THE COURIER, if cial conversation, tho evening closing with an elegant banquet, served in courses. The dining room decorations f wee done in sweet peas, tho tablo hav ing a largo centerpiece of carnations. Before parting the guests presented Mr. and Mra. Druko with a souvenir spoon us a memento of their visit to Lincoln. Those present wero MosBte and Mesdames Drake, Schmitt, Lawlor, 13 r ad ley, NaBh Schmutz, Barth, W, Garth of St. Louis, Miss Schmutz, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Usher gavo a trolly rido and party Wednesday evening in honor of thoir little son's eighth birthcUy. The littlo peoplo enjoyed the rido to Havelock very much, teturning in timo to play several gamos before refresh monts wore served by Mrs. UBhor assist el by Mrs. I. N. Baker. Thoso receiv ing invitations woio, Richard and Robert Myers, Wilder and Dorothy Biker, Qraco Bryan, Maudie Jowoll, OlilTitrJ Parks Lou'ibq Horrick, ThomuB anl Harold Usher. Tho T. N. N., a young ladies fraternity of the high school, hold a charming picnic at Line ln pirk Tuesday after no jo and evening chap ironed by Mrs. Carl Funk. Tho afternoon was epent in the usual picnicker manner, aftor which a delightful suppirwuB disposed of. Those honored with invitations wore, Misses Myer, Hunt, Macfurland, Hargreave'; Messrs Liu, UitTon, Ray mond. Perm, Stein. A charming littlo breakfast was given by Mm. II. H. Wheeler on Friday morn ing in compliment to Miss Thomas of Culumbu, Ohio, who is spending the summer herd. Mrs. Whee!er desired Mies Thomas t) meet a few of her friends and took this novel way of ac complishiog it. Thoso who met Mies Thomas were: Mesdame3 Atkinson, Little, Outcalt, Ogden, Lambortson, Summers, Hall, Brown, Holmes, Bar bour and Miss Miller. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Harpham and daughter returned Sunday from a three week's outing among the pleasure re sorts about the Great Lakes. Mr. and Mrs, J. O. Snacrest accompanied tbem on the trip to Mackinac island. Mr. Harpham and family spent the greater part of their vacation at Mackinac, being unable to leave the cool breezed of the lake and ihe other good things which are always afforded at that re sort. A very pretty marriage took place Thursday morning, the contracting parties being Mr. Charles D. Crawford of Kansas City and Mi.s Rhoda Pierce of this city. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. L, T. Guild of Grace M. E. church at the nome of the bride's parents, 3107 R ttroet. Mr, and Mrs. Crawford left on tho noon tra'n for Kansas City where thoy will make their future homo. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Roman gave a pretty little party Wednesday afternoon for thoir sons Carl rnd Reeibel. After "1 a good romp on the lawa the little men and women wero ushered into the din ing room whore dainty refreshments wore served. Those present wero, Edith Melvin, and Sidney Schlesinger, Holen Stoiner, Mariel Jonep, Ward O'Neill, Harry Wateon, Carl und Essibol Roman, One of the most delightful events of tho season has been tho house party given during the past week by Mr. and Mrs. H. B. RollinB to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dorgan of Lincoln, Nebraska. Tho other guests wero Miss Eat olio Wateon and Mr. J. R. Alexander. Mies Mary Pierce and Mr. H. B. Shaw. Dancing, picnics, suppers on the lawu, golf, cro quet, bean bag and other games filled the house with pleasure. Tho crown ing feature whb a formal dinner on Sat , urday evening at which were present f' in addition to the house party: Misses TTdrrTTTrTTTri sr .. . . s MTt. ..i , oi.... ftr;r"r-iML. . . PaS2ate rSl a- V- . . ,3 --'- - --' - "- - - - VbnkMa mbUh1 " - - - ll 4 1 W W 04yi77Z9 A Hill End Sale, This store is the medium through which several of the large eastern mills dispose of their season's accumulation of short lengths. We have procured thousands of yards, in mill ends, of calicoes, percales, cottons, ginghams flannels, tickings, table damask, toweling, black and colored dress goods, lin ings, embroidery, laces, underwear, blankets, etc., etc., all fresh and new direct from the mill and WILL SflLLTHlOM AT ACTUAL MILL COST In addition to this we place on sale all the remnants, short lengths, odd lots and broken lines left from out own remarkable season's selling. Every department will take advantage of this even.t to clear its shelves and coun ters of all summer merchandise as well as of disposing of every broken line, odd lot or remnant regardless of what it may be. We promise our patrons a bargain feast, in this sale, such as we have not presented for many years. No one can afford to overlook it. SALE BEGINS TUESDAY MOltNING AUGUST TH. If you can't come to the store send for circular. m m IpJ . j Lucile Prewitt, Lillie Johneon, Messr6. G. B. and E. T. Rollins. After a picnic to Rock Bridgo given by Miss Watson on Monday afternoon, the party at tended a porch party given by Mr. Bingham Rollins which was thoroughly enjoyable. To speed