The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, July 01, 1899, Page 6, Image 6

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Professional Oljfeotorr.
Offico hours
ft TfZ
Umoe 650
050 Dr. O.O.Reynolds
6M )
(Ofllco rooms 18-19, 1 10 to 1
unrr hiock
iKoi. 2548 Q dt
3 to'
Offlco 378 1W L' DaytOn, M.D. I Office, 1205 O Street 1 10 to 1
fDlicasoiofEyo, Em. v-t nul Throat I Rob. 1821 0 Btroot 2:30 tc
godal and Personal
I Dr. 8. B. Cook
f Byo, Bar, Nobo and Throat
1 9:30-12::
f 2-5 p ra
:3 am
1215 O Bt.
jnico 618
I Ofllco, Zohrung Block 1 9 to 10 a in
Dr. Benj. P. Bailey
V12 to 12:30
Jnn R71.I I Kosulonco. 1313 C gtroot
j 2 to 4 p m
.uu... . "- . . .. . . .
KvonliiRg, ny npiiointmont. aundays 11 to l p. m, anu ny appointment.
IDr. J. B. Triokey,
f Rofractionist only
OfTico, 1035O stroet.
19 to 12 a. m
I to 4 p. ni,
) -r . ttt j. -r- n n t Office, rooms 28, 27 anil I
OBlco 530ALOU1S N. Wente,D.D.S. l.Browiioll Block, Mil
) I go lltli Btroot. )
A ' " - -
Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy,
Farmers and Merchants Building.
2 AT
R ri rtc Plar rrv A r i There " none to equal it in elegance.
'S3 ilXaUVJ The line is complete in everything.
lyatt & Hyatt
(Successors to Sutton & Hollowbush.)
Confectioners and Caterers. 135 So. 12th St. 'Phone 681
We have the only oyster parlor in the city. Call and Bee for youreelf .
n the city. Call and see for yourcelf .
6 9
1009 O street.
LANDY C. 6 LARK, Agent.
a 6
Pljblo Supplies,
1041 O St.
JUincoln, Nebr.
: s 4te 4tq 4N; ; 4tq 4te 4; 4N jjg
l i i. "V 1 T". J. 1 1 i
m Ana lnstructiomiven in wu, rasrei, anu crayon 3
Je Lessons Every Afternoon.
V. -41 - ! -4 -4 -t t - - - vf
m w :;:: w 1;? 0 ;; 1;? 1;; --: -r
4 Rooms 27-28 Webster Block, South 11th.
Mr. John Dougherty, 60cretary of tho
Young Men's Christian Absociation, and
Mrs. Dougherty, entertained tho mem
bers of the Ministerial Association and
their wives on Tuesday evening. Re
freshments woro served on the lawn by
tho ho3tess assisted by Misses Cora Hill
and Martha Spencer, and the spoecheB
were also made under the blue dome.
Rev. L. P. Ludden presided and the fol
lowing were tho subjects and speakers.
"The Relation of the Pulpit to the
Press," Rev. Byron Beall; "The Relation
of the Press to tho Pulpit," Rot. W. II.
Manse; "Should a Minister Take a
Vacation," Dr. F. S. Stein; "Sensational
Preaching; Thou Art the Man," Rev.
John Demand, Dr. F. L. Wharton and
Rev. R. A. White; "How Can Our Miu
isterial Association bo Made More Help
ful?" Rev. L. T. Guild, Rev. John Doane,
Rev. JelTiieB; "A Good Minister of Jesus
Christ," Rev. Mr. Spear. About the
time the program ended Mr. Hagenow
and his prize band made their appear
ance and played 'a short program of
music closing with America A vote of
thankB was given Mr.and Mre.Dougherty
and Mr. Hagenow.
The members of the Vine Street Con
gregational church gave a reception last
evening in the church parlors in fare
well to Rev. Newell, tho pastor, who is
soon to loave for another fi Id. The
parlors were converted into an attrac
tive drawing room by tho aid of sofas,
rugs, cushions, lamps and many flowers
and palms. The arrangements, which
were complete in overy detail, wore in
the hands of the following committee;
Mesdames Jones, Stevens, Worrall, Han
som, Wallace, Hastie, Hyder, Dewitt
Ruth, McNerney. As a token of regard
the church presented Mr. Newell with
"Tennyson's Memoirs" by his son, in
two handsomel bound volumes, and a
bronze bust of Richard Wagner. The
presentation speech whb made by Mr. T,
D. Worrall. It is with great regret that
the members of Mr. Newel !'s church
and his many Lincoln friends say good
bye to him. Wherever he goes be will
be followed by their good wishes, lie
will preach his farewell sermon tomor
On Tuesday Mrs. Arthur Ray Edmis
ton entertained in honor of tho MisBos
Underwood of Dayton, Ohio. Cards in
the shape of cats contained a list of cats
which tho guests woro asked to name,
"a cat with many tails," "an under
ground cat," for example. Tho first and
second prizes were pictures of felines
pretty enough to belong to Henriotta
Ronnor'a famous collection and were
won by MissoB Gregory and Garten,
Tho consolation was won by MieB Welch
It was a darling littlo maltese in an
amber lined basket, and its nock was
encircled with a ribbon of tho same hue.
