THE COURIER. the ersoiino of iMiss Holdon's story are American, as well as the style, but the vistas, which open In the story, to other days and the tremendous e fleet wrought In l.r.OO words Is French, an effect as of walking through a stately gallery with open doors on either side through which glimpses of Interest inr dramas are suggested, but the gallery Is pre-eminently charming and the visitor Is not tempted to pass out of It until its short length Is paced. The quality Is known as breadth and in a picture of mountains suggests plains and tnc rest of the world that lies tuitsido the corner of it the artist has painted. o The Omaha Midway. The managers of the Omaha mid way ate beginning U) rullut'L Ulilt Lnc advice to leave the success of last summer undimmed by a sequel had sense. The beautiful grounds are not thronged bv the people of the state. The emptiness (.r the buildings re minds visitors of a sideshow which has all the monstrosities and trained anlnnls on the outside in the gor geous pictures at the entrance. Only the midway Is spasmodically vocif erous as night comes on and a few citizens of Omaha stray in to spend their dimes. The County Commissioners. The law requires the county com missioners to make an estimate every year of the county expenses for the ensuing year, and to lix and announce the levy for the same. So far as 1 have been able to ascertain the com missioners are not obliged to make any public report of how and for what the county fund has been ex pended. At any rate they do not and any taxpayer who is anxious to know for what purpose the county monies are spent and applies at the court house for such information is directed to a heterogeneous mass of papers. Reporters from The Courier have been informed several times, that no books containing Items of expendi ture arc kept. As the law does not re quire an annual and detailed statement from the commissioners who in recent years have ordered expensive bridges laid on roads running nowhere or Into private property which is the same thing so far as concerns the county commissioners, it should be amended. Inasmuch as no such report is de manded by the law the commissioners are not officiously anxious to publish their own mistakes unci nobody blames them for not furnishing one, but before the next legislature gets down to work the right of the con tributors to a fund to know how that fund is disposed of, should be recog nized by an amendment compelling the commissioners to publicly account for what they have spent. The annual estimate or guess as to what they will spend is or no more importance than any other latter day prophesy and receives no more attention though some of the Items, like that of "cork age" in a European hotel bill, re quire an explanation or an indexed concordance. Madame Dreyfus. Perhaps even more than her hus band Mine. Dreyfus possesses the sympathy of everybody for her persis tent loyalty to M. Dreyfus and her fuith.whcu his prospects were darkest, that he would be vindicated, event ually. Convinced from the llrst of his innocence, she never ceased to assert, with a woman's sentimentality, that Justice would Interfere and reinstate her husband In his full rights and erase the stain of treason from his name. M. Dreyfus himself languish ing in his desolate island prison, re- (Moving no letters nor news which was not llrst Inspected by his gaoler, con cluded from the silence that his wife had accepted his sentence as linal and was not endeavoring to accomplish his recall. Hence, when the Sfax brought him back to France, he was not particularly rejoiced to see his wife and showed that he was not. Long before this he must have been con vinced of her incessant search for the real traitor, and her entreaties to the senators, to the president and to all others in authority who had anything to do with the Dreyfus matter. His friends and his lawyer will have told him of the miracles his wife has wrought. Many a time It has seemed that a rehearing of the Drcvfuu case was impossible. Notably at the trial of Zola when it was shown how un just were the laws and customs to an accused prisoner, even one possessing the unimpeachable patriotism of the novelist. How much less chance had a prisoner on a desert island, with all the military of France arrayed against him? Hut Mine. Dreyfus was not dismayed though her husband's best friends undertook to save her from Inevitable disappointment by pointing out to her why Dreyfus' rehearing was impossible. She kept on, informing the newspapers of new details of the conspiracy and encour aging every official who had shown an inclination towards justice, to per severe in hisell'orts to gain M. Drey fus a rehearing. The Letters