mtrmsmfmummnmmi 6 THE COURIER, Profeaional Directory. Phono. Offlco 658 om hours Dr. O. 0. Reynolds lOlilco rooms 1810, 1 10 to 1 n llurr Block V a to' ,).m iHos. 2548qdt I But to Res. .055 IDr. S. E. Cook f Eye, Ear, Nobo and Throat I 19:30-12:: f 2-5 p m I nm 1215 oat. 'c ""tor. Ben. P. Bailey 01 lo 671.1 . . f Roi Evenings, by nppointmont. Suuuny a 12 to 1 p. I Olllco, ZobruuR Mock j 9 to 10 n in Resilience, 1313 C stroot ) 2 to 4 p m in. nnd hy npiioiiitmcnt. IDr. J. B. Trickey, I RofiactioniBt only ) J 9 to 12 a. tn VOfTlco, I035O stroot VI to 4 p.m. m gocial and Pergonal sit im DENTISTS. I , . . , ( Ofllce, rooms 26, 27 arid J oaico RaoALouis N. Wente.D.D.S. i.nrowoii Block, mi- ) f so 11th stroot. J Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy, Farmers and Merchants Building. Bufiiiness Directory. ORlco, 12, 10, Montjomory blk ) r i rUrmUavc S Ral Estate, Firo Insur Phono 507. Res G4.r North 10 $ - VV. namDerS anco Surety Bonds. rHKRlJsTiNE " " : STATIONERY i 8 AT S There is none to eq ual it in elegance 2 The line is complete in everything. : Riggs Pharmacy , INSURE t'hwb PHENIX f o LANDY C. 6LARK, Agent. 1009 O street. Telephone 105. Ur0lOtOOOC'0J9fM0 O 0310I3C'01001wU'0' ftl?otO SPplJg8. GjVa iIliDRPli Ff fimgmmmLmmwmtmmlmmm I I WillMilllllllllllllHraiKllllllKk 'L--r.,-TTmmmmmmmrrr. -T---J2XT " -vtjwssf; svrffott ROOM 5. k:. irui n Qf IW. 1UT1 V VJfc. Llncoln, Nebr. : k$ 4g Ms Ms $ Ms $ $ s 4Ns 4tk t -i 4K$ iV H t a ?f 1 6 6 -Vft " 6 - 6 - tt -" t 6 . 6 -" 6 -i I.s ij i o - & - fr V aInn AnuoTHAMo IVmo MIMYIO 1 rVJlNO o Ak S ) ( 1 7 Rooms 27-28 Webster Block, South 11th. PORTRAITS MAP-P i viniiniiu ITllL. ? jj And instruction given in Oil, Pastel, and Crayon 7 Ulf Lessons Every Afternoon. ait? w v w v w v ? tt if Society folk have not boon entiroly Thoy wore Misses Annie Gregg, Blanch idle this week, although no largo affuirp Farquar, Frances Crombio, Ida Wood, have boon given and activities havo Charlotto Spurck.and Anna Smith. Mrs. been confined largely to the "buds," Swan presided at a prottily decorated pooplo of moro maturn years proferring table from which ices and cakes vrero ub a rulo to remain quiet, tho two ex served. Mrs. Will Owon Jones played a coptions in partioB of any hIzo being the roception for Mr. and Mrs. Loavitt, and tho parly given by Mosdamcs Hardy and FosHlor for Mrs. AnBley. Tho N. N. T's affair at Mrs. Macfarland's on Wod needay evening was very pretty, and tho presence in tho city of Senator Thui'B ton's daughters was tho opportunity for H M Dunn, dentist; rooms 20-7 burr blk Subscribofor The Couiuku $1 n year Gluck-Joseffy number, Miss Jessie Lan sing sang "Spring Song ' and the "Sol dier's Love", Mr. Fred Shepherd made a short addresF in which he spoke of the regret felt by the people of the church at tho coming parting from Mr. ard Mrs. Loavitt who go soon to Boston to reside. At tho close o? his ta'lc Mr. tho gathering of tho Bamo "garden of Shepherd presented to Mr. and Mrs. girls" and their attendants for a lawn party at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Thomas on Thursday evening. East Lincoln young people havo had some festal doings Rnd thoro havo been a number of dinners, small picnics and various informal affairs. Quito tho ovont of tho weok in Bocial circles was tho garden party given Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. V- Loavitt a handsome etching, and both responded in words of deep feeling. MrB. Henry Hurtloy has received two very interesting letters from her daughter Miss Mamie who is in Manila with Mrs. Switchenburg the inspector general of tho hospital work of the white cross society. They reached Manila bay tho 23 of May, a typhoon was blow ing at the time and they could not land until the following day. The last night O. ThoraaB in compliment to their on board tho transport a hop was given cousins MiBBOB Grace and Jean Thurs- in their honor by the officers of the ship. ton of Omaha. The lawn and piazza The lawn and were brilliantly illuminated with