The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 22, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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of a re ic from the Maine, in tho shape
of a piece of a brusa team pipe which
waa aecured by Aaaiatant Quarter
Master Gtareore G. Culver Apropos,
Mr. Culver and Cuptnin Horton will
sail on a transport the 20th of this
month for Manila.
Prof. E. II. Barbour and Grant Cor
nell have jrone to Wyoming on an ex
ploring fzppditinn organized by tho
Union Pacific rHilroad. They joined a
party of scientist from eastern colleges
in Omaha on Thursday, and started for
Laramie, Wyoming, wbero the party
will leave the train and subdivide into
groups of ten to search for new fossil
fields. About 120 representatives of
colleges are expected to bo in tho com
pany. Tho trip, as plat nod, will tako
forty days, but Professor Barbour will
probably be home in ten days.
At he last meeting of Columbian Re
bekab lodge No. 00 I O. O. F., the fol
lowing officers were installed: Noble
grand, Mrs. Isabella Joerser; vice grand
Miss Minnie Bo won; recording secretary,
Mies Irene Warrick; R. S. to N. 6., Mrs.
L B. Warrick; L. S. to N. G Mrs. An
na Lyons; R. S. to V. G., Mies Ollln Bol
shaw; L. 8. toV. G Miss MaryKnud
soon; chaplain, Mrs. Kate Aetley;warden.
Miss Maude Tyler; conductor, MSeb
Dora Warrick; I. G., Mrs. Rotta Carey;
O. G.,Mrs. William Tyler. Aftor tho in
stallation the members of the lodge
were served with ice cream and cake.
Claude Head, a member of company
G, of the First Nebraska regiment,
whoie home is in Lincoln, came home
yesterday morning, and was met by his
father and other relatives and friends.
He started with the regiment as a
trumpeter and nas the distinction of be
ing the tirst soldier among the Nebraska
troop to receive a wound. At one time
he was reported killed Ho was conn aed
to the hospital for a long period. Mr.
Head made the return trip on tht bat
tleBhip Oredon, arriving in San Fran
cisco last Sunday.
The Star circle of St. Paul's church
met Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W.
M. Allen. The husbands of the ladies
were invited for a seven o'clock supper
which wbb served on tho illuminated
lawn and was very elaborate. A phon
ographic concert closed the evening's
entertainment. Sixty-five people were
present to enjoy the feetivities.
Mrs. Whedon, Miss Whedon and Miss
Margaret, Mrs. Gere, Miss Gere, Mies
Ellen and Mta Frances and Miss Broady
have returned from their Brownville
summer resort where they have spent a
few weeks, in exploring, botanizing and
Miss Alice Snively gave a bicycle
party last evening. After a spin on
their wheels the little company returned
to Miss Snively's home for refreshments.
Those present were Misses Poynter,
Helen Snively, Messrs Hart, Crandall,
A party consisting of Messrs and
Mesdames Will Owen Jones, Hardy,
Clark, George Spurlock of Plattemoutb,
Mrs. Spurlock of York, and Fred Shep
herd will go next week to northern Wy
oming to camp and enjoy out door life
for a month.
On Wednesday Mrs. R. II. Oakley
gave a ono o'clock lunrheon for Mrs. W.
R. Kelley. Those present wero: Mes
dames Kelley, Kermin of Illinois, Har
wood, O. R. Oakley, Green, Houtz, Lem
ing, Yates, Robinson, Wright, Lamb,
Griffith and Dorr.
Congressman Burkett received Con
gressman Tbomaa Hedge and Dr. Flem
ing of Burlington, Iowa, Thursday, and
showed them about the city. After
wards they dined with President Per
kina of the Burlington road.
MP. J. O. Cotter and daughter, Miss
Graco Cotter, wont to Chicago on Tues
day. From there they will go to Elk
hart, Indiana, to visit friends and will
return about the first of Soptombor.
Milford is this year renewing its pop
ularity as a picnic rcBort. On Tuesday
Messrs. and Mesdames Boo on, CotTroth
and Brown spent tho day there among
the sylvan shades, and yesterday Messrs
and Mesdamos Green, Kichurds, Lamb
and Dr. Ludd picnicaed thoro.
Mesdumos W. E. Hardy anclL. FosBler
gave a delightful informal "Morning"
yesterday at the homo of he former,
in honor of Mrt. Ansley, who is soon to
remove fiom Lincoln. Light refresh
ments wero served.
Misses Margery and Nancy Lambert
son who havo been the guoBts of their
parents Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Lambortson
were called to their homo in Mineral
Point, Wisconsin, by the death of their
Mr. C. O. Whedon starts tomorrow
for San Franc'iBCO to meet his son
Lioutenant Whedon of tho first Nebras
ka who will arrive with his regiment
Mrs. W. C. Phillips and Miss Edna
Hyatt left Wednesday to join a party of
artists at Columbus. From thoro they
go into tho Piatte country on a sketch
ing trip.