A luncheon waB served. Mrs. Edmia
ton's guoots were: Misses Garten, Har
wood, Welch, Gregory, Burnham, Odell,
Hammond, Ccnklin, Webster, Edmis
ton, Underwood Bnd Underwood; Mes
dameB Metcalf and MorriEon.
On Tuesday evening at the homo of
Mr. and Mies McAlpint, 24-10 O Btreet,
the marriago of Mjbs Nellie Page Laurio
to Mr. Byron Crawford wbb celobrated,
Rev. Ward of Omaha performing the
ceremony. Tho houso was beautifully
decorated with roses, and the bridal
couple stood under a floral horse shoe.
Tho bride woro an organdie gown of
tendorest bluo and carried white roses.
Tho wedding march was played by MisB
Waldon. Punch waB served throughout
tho evening by Mrs. Calleo Thompson,
and lovo knots of ice cream and other
dainty refreshments by the hostess as
'eisted by MeBdames Plummer and
Grub, The bride has been a resident of
Boulder, Colorado, having been a book
keeper in tho sanitarium there. Tho
groom Ib a privato secretary to Presi
dent Bland of Union College. Many
presents were bestowed upon the bride.
A special car conveyed the bride and
groom, and guests from Union College
to that pleasant suburb where Mr. and
Mrs. Crawford will reside. A shower of
rice and rosea deluged them as they
left the house.
Tuesday ovening at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Loomis, occurred the marriage of Miss
Gertrude E. Loomis and Mr. C, Clyde
Lowry. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. John Doane, only near relatives
being present. The bride's gown was
of white organdie. The houee was
prettily decorated with flowers and a
wedding eupper wa? served. Among
the many gifts received was a case of
handsome silver kniveB and forks from
tho oflice force and salesmen of the
Lincoln paint and color company for
which firm the groom is a traveling
salesman, and a pretty silver spoon tray
from "the girlB" at the telephone ex
change where tho bride has been em
ployed. The wedding guests were:
Dr. and Mrs. Bontly, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Leming, Dr. H. B. Lowry, Miss
Ina Lowry, Mr. Bjrnard Lowry, Mr. J.
Bernard Lowry and Mr. Webster Lowry.
The newly married couple went to
housekeeping immediately at 1028 Pop
lar streot.
Mrs. R. S. Grimes entertained the
Kensington Club of the Pythian Sister
hood Friday evening. Progressive game9
wore played and prizes won by Mrs.
Ilarrop, Mrs. Eaton, Mrs. Hamilton and
Mr. Snyder. Mrs. Hamilton recited, a
gramophone entertained, and a supper
was served. Mrs. Bentley served punch
during the evening. Tho guests were
Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Bentley, Messrs. and
Mesdamoe J. McFadden, Dobson, Gard
ner, Soyder, Will Lawlor, J. C. Johnson,
J. Harrop, R. S. Grimes, Roy Young, J.
D. Parker, D. HeBgy, O. L, Eaton, W.
Hamilton, A. N. Young, Mesdames Mc
Dill, H. P. Stine, J, Gage, J. J. Drake,
F. Bostrum, O. Weidman, W. Bentley',
H. Deschor, O. DouglBB, Hoffman;
Misses Millio McDill, Atlelia Stine,
Stella Douglas, Bessie- Bentley, Snyder
Swartz, and Master Willie Liwlor.
Father John Barrett, eon of Mr. and
Mrs. John H. Bartot of this city, who
was ordained to the Roman Catholic
priesthood in Baltimore laBt week, cele
brated hie first high mass Thursday
morning at St. Theresa's pro cathedral.
The event is considered of especial
solemnity in that church, and about ten
priests were in attendance. Father Bar
rot waa assisted by Father Girard Boll of
Crota, Father Bradley and Engelbert
Boll. Father Rood was the preacher
t i j jmink