THE COUfttt?tt. 4 A BOON FOR YANKEE TOURISTS. Mrs. Arthur Paget' bars At the coming swell bazaar, Bids fair io be a boon for Yanks abroad And the Mnrtins and Goelets, In the mighty regal sets, Will cocktail Dukes and liquefy the lord. How nice to be bemillioned and to toady to the great In a mode undemocratic at aristocratic rate! Love came! Sunbeams and ripples danced upon the bay; The birds, a-ttlt on clover, sang - and it was May! Love went! ". he setting sun died out. like some sad ember; The wind grew Co'd across the bay it was November! W DOMESTIC 80IENOE DEPART MENT OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. In tho north east wing of the nevr Mechanic Arts building ib b secluded Bpot where you can get a whiff of home atmosphere, eo home like that )ou for get this is an institution devoted to learning and dignified knowledge. In this room it a long oak table io tho shape of a let'er T, and in each drawer of this table is tucked away tho mast wonderful set of apparatus you ever saw; knives, forks, spoons, pie panB, cake tiaB, rolling pins, etc. Here and tbore about the room are furnishings with which wo are all fa miliar; a stove, cupboards, with dishes and cooking utensils in them, and every thing that makes a complete modern kitchen. And a real live dish pan hinge on a nail near the stove. Who would have thought we had such things on our campus. Besides all this just mentioned a lot of girls are 1ubv hero and, there about thoir work. Their sleeves are rolled to the elbow and all wear starchy white aprons. Sometimes a ptroak of llcur adds beauty to a Hushed cheek as a girl leans anxiouply over tho stove stirring something. At the end of tho year each girl will have a two volume cook book of which she is the sole author. Not all depart ments of the university can turn ut eo much literary talent. The clasa hbs woiked things down to a tine point, and even know the weight of a tta9poonful of Hour, bow many grains io a pinch of salt and just what happens when soda and vinegar are mixed. Cakes are made by the following re cipe: A few eggs beaten to a stiffness, 6ome butter whipped to a cream, than enough milk to make it thinner than it is, after which sift in a sufficiency of Hour. In case baking powder has been forgotten, scoop out some of the Hour, taking care not to get too much dough with it and eif t it all over again. Beat it with the hand, pump it up with a bi cycle pump, and put it in tho oven, in which receptacle loavo it the required length of time to cook it. Any one that visited this department on Charter Day will scarcely forget thoee deliciouB biBcuits and Bjrup the girls gavo us. ThiB was a fair example of what they are doing. ThiB year's work in the school of do mestic science has practically been an experiment, and the results accomplish ed prove that such a department is needed in our university. Practical work and preparation for household duties should be a part of every young woman's collegiate training. Under the directorship of Miss Boutoo itbe work, has advanced with wonderful bucrobs. Part of tho timo is dovoted to lectures , "V given by Mibb Bouton on chemical prop- orties of foods, economy in cooking, homo sanitation and other subjects, all of which aro interesting and instructive Laboratory work !b carried on in tho kitchon laboratory, illustrating stnto monts mudo in the lectures. Tho de partmant la young and needs oncour-ngomont. C-41-Jtlu'n Kxqnl-ltn IMano. Czar Alexander scat to Stuttgnrt for n suitable present for tho empress oa the occasion of her recent hirthdny cel ebration. Ho selected an ornate up right piano for her boudoir. The caso Is in the richest Louis XVI. stylo, and the front board Is jeweled with bril liant gems. The black keys nro mado of real ebony and tho white ones are covered with mother-of-pearl. German experts say it Is the most costly and exquisite Instrument of Its kind ever made. City Lighted with Acttylrne . Alt-Strelitz, a city of Mecklenburg, Is the first city on tho European conti nent to be lighted throughout with acetylene gas. Since the 1st duy of November this gas has been