The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, August 26, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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LV --
for tbo clean appearance and the woods
which grow two feot high all about.
Evor thing io in repair, tho big smoke
stack is wired straight and not a glass is
gone. But no roar of machinery dis
turbs the silonce of the valley, only the
soft fall of water from tho HumoBtill
kept open. We camped by this mill
and in the morning wero shown through
it by tho man whom "the company''
hires to tako care of tho idle proporty.
Three months of "go," nine jeare of
useless silence is the history of this
Montana mill. The marvel is that the
machinery within has been so well pro
served that it could bo put in trim in a
very few dayB for the active operaticn
Btill looked forward to. Tho tlvo or six
big rolling machines which do the final
crushing could muko their seventy-odd
revolutions a minute after just a little
limbering up of their joints. The
wholo thing represents perhaps 350,000
put into the mill snl the mine by the
old governor of Vermont and others.
Tho minor steward prospects for copper,
keeps his nice two Btory houee and the
mill property in good condition, sends
his family to school back east, welcomes
some one to talk to as an event, and
says it is a good place to go cruzy.
Rapid creek valley and Castle creek
valley wero tho two main parts of our
line of march homeward. Both streams
are more like meadow brooks than any
thing elBe, and broad fields of grain tmd
hay, with still plenty of space for the
big flower garJens, lie all along the
creeks. Castle creek takes its name
from the great white rocks, easily
imagined "castles in the air' which
stand guard all along one side of the
valley. The hills are of less height than
those near Deadwood and Lead. We
learned that a new strike of gold has
been made in the countrj at the head
of Castle creek, and it is said that a
booming camp is located there. Beaver
canyon ranchers watch their creek and
their irrigation ditches anxiously, for
gold washing up at the head will about
spoil their chance for coining their
alfalfa fields into money.
The Btory of the big Limestone range
is ten miles and more of plow upgrade,
of faruiB and ranches, fields of grain add
flowers and patches of pines, then a de
scent in half a mile of all the height you
have climbed, The paBeengers go down
afoot while the driver locks the wheels.
It is a thrilling denouement of the camp
story. Beaver canyon, the M-bar K and
a supper of fried chicken and other good
things was on the other side of the
Congressman W. H. Moodell of this
district, who has just returned from an
'extended wedding journey to AUska uni
Hawaii said to me the other evtning
that the quiet Hill scenery !b iunt as
well worth seeing as the grander views
to the west. 1 am sure there is no way
to enjoy the Hills like an overland trip
among them. Every road that you find
well travelled loudB to Eome place worth
Mr. Mondel and hie bride, a daughter
of Laramie I believe, were greeted by
the citizens of Newcastle with a very
charmitg reception. His second term
in Congress begins next December, and
he is considered by the people here a very
worthy and able representative of their
interests and a rising statesman. Ho
said "I seo tho Lincoln people are
getting ready to bo very glad over the
return of the regiment.'' And I told him
that was how we felt.
Every Nebiaskan homeward bound
from the Hill country carries at leustone
favorite lie with him. 1 had the pleasure
of interviewing Mr. P.F. Clark, Will
Owen Jones, W. E. Hardy, Judge FroBt
and some of tho ladies of their party
when the train stopped for five minutes
at Newcaetle. My endeavor was, of
course, to find out what fish story they
had to tell their friends at Lincoln. Out
o? a varied assortment I was unable to
decide which was the favorite. They
declared Tongue river an Ideal place for
camping. Dr. Garten who came home a
few days later has a choice variety of
bear stories, but no bear skin to show for
them. My own collection of yarns is
concorned with neither fish nor bears but
has to do with a land where potatoes
grow to such mammoth sizo that they
have to be handled with ico tongs.
M-bar-K Ranch, Beaver Canyon,
Newcastle, Wyoming.
Tho Groat Rock Island Routo !b
placing Interchangeable Mileage Books
on sale at nil coupon offices west of
Miflsouri river. Theee books are good
on 37 different railroads and will be a
great advantage to commercial men and
travelers. Tbo net rate i9 2Jc per mile
in KansaB, Missouri, Nebjsska, Okla
homa and Indian Territory.
?utrlotUm at Uciul Mackerel In
That Town.
We do not like to appear before our
readers In the roll of Apollo, but an
sxplanatlon Is In order, says the Har
deman (Ky.) Free Pre- i. We an
nounced In these columns that wc had
enlisted for tho war and would leave
for Dry Tomatoes last Tuesday, but
circumstances over which we have no
control have detained U3. We went
down to the depot on Tuesday, ready
to go. We had our gun that we shot a
delinquent subscriber with, the hoss
pistol we used last year, when we fit
a duel with the snub-nosed wart who
edits the Shlllalah, a sword, a toma
hawk, a bowle knife and a knapsack
full of underclothes and booze. A big
crowd got around us and we yelled out
to them, "Remember the Milne!" Wo
was very much astonished when sev
eral persons In the crowd who, we sus
picion, were in the pay of Spain, step
ped up to us and said: "Remember
this bill before you go." It looked as
if somebody had called a convention of
our creditors and every delegate was
there. One of them had a wosh bill.
