The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 10, 1899, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE COVI.i.
tho clBBBHre Charles W. Hoal, president; proved while American compoBors
Ralph W. Mojor, vice prcBident; Helmer? may not as yet havo accomplished much
Halderson, Becrotary. Committoo ons that Ib groat, tboy havo written much
arrangemontB was L. U. Unkofor and F that Ib plonfling. Mm. Holyoko and
O. Bergo. Committeoon program com-? Mrs. Campbell wero in flno volco and
prised 0. W. Deal, A. H. Davia and A. both woro recnllod. Miss Haywood's
P.Smith. Invitation committee, E. B. group of piano numbers waB satisfying
Perry. R. D. McPhorrin, T. F. Hamer and MIbb Hoovor'a accompaniments
and F. C. Hamcr. Reception commit- wero all that the moat fastidious could
teo compriBO-l G. E. Hngor, May 0. dofliro. Tho program follow:
Orcutt, OharloB Beckoiihaur, E. D. I'kookam.
Jones, D. W. Lamb, J. W. Graham, M, '
Helmer Halderson, A. L.Brown. Dean Dllett "' Accon,Pan,Bt'
Reeso was toaBtmaBtor, tho program . . . T. ,.
was aB follows: "Tho Olats of 'DO' A"R ' f, U hi' Coo,I1,)9
Berge; "Tho Alumni," Hatfield; 'The - M"' nli?oke ?" Camlf
LegiBlaturo and Judiciary." Shull "Ne- SnBB 'Ch,,dd by Buene lM
braska," Poynter; "Looking Forward," J" KI-'ngTimo Chadwick
Davis; "The Law School," Robblnr; n i "i"'- 'A;"; 7?
The Modern University," MacLeanj DoU'e Wooing ...Clayton Johns
Tho Faculty," Bertha B. Stull; "The T , rl n
Spirit of tho Lawyer," Magulre; -IHnls lone MacDowoll
to Young Lawyers," Adams. ?' "B "Kl
... , , . A. . . ,nm b. Tho Brook
Wednesday morning tho class of 05 , Wi
had an informal breakfast at tho home ' " m n
or Miss Olivia Pound: Thoao preeont RoB0 SoD 8 '
were: Mrs. Corwin Haggard, Mrs. Emery B ?,5t s tm i r j n
Hardy, Mioses Pound" Smith, Lindlay, ' My LVe ifl L,k a Rod' J0"
Gore, Morgan; Wik'er ef Kansap, Me- . n '"."li"u"l'""iVn
lick of Iowa; Messre, Hinds of Beatrice, b DepP ,D tb Heart Tf a W,'d Rod
Woods.Lyons, Oberlies, Town, Week, T p mT'" n Bn!i
.... c I Gave My Lovo Threo Rosob Rd
of Maino. ' XT
Tho Phi Beta Kappa banquetoccuned Mr8 Ciiinpboll.
Wednesday following Dr. Lorimer's Lovo Songs
oration. Following members were in- a. To Arcadio.... Reginald DeKoven
iliated: Robert O. Lansing, Hal K. b. Florcbel Bartlett
Beans, Allen R. Congdon, Cecil Pugh, Mrs. Holyoke.
Emily Weeks, Julia E.Lougbridgo, Bes- , .
s'.eKenl, Jennie L. Fox, Flora Fifer, Pbo chapter of Kappa Alpha Tbeta
Lillian Nowbranch, R. D. Elliott, Sam ge a garden party on Monday evening
li. Sloan, B.H.RanEotn. D. D. Feldman at the beautiful subuiban homo of Mr.
