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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1899)
;- h" lT VOL. XIV, NO.'XXXUI. ESTABLISHBD IN 188(1 PRICE FIVE CBNTB A. k A w. V .WsWsX f, . . LINCOLN, NBBR., SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1800. &tt HHHW Entered in the postoffige at Lincoln as second class matter. PUBLISHED EVEEY SATURDAY Bt THE COURIER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING GO Office 1132 N etreet, Up Stairs Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS. Editor Subscription Katop In Advance. Per annum 9 1 00 Six months 75 Three months 50 One month 20 Single copies 05 Tns Courier will not bo responsible for vol untary communications unless accompaniod by return postage. Communications, to rocoivo attention, must bo signed by ttio full namo of the writer, not merely as a guaranteo of good faith, but for publication if advisable, s 8 OBSERVATIONS. 1 Welcome to the First. The devotion and executive ability shown by the president and chairmen of the committees on the entertain ment of the First Nebraska remove all doubt that plenty of food will be on hand, that it will be good food, and ttiat it will be adequately served. The three chairmen who have under taken that the food shall be ready on the fairgrounds when the men are ready for it, and that the long tables shall be daintily spread and an ad equate number of waiters ready to wait on the soldiers who have so cheerfully relinquished daintiness and delicacies for so long, have se cured most of their waiters and made arrangements for n apery and dishes. There is nothing that the women of Nebraska will not do to show their appreciation of the boys who have given them a reason, that all the world acknowledges, to be the proud est of women. These young men, most of them under twenty-four years, have fought a good light; they have submitted their unwonted young bodies and their proud spirits to discipline, for the glory of the First, they have not repined when the sun scorched them, nor when in the vicissitudes of the camp the tare was coarse and unpalatable. OBic ors and privates have done their duty and unrepiningly accepted the cir cumstances of their lot, many of tho men have resisted tho temptations of a camp in a foreign country and re turn to their mothers and sisters as temperate and as clean as when they left them. These men have not neg lected the conspicuous opportunity which never comes to some men, of being tried and not found wanting. Whatever means, we, the women of Nebraska, may have of expressing our appreciation of the quality or young manhood now returning to us and our sorrow for those who are buried In Luzon trenches let us nt neglect to offer It; sobelt it is the best we have. For each mother's son who faced the foe bronzed Filipinos hidden In trenches-day after day under tho burning sun of Luzon, every Ne braska woman, maid or matron Is unfelgnedly grateful. For did they not enlist from farm, counting-room, machine shops, from university, lec ture room, or from the common schools? They are of the soil. From these plains, that are waving now in corn from Ihe Missouri to the Colo rado frontier, they came. They and others like them, whom chance sent eastward, are sons of Nebraska. Sun and wind and vast open plains have made them brave as the cossacks of the steppes. Indeed their irresistible charges recall only the rush of a cos sack band. The sun and the wind and the wide horizon and the stately and strong cossack mothers made the llerce and unconquerable cossack. The sun and the wind, the wide plains and the mothers who have ignored privation that their sons may be educated have made the Nebraska soldier and there is not a man stralghter or braver or more loval In all the world. And because on island battlefields they proved themselves lit to stand by the heros of Balaklava, of Marathon, by the heros of all glorious battlefields, the heart of every woman of Nebraska is singing a song of praise as in the ancient days when the men returned from the war and the old men, the women and the maidens went forth to meet them lifting up their arms and sing ing triumphal songs. Dangerous Wires. Nothing should prevent tho coun cil from acting in the matter of the electric light wires. The families of the four firemen who were killed last week in Omaha are preparing to sue the company which neglected to turn off tho current from the burning building. The Omaha company is responsible and a jury will if it fol low the railroad damage cases prece dent, award heavy damages. But they cannot pay for tho four stalwart, honest men whose life went out like tho llame of a candle. It is very fortunate that the wives and children have so strong a case against the company, for in tho case of the three married men the families relied en tirely for support upon tho firemen's salaries. The man whose business it is to shut off the current from a burn lug building here it has been reported is rarely on hand to perform his of fice at night fires. The electric light company are doubtless in ignorance of this employe's neglect of his du ties, a neglect