The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 08, 1899, Page 3, Image 3

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Tho following aro tho ofllcors of tho
Oonorul Federation of Womon's clubs:
President Mrs. Rebecca D. Lowo
Atlanta, Ga.
Vice President Mrs. Sarah S. Piatt,
Denver, Colo.
Recording Secretary Mrs. Emma A.
Fox, Detroit, Mich.
Corresponding Secretary Mrs.Goorge
W. Kondrick, Philadelphia, Pa.
Treasurer, Mrs. Phillip N. Moore, St.
Lou id, Mo.
Auditor Mrs. C. P. Barnes, Louis
ville, Ky.
State Chairman Mrs. Louisa L. Rick
etts, Lincoln, Nobr.
Officers of tho State Federation of
Women's clubs;
President Mrs. S. 0. Langworthy,
Vice President Mrs. Anna L. Apppr
eon, TecumBoh.
Recording Secretary Mrs.F. II. Sack
ott, Weeping Water.
Corresponding Secretary Mrs D. G.
McKillip, Seward.
Treasurer Mrs. H. F. Doano, Crete,
Librarian Mrs. G. M. Lambortson,
Mrs. A. B. Fuller, Auditor, ABhland.
Tho Executive Board of the N. F. W.
C. met in executive session Friday, June
30, iu the parlors of the Lincoln Hotel.
Proaont, Mrs. Langworthy, Seward,
president; Mrs. Appersoo, Tocuraseh,
vice president; Mrs. McKillip, corres
ponding secretary, Seward; Mrs. Doane,
Crete, treasurer; Mrs. A. B. Fuller, Ash
land, auditor; Mrs. F. H. Beckett, Weep
ing (Water, recording secretary. The
meeting was called to order at 0 o'clock
p.m., by Mrs. Apperson who presided at
tho meeting. Tho special work before
tho committee at this meeting was the
completion of arrangements for tho an
nual meeting to bo held at York October
10, 11, 12, 1809.
Thoro were present on invitation of
president, Mrs. D. A. Campbell, Lincoln,
chairman musical committee; Mrs. Hall,
Lincoln, chairman art committee; Mrs.
A.W. Field who has in charge the educa
tional meeting, and Mrs. Rickotts who
18 to arrange the details of the mother's
meeting; also Mrs. Carscadden president
of the city federation of women's clubs
of York.
The reports of the vaiious committees
certainly indicate that much time and
thought are being expended that both
benefit and pleasure may accrue to those
in attendance at the fall meeting. An
afternoon and evening session will be
given to the work of the musical do
partmont, which promises to afford a
true feast for music lovers. Arrange
ments ate afoot for an effective art dis
play in connection with other interest
ing features which will result from the
co-operation or tho art committee
An effort is being made to secure Miss
French (Octave Thanet) as one of tho
Bpeakors during the meeting.
Tho names of tho Wakefield Women's
club, North Omaha Women's club, and
Acme Women's club, of Tecumsoh, wore
admitted to membership.
A resolution waB also passed commend
ing the action of the loading stores of
Lincoln in closing at 7 o'clock on Satur
day ovonings.
Tho mooting adjourned ot 5:30 p. m.,
satisfied that the meeting for, '09 bado
fair to bo most interesting and profitable
to all in attendance at its sessions.
ment. Agitato, agitato, and then agi
tato again, this is nature's mothod of
clarifying things, and thus will this
problom bo solvod. That mon enjoy
women's clubB and that women wolcomo
them is testified to by tho Chicago Dom
ocrpt, as follows:
"Go into any of tho women's clubs ou
a social day and ono will bo surprised at
the numbor of mon presont. Somo of
thorn say they stopped for thoir wivosf
sisters, o cousins; somo that they had
been invited and just looked in; others
boldly givo thomselvoB up to tho onjoy
raont of tho occasion, and talk to, or aro
talked to by, ton or twenty mombors at
once; for there is no pluco imitho Bocial
world whoro a man moots a more hoarty
wolcomo at presont than in a woman's
"Programs for tho day aro now mado
with a view to allowing man tho best
place, and whon ho arises to givo his
opinions on womon's clubs and othor
subjects of equally important interest
the applause that greets him is only
equaled by that given to bis jokes.
"He is deluged with attentions in tho
form of angol cake and hot tea.
