8 THE COURIER. were: Stute Treasurer and Mrs. Me eorve. Secretary of Stato and Mm. Por tor, and Land GoinmiEBioner and Mrs. Wolfo. The clergymen of the city will as usual tako vacations during the heated term. Dr. Wharton of tho St. Paul's and Dr. Ilindman of the First Presby terian church left on Wednesday, the former for Lake Minnetonka, for a threo woek's stay, tbo latter for Chi cago, Now York and Philadelphia. IIo will bo absent six weeks. Rov. Eason of Eioly Trinity, his choir and others of tho pariah numbering about sity, will go noxt Thursday to Bjatrico to encamp for ton days on the aseombly grounds there. Rev. and Mrs. Eason will prob ably tako a vacation in August but their plans aro as yot indotinito. Rev. Manse of tho First Congregational church loft on Monday. His vacation will bo spdnt in the vicinity of Chicago andCincinnatti. Dr. Rowlands of the First BaptiBt church will take his vacation next month. fctev. John Doane of the Plymouth Congregational church will leave in August. He will go first to Cleveland for a visit with relatives, and in Septombor will go to Boston as a delegate to the Interna tional Council of tho Congregational church, and will alsa visit Now York. Mrs. J. G. P. Hildebrand gave a children's party on Wednesday after, noon in honor of the sixth birthday of her daughter Ivy Imogeno. Games were played until refreshments were announced which consisted of icecream, cake and watermelon. Several lovely presents were received by Miss Imogene. Those present were: Nellie, Ruth and Caroline Hester, Maudo Tebbetts, Blanche Clayton Greenwood and Irene Hildebrand of Beatrice; Clarence, Clay and Austin Hester, Chester Tebbetts, Elmer Frey and Roy Hagan. Appomattox W. R. C. enjoyed a ken sington on Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bivius, 1310 C street. Thosa present were: Mesdames Cook, Fleming, McClay, Alexander, Warner, Schureman, Bax, Cleveland, and Miss Cleveland. Mrs. H, W. Kelly entertained tho Floral Kensington on Thursday after noon. Those present wore: MesdameB Green, Clark, Tyler, Garoutte, Mariner, Ferguson, Jones, Davoy, Vaughn, How ard, Faxon, Clark, Campbell, Slattery, SVray, Lichty, Woodruff and Baird of Iowu. M!bs Ella Givens, organist in the First Presbyterian church, left on Tues day for a 6ix week's sojourn in Colorado. During her absence Miss Henriolta Hollowbush will play the Presbyterian organ. MisB Eva 3herdman of 120 South Twenty-ninth street, gave a farewell reception on, Monday evening for MIbb Grace and Mr. Hugh Gibson, who have gone to Kansas City. Dr. and Mrs. Bessey gave a dinner on Saturday evening in honor of Chancel lor and Mrs. MacLean. Others were: Rentand Mrs. Morrill and Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Summers. Mra. G. M. Lambertsin and her daughters Misses Margery and Nancy LumbortBoo, spent a fow days in Omaha thiB week visiting with friond9 and viewing the exposition. Mrs. Pitcher returned on Tuesday morning from an extended eastern trip. Tuesday evening she and her father, Mr. T. P. Kennard started for Colorado. Dr. H. O. Rowlands of the First Baptist church will preach tomorrow in Elgin, III. His pulpit here will be tilled by Rev. Troper, secretary of the Baptist Home Mission society. Mrs. Jamea Manahan left on Satur day for a trip to Los Angeles and other California points, Mr. Manahan ac companied her bb far as Colorado. Messrs. and Mcsdamce N. S. Young and J. H. HodgeB and daughter, of Concordia, Kansas, wore tho guest) of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Young this week. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Aitken loft on Saturday for Chicugo. After attending tho whist congresn thoro thoy expoct to go to Duluth by Bteamor. Mrs. V. O. Sttickler of Omaha hhB boon visirmg thiB week with her paronte Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Hojvor at tho Lin doll hotel. Doan Shormun gave a one o'clock dinner yeBtorday at the Lincoln hotel in honor of Chaucollor and Mrs. Mac Loan. w Miss Donna Begojle returned to her homo in Beatrice Tuesday after a pleas ant visit with MisB Ethel Perkins. Mrs. C. A. Hull of Omaha U tbo guest of her parents Judge and Mrs. E. P. Holmes. Dr. Hull is expected today. W. R. Kelley, and L.JO. Shrader loft on Thursday in their private car ft r Salt Lake City and Ogden. Mrs. W, O. Work of Soward was tho guest of her parents Judgo and Mre. C. M. Parker this woek. Korsmeyer Plumbing and Heating Co. 215 So. 11th, soil the best and cheapest Eibctric Fans. Mrs. Holdeu of Denver was the guest over Sunday of her father, Mr. T. P. Kennard. Regent and Mrs. Morrill gavr a dinner last evening in honor of Chancellor and Mrs. McaLean. Mrs. W. A. Preston and MisB Edna Polk expect to leave on Tuesday for Bay View, Mich. Mrs. W. C. Wilson lest on Wednesday for a summer's sojourn in Michigan and Minnesota. Mesdamo3 C. T. Munger and Frank Blteh went to Pino, Colorado, this week. Mra. Burbank