The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 01, 1899, Page 8, Image 8

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A pteaBunt aurpriEO party was given
laa ovoning at tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Oloveland on North Iwonty-flrst
street, in honor of their nephew, Mr.
Gcorgo Callely of Hoatriue, who ia soon
to depart for Arizona. MubIc on tho
piano and violin, and gamea and
social divoraion woro pleasant features
of tho evening, followed by dainty re
froBhmontB. All departed with oxpres
niona of a jolly good timo and winning
Mr. Calloly a ploaeant journoy and a
eafo roturn.
MoBdamoa A. II. Gordon and I. J.
Ayora ontertainod tho contra! circlo of
St. Paul's church yeatorday morning at
tho homo of tho former. Twonty five
ladiea woro present and enjoyed a ram
ble through an art gallery. Tho one
who found tho greateat number of
articloa in tho cataloguo waB awarded a
prize. Tho birthplace of Burua wa9
represented by two picoa of coal. Tho
horao fair by corn and oata. Mra.
Wothornld won the Hrat prizo and Mra.
Grifllth tho conBolation. Rofreahmenta
wero aorved.
MiBB Inez Barnoy and Mr. Thomaa
Ilicka, both well-known young people
of thiB city woro united in marriage on
Wednesday evening at ilvo o'clock, by
Rov. Lewie Marah of the Unitarian
church, at the homo of the bride, fi2l B
Btreet. The received a number of
preeonta. After tho UBual congratula
tiona and a bountiful auppor, Mr. and
Mrs. Hickb loft for their new homo at
710 C Btreet.
Tho Epwnth League of St. Paul's M.
E. church gave a banquet Tuesday even
ing at tho church. Covera wero laid for
a hundred peraonp, Dr. B. L. Paine pro
Bided aa toaetmnetcr. Tho following
program of toaata WHBropponded to:
"Our League," Mr. P. McNichol.
"What we Think we Ought to Know,"
Mr. P. O. Berge.
"Tho Firat Sottlera Story," Mrs. Mac
Miller. "Snapshots," Mr. D.E. DoPutron.-
"The New Women," Dr. B. L. Paine.
"Tho New Mar," Miaa Hartley.
"Tho IdoBl League," Dr. P. L. Whar
ton. Miss Eva Mao Prancia and Mr. Geo.
Leichty wero married at 8:30 last ovon
ing at tho home of thn bride's brother,
Mr. P. B. Prancia, 2107 South Thir
teenth Btreet. Rev. W. II. Manes per
formed the ceremony in the presence of
a small gathering of family friends.
Miss Piancia ia the daughter of Mr
and Mrs. E. T. Francis and ia a well
known member of the First Congrega
tional church.
Mesdamea Dilworth were surprised
Friday afternoon by some of the relief
corpa ladies. After a pleasant visit to
gether and music by Mies Dilworth re
freshments were Eorvtd. Thoso present
wero Mesdames Hard, Gage, Newell
Cook, Cotter, Ward, Zoiger, Davie Edlo-
men, Wisoman, BolBhaw; Misses Ward,
Zeigor, Dilworth, and Mahan of Council
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Funko chaperoned
the following picnic party at tho park
Saturday. Misses Loomie, Funko,
Meyer, Honeywell, Hunt, Branch,
Jungo, Outcalt; Mo are. Morrill, Ray
mond, Abbott, Burnham, Edmiston,
Raymond. Stoin, Fawell, Wittman.
Mr. Frank II. Smith has returned to
Lincoln with bis bride, who wrb Miss
Margaret R. Curry of Fairfax, Mo. They
were married Wednesday 1he2Ut, in tho
Presbyterian church of that city. Mr.
Sir.ith ia connected with tho freight de
partment of the Burlington railroad, and
ia well known in Presbyterian circles in
this city.