used In all public street lamps, and wherever coal gns was previously used la private residences acetylene gas Is being used now. The light is bright, nnd so far very satisfactory In every respect. Tho IMilCKt Coiiiot-PliHlcr. The famous director of the Lowe Ob servatory, Prof. Lewis Swift, Is still in defatigable and successful as ever la his search for nad discovery of comets. His discovery of a comet la his soven-ty-ciphth year Is claimed to be tho "beet on record," as regards successful work hy an observer of such advanced years. Pint Newspaper In I,nplitnil. A decided novelty In the way or newspaper enterprise is announced from Lapland. The first paper In that country has appeared. It Is written upon a single sheet of paper, and Is published every Sunday at a town with an unpronounceable name. Up to tho present the journal has only half a dozen subscribers, and every Issue Is welcomed with loud applause. Many IHg title In Japan, with a population of 45,000, 000, has 220 towns that have more than 100,000 Inhabitants. In 188G the num ber of such towns was 117. Osaka has Increased from 360,000 to 510.000 In habitants in ten years, Yokohama from 89,000 to 180,000, Kobe from 80, 000 to 185,000. Tokio has now a popula tion of 1,300,000. Memory KIiik. The newest piece of Jewelry Is called a "memory rlag." It is designed to be Tv.irn by those forgetful people whose memories need constant jogging. It Is of rold or silver, and has tiny rings to which pendants may be attached like charms or bangles. These trifles nre In tho form of small rabbits, frogs, liz ards, turtles, cats and a variety of other conceits, all to stand, or hang, lor tho article to be remembered. Journey of a 1'lntol Hull. The other day, says tho Sydney Bul letin, a young man at Albert Park (Victoria) took up a rev ver from u friend's mantelshelf with which to nammer a tack Into the wall. Tho re volver was loaded and went off; the ball cut a thin gold ring from tho man's little finger, tore through his trousers, struck on some sliver ho had In his pocket, rlcochetted and pierced the too of his boot. Result, damage to irousers and boot and one broken ring. The man did not suffer to tho extent of 4 pin prick. Moral: Always carry jome moaey In your pocket. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Mauahine, Weekly, Bajjak, Liter atuke, Round Table, S4.00, with Coukiek, 4 00, with Coukiek, 4.00, with Coukiek, 4.00, with Coukiek, 1.00, with Coukiek, $4.00' 4.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 i!f OTHER PERIODICALS SAME CLUBBING RATE Nlitte I)lM)nrleil. The use of slates has been forbidden la the schools In Zurich, Switzerland, and pea, ink uad paper have been sub stituted, even In tho lowest classes. The reasons given nro that the light grey marks of tho pencil on the slat) cannot be followed without strululng the eyes; that tho pressure which It is accessary to exert upon the pencil lessens the facility of the hand and renders an easy, flowing handwriting more dlfilcuic to attain, nnd that use of the slate Is not conducive to cleanly work. lltvarlMii I'encll l-HOtnry. Bavaria can boast of twonty-cight pencil factories, which employ 10,000 people, Including men, women nnd children. Together they produce no fewer than 4,000,000 black aad 300,000 colored pencils per week. Tho total output last year reached the enormous quantity of 230,000 pencils. In the man ufacture of which over 1,800 acred of cedar were used. The Mirth' Ilotteat Region. The hottest region oa tho earth Is oa the southwestern const of Persia, where Persia borders tho gulf of tho same name. Vov forty consecutive days la July and August the ther mometer did not fall lower than 100 degrees, night or dny, and often mount ed nB high as 128 degrees. Ten dollars and costs. Can't you make it a little lees Judge; lm a regular customer. hlp Itv Kara. . The Gate City, which arrived here n Monday from Savannah, Its the first teamer going out of this port to be equipped with an aurophone, the new device for enabling the lookout to de termine the direction of sounds at ea. Th aurophone was tried on the way