Japan ese lanterns and headlights and tho young ladies in their light tummer frocks made indood a pretty sight. Music was furniened by a Btiing quar tette for those who cared to dance, and spider webs woven among the trees wero found upon unwinding to torminato with favors, those for tho .young ladies being pretty papor trifles from which, by pulling u cord little caps could bo drawn. Tho favors for tho mon con sisted of hornB, whistles and similar ar. tides. The bouse was fragrant with nasturtiums and sweet po:iB. Lemonado was served on tho porch by Miss Cow dory and a delicious luncheon wjib served on small tables on tho lawn. The oddly shaped and gorgeously colored lanterns threw bright lights over tho morning dow faces of tho young girls and lads whoBO fantastic headdresses made of tho German favors made the idyl com plete. Tho street in front of tho The next day they went ashore and at tho United StateB custom house met Colonel Cotton and other officers. Miss Hartley eays Manila is a most splendid old city. Their hotol is a tine building, tho room which she occupies is very large, has in it four large pillars and a number of long mirrors. She was sur prised upon entering the dining room for tho eight o'clock dinner to And tho American, English nnd French ladies present all in evening dross. During the meal the entire company rose and drank to the health of Queen Victoria, it being tho good queen's birthday. A ball was given that evening in honor of tho anniversary. MisB Hartley says that sbo is busy from seven iu the morn ing to eloven at night, is happy and in love with Manila which she pronounces "the deareet place I ever saw.'' The T. N. N. club gave a dancing party Wednesday evening at the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. MHcFarland. T!aa Wil1niirlilt 1niA,l .- .U J1HKM grounds was filled with tho carriages of a 7ZVSZ TT. T fu.jnan,i ..,iion ., u.. 1L. and icoB wore Borvod between numbers. ZZ n.;,r;;; r , : r " " Th0 broad ? " alluring resting spontaneous laughter and evident en joyment of tho guest?. Even those who effect to diBlik pootry and all appeals to and colob ration of color, light, youth and music, yielded to tho fuiry spell of a econo like this. Invitations wore extended to MieseB Margery and Nancy Lambertson, Gladys and Louise HargroavoB, JeBsio and liuth Macfarland, Burnham, Lillibridgo, Ray mond, DhIop, Camp, Moyor, Fawoll, Honeywell, Whito, Bennett, Funko, Woesner, Outcalt, Hunt, Howard; Messrs Macfarland, Muir.Houtz, Wheel er, Dalop, Hartley, Mnrnuotto. Lau. places Tor thoeo who were tired. There wore present MissoB Outcalt, Funko, WeeBner, Moyor, Hunt, Cornell, Bennett, HargroaveH, Muir, Ruth and Jessie Mac farland, Graco and Joan Thurston of Omaha, Rose Lillibridgo of Chicago; Messiri Ike and Arthur Raymond, Lau, Stein, Fawoll, Giffen, Wheeler; Whit mun, Brown, Orandall, Perrin, and Burnham. Mi6s Graco M. Black and Mr. George Warren wero married Wednesday after noon at tho residonco of Mr. and Mrs. S.J. Dennis, 18U0 L stroot. Father Bradley of St ThoroBa's pro cathedral TomEor., Fritz and Edwin Funko, Reh- Performed tho ceremony, using the beau laondor, Fawoll, Arthur and Iko Ray- titul und impressive service of tho catho mond, Crandall, Whitman, Stein, Brown ,ic cnurh. Tho houBO wes elaborately Gill'en, Burnham. ' decorated with llowera and palms. Af ter congratulations olegant refreshments A farewell rocoptiou was given to Mr. wore served. Mr. and Mrs. Warren and Mrs. T. II. Loavitt, Tuesday ovon- hnvo gono east and after their return ing at tho First Conbregational church, will rosido at Eleventh and B streets In Miss Marion Kingsley, president of tho a pretty homo alroady prepared for ladioB' socioty, assisted in recoiving the their occupancy. nunurou or moio uallors. Refreshments wero in chargo of tho young ladios of Mrs. Loavitfs Sabbath school class. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Herman of (155 South Eighteenth streot entertained a company of frionds Friday ovening. A S. r