Mies Welch gave a delightfully in
formal party jesterday morning in
honor of the Miseep Underwood of
Round Table,
$4.00, with Courier,
4 00, with Courier,
4.00, with Courier,
4.00, with Courier,
1.00, with Courier,
- $4.00
- - 4.00
- - 4.00
Dayton, Ohio. About a dozen young )3H 8 si tisi ectory.
ladloB woro preaont and apout tho morn- ., ..... , ,. , , n i c i i t
: .. un OR co, 12, 13, Montiomory blk ) r r nnmUarc J Roal Estate, Firo Insur
ing roaming through tho fragrant phono r),7 'Rog m Nort'h 10 j C. W. Chambers J anco Surety BondB.
with sweot peas and naBturtrump, and
over tho perfectly kept lawn. A do- "
licioUB luncheon waaeorved.
Tho mombors of tho Wednesday club
and thoir husbands enjoyed a picnic
and tho theatro at Lincoln park on
Thureday evening. Thoy are: Messrs.
and Mesdamea Thompson, Tilton, Har
groavep, Green, Irvine, Wilson, Wright.
BuckatotT, Funko, Lronard, Coffroth
and BoeBon.
Mra. A. R. Talbot gave a dinner for
relatives Siturday ovoning in honor of
her sister, Mrs. R C. Clino, of Lob An
gelea, Oal. Her guests wero MrB, Fan
nie McPherrin, her daughtor.MisB Nellio
McPhorrin, and her aona Ray and Paul,
of UnivorBity Placp, Mr. and Mra. O. D.
Harris, and Mr. and MrB. R. C. Hamil
ton. Miss Margaret Hallott loaves for De
troit, Mich., next Monday, to attend tho
National Christian Endeavor Convon
tion which jb to bo hold there July 5-10.
MiBB llallett goes aa a delegate from tho
First Christian church of this city.
A party consisting of Messrs and
Mesdamea Marahall, Burr, Curtice,
Wheeler of Cmaha; Mr. Mallalieu, Miss
Burr and Mies Hoover will go to lako
Okoboji next week.
Mrs. Rollins (born Carson) and daugh
ter returned to Columbia oa Thursday
after ;i ploasant visit with Mrs. Carson
and MiBB Carson. Mrs. Carson accom
panied her daughtor to Chicago nn ber
homeward way.
MesdamoR Maxwell, Morrison, Maishall,
Woods, Howe, Henkle, Burr, Mrs.
Griflitn. Mra, Watson of Friend; Misses
Marshall, Burr. Cowdery, Hoover;
Messrs Thatcher, Gettinge, Joyce, Butler
and Edwards of Omuha.
Mrs. C. E. Yates gave a dinner on
Thursday evening for a company of
young poople. Hor son Mr. Willard
Yates, has rocontly roturnod from
Schenectady, New York, where ho haB
boen a Btudeutat Union College.
On Thursday Mrs. Albinus Nance
gave a dinner in honor of hor mother-in-law,
Mrs. Sarah Nance of Kowanee,
III. Other guests wore: Mesdames Mc
Ewan, Righter and Morrill.
Mr. L. O. Shrader, private secretary
of Mr. G. M. Lambertson, returned on
Wednesday from an extended eastern
trip. Ho has been assisting the Union
Pacific receivers in their work.
The North Side circlo of St. Paul's
church bad a very pleasant meeting on
Wednesday with Mrs. McGeo at Uni
versity Place. The afternoon was epent
in conversation on tho lawn. Refresh,
moots were served.
Mrs. Stewart, Misses Clara Leese,
Lizzio Steven's, Fannio Stoinroetz, and
Maude Hawley epent last Sunday at tho
Soldiers' and Sailors' home at Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hall Bail on tho
10th uf this month for Europe. They
will go to Paris, to Switzerland audjto
England and expect to return Bomo time
in September.
Mr. and MrB. W.C. WilBon entertained
a few friondB informally at cards Friday
evening for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Maxwell,
of Pouth Bond, Washington.
Letters received from Miss Louise
Pound since hor arrival in Holland, re
port that tho voyage waB rough and
slow, and she herself very sick.
Dr. W. M. Ilindraan attended tho
canimencement exercises at Park Col
lego, Mo , this week. He is a member
of the board of directors of that institution,
on Friday for hor Sister Mrp. E. II.
Brown who loft tho first of the week for
San Francisco where sho will reside.