and Mrs. Anna Y. Reed, who had been and Ir8 William Clark. The lawn
elected members, were unable to be was illuminated with Japanese lanterns,
present. Following toasts were re The verandah was furnished with rugs,
spondedto; -The East and the West," c"sh,(!DB and divaD6' aDd an orcheBtra
Rev. Lorimer, Boston; "The Elder Pl)ed enlivening music for the dancers
Brother," Rev. Rowlands, Llnc,,D. who tiipped the light fantastic toe on a
The New Member," Mr. E. 0. Doran; fl,De fanvased platform which was
The Phi Beta KPpa Woman," May Pced on the lawn. Punch was eerved
Whitinu; "The Beta Kappa Long Ago," throughout the evening and a .upper at
ex-Governor Thajer; "The Universi'y,'' eleven c,ock' T?,e JDV,ted BT f
Dean Edgren wore: Ml98eB Vancil, Morgan, Randall,
WodneBday afternoon tho class of TO addlll S1obwir11.? Mc,M"laD' Wiglu'
enjoyed a reunion at the home of its horol W MAeru A KaDea8J Whlt;
president Miss May Whiting. A con,, 2B' ,cket5j ?and;U' T a We .f
mittee consisting of Miss Harwood, Miss Michigan, Memer, Loom 1. and Loomis,
Rickeltsand Mr. Benedict was appointed "onywe ,( 'f" T
to arrange for a suable clars memorial. ar', DuaB St' 3oBe) ' C,ark' Mac
Following members wero preBent: Mrs. '-rland, Cunningham and Cunningham;
Tucker, Mrs. Newbrancb; Misses Rick- Messrs LehmerColett, Randall, Pun-
.. t,! i r . vt -j croft, Harvey, EdmtBton, Milans, Cun-
etts, Pinkerton, Compton, Harwood, . , D, , i ou 1 1 n i
HTu'n r j o i . t, nigham, Rickette, Marley, Sheldon, Dick
Whiting; Messrs. Reed, Schwartz, Bane . ' , ' . . . ' ,,, . J
.. pjTi, ff and Claude Reed, Atwood, Kind, Brown,
Si. i it. am? a 0. and W.Clark, Diedrich Lau, Sher-
Tho alumni banquet occurred Wednea- , ',-, . ... . ' .... ,
day evening. Mr. Paul Clark preeided an, Tukey, O. and Paul Weeks Wtip-
...... Tt'ii P e, Cements, Korsmeyer, Abbo'.t,
over the following program: "Village M ' WalkinB Belchor Brown
Choir." Fifer, '89; "New 'Grad," vs. the Mansreide, watKine, ueicnor, nrown,
ru mi o ii i n- ..mi n j Davidson, Harmen and Hill.
Old," Flora Bullock, 9.; "Flag End of
the Century," Emily WeekB, '99; "Legal The fourth annual meeting of the
Profession; Fame vs. Fees," Dryden; Nebraska section of the American
"Effect of Clubs on Husbande," May B. Chemical Eociety was held Saturday
Field, '82; "School Ma'am of the Twen- eveuing in the chemical laboratory,
tleth Century," Cutter, 'U8. Officers for next year wero elected bb
follows: President, H. H. Nicholson;
On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. E. L. v!ce pretidenl, Dr. S. Averj; tecrrtBry
Holyoke and Mrs. R. A. Holyoke, en- flnd treaEUreri Dr. John White; oxecu-
tertatned a large number of women at a livo c linmiUeP R S. Hiltnor, chairman,
musicalo. The hostesses were BBbistod by Dr F j Away an(j r, s. Thacker.
Meedames Manss, Munger, Kelley and pof ieholson gave an addrees on
Bailey in the dining room, and by Mrs. , R,,cent Advunco in Chemistry."
Wright, MisEeaHargreavfB. Ellen Gere After tho program a banquet was
and Helen Hoover if. the dining room. Berve(j jn the upper ball to tho follow-
The drawing room wbb decorated with itJg pergonB. Mr. and Mis. Gore, Prof,
moteor roBes, and tho dining room was aDt MrB NichoUon, Prof, and Mrs.
exquisite in green and white roses and Stuart) Mr. Nicholson of Minneapolis,
smilax being used. .Mrs. E. L. Holyoko Df aD(j MrB Avery, Mr. and Mrs. R. W,
was attired in white organdie, and Mrs. Thatcher of Beatrice, Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Holyoko in white and red tuffdta iAe. Misaee Bouton, Fo3sler, Gere,
with red velvet trimmings. Those who Bitf Oonklinv Hartzell and Hartzell,
aBBisted Mrs. Holyoko with the program Uomgardner, WIIIib, Miller, Henry,
ere: Mrs. D. A. Campbell, Misfea nart and Nicholson; Messrs. Banghart,
Haywood and Hoover. Mrs. Campbell DaeB( Hiltner, Yasujuro Nikaido,
woro a white taffeta silk skirt with BeaDB( gn, Egge, Manufleld, Fletcher
dresdon tlgurfls, and a green corsage an(1 Dr j0hn White,
with pearl trimmings. Miss Hay wood'B
costume was of black liberty silk and Mrs. A. H. Weir has given two charm.
