The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 22, 1899, Image 1

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    VOL. XIV., NO. XXIX.
Kntkhko in the POBTOKFICB at Lincoln as
Offlco 11.12 N Btroot, Up Stairs.
Telephone 384.
Subscription ltatcp In Advance.
Per annum '. $1 00
Six months 75
Three months 50
One month 20
Single copioB 05
The Courier will not bo responsible for vol
notary communications unless nccompauiod by
roturn postHRo.
Communications, to rocolvo attention, must
bo eieuod by tho full nnmo of tho writor, not
moroly as a Riinrnnteo of good faith, but for
publication if advisable
The Reception to the First.
The meeting at the Funke opera
house last week to celebrate In song
and cpeech the homo-coming of the
First Nebraska and to awaken enthu
siasm, accomplished its purpose.
There have been criticisms from pop
ulists and anti expansionists that the
meeting was not non partisan The
criticism may be deserved. It Is difll
cult to repress the cheers which every
mention of the First Nebraska causes
because there are very good people In
the state who think the boys have no
business over there. It is difllcult to
cheer the boys and repress approval
for the administration who sent them
there to put down rebellion; bclugdlftl
cult neither tho speakers nor tho au
dience accomplished it. For a lot of
people gathered together for the pur
pose of expressing their approval or
disapproval of men and their conduct
are quite likely to bo purely human
and express themselves by cheers or
hisses as the case may bo.
When tho multitude is gathered to
gether It expresses Itself with primi
tive frankness. Even tho most self
respecting and intelligent crowd of
people has some of the characteristics
of a mob, it is moved by clemcntnry
emotions and expresses them vocif
erously. Orators who speak to a
multitude assembled for such u cele
bration cannot be blamed for express
ing the thought which each member
of his audience is thinking, or for not
ignoring the topic which lias brought
them together. Orators are men and
Y men are human. If Mr. Whedon,
Mayor Wi illicit, Mr. Lainbortson,
Mr. Manderson, and General Vifqiiain
had not kindled the patriotism
and the gratitude for soldiers who
have offered their lives to the
government and who have per.
formed deeds of valor and self sacrifice
which a world acknowledges, the
skillful orator Mr. William .1. lirynii,
who listened to them, must have dls
approved of tholr failure to appreciate
the opportunities "f an unusually
happy situation.
It was impossible to praise the boys
for their bravery and devotion with
out seeming to approve of the country
they were lighting for and the kind of
government their suppression of tho
revolt will establish in Luzon.
Thus there were those who thought
tho meeting was political Quite the
contrary it was on account of the lack
of subtlety and consideration for feel
ings which a crowd invariably ex
hibits. Corn Prospects.
The report of the agricultural de
partment for July gives Nebraska
credit for 8,240,000 acres or corn under
cultivation and growing with a rapid
ity and vigor not heretofore reached.
Tho government statistician who
compiles these reports, reckons that
the yield of 1809 will be 282 000,000
Diishels. Ills reckoning is, of course,
based on the acreage under cultiva
tion, the stage of growth it has reach
ed, and the absence of meteorological
indications of drouth. The yield of
Kansas Is guessed by the same secre
tive official to be Jll)0,000,000 bushels.
The yield of the whole country is a
little more than four times the sum
of Kansas and Nebraska. With the
upward tendency of prices there is
every indication that this trcmen
dous crop will bring more money into
the state than it possessed in the
boomiest of boom times.
Liquid Air.
According to ohc latest improved
process for making liquid air by Mr.
Oscar P. Ostergren, a Swedish engi
neer resident in New York, it can bo
produced for from five to sixcentsagal
Ion and "one gallon of it taking into
account both Its expansive power and
its latent cold, equals two horse power
for one hour." "One gallon of it
weighing seven and three quarter
pounds has the cool lug power of eighty
live pounds of ice, besides being abso
lutely clean and absolutely dry." It
can be used for whatever power, and
intense heat and cold can bo used for.
As a high explosive it has the energy
and irresistlbloness of dynamite and
may be safely transported. Mr. Nor
denfeldt, tho greatSwedish gunmakcr,
told Mr. Ostergren that liquid air
would be used in the heavy ordnance
of the future. As an illumiuant, the
Gorman scientific reviews regard it as
most important of all possibilities."
They tell of complete success In pro
ducing calcium carbide with liquid air
without electricity. If the new force
can be cheaply produced it will work
a great revolution in prices and in pro
viding the very poor with unseason
able heat and cold and light. The
very poor have not shared much in
the telephone and tho telegraph and
the several cold storage Instruments
for the voice, such as the gramophone.