in India. London correspondents report to New York papers that passengers arriving from Simla on the last In dian steamer arc talking about the demands that Mrs. Loiter and the Misses Loiter are making on Simla society for the samo kind of homage that is paid to the Vicereine herself. We might have known that Mrs. Loiter would have made trouble in Simla society. The consideration she demanded from Washington society and did not always receive, was the occasion of many an unpleasant con tretemps there. Now, as It Is well known her vice majesty Lady Curzon basset up a court in India exactly like the queen's in England. Every detail of the etiquette of the court of the Queen is copied to tlie most min ute details, and the state functions are the most gorgeous in the world, thanks to the magnificence of the uniforms of the Indian service. Lady Curzon receives all the honors paid to royalty. "When she drives, tiles of sowars (troops) precede and follow her carriage and guards are mounted at her palace. The court moves en masse from Calcutta to Simla in March to escape the hot weather, re maining until November. Since Lady Curzon has been Vicereine there lias been a constant succession of society functions. The chief social event of the year is the drawing room on Empress' Day. Every detail of the Queen's drawing rooms is fol lowed, even to the trains, gowns, feathers, ornaments and bouquets of the ladies presented. Lady Curzon, Vicereine of India, lias established the same rules of etiquette that are in force in Queen Victorias palaces, and the wives of the officers -of the British troops revolted at the efforts of the Vicereine's mother and sisters, Mrs. Levi Z. Letter and the Misses Leltcr, to exact the same homage. Here are some of the rules: No one may remain seated while the Vice reine Is standing. Every visitor must back out of her presence. When she rises to withdraw every one must rise, bow and remain standing until she lias left. No one is admitted to offi cial society until after presentation at a drawing room, except whore pre sentation has been made to the Queen. Names of candidates for presentation must be presented to the military secretary of the Viceroy, who will submit them to the Vicereine. Mrs. Leitor Is unable to see why the mother-in-law of the India viceroy should not receive the same awed hoin age as his wife. Hut the white peoplo of Simla of whom there are only six hundred, sec the difference and with hold the demonstrations which they freely offer the Vicereine. On ac count of those demands from the Loi ter mere et soeurs the Simla season cannot be called successful though it has been unusually brilliant. Many of the officers wives have refused to at tend functions at which the Loiters were present and the situation has be come exceedingly uncomfortable. The refugees have appealed to the queen to settle th3 amount and character of the submission the Loiters are en titled to. The Indian papers are ridi culing the whole dispute. Members of the English peerage, know Just as the officers of our own army know those who rank them, just who the peoplo are who go out ahead of them todinncrand why they arc entitled to. No one is better calculated than Mrs. Loiter, who is never quite cer tain of whether a plural subject takes a singular verb or not, to enrage these English people who are in the habit of receiving homage and of jealously looking out that no one else recieves a part of what is, by long custom, theirs. Feeling towards Americans as even the best and kindliest Eng lishmen do fool, viz., that we are still not a part of the colonial property of England only because of our incor rigible uppisbness, It Is comparatively easy to appreciate the indignation of the noble English in Simla.towards an American woman whose daughter has married a viceroy, but lias not, by the same token, ennobled or cultivated her mother. Queen Victoria herself cannot make the English men and women of Simla many of whom date their. patents f rom 10(50, bow the knee to a foreign family but lately married into a connection with a man who represents royalty In India. Mrs. Eddy's Advertisement. An advocate of a new belief Is apt to be human Objections to Christian Science urge that Mrs Eddy is simply a phenomenally good business woman who has made u Duslness market for her very high priced books. Mrs. Eddy is certainly not less oblivious than other yankces to chances of mak ing a little money. A recent number of the Christian Science Monthly con tains on the editorial page the follow ing advertisement under the guise of admonition: Ciiiiistian Science Spoons On each of these most beautiful spoons Is a motto in bass relief that every per son on earth needs to