"Whilo thoro aro many amusing fea
tures to this phase, nowly arrived, of tho
womon's cIuLb, it is a fact that tho
presonco of men is doing a groat deal to
dispel tho prejudico against thorn which
still exists in a few quarters. Tho fact
that women do not meet to bocomo man
nish or aggresaivo, but that thoir func
tions are purely social and educational,
is a surprise to many mon, and now that
men are learning to drop in, oven theso
last shadows o? prajudico will soon fado
Here and there throughout tho coun
try club women havo discussed and taken
some definite action in regard to objec
tionable advortisraontsin the daily press
All have felt that it was a matter that
legitimately belonged to club cogniz
ance. Henco tho following from tho
WeBtern Club Women will receive tho
approbation of club women:
"A number of eastern paporb have
complimented the Woman's Club for its
resolutions condemning objoctionablo
advertising in the daily papers. It ro
mained for Mrs. Herbert George of the
North Side Club to cut tho Gordian knot
howevor. This she did by cutting out
these advertisements and .forwarding
thorn to the postal authorities. The fol
lowing Sunday all these advertisement
had disappeared. This .is another ex
ample of the effectiveness of the Com
mittee ot One. Let other women else
where remember it.
Tho much mooted question ot mixed
clubB 1b still discussed, and will as nat
' urally solve itself as other important
questions connectod with tho club move
The club women of America aro justi
fiably indignant over the reception tend
ered the women of the United States
and tho "gag rule" enforced at tho open
sessions of the woman's congress in Lon
don. Of course there are not as yet full
reports, but from special telegrams to
tho New York World, the Chicago Tri
bune, and the Chicago Record we are in
formed that tho International Congress
of Women made little stir in London.
It is evident that the time of meeting
was ill chosen aa June is tho height of
tho London season. Social attractions
overshadowed the congress. The peren
nial Transvaal troubles havo reached
another crisis, and more important than
all, in the eyes of ovory true born Briton,
was tho third test cricket match between
England and Australia, and this last
dominated everything in London that
The public were indifferent, the press
either ignored the congress or primed
only meagre accounts of its proceedings,
and finally by a very happy coincidence
the house of Lords threw down tho
gauntlet in ungallant style on tho open
ing day by amending, wtth a sweeping
majority, tho now London government
bill which mado womon nligiblo as ill
dormon and councilors.
It ie of passing intorost that those 300
poors aro soldom in thoir Bouts whon
parliament Ib in sossion, unloss thoro Sb
some quoBtion undor discussion which ifl
an affront to Erin, a snub to womon, or
a frown upon doad wives' Biatoro.
Nearly 300 of tho brainiest and most
progrosaivo womon ot Amorica wont to
tho London congrosB; bohio of thorn
traveling over 0,000 miloa, and tho dis
courtesy shown them, and tho manner in
which tho mootingB wore conducted has
Loon tho occaaion ot much dissatisfac
tion among theso Amoricuu delegates.
Thoy woro almost ignornd by tho olllciiils,
wero given fow opportunities to spouk,
and tho most prominont loaders woro
persistently anubbod by tho conserva
tive soction.
Tho English managors of tho congroas
wero headed by Mrs. Croighton, wifo ot
tho Bishop of London, and this manag
ing board mado ovory effort to keop In
tho background all advaucod womon for
fear of offending English stiBcoptibilitioB
Tho Rov. Anno Shaw, of whom Amori
ca is juBtly proud, waa notgivon a singlo
opportunity to spoak until almost tho
luBt day, whon with hor pont up indigna
tion and nativo oloquonco hor oratory
electrified tho congress. At tho Bossion
devoted to suffrago tho speakers includ
ed fivo Englishmen, four Englishwomen,
and ono American, Miss Anthony.
Gilbert Parker, tho novelist, road a
paper on tho subject of houBing oducnt
ed working women. Ho touched light
ly upon tho conditions of tho lifo of pro
fessional women throughout tho world
and tho difference existing in Amorica,
Ho proposed a schomo of improving tho
conditions of womon living on a moro
pittance. Ho euggestod that largo
mansions bo erected of sufficient capac
ity to accommodate 100 persons, to bo
conducted on tho prirato hotel princi
ple at low prices. Mr. Parker described
hiB idoal building and severely criticised
certain Government departments for
paying women little moro than half tho
wages received by scavengers, tho
women at tho samo time having to keep
up appearances. Tho mooting decided
to make a full inquiry into the question.
Tho latest news reports tho Americans
vigorously protesting against an attempt
to again elect an Englishwoman prosi
d nt of tho international organization.