up', but little could be told about Its utility owing to Its being placed in a poor position. It constats of a brats uox, which fits over the mast aad which has projecting from each end broad-mouthed funnel. From this box, closo to the funnels, two tubes like or dinary speaking tubes lend down the mast and through tho main deck to the deck bolow. Inside of the box there Is a. complex arrangnn of dia phragm? and sounding boards so placed ,i:it a sound will enter only one of tho tubes when it h passing through '.he funnel on tho opposlto side of the box. On the lower deck is an arrange ment like an engine-room indicator, by which tho box above may bo turned around tho mast, and directly under the indicator Is a tell-tnlo compass. The man below places tho tubeB to his ears, where they nre held In place by a cap. Unless tho funnels above aro pointing directly toward the sound vhich he wishes to locate ho will hear It only faintly and in one ear, because ono of the funnels being turned from the sound the tube opposlto does not operate. He then turns the indicator 'a tho direction from which the sound appears to come, and when the funnel Ib pointing directly at the sound tt passes through the tunnel and out ot tre other, putting botn-tubes in opera tion, and the operator hears the sound distinctly and In both ears at once He then glances at the indicator and tho point on the tell-tale at which it tests gives the exact bearing of tbt toiiud.- -Boston Transcript. Ill tltllllo.l H ltOIII.IHI'U. (li-orge . Iiriird this morning tint a girl IiiiiI dip I over o itiug ic;u cream." Mlii I- "What it Mveot death! How (nil roiiianliu that in isl ho! Ouorgo (mid -lie In (I hur golden In" id on liis mi1 v bosom nnd looko I lovingly into his liio). Its go to l'lilm niico's iinJ die l .:. tliur.'' (J -orgo "Can't ucconi'iiodiitu von to-diiv, darling. I'm already dent! hroliO." IrlHli iitiuJr. Iiuilwu.v olllcial SiiMkiug'i not. al lowed In 'thin room, sir. You'll Imvu to quit. Mr. MoKiidgiin I'm not shinokin', sir. Hail way ntllciul But you liitve you.' pipu in vour mouth, Mir. Mr. MuPitii;rnu Yin; 1111' 1 hav me flit in mo bo( t, but I'm 11 t wnlkiii'. Tim IIchI llHrm. 'If I could onl" kiss yon. tliiur," Hi' huIiI, an do hi IiIh 11 1111 Ktnln ioiiikI bur wulst. "In Jmt 111111 klsn Tlii'ii' can't lm tiny Ilium." Anil I Iiuii. before hIid tfuvu crnsont, A ins! It liuil been limit). Sim blushed anil .silil: "You know you'ro wronjr. Tlii'iu Is "runt hut 111 In 11111'." AtroiiHiiil('Hl 'oiivrn. "Tills paper here says Unit, with the Lick loli'scope over out liuiulr d million dillVront stars can bu seen,' said Mrs. Vi'i'iol'l, who was leelin quite studi ous tli it evening. "A ulescopo l wire its powerful would lick that, 1 suppose;" responded hoi spouse as he dodged 11 Hying rolling pin. Time HrlnuM Clungo. M ssengor Hoy Wl ore's the man what sunt me out with Ihls here nie Hiige.' Mr. Fmitli It was I that sent yon.. Mi'hsi nger Hoy Nnw the 'feller wiiu t sent mo wiiMirle n i-li .venh'oke. and you've got a long I 0 ul. Mr Smith Well, it grew since you Htnrli'il. A Trick ol Urn Trade. Why is it that you write your bills on rose paper with iieii'iimcd en velops?" ' It cause," answered the tuilor, "tho young lellows will imagine it's a love letter, and are niru to open it." Tl:) Flrt'iiiHii'M llomuiicc. "You are out with Miss Rox'r" "Yes, her father putiiu extinguisher on inu niiiiir. "ou'xoilono sparking, then?" "No, I've gone hack to uu old II llame." Tliu Two Hot'kH. "The immigrants from England are culled the Pilgrims lauded on Plymouth Pock " mill the teacher. 'And did thote from Ireland land on t it sli iinock';" asked Jimmio Dinwid il u. 'I Tliclr I'roper Nihvr'. n mlii unit tliu lien Imvu their Slll('IVH As I'veiytlilim earthly must; Ami wliu.L'ns a hen can lay 11 it ckjj, li lakis the rain to lay llioilust. piopor HloniUn'a llleyele. The wooden bicycle used by Dlondln In his fnmoiiB ride ucross Nlngara Falls on a ropo is still In existence, and wns sold In Paris not long ago for half a crown. Throwing mud at a good man only results In soiling your own hands. jjj2jjjjVi2a2iy5u