Mrs. F. A. Snyder wife of Major Sny
der, surgeon of the First ebraska, and
Mra. L. Wilson, wife of Captain Wilson,
have gone to San Francisco to meet the
returning regiment.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bennett gave a
dinner laBt evening in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Graves of Minneapolis. The guests
wero Mesdames Whiting, Rymal, Per
kins, Messrs Graves, Hiltner, Perkins.
A pleasant little picnic wa? enjoyed'
on Wednesday afternoon by Misses
Emmy Tyler, Duca Deweese, Lunette
Keth, Maud Cauger and Edith Haynio.
Superintendent Gordon of tho public
schools is in the city and at work. He
has secured a bouse in East Lincoln and
his family will arrivo next week.
Mrs. M. Friend gave a very pleaeant
card party Saturday afternoon. The
winners of prizes wore Mrs. Ketch of
New York and Mrs. Weil.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Buckslatl gave a
dinner Friday evening. Their guests
were Mesdames Oakley, Griffith, Messrs
Whedon, Harley and Wilsou.
Mrs. C. E. Yates gave an informal
dinner on Thursday evening for Mm.
W. R. Kelley of Omaha, and her sister,
Mrs. Kermin of Illinois.
Mrs. Fred Wilson of Kearney is visit
ing her sister, Mrs. Camack, for a few
days while on her return trip from a
sojourn in Oklahoma.
Miss Grace Harrison entertained the
chafing dish club Monday mornincr. Her
guests were Mesdames Dorgan, Smith.
Merrill; MisseB Putnam bnd Hollow
bush. Dr. and Mrs. Dorris returned on
Monday from an. extended absence.
They were accompanied from Chicago
by Mr. and Mrs. Tilton.
Miss Edith Bentley has returned from
Pratt Institute at Brooklyn, Now York,
where oho haB just completed a two
years' course in kindergarteuing.
Mrs. Henry Mayer entertained a com
pany of ladies yesterday afternoon in
honor of Mr. Mayer's sister Mr". Brucks
of New York.
Tho W. R. C. gave a trolley purty on
Thursday evening. Two cars were
filled with happy excursionists.
Mr. Harry Lansing is having a pleasant
outing on Spirit Lake, la.
Prof, L, A. Sherman, Mra, Sherman,
sonB and daughter tro in Colorado
Springs for tho summer.
Miss Eunice do Steigor who Las been
visiting her aunt Mra. RisJoti, returned
to her home in S. Joseph on Thursday.
MIbsbb Nellio Kepler and 'Roa Scott
have gono for a visit to Denver, Colo
rado Springs and o her wostorn points.
Professor and Mrs. Birbour, R gent
and Mrs. Morrill and thair families, will
go to Yellow Stono park in August
Mr. Wilson Muir and Juck Macfar
land have spent tho week in Brownvillo
visiting tho former's grandparents.
Misses Mabel Cbapin of Minion, and
JeBsic McGrew of Geneva, aro tho gue6t
of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. McGrow.
Major Uhurlos WoekB started for San
Francisco on Tueeday night, to join his
regiment in Manila.
The young people of tho United Pros
bterian church gave a lawn social on
Thursday evening.
Mrs. N. S. Harwood has returned
from Dakota Hot Springs, much im
proved in health.
Mrs. E. K. Harris an i daughter,
Clara, Sarah and Edna, aro visiting Mrs.
Roea Funko.
Miss Lena Irvin or Nebraska City nnd
M . Morris M. Crissman of Lincoln, wero
marriod Sunday at tho homo of tho
Mr. and Mra. J. W. Metcalf of Omaha
are in the city visiting roiativos.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Spencer have gono
to Colorado for a few weeks' outing.
Mrs. Brucks of New York is tho guest
of her brothers the Messrs Mayor.
Mrs. G. W. Kotch of Now York is tho
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ackorman.
Mrs. J. Speier and children huvo gouo
to Coloiado for the summer.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clark OberHes
on July 17, a daughter.
Dikii, in Palo Alto, Ual., Mrs. Froa',
tho mother of Mrs.Geo.E. Howard, MrB.
N. Z. Snoll and Judgo Lincoln Frost.
Mrs. Frost was ono or tho old residents
of Lincoln. She was a woman of great
forco and strength of character. Mr.
and Mrs. Snell who were in California
with Mrs. Frost when buo died are ox
pected to arrive in Lincoln today.
This is the season of low round trip
rates, made especially for you and jou,
gentle reader, if you would travel. Be
sides special excursions to a number of
points eaBt and west at a one fare rate
for a round trip, we have cheap summer
tourist rates to many points. If you
cootemplatea visit or business trip north,
oast or west juBt call in and see if you
can't save something by availing your
selves of these rates. Hore aro a few of
the points referred to: Milwaukee,
Nunah Sheboygan, and MndiBon, Wis.;
St. Paul, Minn., and Duluth, Minn.
Portland, Me., Bellows Falls, Vt. James
town, N. Y., etc., etc.
A. S. Fieldino, C. T. A., North-weBt-ern
Line. 117 So. 10 Str.
Church Store.