tho parting guests the party accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Dorgau to Centralia on Tuesday after noon when with much regret was ended a most enjoyable week. The Columbia Missouri Herald. Miss Sadie Burnbam and Miss Put nam left Sunday for Chicago, whoro they wero met later by Mrs, and Miss Putnam, Miss Saunddra, and Mr. and Mrs. McMurtry. From Chicago the party will go to Mackinac island for a short time. The Sons and Daughters of Protec tion gave a social on Monday night to friends and members of that order. After aprogram of musical and literary numbers,, watermelons were disscussed by those present. Mrs. F. W. Brown and son Frank, who have been in Omaha tho past weok, toturnedon Thursday accompanied by Mrs. Brown's sister, Mrs Bennett, and daughter Louise, who will visit hero for a few duys. MiBB Emma Edwards, formerly of this city where she was principal of the Bancroft school, now baB a position in Lob Angeles, at one of the California Normal schools as critic teacher. Mies Edith Lewis wont oust with her cousin Mr. Thomas E. Wing tho first part of the week. Miss Lowib will en ter Smith college this fall and will not return to her home for a year. Mrs, William Morrison and Gertrude Ilolbrook are visiting in Omaha, tho guests of Mrs. Morrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P, Tukey. They expect to be gone a couple of weeks. Mr. William Reed Dunroy is on tho police run of tho Omaha Bee. Mr. Dunroy took Mr. Maeon'B place on tho Bee, Mr, Dunroy is highly pleased with his work, tho city, and tho citizens of Omaha. Mrs. M. A. Garten and daughtor Mies Blancbo are enjoying a dolightful out ing among custom pleasure resorts. Tho places thus far visititod aro Chicago, Charlevoix, and Potosky. Mrs. J. II. Goer and daughter Mins Garnot, returned last Friday from an extensive tour of Illinois' watering places. Several weoka wero spent at Crystal Lake. Inviiat ons nave been issued for tho 17th to u riding party and informal dancing afterward on tho lawn, by Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Macdonald. Mr. T. P. Kennard returned TueEday from a short visit to Denver. His daughter MrB. Pitcher is expected next weok. A pleasant picnic was bold on Friday evening on the I. M. Raymond grounds by friends of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond. Dr. and Mrs. M. H. Everett returned Thursday from a month's outing in the mountains of Colorado. Capt. o. W. Wmgor is visiting a few days in Tecumsch tho guest of hiB daughter Mrs, True. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Victor have re turned from an oxtendod visit to California. Mies Bertha Beckman has just re turned from a vacation of sovoral weeks in tho east. Mr. and Mrs. Wecsnor and family left Monday evening for an outing at Spear Hah, S. D. Miss Esther Angle of Pennsylvania is the gueat this weok of Mrs. E, 0. Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hovoy are enjoy ing an outing at Muskegon, Mich. THE FIRST NEBRASKA. Hair Droeslng, Shampooing, Scalp Treatment, Manicuring, and Switch Work. Anne Rivet t and Agnes Rawlings 143 South 12th street. San FranciBco, Cal., July .'H. At OM) this morning tho men of tho First Ne braska and Utah battoriuB murchod out of tho crowded transport dock to meet an ovation of which they perhaps had little dreamed, a dea'uning demonstra tion which hailed and wolcomod them through the strcot and all the three mile way to tho Presidio. As early as eight o'clock tho command wan formed upon the wharf in hoavy marching ordor, tn bo review d by Gov ernor Poynter and Governor Barry, while all San Francisco waitod patiently Outside MrB. Van Pelt, out of a huge basket of Mowers, placed a bright bou quet upon every dingy blanket roll. Tho governor and his staff and the regimental ft IT and field officers wero mounted on spirited cavalry horses, while six ambulances were filled with men who wero not able to stand tho long marcn. Four batteries of the Third artillery, togotborwitb their band, acted as an escort, under command of Captain Pratt. They wore fittingly assidtej by a mounted troop of the Sixth cavalry, Colonel Stotsenburg'ti old regiment, which, in parade front stood at present arms while the regiment passed. Next to the escort c.une Governor Poynter, with General Barry and an orderly, bearing tho blue silken stato flag. They preceded Colonel Mulford andhiBstaiT Adjutant Whodon, Major Snyder and Lieutenant McLaughlin. The regiment, headed by the band, followed in company front order of bat talions, Lioutenant Colonel Eager com manding the first, Major Taylor tho second and Major Killian the third. The San Francisco committee of ar-ra- gemoots bad relays of men on watch, and simultaneously with the ordr to begin the inarch, whistles, bells, steam calliopes and mammoth sirens burst forth in tremendous uproar all over the city and bay. , The peoplo crowded about tie deck entrance, sot up a wild cheer that was passed in growing up and down the