They have been hired to climb tele
phone poles and have been caught and
burned to death in mid air by a live
wire. Bless the Lord, this invention Ih
almost as cheap as air and unless a
trust buys the secret the poor can
come into the luxuries of the rich at
Professionalism in all kinds of athlet
ic sports is what the plague of grass
hoppers is to a Hold of wheat abso
lutely destructive of the wheat, but
good for the grasshopper. Things
must be kept separate. While the
drummers who earn their living by
selling jiolf oIuub, etc., are pursuing an
honorable business, their presence in a
business capacity on golf links, or In a
golf or yacht club house Is an Intru
sion and a menace to athletics. Like
wise the man who makes his living by
taking prizes for rowing, or in teach
ing rowing for money, or in goltlng, or
baseball or football playing is a pro
fessional and his rivalry of others who
engage in it for sport destroys its
The U. S. Golf Association has
revised its by-laws concerning profes
slonallsm in order to more closely de
lino it. The revised version of section
0, reads:
No person shall be considered an
amateur golfer who has played for a
money prize in a match or in an open
competition, or who has received
money for giving lessons or exhibi
tions of bis skill in the game of golf;
or laid out or taken charge of golf
links; or who has ever carried clubs
for hire, after attaining the age of
tlfteen years, or who has ever personal
ly made for sale golf clubs, balls, or
any other articles connected with the
game of golf; or who after tho adop
tlon of this section as amended shall
be classed as a professional in any ath
letic sport."
The rigid exclusion of commerce
from all forms of athletic sport is a
sign of health and of sane recognition
of the causes of disease. For the pur
pose of keeping things separate "pro
fessionalism'' should be excluded from
the game of politics, the game of law
and statute making and from all other
games which men have agreed to play
together. It Is frequently said that
business is business, the opposite
should be emphasized and acted upon
just as Insistently.
House Rent
Tho investigating committee has
discovered that ex Governor Holcomb
drew more money per month for rent
than the landlady charged him. Not
withstanding tho effect theso revela
tions have had upon honest members
of his party Mr. Holcomb still cherish
es hopes of the nomination for the
judgeship. He does not roa'lzo the
shocking effect of such disclosures up
on a party organized to ferret out the
corruption of the republican party and
whose only claim to the voters of the
people is an uncompromising honesty
and purity. In additlo'i, the position
of a judge has more temptations than
those which assail a governor and the
populists arc confronted with the al
ternative or suicide or the rejection of
Mr. Holcomb.
Lincoln en Fete.
When the lighting Firt gets back
from the war Lincoln will be dj-apod
In red, white and blue from the
humblest cottage to our lop sided
state capitol There are a few very
important services the women of Lin
coln can perform for the boys who
have done more to make Nebraska
famous than all the political or other
form of talent that has gone out of
Nebraska to seek a fortune.
There are other things which the
women of L'ncoln can not perform for
the soldiers that are returning. The
women can see that the soldiers are
fed. That Is tho most womanly,
most precious, most grateful service
they can perform and moreover it Is
one that the soldier boys, who have
eaten most any old thing for a year,
will most appreciate. It is hoped
that the plan of marching young
women in the middle or the street In
uniforms and carrying guns over
tliclr shoulders to meet tho boys, will
not mature. The boys who have
dreamed of their mothers and sweet
hearts have not thought of them in
gaiters and uniforms, nor as carrying
guns, and their ideals should not be
destroyed by the appearance of a
regiment of Amazons commanded by
young women, shouting commands
in imitation or real officers. Imita
tion is never dignified and the dignity
and I m press! ven ess or the occasion we
are preparing for ought not to be
interrupted and made ridiculous by
female Imitation soldiers. In the
presence or those who have masteicd
the technique of drill and who have
learned the horrors of war, such a
feeble copy of a regiment can only
make the sex ridiculous. It is
through such parodies that men learn
to laugh at women when they make
just claim to the same pay Tor the
same service. Doubtless these wo
men volunteers have consented to this
part with many misgivings as to Its
propriety but yielded to their anxiety
to express their patriotism, headed
by a brass band. But the com
munity will excuse them from mili
tary service and gladly accept their
help In passing refreshments to the
real heroes of tho occasion tho boys
from Manila.
The American has been accused of
brass-band Ism, of loving a parade and
a uniform, and of supporting an un
conscionable number of secret socie
ties for the opportunity It gives him
to wear a uniform and march In