Hair Dressing, Shampooing. Scalp
Treatment, Manicuring, and Switch
Work. Anno Rivett and Agnes Rawlings
143 South 12th Btreet.
Mrs. H. II. Shedd of Ashland, and her
sister, Mrs. Schatzman of Cincinnati,
0., spent a few days in Lincoln this
Mr. and Mre. W. J. Turner, Mr. and
Mrs. J. F. Hutchins and Miss Turner
returned Tuesday from a weok's angling
in Missouri.
Miss Louise Pound who sailed for
Europe, Juno 3, crossed tho briny deep
in safety and landed at Rotterdam on
the 15th,
Unoeda cool quiet place to eat; Don
Cameron's Lunch Counter is tho place.
Tables up stairs. 114-18 Sauth 11th.
Mrs. W. P. Kolley and baby accom
panied Miss McClure to her homo in
Mt. Pleasant yesterday.
ODr. and Mrs. M. H. Everett left on
Thursday evening for a month's outing
at Estes Park.
Korsmoyer Plumbing and HeatiugCo.
215 So. llth, sell tho best and cheapest
Eltctric Fans.
H M Dunu.dontist; rooms20-7 Burr blk
Mrs. Georgo W. Lowry hor daughter
and sister have gone to Manitou for tho
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Evorett ro
turned on Sunday from their wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houtz left Ih'iB
week for Omaha whoro thoy will reside.
Miss Laura Haggard and Miss Anna
Howland wont to California this week.
Mrs. C. C. Whito and family aro at
Bennott attending tho camp meeting.
Mr. and Mre. W. G. Morrison have re
turned fiom their wedding journoy.
Dr. and Mrs. II. T. Victor havo gone
to epend a month In California.
Miss Minor of Chicago, is tho guest of
Her aunt MrB. Pholps Paino.
Miss Minnio McCIay left Thursday for
Chicago and Now York.
Mra. Carolino Phillips loft Sunday for
Lob Angeles, Cal.
Dentist Hill, ovor Miller & Paino'e.
Died on Tuesday, Juno 20th, in To
peka, KanB., Mr. William Sullivan, a
member for twonty year's of tho Lincoln
Typographical union. Punoral services
woro hold on Thursday afternoon at the
homo of his sister, on 14th and Q.
Died on Tuesday morning, Juno 27th,
Mr. George E. Fisher, at his residence
1GI0 R street. Mr. Fisher was an early
compr to Lincoln and his friends were
all who knew him. The funeral on
Wednesday was attended by the oldest
and best of the city's families.
Died on Sunday, Juno 25th, D. Muir,
son of Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Muir. The
little lad was lamp, but his loving heart,
sunny disposition and beautiful face
made his friends forget the pain he
thought bo little of himself. He was a
minister'of the gospel of love and in his
short life ho fulfilled a worthy mission .
Children or tlut llliiiuliiyn.
Travelers in India report that in cer
tain parts of the Himalaya mountains
the native women have a singular way
of putting their children to sleep In
the middle of the day. The child is
put near a stream of water, and by
means of a tin scoop or a palm leaf
the water Is deflected so aa to run over
the back of the child's head. The wa
ter pouring over the child's head sends
It to sleep, and keeps it so, while the
mother proceeds with her work in the
He Id. No one seems to fear that the
baby may bo drowned, and perhaps
many a one does perish In that way.
Ho Do you love me?
She-I decline to anawor; that is a
private matter.
000033300000 OOOOOOOOOOOC
Fino Homo Made Candies Jl
I co Cream and Fruit Ices.
Wl.l....l .... ..
I uuiutmu mm icntnil 1M21 OStr.
ooooseooooo ooooooooooooi
iri'iAv a
Mrs. H, J3. Clarkeon gayo luncheon
"Did you know your wife long beforo
you weromarriod?'
"No, not till long after."
An author is a man who does things.
A critic is a man who Uqowe how
things ought to bo dono.
V I"
tine most quiet home- X
like place in the city.
m Just the place for V
JJ Ladies and Families.
f Every thing- first-class, f)
MEALS 15c 1
t TICKETS $2.50. 7
L. C. Holaday, Prop'r., 316 So 12. J