Every barkeeper In town was there,
with an itemized account. A store
keeper came up and told us to "pull off
them boots" which we hadn't paid for.
Our landlord was on deck with a bill.
We made 'em all a speech, asked 'em
If they was patriots, and told 'em that
our country i .lied. "Cc t back," they
said, "and pay what you owe. If you
don't, we'll have you arrested for try
ing to skip the town and bent your
creditors." Of course, we seed through
it all. It was a Spanish conspiracy to
keep us to home; but what could we
do? Well, we're hero to stay now, and
there's going to be war at home. We
will take the pauper's oath to all them
bar bills, and we are going to have all
the saloons indicted for violating the
four-mile law; and, herea-er, when wo
want liquor, we're going to Memphis
and place ourselves in the bunds of our
friends. Pn'itlsm Is cs dead as a
mackerel in Jiis here town; but a flea
in the ear Is worth two in tho bush.
Citizen mid Ilelle.
A man and a woman arc employed
In different "fllces In one of our largo
buildings. Each office has a telephone,
but as It happens one Is an Instrument
belonging to the Citizens' Company,
the other a ell Instrument. One day
tho man had occaalon to use the Citi
zens' line and stepped across the hall
to tho lady's office. "Have you a Cit
izens 'phone?" ho asked, and she re
plied In the affirmative. "Well," he
ventured, "I'm a citizen. May I use
It?" Why, of course ho might uso it.
An hour later she balanced the ac
counts with him. "Have you a Dell
telephone?" she asked, on stepping
Into his office. Ho did" not try to deny
It. "Well, I'm a belle. May I uso
It?" Grand RapldB Press.
ii)(SISIS)9Sl(SaiSSl9iS)S (X!Xi)SXXSX)3XitX((iSi3X!)(I)(S
A Gold IVIiiao at
Your Door
Would present great attractions. "Money to burn"
would be a reality. But if you had a million and
wanted to spend it on a wheel, you could only use
$40 00 of it to advantage. That would be for a
"Wittmann." If you bought any other wheel at anv
price, you would need the balance for repairs.
Do you know why the repair men never recommend
t4ixr:i.i. ? Tirn :i... i: mi j.j
vv iLLiiiauiiMi wen, it uitiiii. xnev uon t trot.
any money out of "Wittman" riders.
t IV IT"
you go into a
shop. Scarce
teeth. Look
mann" bicy
the streets .
and ride
y. , Jm"
522 S5K
-uook ior a
next time
as hen';
for "Wit
cles o n
Like lea-trees.
v it wUidiiii
ves on
vvnyr use your raisin ana ride a
'Wittmann bicycles suit rough and heavy weight
riders because they hang together. At any rate you
can take no chances.
If defective parts arc found in Wittmann Bicycles
we will replace FREE at our store and pay all trans
portatiou charges, if any.
NOW IS THE TIME to buy owing to rapid advanc
ing prices on material and labor. Guaranteed price
of $40.00 for entire seasons of 1899-1900.
14IM45 South
10th Street
Lincoln, Nebr.
Bieydes, and
l HoflDJ.BrewerJu8ticeof U.S. Supreme Court.
I says : "I commend It to all as tho one neat stand.
f ard authority." .
It excels in tho GARrt with which tfin miflnh ka
irw1 an.tivlit . In .m jiImUi. j m- a
nu.uDuuBuv, nt iKvurauf ui ucnuiuuii; in CuOCv-
ive methods of indicating pronunciation ; in terse
and comprehensive statements of facts and In
practical uso as a working dictionary.
Specimen pages, etc., ecnt on application.
G. & C MerrUm Co., Publisher!, Springfield, Mm., U. S. A.
Cliloaeo ox trie "Eickmt.
Subscribe for The Couitmt V a year
Chicago Express from Kansas City
In nJdition to Pullman Sleepers, Froe
Chair Care, and tho Beet Dining Oar
Service in the World, are equipped with
, Buffet Library Smoking Cars
furnished in club style and supplied with
latest periodicals, illustrated papers and
a select library of recent fiction.
Colorado or tlie West?
Fast, carries Dining Cars and Pullman
Sleopers, Leave Omgha,G.40 p.m.; Kan
sas City, 030 p.m.; St. Joseph, 4 50 p.m.
Arrivo at Denver and Colorado Springs,
next morning.
Topoka, Kan.
FRANK H. Barnes. G. P. A.,
llth and U StreetH, Lincoln, Neb.
oxn T9
Ail - Principal - Western - Points
1 IVlfglat to Utuli
a iViftcliitK to Callorlo
Magnilijontly Equipped Trains Daiir,vv
For time tables, folders, and illustrated
pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra
verse, call onE. B.Slosson General Agent.
Cure (3ontipation
BilliousnoBS, nervousness and the pill
habit. Action not followed by costivo
ness, Doubt it? Try it. Sample free.
DruggistB,25c,or address ANTI-PILL
CO , Lincoln, Nebr , .
; , '.,i 'It . . vJielfrtiLJi''.
jgjt.-jifjgjtia'aKj.'TnTif iinfiiTi H"
a, .m i. WH