The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 15, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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lrotf esNlonnl 13irctory.
S 1,
Ofllg hours
onico or.o
roiDr. O. O. Reynolds
lOlllcn rooms 18-19, 10 to 1 n
Hurr Block a to ,i.m
I Hob. SJ5I8 Q dt Sir. to
Itcft 6!
IDr. S. B. Cook
j Eyo, Eur, Nobo and Throat
I 2-5 p i
9::t0-l','::i am
I8IB O St.
Social and pergonal
i m
u 018 ) . ., I Olllco, ZoliruiiB Mock 1 U to 10 n in
Dr. Benj. F. Bailey -J , ,, ,,.,. JWSs:"
07I.J HosIcIoiicp, 131UO strootJU to 4 p in
KvuiiIiikb. by appointment. Sunday'H 12 to 1 p. in. mid liy appointment.
IDr. J. B. Trlokey,
f llofractioniflt only
I 0 to 12 a. in
1 to 4 p. in.
OlTIco, I OX. O s t root.
Ml W
O'Jlco KIO,
1 . .T . -.-, I Olllco, rooniH 20. 27 anil i
Louis N. Wente.D.D.S.- ijirownoii nlock.nnv
) I so lltli Htruot. )
On Tuesday ovon'mg Doan and Mrs. wishes of thoir very largo circle of
Edgrcn gavo a farewell rocoption to Lincoln friondB.
Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
J3ii9sirie&9ai Directory.
Ollico, 111, l.'J, Montjomory blk ) r i pi nrni-,.c J Roal Estute, Fire Insur
Phono 01)7. ltostiltj North K ' VV. V-ndmULISj J anco Surety Bonds.
Chancellor and Mrs. McLean. Dcspito
tho intenBO heal more than a hundred
ardent ndmirors and warm friondB of
the chanc dlor and his wife were pres
ent. Japanese lanterns illuminated the
rj'uizzu and the house was elaborately
Tho Stato houso grounds and tho
strootB and lawns adjoining woro throng,
od with people Tuesday ovening to
listen to tho Gomi-wookly concort by
llagonow'a band. Tho day had boon
warm and humanity was glad of a pleas-
decorated with llowors. Tho drawing flnt p,acQ to wh0 awfty an hour Thero
ruum 1 1 tm u iruiusiuu ui Hweui punw uuu
roses. Tho dining room was dono in
pink and white, pink roses boing usod
. . . AT ...
: Riggs PKarnrvacvj
There is none to eq ual it in elegance j
The line is complete in everything.
INSURE t'hnb
roroJOroJuoJor o ooroJOroJoroorra
6 1009 O street.
W, ,0,
5ro roio3o3r3o o i5iei3oO'ncu'0'fi:ioo
?l?o!o Supplies.
1041 O St.
sf lyincoln, Nebr.
!iMtlo 4o 4o o 4go 4s 4o 4Kc, 4s 4q 4$ 4fo 4$ 4s
P Rooms 27-28 Webster Block, South lltli.
? And instruction r vt-' Oil, Pastel, and Crayon y
-i i
ilif Lessons Every Afternoon.
ll .ii -io -ii - -t - - ' x
v.. I: -, v. . v.' -s. ji.s, .t a..--. .i airi Mii jiri jai-i StTiJiZTi jETTZT
!ll -II -10 -1 - - - " -10 - -10 - Ml - -t .40
WfWwWWwWw c; if w &
for a contor pioco on tho table. Misses
LiUa Miilcr and Emily Wooks Borvod
pink sherbet. They woro assisted by
Misses Jano and Jr ssio Macfarland, Ed
gron, Cunningham, MacMilliuii, all in
pink and white frocks. A bank of
palms in tho rocoption hall screened a
mandolin club which played through
tho receiving hours. After tho guostB
had assomblod Dean Edgron aeked for
silenco saying he deemed it appropriate
to hoar a fow words from Chancellor
MacLean who then suid:
"Follow Workers and Friends: Per
mit Mrs. MacLean and mo, in a simple
but htartfolt way, to acknowledge in
formally the communication of the 2.'kl
of June that many of you presented to
us. This papor, together with tho nu
merous letters that wo have received
from others of our number presont and
absont, expresses what wo had long be
lieved to be truo your friendship and
spirit of corporation. Much a; wo
value tlia communications fur thoir per
sonal worth and words, wo cBtoein them
nono tho less hecauso of their signifi
cance for the present and future of tho
university which we all love and delight
to servo. A harmonious faculty, work
ing faithfully in loyal'y to tho univer
sity and its head, insures so far as
anything human cun tho success of
tho institution. Conscious of mistakes
that have been mado by us, we venture
to beliovo that you have forgotten them
and that in our doparturo we maybe
contident that wo know and are known
according to our truest and host ideals.
