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About The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1899)
f 10 THE COV?..J.i SIR WALTER SCOTT. Rhymers and writers of our day, Too much of melancholy! Give us (he old heoric lay) A whiff of wholesome folly; The escapade, the dance; A touch of wild romance. Wake from this self-conscious fit; Give us again Sir Walter's wit; His love of earth, of sky, of life; His ringing page with humor rife, His never-weary pen; His love of men! Builder of landscape, who could make Turret and tower their stations take Brave in the face of the sun; Of many a mimic world creator, Alive with fight and strenuous fun; Of nothing human he the hater. Nobly could be plan: Master of nature, master of man. Sometimes I think that He who made us, And on this pretty planet laid us, Made us to work and play Like children in the light of day Not tike plodders in the dark, Searching with lanterns for some mark To find the way After the stroke of pain, Up and to work again! Such was his life, without reproach or fear, And at the end, When Heaven bent down and whispered in his ear The word God's saints waited and longed to hear, I ween he was as quick as they to compre hends And when he passed beyond the goal; Entered the gates of pearl no sweeter soul. From tne July Century. BRET HARTES WASTEBASKET. Ho Used to Fill it with Rejected Drafts of Everything Ho Wrote. Writing of "Brot Harto in California" in tho July Century, Noab Brooks tells of the etory-writcr'B fastidiousness: Hartu's first literary work was dona in San FruneiEco, utter ho had tried his hand at Bchool-touching in ho interior of tho statr, and had ventured tenta tively in other casual pursuits, as was tho manner of all tho Argonauts of those days. In 1803, while he was set ting type in tho ofllue of tho "Golden Era," a literary weekly paper of some local renown, ho offered to the editors, with much diflldonce, occasional contri butions, which ho had already Bat up in bis composing-stick. They were short and unambitious, but they were so highly approved by tho managers of tho papor that the young author was en couraged to otTer more of the Bamo sort. A year later, Harto accepted a writing engagement on tho staff of the "Cali fornian," another litorary weekly, ti.6n edited by Charles Honry Wobb, better known to old Culiforniana by his pen namo of "John Paul." Harto became editor of this nowepapor in 18G5, when Mr. Webb relinquished its manage ment. Another contributor to the col umns of tho ''Californian" was Samuel L. demons, who was thon making his tirst essuys in composition under tho sinco famous sobriquet of "Mark Twain." Like Goldsmith's parson, who was counted "passing rich with forty pounds a year," thoso two young writers wore woll contont with a compensation that would now bo regarded by oithor of thorn with amused contompt. In tho "Californian' Hnrto printod nothing more auibitioiiB than bits of vorss and Flight local sketches in proso. Tho titles of sonio of thoBo woro "Sido-Wnlk-ings," "On a Balcony," and "A Boy's Dog." Nearly all of them, I think, wero hunted up and reprinted in moro en during form when Haito had becomo a celobratod author, Ilia celebrity gavo thoso trilloa an importance which ho novor droamod thoy would acquire. Harto always manifested in his work that fastidiousness in choico of words which has characterrod him over sinco. It wnB humorously complained of him that ho tilled the nowspspor-ollico wasto-babkots with hiB rejected manu scripts and produced noxt to nothing for tho printer. Onco, assigned to tho task of writing an obituary article that was not to exceed "two etickfuls," in longth, he actually tilled a wasto-Laskot with fragments of "copy" which ho tore up boforo he produced tho requisite amount of matter. Going into my own editorial room, early one forenoon, I found Harto at my desk, writing a little ncto to mako an appointment with mo to dino togother later in the day. See ing me, ho eturtod up with the remark that my early arrival at tho office would obviato the noccBsity of his finishing the noto which ho was writing, and which ho tore up as ho spoke. When, this littlo matter was isottled, Harto had gone out, crumbling in his hand the fragments of his untinisned not", I chanced to look into my waste-basket, and saw a litter of paper carrying Ilarte's familiar handwriting; and turn ing over the basket with quiet amuse ment, I discovered that he had left there the rejected manuscript, of no less than three summons, which any other man would have disposed of in some thing liko this order: "Dear Btooke: Wo will dine together at Louis Din geon'B at 0:30 p. m. tonight. COLD SODA, CHOICE PERFUMES, BEST CIGARS, Wilson Drug Store. G. B. Chapman, Mgr. S. V. cornorO and Tenth. WHY EDITORS DUN. Suppose that a farmer raises 1,000 buBhels of wheat a year, and also sells this to 1,000 persona in all parts of the country, a great portion of them saying, "I will band you a dollar in a short time," The farmer does not want to bo small, and says, "all right!" Soon the 1,000 bushels are gone, and he has noth ing to show for it, and he then realizes that he has fooled away his whole crop and its value a due in a thousand little driblets, consequently he is seriously ombarrased in business because his debtors each owing him cno dollar, treat it as a small matter, and think it would not help much. Continue this kind of a business year in and year out, as the publisher does, how long will ho stand it? A moment's thought will con vince anyone that an editor has cause for presistent dunning. From "Tho Nowspaper Muker," Now York, May Mb, 1899. iiRTHli V ft ft ft ft ft STAMP PHOTOS 2 dozen 25 cents. J. d. JIJUSf Photographer 938PStr. Lincoln, Nebraska. 1 Rof s Fug Store... . (unner 10tb and g tF. E h nT?rrvrri?p oi?mo DRUGS, PINE PERFUME, STATIONERY. PAINTS, HAMMOCKS, WEBSTER'S Hon.DJ.Brewef Justice of U.S. Supreme CourJ ... i0"'"' iiumuiBuu il iu uii ns mo one great stand- INTERNATIONAL. authority." gwMBiami i "excels in thocnsowithvrhichthonvnflniiathn word sought; in accuracy of definition; in effect lvo raethfxls of Inillcntinff pronunciation; In terse unl comprchcnslvo statements of facts und in practical uso as a working dictionary. Specimen VOUCH, etc.. Sent nil nnnllmllnn .G. & C. Merriam Co., Publishers, Springfield, Mass., U. S. A. DICTIONARY The Rock Island playing cards are tho slickest you ever handled. One i pack will bo sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps, A monoy ordor or draft for 50 cents or sume in stamps will secure 4 packs. Thoy will bo sent by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Skhastian, G. P. A Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y, Chicgao. Ladies' Dress Shirts 000llfrO "fTTinifliriMMMIIHI Wo have just received large linoB of Ladies' Dress Skirts in up-to-dato shapes and Btyles all woll made and finished; values unsurpassed. BROCADED MOHAIRS-82, $2 50 82 75, 83.00, $3 50, 83.75 and 8100 each. ' STORM SERGES- 85.00, $0 00, $0.50, $7.50, 88.00 and 89.00 each. NOVELTY CLOTHS -In check, Btripes, plaids, etc., all wool, a large lot your choico $3.00 each. SATIN AND SILK-PJan or trim-med-87.00, 88.00, $0.00, 810, 811, 812 813, $15 and up to 82G each. ' MlbfeER & PAINE 'OOOO0,oww6 "ItlOIHIimiu Subscribo for Tiir Couiuku $1 a year "What's this protty littlo thing usod "I wonder why they are called tof?" Bad sea wuves?" "Nothing I guosB. It's a progroBBivo "Because tho mon don't comn ouchro prizo." them I eupposo." y r m the near r stfk