THE COURIER. Professional Directory Olllce 731 oiiver Johnson, D.D.S. OHlco (ivor Hurley's j ilrtitfHtoro 1105 O stroot Jlco 18 -p. t4 tn T34i I Offlco, ZohruDB Block )9tol0nin . Dr. Ben j. F. Bailey n ,, , i2toia:: io 67'', . , ..... I Kosidoncp, 1313 0 stroot j 2 to 4 p m hvomngs, by nppointinont. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. in. nnd Ity appointment. !Dr. J. B. Triokey, f RofructioniBt only 9 to 12 n. m I to 4 i. m. Ollico, 1035 O stroot. SFW m s gonial and Pergonal .M - .?t 91 DENTISTS. ouico .... mJlouIs N. Wente(D.D.S.-!"3!!&ral. ) ( south stroot. J Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy, Farmers and Merchants Building. Business Directory. n.0' rr,U., AU0iVory l,,k I C W rhamhorc $ Roal Estate, Firo Insur Phono 55)7. Hos G15 North 1(5 J W. UiatTIDeiSj anco Surety Bonds. 5 HHR'S FINE : ! STATIONERY: 2 x. X. a r i rf rf G PKar rr aru There is none to eq ual it in elegance fi J ''SS f 1Xai ,lXaUy Theline is complete in everything. 5 v $ x 9 9 INIIRF Jn PUCMIY C " ,wwi mts 1 XlllllY J 2 LANDY C. 6LARK, Agent. I ? o 1009 0 street. Telephone 105. 5 (j ?. M-Seitz. I Qft(S LHgK 6R.fs)g:RR-.r 1 107 0 Street, Telephone 626. KttftttttM frfrfrM 09064a I?l?olo Supplies. ROOM 5, 1041 O St. Kiel ad.B. TiuKiWS"T ."; - t "vTWKTJ 000 Sf lyincoln, Nebr, o mmMMMmMMwWM4 A very pretty wedding was solemnized Wednosday evening at the residonco of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dickjian, only the intiumto friends and rolatwos being presoot. Tho contracting parties wore Mibe Blanche Blood and Mr. Chas. E. Trump of Blackwell, Oklahoma, Rev. Craighead of Blackwell ofTlciating. After the impressive ceremony a light colla tion was served by Mrs. Dickman. Mr. and Mrs. Trump will Bpond thoii honey moon at the Omaha exposition and after a short vieit in Kansas will return to their future homo in Blackwell, Okla homa. Those who witnessed thb cere mony werb, Dr. J. Blood, Mies Ethel Blood, father and sister of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gifford, Mr. Truman Gilford, MisB Josephine GifTord, of Lowiston, Nebraska, Mrs. Gustin, Mrs. Arter, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Dickman, Miss Nellie Dickman, Mr. Elmer Tylor, Mr. and Mrs. Kier, Mr. and Mrs J. G. Dick man, Rev. and Mrs. Craighead. M!eb Friend and Mrs. S. WesBel en tertained royally Monday afternoon and evening. The house waB prettily deco rated with flowers, swcel peas being used extensively. A peanut hunt was the first amusemeut, in which Miss Daisy Schweitezer, having collected the largest numbor of nuts was declared the winner of the royal prize, Miss Anna Mayer winning tho consolation. After the peanut hunt small tables were brought in and progrotsivo high five was played, Mrs. II. Ma)er being the successful one. The tables were then cleared for tho daiDty but elegant supper which was servod in four courses. Tho favors were small cornucopias filled with candies, while each guest wbb also presented with small individual cakes each docoratod with a lighted candle. A visitor's prize was won by Mrs. Katz enstein. Thb guests of honor were Mrs. Ketch of Now York, J. Brown, Ocala, Florida, Misies Schweitezer of San Francisco, Kittie Pollack, Omaha. Mrs. Katzenstein, St. Louis, Mies Stella Kohn, Aurora, Nebr. The invited guests were Mesdames Mayor, Acker man, Newmark, Levi, Kohj, Friind, Rosonbauii., Mitchell, BerkBon, Kroner, Woil, Mayer, Sohlesinger, Plowo3ky, Seligsohn, Horzo, Ksensky, Oppen. hoimer, Misses Mayor, Frank, Hoopor. Tho Floral Kensington, an organiza tion of tho order of Eastern