THE COURIER. IProf eAsional Directory 4rfS Phono. Ofllca 050 OfflcoHoura rf' lOlllco roonn 18-10, llOtol i Hurr Hlock 3 to' Rok. ?548Q dt But tj Dr. O. O. Reynolds ? ,).m to ttCi. .655 om . mlW. L. Dayton, M. D. lonico, 12050 stroot i iot i umc0 " dImmm of Kyo, Kni, v-i and Throat I Boa. 1821 0 Stroot 1 2:30 to i - . . i 10:30-12:: i 1215 O 8t. ( ) 2-5 p in 5pm IDr. 8. E. Cook f Eye, Ear, Nobo and Throat 0:30-12:3 am Jfllco 018 Ion ::;::rDr-Ben3-p-Balley u nppolntmont. Sunday's 12 to 1 p. ( OHlco, Zohrung Hlock 1 9 to 10 n m Rosldonco, 1313 C stroot f 2 to 4 p'm in, and by nppolntmont. IDr. J.B. Trlckey, f Rofractionist only j ) to 12 a. m VOfllco, 1035 O stroot VI to 4 p. in. F DENTISTS. i ZZZ - i OHlco, rooms 20. 27 and fllco 530.iLOUlS N. Wente,D.D.S. l.Hrownoll Block, 137 (bo Utii stroot. 1 Lincoln Infirmary of Osteopathy, Farmers and Merchants Building. r 5 o t oroioroi0toJOk o oiOfXKWfo,ocoi3i INSURE X PHOENIX LANDY C. GLARK, Agent. 9 1009 O street. Telephone 105. L Ol0lOK)iO9l0i OOts-OOOOO'flOC'OatS'O' s HHR S FINE STATIdNARr AT XX A- Rrtrt&f Pkarmari There h none to equal h in e,e8an- 1 33S I 1 0 1 1 1 QO VJ The line is complete in everything. r i MniMMMMMiiiniiMHHUinnnriririnnff nrtmiiiniiftttntrnmtttrt JHyatt & Hyatt (Successors to Sutton & Hollowbusb.) Confectioners and Caterers. 135 So. 12th St. 'Phone 681 We have the only oyster parlor in the city. Call and see fcr yourself. tlMMIMIIIMM IMIMMIIM g,XA",niL-V1"::,,!'M" '" "" Merc energetic any other shu, Harry 1 llttiiK how miserable 1 are the sawfish, whoto snouts are pro should bo ir I hiul the toothache longed into a broad blade of cartilage, Jack What (I you do when you wnlch Is horizontal whan the iTsh la lmvu the toothache? swimming In a normal posh ton ond has Ha.iy-TI.inU how happy I should bo both tg edgejJ got wUh Blghtly curve(i if 1 liad.i t. . . ,neh a t Th0 end of A IICHVV lllt'MIIIO. this formldnbl"-looklnf weapon Is That I urn kuIiiIhk rlclu's fust hus novor i,iun.t and comparatively soft, so that It itotrho'"! toun.s,oruHhofolt js quite Incapable of the feats popu- hU w It row smart, larly attributed to it of piercing "And vet wljini I Klvo tho siibjeot my utton- whale's i:odles, ships' timbers, etc. It tlvfuuio I find .... attacks other fish by a swift lateral 'Tnu'euu''" ,"yS!l,U,y wU"0l,t 'l rS thrust of Mi nv beneath them, the keen edge dlsemlKrr'ollng them. Then rii i:irnui lMiut'MM. Jt jeeds upon the soft entrails, which "But there Is no bsith-r om in your aro apparently ihe only food it car. eat house," he protested to a Jersey City frQm tho pecuiiar shape of its mouth. '""nSuloii't vou ee, ...v Ueur man, It has an enormous number of small that I own the barbershop ou tho teeth, sonumes as many as fifty rows corner and have reduced the prices or In one Individual but they aro evident baths to ',0 cont y unfit for tho rough duties ivgulred,ria.u-e. ot thelr te,e;h b "1 w?" ... . A ... ., members of tho family. The Natio.ial Mrs.'Gan'ity-1'lwhat tlivil s machine n . w have ye, on th' tehbto, UiunisV ittviuw. M.. P., nil iv I'm nUlior r'ailin thot it's all th' shtyle now for lh' upper tin t' bu-rti the caudle at both inds av it. A Tler' Htrewrtlt The tiger's strength exceeds that ot the Hon. Five men can casuy noui mnko f 240 down a lion, but nine are required to m fl. n ,.. Ilernn'H night. The heron seldom flaps his wings at a rate lets than 120 to 150 times a min ute. This is countiiiK tho downwar.l strokes only, so that tho bird's wings hold a tiger. movements a minute. .hi godal and Pergonal WF "H' l i' Tho week has boon devoted to the university comu.oncomont exorcises in tho opera houso, class reunions, alumni banquets, and fraternity luncheons, breakfasts and high tens. Tho streets aro full of mothers and fathers, per sonally conducted by their Bona in blue cloth upon whom tho mother looks with thosamo pride and tenderness that Eomo painters of tho Madonna havo caught. A sight more beautiful than all the colurs of spring and more fragrant than the flowers are those radiant solf-for-gotful, plainly dressed little mothers who have come from tho farms and email towna of Nebraska to see their sohb and daughters reciovo the diploma for four years' work, a diploma which represents self sacrifice and devotion on the part of mothers and fathers as well as study and self denial on the part of the sons and daughters. The class play which whb tho first of tho conventional numbers of the uni versity week, wbb presented at tho Oliver on Tuesday morning. Instead ot the customary burlesque, Bparkling with brightly polished gems of local satire and wit the class chose to present Col ombo's Birthday by Robert Browning, It was tho first play by Mr. Browning ever presented here and it whb easy to see even in a performance by amateurs why the poet's dramaa 'are dramatically impossible. Not a particle of action in Colombo's Birthday from the first to the last. All declamation and literary dia logue. Never