The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 26, 1899, Image 12

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Ah, yes, I divine, by the way they look
Who bring me the birthday gift and wordj
They think me waiting for priert and book,
And the place where greetings
are never heard.
Yet though I am standing
at Death's dark door,
I am not thinking of him or his;
The soul of twenty returns once more,
Although in the body of age it is.
With the thought of dying, away tonight!
Away with the thoughts of ills and pain!
I would have no comrade of mine in sight,
Flaunting a life that is on the wane.
But give me young faces without a seam,
Give mirth and music and tripping feet;
Give me red lips with the corn-white gleam
And the light of life that is summer sweet!
Whence is this hunger, this thirst of mine
To cast the trammels of age away?
Is it all human? Nay, half divine
The reach of the night
for the dawn of day.
Charlotte Bates, in Sept. Century.
Into this glorious world I came,
The free-born of the wind and flame.
I bound to me for good or ill
A body-serf to do my will.
Though he was frail and prone to rest,
I snatched him from his mother's breast
And bade him serve me. What wouldayou?
I had a great King's work to do:
Wrong to make right; comfort to bring
To those in trouble sorrowing.
I needed one both swift and strong:
Great was the load, the journey long.
Yet this my slave was weak and lame;
Faltering at my behest he came;
So, when his strength was almost gone,
I took the scourge and urged him on.
Yet hurry as I might to keep
The minutes' pace, both food and sleep
My slave must have. Impatiently
I saw the glorious hours pass by.
(I could not leave him, for we must
Have hands of dust to work with dust.)
At last he fell and would not rise.
He called me with imperious eyes,
And bade me pause.
This small white room, this cot of snow,
Ministering forms that come and go
I crouch here listening for his breath,
And with my hands I hold back Death,
My work neglected and undone.
If he but beckon, swift I run
This worthless serf of mine to save.
How hard they toil who serve a slave!
L. B. Bridgman in September Century,
The Nebraska Sanitarium.
Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following inducements to the
tired and suffering public who are seeking" Health, Rest and Comfort:
Scientifically classified dietary.
THE institution is situated on an ele
vator) qIIa nvnrlnnltincy hn plt.v nf
1 Lincoln, which lies throe miles to Laboratory of hygiene foribacteriologi
the northwest, and with which it cal and microscopical investigation.
is connected by an electric street rail
One of the most healthy locations be
tween the Mississippi Rivor and the
Rocky Mountains.
A well regulated institution for the
treatment of all chronic diseases.
Water of unusual purity.
Baths of every description, including
ho El ectric-hght batb.
Stomach fluids analyzed for dyspeptics.
Skillful attention given to the trout
ment of
Diseases of the Stomach and Digestive
Dlanncoanf ttin TP.ob XT- mi
Aseptic operating rooms and surgical aD(J jJllnaB ' ' xuroai
Diseases peculiar to women.
Best of advantages for the treatment
of all forms of chronic diseases. Incur
able and offensive patients not received
Four physicians, well-trained, with
large experience in sanitarium medical
Trained nurses of both sexes.
For circulars giving rates and further information, address,
College View, Nebraska.
Leave Chicago every Thursday via
Coloiado and Scenic Route to San
Francisco and Los Angeles.
Southern Route leaveB Chicago every
Tuesday via Kansas City, Ft. Worth and
El Paso to Loe Angeles.
These Excursions Cars are attached to
FaBt Passenger trains and their popu
larity is evidence that we offer the best.
Accompany these excursion and save
money for the lowest rate tickets are
available in these popular Pullman
Tourist cars.
925.00 $25.00
The Union Pacific has made the Great
ly Reduced Rate of $25.00 to Portland
and other Puget Sound points, also to
Helena and Montana points, Salt Lake
City and Utah points.
For tickets and full information call
on E. B. Slosson,
When you are' traveling, due con
sideratinn snould be given to the
amount of time spent in making your
The Union Pacific is the be&t lino and
makes the fastest time by many hourt
to Salt Lake City, Portland and Cali
fornia points.