Star, was ontortainod at the home or Mrs. M. It Davoy, Thursday afternoon. Tho after noon passed in the UBual manner of Kensingtons, delightful refreshments being served by tho hostess assisted by MiB803 Edna Green and Marguorite Woodruff. On account of tho threaten ing clouds that camo up lato in tho afternoon tho ladies departed earlier than usual. Those present wore Mob damea Campbell, Furguson, Jones, Clark, DeVoro, Vaughn, Do Forest, Green, Slattery, White, Bacon, Clark, .Taylor, Woodruff. Friday evening Mr. und Mrs. B. Kohn and Mr. and Mrs. Kosonbaum gave a delightful trolley ride to a largo numbor of friondsin honor of Bevoral visiting friondB. Tho party rodo to Havelock, light refreshments being sorvod on tho enr and an ologant supper after tho arrival at Havolock. Tho guosts of honor wore Mosdamos Brusks, and Kotch of Now York, J.Brown, of 0:ala, Florida, Katenstoin, St. Louis, Misses Schwoito' zor or San Francisco, Pollock, of Aurora Nobraska, Kohn of Omaha. Those pres era from Lincoln w.-re Messrs and MesdameB II. and C. Mayer, Lsvi, Ac kerman, Newmark, Kohn, Friend, Mitchell, Berkson, Kroner, Weil, Her' zog, Schleslnger, Polwosky, Seligsohn, Ksensky, Oppeuheimer, Wessel; Misses Friend, Mayer, Schleeinger, Berkson; Messrs Speier, Greonbaum, Blum, Her zog. Miss Louise Pound, the western ten nis champion, has just won a tenniB prize in Hoidelberg. Her opponent was Fraulein Koenigsberger and the score was G 1, 0-1. The prize wbb a little clock of polished brass inla'd with pearl and enameleJ in blue aiid red. It tits into a red leather traveling case and is a very beautiful and useful posseBbion. Ever Binco the Empress Frederick gave such a clock as a prize to the winner in a tinmen oinspiel last year in Hamburg, other German prize givers have chosen clocks. The following is the program of the tournament and number eight is tho ono in which Miss Poufid played: HEIDELBERGER LAWN-TENNIS-CLUB. Jaurrstournikr. Montag, don 24. Juli und an folgeoden ' Tagen . Anmeldungen zu folgenden Concurrenzer: A. Ohne Vorgabe. 1. Herren-Einzelspiel, um die Meist erschaft Heidolbergs(nur fur Mitglieder) 2. Herren-Einzelspiel fur Fremde. .'J. Damen-Einzelspiel, um die Meiet- erBchaft Heidolbergs. B. Mit Vorgabe. 4. Herren-Einzelspiel (2 Klaesen.) 5. Horren-Dopnelspiel. 7.. Daraen-Doppelspiel, bei genugen der Beteiliguog. 8. Damen-Einzelspiel, bei genugen der Beteiligung. siud bis Soonabend, den 22. Juli, Ab ends 7 Uhr einzureichen. Fremden, die eich an dem Tourniere beteiligen mochten, stehen each Losung einer Mouatskarte alio Concurrenzen offoa bi6 auf No. 1. Der Vorbtand. Nahores: Anlage 32. A largo crowd of Lincoln young people chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Burr and Elmer Henkle will drive out to En sign's park this evening and enjoy a dance at that well known pleasure resort. The party is as follows: Misses Outcalt, Ndllio and Francos Gore, Hays, WBt kins, Cjchran, Hammond, Raymond, Lansing, Holdbrook, Foater, Rlckette, Honoywell, Jungo; Messrs Chapin of Omaha, DavidBon, Brown of Tocumeob, Wiggenhorn of Ashland, Thomas, Clark, Raymond, Harmon, Walsh, RickettB, Edminston, Korsmeyor, Folsom, Hajs. Mr. William Lawlor was pleasantly surpriaod last Monday evening by a number of his friends who called in a body to remind him that it was his 44ib birthday and incidentally to partake of an excellent supper which Mrs Lawlor had prepared for the occasion, Before dopartiug tho guests presented Mr. Lawlor with a handsome arm chair and u gold watch chain and charm. The party included Messrs and Mesdatnea V -W J