- T VOL . XIV., NO. XXIV. ESTABLISH KD IN 1880 PHICE HIVE CEN LINCOLN, NBBR.. SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1801). -SSfe ngiw KNTERED IN THE P08TOFFICE AT LINCOLN A8 SECOND CLASS MATTER. PUHLISHED EVERY SATURDAY nt THE COURIER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO Office 1132 N street, Up Stairs Telephone 384. SARAH B. HARRIS. Editor I OBSERVATIONS. 8 u Subscription Katep In Advance. Per annum 9100 Six months 75 Three monthB 50 One month 20 Single copies ;.... 05 The Cockier will not bo rosponsiblo for vol. nntnry communications uuloss nccompaniod by roturn postttRO. Communications, to rocoivo attontion, must bo sianod by tlio full nnmo of tlio writor, not moroly as n Ritarantco of Rood faith, but for publication if advisable Justice to the Living. Throughout a typo written letter of something more than three pages, of date .Tune 5th, addressed t' the editor of tills journal, Cndot Taylor of Oma ha winces under a just and well merited rebuke administered through these columns two weeks ugo. He suggests that the article written on Decoration Day, the truth of which lie does not deny, had for its object the renewal of a controversy which lie writes "had been settled by the parties interested.'' Not at all. The object was to Inform the reading pub lic who were somo of the principal actors and the part they took in an unwarranted and cowardly attack upon a bravo soldier then engaged in tlio discharge of his duty, and in in sisting upon the adoption by the leg - islature of a resolution of condemna tion without a word of evidence in support nf charges and that without giving him an opportunity to be heard. It was intended that the future political career of those actors should bo elTected by tlio acts recited. A further object was to furnish a mirror in which the parties des ignated from the eminence of Infamy upon which their voluntary acts in advocating and securing condemna tion without a hearing had placed them, might view themselves. Cadet Taylor lias taken his view and is mad ai the mirror. The party most deeply Interested In the controversy which is said to havo been settled was the late command ing officer of tlio First Nebraska. The resolution which Cadet Taylor d in Its ho caused to bo Introduced in the legislature had for Its purpose the disgracing of thai officer and li is re moval from the command or the regiment because of alleged un worthy conduct. The adoption of that resolution was a matter of pub lie record. In the settlement of such a controversy certainly the officer was deeply interested. When and where was the alleged settlement made? In making it who represented the absent olllcerand whotlie "Thurston Rifles Associate Members'' of which Cadet Taylor claims to be president? That a resolution condemning the action of the officer was presented to the leg islature is admitted. That in advo cating the adoption of that resolu tion charges were made against the officer which if true would have pre vented ills farther promotion and caused ills discharge in disgrace from the army is true. That no oppor tunity to he heard in ills own defense either in person or by representative was afforded the soldier charged with offense is conceded. That a motion to defer action on the resolution until the charges could be investigated and the truth ascertained was voted down, will not be denied. And now it is said the controversy was settled by the parties Interested. In that set tlement and as a part thereof did the commanding officer of the First Nc braskn indicate or agree that expung ing tlio record of the injustice done him was all that he required? What were the terms of this settlement and where may a record of it be found? In the letfer above referred to .Cadet Taylor says: "I did what I considered to bo my duty in behalf of the private soldiers, in answer to the appeal of the fathers and mothers of boys 10,000 miles away from home." And this man's conception of duty led him to make an attack from the rear upon the army of hio country in time of war by endeavoring to secure the removal from that army, when it faced the enemy, of one of its most efficient and bravest officers who later fell in battle when leading a charge. An officer whose deatli caused bearded men in Ills command to weep. How many fathers and mothers of members of the First Nebraska are willing to admit that they appealed to Cadet Taylor, President of the Thurston Rifles Associate Members'' to secure the condemnation of the Colonel of that regiment without a hearing? Let them stand up and be counted. The letter referred to contains this Interrogatory: "What personal in terest havo you in the First Nebraska ttiat qualifies you to sit in judge ment?" Is It necessary that tho editor of the paper which contains these observations shall have a rela tive in the First Nebraska in order to qualify her to criticize the public acts of the Nebraska legislature or to denounce the cowardice of one who by false representations induces those acts? If an officer of that regiment should murder one of the men under his command Is the right of criticism of that act reserved to those who havo relatives in tho regimoiitv The In terest which the editor lias In tho First Nebraska that qualifies her to sit In Judgement