For timo tables, folders, illustrated
books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter
ritory traversed, call at City Office, 1044
O st. E. B. Slosson.
Gen. Agent,
Unci Twin liefore.
Friend Considering that this is your
third baby, I don't see why you should
be so exuberantly happy ozer it.
Young Father (joyously) Y-c-s, but
it's only one this time.
Her Umml Cuntom.
Mrs. lilccclcer How do you expect to
jelebrate Independence day, Mrs.
Mrs. Laker (of Chicago) I expect to
get a divorce, as usual.
'Warm Knougli.
Mother Do you think the water is
warm enough yet for swimming?
Little Son Yes, indeed. Tommy
Traddles was in yesterday, and he's
ilive yet.
No l'emijr.
Little Dot Papa wouldn't give mo
a penny.
Mamma. Ho wouldn't?
Little Dot "No'ra. He is penny
.irious, isn't he?
Pennibs I have a brain racking as
signment for thiB afternoon.
Spacer What is it?
Pennibs I have to interview a Pres
idential possibility and put bright
thoughts into his mouth.
Subscribe for The Coorivb $1 year,
Warranted to be the Best and Most Satisfactory
Range ever made. Any kind of fuel may be used,
that one item alone being" economy.
These Ranges would be a comfort in any home.
For what they ape They are the cheapest
you can buy. At least give one a trial.
We warrant you complete satisfaction. Write us
for full particulars.
?30 O t , IIJVOOI,JV, Koto,
A of Creation.
Friend I heard your wife giving
on tits ngain this morning.
Jinks That wasn't my wife. That
was I he servant girl.
Little Miss Townley Was that honey
we had for breakfast "home made" Mr.
Farmer StubbB Why, surely, miesy.
Little Miss T. Oh! Then I suppose
you keep a bee?
li THE-
Thrice-a-week Edition,
Practically a Daily at the price of a
The striking and important events
oj the laBt year have established the
overwhelming value of The Tjirioe-a-Week
Wobld to every reader. For an
almost nominal sum it hBs kept its sub
scribers informed of the progress of all
our waas and, moreover, has reported
them as promptly and fully ub if it were
a daily. With our interests still extend
ing throughout the world, with our
troop3 operating in the Philippines, and
the great Presidential campaign, too, at
hand, its value is further increased.
The motto of The Thrioe-a Week
World is improvement. It strives each
year to be better than it was the year
before, and public confidence in it is
shown by the fact that it now circulates
more than twice as many papers every
week as any other newspaper, not a y
daily, published in America.
We offer this unequaled newspaper
and the Courier together one year for
The regular subscription price of the
two papers is 82.00
For oflicial map of city of Los Am?e
Ie6 and N.E. A. pamphlet, address E. B.
6&3i XSXI)U
A. Gold Mine at
Yot:r Door
Would present great attractions. "Money to burn"
would be a reality. But if you had a million and
wanted to spend it on a wheel, you could only use
$40 00 of it to advantage. That would be for a
"Wittmann." If you bought any other wheel at any
price, you would need the balance for repairs.
Do you know why the repair men never recommend
"Wittmanns?" Well, it's plain. They don't get
any money out of "Wittman" riders. Look for a
"Wittmann" y next time
you go into a J L repair
shop. Scarce V J$ as hen'b
teeth. Look if yff for "Wit
mann" . bicy (I ym$fl ( J cies on
the streets. jp J) Like lea-
ves on the 5s troo
Why? Use your reason and ride a "Wittmann."
"Wittmann" bicycles suit rough and heavy weight
riders because they hang together. At any rate you
can take no chances.
If defective part narc found in Wittmann Bicycles
we unit replace FREE at our store and pay all trans
portatiou charges, if any.
NOW IS THE TIME to buy owing to rapid advanc
ing prices on material and labor. Guaranteed price
of $40.00 for entire seasons of 1899-1900.
Bicycles, and
141LU5 South
10th Street
Lincoln, Nebr.
iyesxi) 3X9(ixsxsxsxiAiii)(i0 es