The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 29, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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lProfetsslorcci.1 Directory.
. . M
uni nours ,p
omen oro
r,0!-Dr. O. 0. Reynolds
r5 )
U)fllco rooms 18-19, 1 10 to 1 n
4 Hurr Hlock 3to' ,.m
(Roa. 2M8Q rit ) Sin
IDr. S. E. Cook
j Eyo, Bur, Noso and Throat
9:30-12;:i am
1315 O St.
p m
Jlllco 018
BDr. Ben j. F.Bailey
I OHlco, Zohrung Hlock ) 9 to 10 a in
i V12tol2::w
f Residence. 131,'t (J stroot 2 to K v m
KvonlriKB, by appointment.
Sumlny'a 12 to 1 p. ni, and liy appointment.
IDr. J.B. Triokev,
f RoftactioniBt only
I 19 to 12 a. tn
VOfTlco, 1035 O Btroot I to 4 p.m.
A Aft Wr
I - - - -fr 7T
godal and Personal
F w wi
1 . l Olllcn, rooms 26, 27 and 1
ouico Kw.vLouis N. Wente,D.D.S.i .? nlock.iun
) I so lltli Btroot. )
Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
- Buainess Directory.
Olllco, 12, V., Montgomery Llk r ii; r'UotKore t Roal Estate, Fire Insur
Phone K)7. Ilea 015 North Hi ' VV. LdiamDerb j anco Surety Bonds.
. . . AT . . .
: Riggs Pkarmacvj
There is none to eq ual it in elegance j
The line is complete in everything, J
oooooocoooo3oc o ocorooroJOoJOco
1009 O street.
Telephone 105.
o ioii'0ioi'0ioroc' o ioooiooioc'0iwto
"V1- s V. T, .
Pl?0i0 gjupftligS.
1041 O St.
Ihicoln, B?etr.
Ms Ms Ms Ms Ms M
'1 0
o y
- 6
At f
Rooms 27-28 Webster Block, South 11th.
And instruction iven in Oil,' Pastel, and Crayon jj
lllf Lessons Even' Afternoon.
SiIFl0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 1010101010
Thoro has boon a greater dearth of which a delightful collation was served
society no jvr than usual this week, pro- Those present woro Misses Floren,
sumably from tho fact that the mid- Campbell, Winterstoon, Stearns, Mac
summer exodus of society folk to tho farland, Saw) or, Armstrong, Matthews
mountains, woods and water Ib now at Reagan, Walla, Anderson, M. and O
its height. Howevvr, tho younger
members of society's realm have been
having rathor a busy week of, it judging
by tho number of parties given. Among
these the party given by Leon Crandall
in honor of Senator Thurston's daugh
ters, MiBses Grace and Jean, and the
party given by tho L. A. T. club to the
Misses Minnie Florin, Gracu Campbell
of SowarJ and Fern Winterstoon of
Fremont deserve special mention.
Unquestionably tho social ovont of
tho summer Beaeon was the splendid
party given by Leon Crandall at his
elegant homo on Seventeenth and A
streets last Tuesday evening, in com
p'iraent 1o tho Miaees Joan and Grace
Thurston of Omaha. To a spectator it
seemed as if he wandered upon tome
merry spot in fairyland. Tho grounds
wore lighted by two immense head
lights, whilo hundreds of Japanese
lanterns lent additional beauty to the
scene. Tho lawn was covered with a
Bnow white tarpaulin, upon which the
young pooplo tripped tho graceful
measures of tho art Torpsechoroan to
strains of enchanting music discoursed
by tho mandolin orchestra and piano
hidden among tno vines on tho veranda.
Hammocks in largo numbers woro
bwung among tho trees as a resting
place for thoso wearied with dancing.
Tho scouo within was no loss lively than
that on tho lawn. Tho interior of
tho dwelling was brilliantly lighted, tho
decorations boing dono in fragrant
sweet poas. transforming oach room in
to a veritable bower. Here camo thoso
who had tired of tho frolic on tho lawn
or else sought the couches and cushions
scattered about the voranda. whore Mrs.
Crandall, beautifully gowned, wbb
serving punch, iceB and other cooling
rofreohments. The streets about the
residence wero thronged with people
eager for a glimpse of the light, life
and merriment going on before ihem.