The latest scheme of Calvary Epis
copal Church, New York City, which
already manages a woodyard, lodging
house and restaurant, all self-supporting,
Is to open a shop for tho salo of
dry gooils to the poor on tho install
ment plan. A reasonable price will
ho charged for the goods, but It will
ho far below that asked In other In
stallment stores. A Philadelphia
church made n great success of such
a shop somo years ago. It is still a
source of gain to tho poor nnd profit
to tho church funds.
A SclrnllHl Hityx II'k Trim Tliry Can't
llrnr it TlilllK.
"Though I had often heard of it, I
inner waa fully satisfied that all white
cats are naturally deaf until recently,"
Bald a scionMfle gentleman, who de
votes considerable of his time to ex
perimenting with the lower order of
animals. "I wns aware that Prof. Bell,
In his original experiments in connec
tion with tho telephone, had ascer
tained and stated that his experience
with white cats was that they were all
either deaf c very deficient In hearing,
nnd that oth experiments In the same
direction had reached similar conclu
sions. To satisfy myself I recently se
cured in all twenty-three white cats,
and experimented on them, one at a
time. In every ease I found them stone
deaf. In carrying tho experiment fur
ther I found that white dogs nnd white
horses nre deficient in hearing, nnd
that many of them are entirely deaf.
So are white rats and white mice. I
am confident I do not overstate it in
regard to white cats, though I have
only personally experimented with
twenty-three, and, of course, can only
speak positively In regard to them. I
don't hazard much, however, when I
make the hold statement that all
white cats aro deaf."
All .Madeira TIiimikIi,
III front of a grocer's In the Rue dc
Hlvoll, Paris, is a sign which read?:
".Madeira. 2 frarcs: old .Madeira, 3
francs; genuine -Madeira, 10 francs."
Loudon Tit-nits.
Q f.i: it .! n i . O
O iii.u iiuiiiu luuuo volumes q
g Ice Cre n und Fruit Ices.
q Wholesale and Retail 1:121 () Str.
oonooooooooo ooooooooocono
Fitat Publication July 3:-4
Elizabeth A. Knox, as Fxeotitrix of the ostalo
ot ( arolinu Harwell, deoonsod, vs Henry
S. Reed, ct al.
mitii u io no..i:i:sidi:nt di:ki:ndants.
To Henry S. Reed and Miouin L. Reed: You
and each of you will take notice that on tho L'Otli
tlay of July yj! tho above named platntitr
lod her petition in tlm court aforesaid nenlnst
jou and each of you. the object and prayer of
sijid potition nroto foreclose two certain mort-RiiKi-h
executed by you to tho Clark A- Leonnrd
Investment Company and by it nssujnod to this
plaintiff upon the following described uremia"
Jo-wit: CouimonciiiK at tho N. E. curnor of tho
b. E (marter, of thuS. E. quarter of Socti u
thirty-six, :w, Township ton, 10, N. of Hnnire six
II. E. of tho 0th P. M.. then ruuninw WvKSu
drednndr.iuoty-ono.OOI.feot ontho N. lino of
ho said S. E, quarter of tho S. E. qunrtor
honco runniuK twonty-nino and MOO feet on
lino parallo to tho E. lino of said S. E. qunrtor
o start inp point, tlioncoB. throo hind rod
foot on n lino parallel to tho E.llno of Tat,
. K. quarter, t honco V. ono hundred nnil
twenty-o ght IM foot on n lino parallel to ho
N. lino of said S. E. quarter, t honco N. throo
hundred am feet on a lino parallel to tho E. ino
of tho said -. E quarter, tliouco E.ono hundro
and tweutr-olKut, 12S, feet to tho point Si 'bo!
KlunlnK,tlio same uoinir Lots one. I, two.
throo. a, four. 4. live, S. and six 0. Hlock throo "'
ttiudsor Addition to tho City of Lincoln Lnn.
castor county, Nebraska, to secure tho im?
mem of two certain promissory note" nnd n-
orost thereon, aid notes boin dated Juno l"
lW.'.f,,r ,,' '" ' Fifteen Hun Iro DolW
I $ I""! ,S"? H"lrod am Fifty Mra
$150,111. with interest at tho ratoof'
cent per annum till duo and ten , ,'r cent or
an,,,,,,, after maturity, said notdwhw Suoon
tho 1st day of June, IMiS.that d fault ho" boo
mailo in the payment ol said notes ndntoreHt
and there is now duo upon tho "aid no es nnd
inortiiiiiro i tho sum of IIJISI with I tnrest at
iVt0i."iy "VVui JTrr ,,or . 1"vln!srttifi
jiiii iiii) oi .nil), 1MI1I, Tor which sum with in.
l iHlntiir further prays that a imolvor mnv l,.,
appointed to tako .'how, of said ,r mlses a
oront tho same, collect the rents a inn Its
Kitchen and v. i, Yryvr oj, a, u.
inmiior. I6UI", ami hoartnir on noiilirutd.n r..V
appointment of a receiver wl bi V.. H , B. I
last uniued dnto ntltho hour Af t a ii i .
uated Lincoln, Nebraska, July 20. 1890
'ihn ,,KT.".A' "S- "H Executrix .f
deeeZll!0 '" l'atoliM ""twell!
J Hauwoiip ami Amkh A Ami:h.
Imr (itttiinnyH.