which places ovory fireman who touches a wire or holds a nozzle In danger of his life. Tho coroner's Jury at Omaha which investigated the cause of death found that the Thompson-Houston Electric Light company and tho. city elec trician were criminally negligent for not cutting the wires. Tho chief of the fire department admitted that ho had never had a consultation with tho managers of the electric light company in regard to shutting off tho current during a fire. Tho deaths will not be without good effect in tho investigation which the accident has caused into the very threatening con dition of the wires In this city and In many others. Stoicism of the First. One of The Nebraska men in tho Presidio at San Francisco comment ing on the stoicism witli which American soldiers bear pain said that when an American was shot and sank to the ground it was not customary to hear any moaning or groaning The wounded men shut their teeth on their pain and were silently borne from the field on tho rude litters. Lieutenant Whedon, who Is also ad jutant of the regiment, said that he heard an outcry in only one casewhero a man was shot through the jaw. The wound was extremely painful and so near the brain that the patient was not quite himself when the surgeon began to operate. But tho air was filled with the groans from the poor wounded Filipinos left behind in the trenches. The Filipinos are brave too and tiie difference is one of self consciousness. Members of the more cultivated race, eyen in the death agony do not forget convention, nor that the expression of masculine emo tion, even when there is good reason for it, is not encouraged in America. So the rice fields of Luzon after a bat tle held American soldiers severely wounded but making no moan, and perhaps grateful to the cruder aborgl nes whose howls expressed their own agony and the American's too. Senator Hayward. Senator Hayward's sudden illness on Tuesday was the occasion of a stato's expression of sympathy and concern. News of improvement was received with corresponding relief. Before last winter's senatorial strug gle Senator Hay ward was beloved by his friends, but after it the sweetness of ills nature which had not been em. bittered by the long struggle at the state house, was apparent to all the people of the state. Any illness which may effect or shorten his service in the office which it is the wish of the people he should fill, is a public calam ity as tho universal expression of anx iety fully indicates. The later report Lhat tho seizure was a faintness rather than a stroko of apoplexy, it is hoped, will bo confirmed. For Mrs. Hayward and the family the most sin cere sympathy is expressed. Tho temperate, rational life Senator Hay ward lias always led, tho self control and discipline which ho has shown In refusing to be perturbed clthor by tho machinations or tho charges of those who were only Ills enemies because they desired the otllcc it was evident the pcoplcdcslred to bestow upon him, will be Important factors in tho re covery so earnestly hoped for by ills friends. A Club Woman's Courage. Club women will be sorry to learn that Mr. Francis W. Breed of Lynn, Massachusetts, has lost his large for tune. Mrs. Breed was vice president of tho general federation of Women's clubs for two years, and she has been on the board of directors since tho organization was first accomplished. The financial crash came as a painful surprise to a large circle of friends in Boston and elsewhere, Mrs. Breed and her two daughters having always enjoyed a large measure of popularity. The disaster, it seems was brought about by reckless speculation on the part of Mr. Breed. But the women of the family have accepted the situation most gracefully. Mrs Breed has found profitable employ ment soliciting insurance. Miss Florence Breed is teaching physiclal culture 7t was this young woman whose engagement to tho late young Phil. Savage, son of; the Rev. Minot J. Savage, was announced on what proved to bo the day of tho young man's death, after an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Breed's cheerful acceptance of the flight of fortune and her immediate and successful activity, reduces its effect and gives her a new standing in the world of clubs. Wooden Blocks in London. A letter from a correspondent in London contains an interesting ac count of the paving being laid in that city: London, July, 30th, 1899. I am quite worn out with sight-seeing. It is only three weeks since wo left Ameri ca, but It seems an ngc, and I feel just now as if the greater part of my life had been passed on a London omnlbuB. It is Sunday morning, a stagnant British Sunday, when every thing st ops and all the museums shut up, and we have stopped too and are writing letters. I am interested in watching the process of paving a street near hero. It would arouso astonishment and pity in the public spirited citizens of Lincoln to see what these Londoners are doing. They are digging up the pavement of asphalt and putting down in its place a pavement of wooden blocks. To be sure, the as phalt is not new nor even. It seems full of small stones and it is not