Tho Misses Thurston in honor of whom
the partv was given left Wednesday
morning on the early train for their
home in Omaha. Those receiving invi
tations were Misses Funk, Grace and
Jean Thurston, Hammond, Hargreaver,
Wcesnor, Hunt, Mabel and Grace Bon
nett, Lilian and Jessie White, Ruth and
Jessie Macfarland, Myer, Cornell, Weber
Bignoll, Hotl'man, Poyyter, Fuller,
Lillibridiio, Hartley, Coggshall, Miller;
Messrs Sedgwick, York, A. and P. Lau,
Stein, Holmes, Marquette, Hill, Morris
on, Smith, Burnham, Rohlaendor,!. and
Hullhorst, Clinton, Wilson, Rarrick,
Watson, Howland, Shaffor, LeeBe, Mc
Greer, Anthony, Edith and Mabel Er-
Alex and Peter Lau gave a charming
little party Wednesday evening in honor
of Misses Grace and Jean Thurston of
Omaha. The house was gaily decorated
throughout, the high tower being tilled
with cushions and easy chairs, where
the guests could retire to re9t after tho
dancing which was the most popular
amusoment of tho evening. Punch and
ices were served during the evening by
Mrs. Lau assisted by Mrs. GifTen.
Tno3e present were Misses Grauo and
Jean Thurston, Outcalt, Funk, Meyer,
Macfarland, vVeesner, Bennett, Fuller,
Giffen, Raymond, Crandall, Wheeler,
Wittman, Burnham, Alex and Peter
The many Lincoln frienria of Mrs
Charlotte OoLaney will be glad to read
the followiog beautiful discription of
her California home.
Santa Baiiuaka, June, 21, '00.
My home is one of tho loveliest spots
you can imagine, on the beautiful San
MarcoB stage road. It is 1100 feet above
the sea, of which wa have a grand view.
There are 120 acres, mostly rocks and
precipices and cbapparel, but tbero uro
fifteen acres of almost unparalelhd rich
noBS the wash of leaf-mould from tho
mountain Bides, and above the frost lino.
Thoro is a glorious brook which traverses
the wholo length of tho place, tumbling
over great boulders, tearing through
stony channels, murmuring between
ferny banks or lying in deop haunted
pools. Oh, such a brook!
At present wo, Constance and I Joo
has spread his wings and flown out of
the home nestwith some friends are
camping by the brook-side, and, oh, it is
elysium! There is a email barn on the
place, a little barn-yard and two orchards
in which the apricots are just beginning
to ripen. Once a week we come down
hero to our pretty little cabin, complete
ly hidden in vines and flowers, and do
our baking, get our mail, water our
garden, otc, We live as near to naturo
as is compatbilo with decency work,
eat, and eloepin the open air, and in the
simplest possible manner, and always
with tho magniflcont panorama of tho
mountains, tho lovely valley, and tho
waving branches of tho live oaks, syca
mores, maples, and bays above ub.
Wo expect to got somo good views of
A. Raymond, Fawoll, Brown, Hickoy, th0 homo and will send you some; though
Yates, Korsmeyer, F. and E. Funk, tapy Cttn B'vo vu no idea of tho beauty
Hewitt, Wheelor, Gillon. Patterson, ttnu "agranco and peace of tho spot in
II M Dunn, dentist; rooms 2(1-7 Burr blk Subscribe for Tiir CourtiKii $1 a yoar
Misses Mubol and Edyth Eiford gave
very pretty little party to a few of their
young Ihdy frionds last Monday evening
in honor of tho MieBos Grace Campbell,
Minnie Floren of Seward and Fern
Winterstoen of Fremont. Tho house
was prottily decorated with Mowers,
while hammocks and cushions woro
scattered about the veranda. Tho even
ing was spent in an interesting contest
game in which tho honors wero won by
Misses Raphael and Campbell, after
wnicn our camp is made. Our neigh
bors here aro nearly all Spanish people,
kindly, gentlo dark-eyed, as ignorantly
innocent as tho birds and animals.
MobI of thorn are wretchedly poor; their
food, mostly I'm afraid "of tho charae
Icon's favor," but oven that is better
than ''the air" would be in a town,
purer, s-iroly, if not so rich. Our own
food is of tho very simplest, and all our
work is done by oursolvee.
Tho clasBic shades of Woodlawn wero
enlivened by a morry crowd of picnick