Mias Hoover woro white organdie over ing parties this week. Tho lirst was a
Bilk trimmed with black lace insertion, kensington given on Wednesday after-
The program wbb a delightful one and noon. Roses and peonies were used for
1 1 I M C the month of brides and roses, is
ways a famous month at this store fa
mous for its showing-s of summer loveliness, for
its ever interesting1 barg-ain offerings and its
never failing- rich arrays of warm weather com
forts and necessities. This list is merely to
g-ive you an idea of the June doing's here.
New Washable
Dress Fabrics.
Lawns and dimities in new colors and patterns,
light and dark figures, this week, per yard 5
Linen for skirts, assorted colors, regular
18 cent grade, per yard 12 12
Beautiful colorings and patte ns in new dimi
ties, on sale now, per yard 1 5
Egyptian Tissues, beautiful fabric for sum
mer gowns, our entire line now per yard, . . 2JJ
Crash and Linen Suitings upward from 10c
to 50c a yard.
Pure linen suitings, guaranteed to be
shrunk, 32 inches wide, per yard. . . . 35 9 4C
Fine imported Indian mull, regular 40c value,
on sale now, per yard 2
Ladies' low neck, elceveloFH
vests without tapes, each 3c
Ladies' low neck, sleeveless
vests, cotton taped nock and
arma.oach. or three for 25c
Ladies' fine ribbed cotton
vests, whito and ecru, each. . .
19c or tbreo for 50c
LadieB line lisle vests, sik
tapes neck and arms, each .... 25c
Ladies' low neck, sleeveless
union suits, per suit J 9c
Ladies' lisle union suitp,
otaaualaaa 1nnn Innrvffi tirHltn
and ecru, 75c quality, each... 50c I
BoyB'heawy bicycle hoae, 2x1
rib, nouble knee, hoel.and toe,
per pair J5c
Misses tine imported rnal
Maco cotton hoae, lxl rib,
double knee, splici-d heel and
too. per pair 25c
Ladiea' cotton hose.seatnless
double heel and toe, par pair. 12
Ladies' fine imported, ronl
Maco cotton boe,velvet finish
extra high spliced heel and toe
double cole, der pair 25c
Men's black and tan cotton
socks, soamloBB, doublo heel
and toe, TWO pair for 25c
Grocery Economy.
Extra fancy Mocha and Java
coffee, per pound 20c
Package coffee 10c
Glass Jam, I5c siz, any fruit,
each 10c
Large pails Jelly, any fruit.... 30c
Standard brands of tomatoes,
TWOcanB for 15c
Firpt quality blackberries
FOUR cars for 25c
Peaches, gallon can?, each .... 30c
Bartlett pf are, 3 pound cans
TWO for J5c
Heintz's Pickles, per ga'lon. .. 25c
Raisinp, rxtra quality, p?r lb,. 5c
Jap rice, SlX pounds for 25c
American groats, 21b pkg each 5c
Yeast foam, per pkg 3c;
Navy beao, fancy NINE lbs. 25c
2100 parlor matchoH for He
Mail pouch tobacco, 5c pkg. .. 4c '
Battle Ax or Standard Navy
tobacco, per pound 33c
Our silk baking powder, 25c
cans, each 15c
Axle greese, per box 4c
, Lard, 3 lb ptils, each 21c
Arjto glosB stnrob, per pkg.. . . 4c
1 Gold Dust, 20c pkg 13c
Lewis Lye, TWO cans 15c
Maple City, self washing eoxp
I TEN bars 25c
, We are still offering fliur at a
n markable reduction.
When ordering please mention this papor.
Mail orders given every possible care and attention.
i win 1 1
Sew. iifliui.