upon the action of the legislature is tlio Interest which every lover of Justice lias in Justice. Jt is the natural abhorrence, which every decent person feels for tho acts of which Cadet Taylor ad mits he has been guilty. To quote farther from this letter: "Let me say to you madam, that we do not recog nize your right to criticize unless you have a family interest." How presumptuous it is in one not having a "family Interest'' to criticize the acts of the Nebraska legislature. Repeatedly in this letter reference is made to the sons of the writer who arc members of the First Nebraska. The affection expressed for them is commendable but it is somewhat re markable that one possessing such powerful parental aircction should have been so regardless of the affec tion which another father had for his son. Did it never occur to Cadet Taylor that Colonel Stotscnburg had a father and that the reputation and good name of his son was dear to him? When that father wrote a letter to the State senate and requested an in vestigation of tlio charges made against his son did Cadet Taylor Urge any member or the senate to take the necessary steps to grant the request? 1 forbear reference to those por tions of the letter which refer to the bravery of tho First Nebraska. Tho bravery of the regiment as a regimen; as well as its efficiency was born largely of tho capability and courage of its commanding officer whose re moval was sought to be encompassed by legislative condemnation at the behest of the author of the letter to which reference has been made. The courage and character of the regi ment has been proved but it remains to be seen whether that character and courage are sufficient to enable it to withstand the withering blight of a compliment from those who at tempted to destroy its efficiency. Women Sculptors. The noble head of Mrs. Emma Wll lard, founder of the Troy Seminary and one of the first women to promote the higher education of women has been modeled by Mrs. Enid Vandell The bust will be placed in the State library at Albany, and Is presented by the Emma Willard association to the State library. Tiie sculptor is the first woman allowed to become a member of the National Sculptor's Association. Several of tlio illus trated weeklies havo published pic tures of the bust. I would ail cavillers at woman's work and genius, all rhymesters of the new woman, all Harry Thurston Fecks and all unin spired, jealous scribblers who dread tlio Increasing competition from those whom they inconsistently argue, have no duties to tho race except that of renewing and roaring It, might study this bust or picture. Hroadly modeled, tho bust hears tho marks or an Inspired thumb. The grace, strength, and reposo of tho face sug gest George Washington us ho might have looked when he llrst fell In love or as lie might have looked If tho mes sengerwlth beautiful feet had ap proached him with tho tidings of a now horn son.so suffused with tender ness and fnlth and fulfilled hope is this woman's face. It pleases all tho women of the world who belle vo that woman has an intellect and thatsomo womcn-lmvo genius to bo so ovor whelmingly confirmed by portrait busts such as this by Ktilri Yandell or tlioso UessloPottor makes.Thoy are un answerable and ir thospiterul penny-a-liners and book reviewers or Grub street aro depresslngly inslstant on tho inferiority or women and her ri diculous aspirations to accomplish the end or the road she has started to travel they are discouraged liereoy, Higher Education The State university address de livered last week by Frcsldent Cyrus W. Northrup was a surprise to those who havo been brougln up to believe that tiie education or the masses is the answer to the political and social problems that no nation or com munity has yet answered. Rctwecn socialism that weakens self reliance, on the one hand, and unrestricted individualism on tlio other which giyes tho clever, the unscrupulous or tho rich an unfair advantago over tiie stupid, the scrupulous or the poor, there is doubtless a system or theory of association which reconciles liberty with restriction but nobody has dis covered It. Not Mr. Bryan nor Pro fessor Herronnor President McKlnley, and tho last does not pretend that he has. President Northrup thinks that the education our country needs is one which will fit the farmers, mechanics and professional men to think and vote on the questions of civil govern ment as well as to plow, run machinery and practice medicine, law or theology. Tho only excuse tho state has for taxing every body to provide the children of a few with a higher education Is that these few raise tlio average and return more than the value of their education to the state; that in effect, a diploma received from a state institution is a promissory note in which the holder promises to pay to the state (time not specified) the value of four years' in struction, in philosophy, chomlstry, biology, mathematics, dead and mod ern languages, history, literature and in all tlio other knowledge slowly ac cumulating since tho discovery of writing. If the holder of such a di ploma does not pay back to the state a devoted citizenship, then lie Is in solvent and becomes a dead loss to tho state and tho system is discredited For Instance, when u university