a con vocational episode that might have occurred, only the re flections which a writer Bitting at a library table puts into tho mouth of his puppets. Still there are those who teach Browning as the four sacred bookB of the Veda, are taught tho Hindus. Nevertheless the declamation and dialogue was well done and dis covered careful and cultured training. Miss Mary I. Wallace was a graceful Colombo, MiBB Ellen Gere was a charm ing lady in waiting. John H. Boose, a haughty and scheming courtier, was well concieved and presented. Allan It. Congdon as Valence, the incorruptible and patriotic lover, had moments of inspiration which yielded only to the jeers of the juniors in the audience. Olaudo S.Wilson succeeded in appearing to forget the audience and merged bis personality in that of the secretary to the Prince Borthold Jesse S. Smoyor. Other Courtiers were: Messrs. Bain, Shuff, Weaver, Griflith, ThompEon, Har man, Hulott, IIIIIb and Landis. Tho Court ladies wore: MissoB Haskell, Cleveland, Weeks and PrentiBs. Tho Court scones were very pretty and guy. Taking into consideration the fact that the cast was not responsible for Browning's ignorance of (ho purpose of dramatic action and also that they wero tomptod toBeloct a Browning play not because ho could write a play but bo cause of tho exalted place he holds in tho literary hierarchy at the university, tho performance wbb very creditable. To Mrs, Manning's faithful and efficient coaching tho lino effects of the whole wero duo. The Bories was concluded by com mencement exercises, and address by President Northrop of tho university of Minnesota. Tho procession into tho opeia houso of nearly two hundred gruduntos, preceded by distinguished guests and a distinguished faculty was impressive and as an annual demonstra tion of the growth of tho university is u great success. The address on "Tho Education Which Our Country Needs," was the best commencement speech over delivered hero and many famous orators havo spoken on theeo occasions. The sincerity, straight forwardness and sturdy, common sense aud uncommon logic of the man inspired the address and made the occasion notable. The delivery of the diplomas in son orous Latin by the Chancellor, tho presentation of the applicants for de grees to tho Chancellor by the doans ( f the variouB colleges and the final ad dress by tho Govornor to tho second lieutenants is a formal and fitting finale to a university course. The fifth annual banquet of Phi Delta Phi occutred Saturday evening at the Lindell hotel. Only members of the law department of the university are admitted to membership in this fra ternity. Mr. George E. Toboy was toast master; Messrs. Arthur A. Stull, Thomas Roddy and J. C. Moorp, master of cere monies. The following toasts' were given: "Colonial Bar and the American Revolution," Mr. W. P. Gurley of Omaha; "Campaign vs. Champagne,'' Congressman Elmer J. Burkett; "A Young Lawyer's Dream," Robert M. Thompson, class of '09; "Joseph H. Choate," Prof. Charles A. Robbins; "Why I Studied Law," Victor O. John son, class of '98; "A Model Lawyer," Judge W. G. Haetings; "Legal Humor," Dean Manoah B. Reese, Honorary members present were: Reese, Lincoln; Gurley, Omaha; Hastings, Wilber; Bur kett, Wilsou, Irvine, Robbins, Campbell, Lincoln. The alumni present were: Stroman, York; Abbott, Fremont; John eon, Ladd, Marley, Folsom, Imhoff, Risser, Winslow, Lincoln; Kemp, Fuller ton; Hansen, Omaha. Those of the ac tive members of the fraternity who at tended were: Tobey, Rickette, Cos grove, Stull, Bates, Graham, Davie, Mc Phorrin, Richards, McPherrin, Ewart, Roddy, Bischof, Brown, Thompson. On Monday evening Chancellor and Mrs. MacLean were at home to the facul ties and seniors of all tho colleges. The house was decorated in tto university colors, and Hagcnow'e quartet played throughout the evening. Mrs. McLean wbb assisted by the wives of the deans, Mrs, Sherman, Mrs. Bessoy, Mrs. Ed gron, Mrs. Reese, and by Mrs. Wilson, . dean of women. Specially invited gueois were Governor and Mrs. Poynter, Mr. and Mrt Morrill, Mr. and Mrs. Gere and PtofeBsor Nicholson of Minnesota, Chancellor and Mrs. MacLean wpre made honorary members of the class of '99. Tho chancellor's reception was followed by tho banquet given by the senior class of the law school at 10:30 at tho Lindell hotol, Covers wore laid for eighty. GuostB of honor were: Governor and Mrs. Poynter, Chancellor and Mre. McLean. Deputy Attorney General W. D. Oldham, Dean Reese, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Borge. Judge Hamer of Kearney, John O. Stovons of Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Cochran, Judge Irvine, General J. R. Webster, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. WilBon, Mr. and Mre. Fred Jowell, Auditor J. F. Cornell, and II. II. Bowes und W. A. Moyer of Tekumah. Of j oldor students E. F. Warner and John M. Tucker wore prosent. Officers o mwHiriihi it MKvri-Jikiit& m