANGE-Gallery, 15; Balcony, 25 Drens Circle. 35; Parquet, 50; Box Seats, 75. Note On Monday evening, one lady and gentleman, or two ladies will be admitted oo oae 35 or 50 cent ticket if reserved before 7 p.m. Seats now on sale. News and Opinions of Na tion Importance. THE SlH Alone Contains Both. Daily, by mail $6 a yeai Daily and Sunday by mail $8 a year iVfc. SUjlDM SUN is the greatest Sunday nc wspaper in the world. Price, 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Address The Sun New York. rfiTinnTo PATENT fliori Niir Uklil HI the patent record, BobKflptJon to Tim Patent Record 11.00 per unum' V $ Cycle Photographs 5 Athletic' Phot ograohs m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m Photographs of Babies Photoo-ranfu n( f.mM Exterior Views yuP?n&mtii THE PHOTOGRAPHER m m St m m 129 South Eleventh Street. fjr ,, 3 9 ? i XCV H. W. BROWN Druggist and Bookseller. Whltln8'ii Fine Stationery and Calling Carda 127 So.Eleventh Street.? PHONE 68 7 V UtrCCyC, fr 9 V o ii n n 8 C I n o tlw Y r ESMSBESSi YJI?Jl.t tutnatr-m.