Beyond tho Bbadow of the melancholy
that is over ub in parting, our pathway
will bo lighted by tho reminiscences of
your kindness and fidelity. When we
add to your expressions, oral and writ
ton, the handshakes and hcartgrasps of
the days of toil now onding and tho
pictures of tho rost-s and tho visiblo
symbol of the sliver candlestick', wo go
forward, with thankegiviug for tho past
and with hope for the t'uturo, to our
now nomo. It will bo a tomplo to which
you will be welcome. Should you fail
to come with your bodily presence, wo
shall from timo to timo havo your forms
with ub aR wo gather about tho altar of
friendship, on which shall bo burning
tho light of lovo, oven whon tho light of
thosilvor candlestick shall grow dim."
Tho candlestick referred to had been
presented by tho ladies of the faculty.
U M Dunn, dentist; rooms 20-7 liurr blk Subscribe for Thf. Couamt $1 a year
was much talking anu nuarity yet tne
music waB heard and appreciated as
was ovidenced by the applause which
followed a rollicking piece which Bound
od like a plantation melody, or the clapp
ing of hands which greeted a national
air. Tho scene as viewed from tho es
planado was very pretty. No lines were
drawn as to age, race or social condi
tions. All were there, Mrs. Lofty was
in her carriugo, many Mrs. Lofties and
thoso who had no carriages reclined up.
on the sward orstono balustrade, lovers
strolled about in tho shadows and chil
dren rolled upon the grass. There was
ample opportunity to Bit at a tablo and
enjoy a dish of ice cream or a glaBS of
lemonade. Tho ludies of tho bimetallic
league, tho Presbyterian and Baptist
ladies all had illuminated spaces where
theso cooling refreshments wore served.
It iB certain that no one who contrib
uted to tho support of those summer
ovening concerts will over regrot the
public spirit which induced the gift.
May they bo made a foaturo of every
summer in Lincoln.
Tho members of Pythian Sisterhood
No. .' with thoir husbands and friends
woro pleasantly entertained Fi iday even
ing by Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Eaton, 2920 P
street. Japanese lanterns illuminated
the lawn and porch, and tho houEO was
profusely decorated with palms und
tlowers. A short program of music by
Mrs. W. S. Bontloy and Mr. Eaton, reci
tations by Prof. Farley of Minneapolis
and numbers by a mandolin club pre
ceded curds. Prizes at tha game were
won by MisB Stein, Mrs. SialTor of
Omaha, Mr. Stein and Mr. Hamilton.
Miss Lillian Peters presided over the
punch bowl in tho dining room. Ico
cream and cake woro served. ThoBC
presont woro Messrs. and Metdames
Roberts, Hagoy, F. Bostrom, Lawlor,
Parker, Johnson, Grimes, Cunningham,
Worsley, Harrnp; MeBdamea AdamB
Dilworth, Stein, Hottiuan, Douglas,
Drake, Desher, Lamb.W. S. Bent
ley of Carthago. III., W. S. Robinson
John Ilarrop, and II. Shaffer of
Omaha; Misses Peters, Dilworth, Stone
Patrick, Farley of MinnoapoliB.
MisB Donna A. Wilson, of Dunbar, and
Piof.J. W. Crabtreo, of Lincoln, woro
married last Thursday evening at tho
homo of the bride's parents, tivo and a
half miles from Dunbar. Itov. Mr.
Cloaves of Julian porformod tho core
mony. Miss Edith Shaw of Greenwood
played tho bridal march from Lohengrin.
Dr. Edgron responded in a short, Tho attondants woro Miss Dora WIIbod,
heartfelt address, in which ho dwolt
upon tho sorrow of tho parting and tho
great sirvico perloiined by tho chan
cellor in bringing tho university up to
high scholarship and exalted ideals.
sister of tho bride, and Mr. W. M. Del
zoll. After tho ceromony a wedding
Buppor was sorved. Mr. and MrB. Orab
troe havo gono to the Pacific coast and
will bo at home at (Ml North Twenty-
Chancellor and Mrs. MacLean will go fourth Btreot, aftor Sop'ombor 10. Tho
next week to their now home 'n Iowa following woro tho guests: Dr. and Mrs.
City. They will leavo bohind them Wilson. MesdamoB McCartney, Living,
grateful recollections of ploasuro given eton; Murray, Shaw, Wilson, Livingston
by thoir graciouB personal thoughtful- Seymour, WilBon, McCartney, Wilson,
ness, and will curry with them tho best Seymour, McCuaig, McCuaij" Messra.