ofLexington, Nebr., is the guest of her eiBter Mra. M. Scott. Mrs. RiBser, Mi6B Ritser and Miss Hoover have gone to Potoskey, Mich. Mrp. Harry Shaffer of Omaha is tho iB tho guest of Mrs. C. L. Eaton. Misa Mame Hohn is the guest of Miss Peters, 1020 Holmes street. Miss MarielHoover went to Omaha yesterday to v'sit friends. ROBBIE'S FOURTH OF JULY. Got a busted finger, Sort of shifcd my hair Burnt the skin all off my chin But- Lordyl I don't care; Made the biggest lot o' noise Ever a feller knew. Don't mind if I am bunged up. What's a boy to do? Had my nose blowed sideways Had three teeth knocked out; Kind of fear my left-hand ear Is sort of up the spoutt Never care for things like that; What's an ear or two? When July the Fourth is here What's a boy to do? Thumbs all twisted out o' shape, Cannon shot too quick. Burnt my pants -It made me dance, I te'l you, pretty slick: Crackers in my pocket caught, Severa' sissers too. Burnt like mighty; but, I say, What's a boy to do? Splinters all through both my hands Rocket-stick, you know; When it hissed and burned and sissed, Forgot to let it go. Hurt? Well, rather! Course it does, S'pose it happened you? Sorry? Not a bit of itl VN hat's a boy to do? Bazar. Ladies' Dress ! Shirts mi Wo havo just received largo linos of Ladies' Drees Skirtain up-to-date shapes and Btyles all well mado and finished; values unsurpassed. BROCADED MOllAlRS-82, 92 50, 82 75, SIJ.OO, $3 50, 83.75 and 81 00 each. STORM SERGES- 8.00,$0 00, $0.50, $7.50, 88.00 and 8900 each. NOVELTY CLOTHS In check, stripes, plaids, etc., all wojI, a largo lot your choice $3.00 each. SATIN AND SILK Plan or trim-med-87.00, 88.00, $9.00, 810, 811, 812, 813, 815 and up to $2G each. MIllER'& PAIN )tyfioK)4444$6&&b4t 9 9 WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY KZuMim mn HonDJ.Brewer, Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, says : " 1 commend it to all us tho one great stand ard authority." It excels In tho case with which tho eye finds tho vonl sought; lit accuracy of delnitlon; in effect lvo methods of indicating pronunciation ; in terse and comprehensive statements of facts and in practical use as a working dictionary. Specimen vaacs. etc.. sent on aiwUcation. G. & C Merriam Co., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. HIS DEBT OF GRATITUDE. Young Mrs. Darley was ushered into tho judge's proBonce. He was twirling her card in his fingers and smiling. As ahe approached he rose from his seat and extended his hand cordially. (J rasp ing hers, ho hold it a long time. "Well, well," ho said, genially, "oo ycu are the only daughter of my old friend .Gazzam, aro you y I am delighted t boo you. You resemble your father wonderfully, and he was a handsome man. Pray bo Boatod." "Mrs. Darley whb plea'od at this re ception, and smiled as sho took tbo cbair he indicated. "Judge," Bhesaid, "my father often told me that if I ever needed a favor, I ehould have no hesitancy in coming to you, for you would do anything in rea son for me." "That 1h true, my dear,'' replied tho judgo. "Never were there closer friends than your father and myself. We were boys together, and be saved me from drowning ono summer when we woro swimming together. I'd havo boo buried long Bgo had it not been for him; and ho was tho first to go, after all." The judgo sighed. His friend Gazzam had boou dead about ton years, but this WR9 the first time he had oyer mat his daughter. "And now. my dear, toll mo what I can do for you. You aro not in deep distress, I hope? Your husband is well, I think you suit!." Sho had not said so, but Mr. Darley was quito well. "It wbb concerning my husband I camo to Bee you, judge," aid Mre. Durley "and to nfl'ord you an opportunity of re. paying tno dobt of gratitulo you Boom to thiak you owo dear papa." "Seem to think!" interrupted tho judgo. Indeed, there is no Booming about it. I do owo bim a debt of grat itude. But about your husband, Mrp. Darloy. Ho doesn't-illtroat you-it isn't a divorce case, I hope?" "Oh no, judgo, nothing of tho Bort." And MrJ. fhrloy laughed bo cheerily IVIaML- Hours Quicker... VIA r-M 'I '. ' ii' A fe7lCTOV TO THE.. PACIFIC COAST ...Than by any other line Tlie Overland Ilmitecl Carries tbo Government Fast Mail. OlMI V 5 Hours to San Francisco UINl-Y 58 Hours to Portland FROM LINCOLN. For time tables, folders, and illustrated pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra verse, call on E. B. Slosson, General Agent that ho know Iub visitor wbb happily married. "It's thiB way, judgo. I'm to go away to Colorado for a month, and I thought if you could put George on a jury, to keep bim occupied whilo I'm gone a nice, long murdor trial, or something of that sort 1 could go away and be so cpntentod tho whilo, and jou could re pny tho dobt of gratitudoyou owed dear papa." Tbo judgo thought ho might bo able to do bomething of tho eort, and Mrs Darley loft in a very comfortable frame of mind. V y r Liim srffiesjupMlflH