hold In thought. Mother requests that Christian Scien tists shall not ask to be informed what this motto is, but each scientist shall purchase at least one spoon, and those who can afford it, one dozen spoons, that their families may read this motto every meal and their guests made par takers of its simple truth Mauy Hakeu G. Eddy. The possession of such a well devel. oped commercial Instinct by the found or of a new religion is not a trust worthy Indication of the unreliability of her inspiration, but to the commer cial travelers of this weary world the foregoing seeinsllkean inspired adver tisement. With reading matter on four sides of it. in the middle of an ed itorial page, and not another ad. In sight, the effect upon the minds of those who take Mrs. Eddy's monthly is incalculable. It has a slight Lydia Pinkham llavor, however, which is distasteful, at least to dissenters. The President and Gov. Roosevelt. Notwithstanding Mr. Roosevelt's reply to many questioners that all the President wanted of him was to sisk him for recommendations of ca pable officers for the Filipinos, there is more than a suspicion that the President intended to offer him the war portfolio which 1ms proven too heavy for Secretary Alger. If Gov crnor Roosevelt is named as secretary of war and accepts it, the department wMll no longer be under suspicion. The governor may make mistakes but they will not be those of jobbery. The conduct and methods of Secre tary Alger lmvc been the only serious blot upon the present Jidmistratlon. The general verdict of Washington correspondents is that the president hits now relieved secretary Alger of all direction of ntTairs in the Filipinos. The President is long suffering but the scandals concerning the distribu tion of valuable franchises and prive leges in the new territories, following upon the beef scandal have boon too much and from now on until his suc cessor takes charge, the President will do Mr. Alger's work In addition to Ins presidential duties proper this is too heavy a burden and nobody blames the President for seeking to shift them to shoulders as young and strong and reliable ;ts Governor Roosevelt's. Mrs. Potter's Snub. Mb3. Jatnos Brown Potter says sho does not caro if sho never comes back to America, that her friends are dead and that she has found hor fame and appreciation in foreign countries rather than in Amorica. She says that her principal memories of American tours pertain to badly cooked food in uncom fortable hotels, ttc. Mra. Potter's re turn is not looked forward to with eagorneB8. Hor talent is forced and was cultivated for the money and fame that may be made by a good actor rather than from the inherent love of literature and life which must inspire a real genius. Mrs. Potter deserves the suc cess and recognition which she has won. No harder working or more determined actress liveB. But she lacks the in herent tasto and feeling which charac terize the work of Julia Marlowe or ModjeBka. The elTect she produces is the result of perseverance and a pains takinc industry. Teachers of the young tell them that industry and determina tion with perhaps a dash of good luck is all that is necessary to make them art iBts.authors.actors and presidonta.It is of questionable wisdom to stimulate child ieh ambition in this way. For the world lies in wait just outside the kindergarten teach the pupil that one ounce of genius is more appreciated than tons of praiBeworthv intentions and eight horse power industry. What Mrs. Fieke does, inspired by the tpirit, Mrs. Potter learns by heart and the business learned from another loses the force of originality. If Mrs. Fteko had Bignitiod a purpose to remain in England or some other un deserving place in Europe there would be real mourning over here. But as it is only Mra. Potter, there are others who can take her placo and in the pres ent state of international harmony we do not care to bo selfleh if England really wants her to stay. Hypnotism in Lincoln. The men whom the hypnotist Fiynt selects co amuse biB audiences have with exceptions, depraved, ignoble and repulsi"o faces. Those whom ho calls "good subjects" wore recontly arrested for hypnotizing ignorant young women. Weak rather than wicked when the hypnotist began to practise on them and use them, as an organ grinder does a monkey, to colloct a fow pennies for him, they have gradually but per. coptibly lost tho look of respectable young men, they had whon he first be gan to weaken their wills. Such exhibi tions as Fiynt gives ara objectionable both if hypnotism is and if hypnotism is not, what ho claims it is. If bo can put his will into another man and destroy his idontity, ho ought not to be allowed 1 V 1 1 al m 51 .yfaA4..