During the ten years of its existence its
two presidents havo been Englishwomen.
It !b now proposed to reelect Lady Aber
deen. The Americans claim she was
not properly nominated and cannot
therefore stand for election. The choico
of the American delegates is Mr6. May
The State Federation of Georgia has a
committoo called "The Farm and Gar
den Committee." Wo submit below its
report at tho annual meeting of that fed
eration: "Tho object of the farm and garden
work is threefold.
1st To bring boforo our self-supporting
womon a new, pleasant und profitable
means of livelihood.
2d To produco for our market tho ar
ticles now brought from othor states.
3d To assuro those womon ot our
broad sympathy and human fellowship,
Although we began work little moro
than a year ago, a numbor ot clubs havo
been formed and interest aroused
throughout tho stato. Without excep
tion theso clubB havo been productive of
good, and our women aro fully awakened
to tho necessity of this practical frater
nity. Our plans and enterprises tor the en
suing year will be forming clubs and il
lustrating our work by means of oxhibi
tions. Those clubs will embrace farm,
garden, dairy, and villago improvement.
During tho yoar wo oxpoct to havo two
stato exhibitions. Tho first will ineludo
horticulture, farm and dairy. Tho sec
ond, to bo held in Macon, Goorgia, will
inatituto un nnnual tlowor snow, to bo
hold during tho soBaion of tho Stato Fed
eration. Wo oarnostly bog tho co-opora-tion
of our womon.
Tho nowspapors say that Mr. Hopkin
fion Smith was invitod to lecturo in
Chicago boforo a ladioB art club. Ho
was oxpoctod to lecturo on art, but in
stead gavo readings from hia publica
tions. Bocauso ho did not talk about
urt tho olllcurs of the association dotor
mined to roduco tho umount ho Ib usual
ly paidffor an ovoning, ono half, which
ho declined to roceivo and wont away
without any pay at all.
But all tho facts connected with this
amusing affair havo not boon rocordod
by tho newspapers, bo far as obsorvod.
Mr. Smith had no provious knowlodgo
that ho was desired to discourso on 4rt
and learned for tho flrat timo, on roach
ing tho audionco chamber whoro hi"
hearers woro gathered that his subject
had boon selected for him and that that
subjoct was "Art."
But oven with all tht'Bo and many
moro drawbacks tho ardor of tho dele
gates was not damponod. Thoy come
from all quarters of tho globe, inspirod
with that onthuaiaam which cun only
como from actual contact. Workore
from ovory flold throughout tho world,
civilized nnd otherwise, ready and
anxious to confer together for a littlo,
that oach might thon go on hor way
bottor equipped for hor spocial work.
Apart from tho pasaago of a resolution
on arbitration the congroBS took no defi
nite action on any subjoct, and in hor
addroBa as prosident Lady Abordoon
gavo no othor motivo for the assembly
than tho golden rule of love, which was
a generalization sufficiently broad for a
world's congrosB, but cortainly had no
suggestions of rovolution or evolution.
Wo nppond tho views of prominont
dologatea who wp- nroBont, aB to tho
value ot tho congreou.
The Chinese dologato, Miss Shon, is
the daughter ot a liberal Mandarin, who
onco ran the riBk of his lifo for his opin
ions in Peking. Sho cays: "Female
education will receive an impetus from
this congress. Though you give us lit
tlo credit tor enlightenment, tho Chinese
government has sent me here and my
report will be circulated in China. The
Bocial position of women in China is not
deplorable, but their ignorance is. A
Chinees proverb tells ub that the oduca
tion ot a child should begin twenty years
boforo it is born, with the mother."
Susan B. Anthony says: "No doubt
it is difficult to make an international
congress really international, for officials
of ono land cannot fully know tho dele
gates from another. Tho international
congress owos its inception to American
womon, for it waa when I visited Eng
land in 1882 that Mre. Stanton and my
Bolt first proposod tho idea. I boliovo
l'"4'""" ntf r uiiiMMMai
I Restaurant
Unique i
The Most Popular Dinin
Hall in the City J j For
Ladies and Gentlemen J
Wo mnko a upt'cinlty of biinrniotB.
Special Family Tables
Sinco Juno 12, 1899, wo havo adopted
tho roal homo cookinjr plan, which
is RlyiiiK univoreol satisfaction.
W. B. HOWARD, Mgr.
1221 O Str Lincoln, Nkbr.