The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 10, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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in Sbiikeporo. Tho eocond hour has
boon givon to completing tho work in
nrchitauturo, bogun Inst year. This
study in nrt will bo continued next yenr,
Sculpturo being tho subject cboEcn.
The text by Professors Marquand and
Frothinghatn will bo uboJ as a guide,
Wo aro fortunato in having sovoral mom.
bors who havo been abroad whoso ex
perience) and collodion of pictures hav3
contributed immeasurably to tho inter
est in the study. A now foaturo will bo
tho introduction of tho following four
spacinl programs, 'most dolightful and
profitable diversions.
Tho Pootry of Lanior.
Tho Holy Grail Logend In Pootry,
Tho Puturo Life in tho American
The MoBsago of Whitman.
A study of Norwegian Music, with ill
ustrations. v Literary:
Tho Arthurian Legends as treatod by
Richard Hovey.
American Pootry of Today.
Philadelphia as a Literary Center.
Western Life in American Literature
i it adequately represented?
Sculpturo as Developed in America.
Tho officers for tho ensuing year woro
elected at tho laet meeting ns follows:
President, Mrs. A. A. Used; vico presi
dent, Mrs. Jennie L. Stevens; secretary
and trouBurer, Miss Margaret Thomp
ThoWomon'H Athletic Club, of Chi
cago, opened its doori formally on Wed
nesday last, with music, flowers, and tea.
Fifteen hundred guests were received
during the afternoon and evening. The
determination to open at this time over
came all difficulties that adverse circum
stances, adverse opinions, and live strikes
among the workmen placed in the way
of completion. Rugs, palms, draperies,
t and decorations concealed defects and
gave a much better picture of perfection
than had been deemed possible. There
aro tea rooms, library, gymnasium, swim
ming pool and Turkish baths. Those
who can produce a physicianVcertiflcato
can havo a mint julep, high ball, cock
tail, or any other drink. Men are to be
admitted two or three times a year for
tho satipfaction it will give the Amazons
to amaze tho sex with feminine indepen
dence. The guest9 woro received by
Mrs. P. D. Ardmour, Mrs. W. R. Lynn,
Mrs. (J. K. G. Billings, Mrs. Harry G.
Self ridge. Mrs. Emmons Blaine, Mrs. W.
T. Chalmers, Mrs. Cyrus McCormick,
Mrs. L. W. Allerton, Mrs. J. Ogden Ar
mour, Mrs, P. D. Armour, Jr., and Mrs.
Goorgo A. Seavern6, Jr.
Mrs. Potter Palmer's change of plan
will bring her to Chicago early in June
instead of tho last of the month, as I an
nounced a few weeks ago. With Mrs.
Palmer, her niece, Miss Julia Grant,
ITonoro Palmer and Potter Palmer. Jr.,
ho sailed on tho Kaiser Wilhelm from
Chorbourg May !4. Prince Kantakusin
accompanied them from Paris to Chor
bourg. where ho bade thorn good byo
aboard Hhip. Ho will follow In August.
Miss Grant will not como West with
Mrs. Palmer, but with her mother, Mrs.
"Fred" Grant, will later in tho month
join tho Palmers at Newport. Tovn
With Madamo Dioulafoy, the explorer,
tho lato Rosa 'Bonhour shared tho dis
tinction of having eschewed the frivoli
ties of her Bex in dress. Though possess
ed of the spocial Governmental permit
which enables Madame Dieulafoy to ap
pear on all occasions in masculine garb,
Rosa Bonhour found in tho prevalent
cruzo for bicycling in Franco ample lati
fuulo for the carrying out of her ideas on
tho propor thing in dress. Formerly
thoso idonB woro rcstrictad to tho troUB
ora and blouso of hor painting and in
door costumes, but of Into yonre, whothor
astrido hor wheel (to which bIjo whb do
voted) or nfoot, hor got-up wub modeled
on "bloomer" lines. Hor clear-cut fea
tures and short cropped white hair lonfc
themselves admirably to tho jaunty
sergosack coat with its mnsculinn nock
gear, nnd tho olTect evon at cloan quart
ore was that of u sturdy, bright-oyod lit
tlo man arrayed in rnthcr voluminous
knickorbockorB. Liko mnny nnothor
Parisionno, Roen Bonhour found boiuo
ten years ago that Paris was givon ovor
to Strang rs, nnd retired to hor homo at
Cozy Club, of Tocumseh, mot Mny
.'1st, at tho now and beautiful homo of
Mrr. Sullivan. Tho Ioeboo for tho nftor
noon was "Tho Queen Regent and Al
fonzo (XIII). Political Effect or tho
Lato War on Spnin." Thoro wero very
brief sketches of Cnnova, Sugustii, and
Castolar, also a paper, "Spanish Colonial
Women" by Mrs. McLanaban.and a vo
cal solo by Miss Ella McCroskoy. Tho
leader, Mrs. Apporson, proeonted each
mombor with a most unique souvenir,
it being tho lesson topics written on
whito tablote, cut to represent tho map
of Spain, and tied with holiotropo rib
bon; heliotrope and whito being tho
club colore. The club haB just tinishod
the most successful years work since its
organization, thoro is nothing whatever
missing from the literary program, every
link of tho chain is thoro, tho work has
been well and carefully performed and
all feel amply repaid for tho timo and
thought that has been devoted to the
study of Spain, a subject always interest
ing but never so much so. as now.
cupntion scorns to bo hanging around
Btreot cornors.
Tho janitor put on his hat and wont
out. Not to attract attention ho up
poared to bo examining tho grounds hb
ho slowly worked along Chnrllo'B way
By and by ho looked that wny. Chnrllo
has disappeared. Tho man rubbed his
oycB. No! Charlio was not in flight. Tho
big boy was now sitting on a largo zinc
can convoniontly placed for bettor pur
poses by tho City Improvomont Society.
Ho wbb whittling a Btick nnd whistling
relloctivoly when tho janitor arrived.
Boing interrogated ho disp'nyod somo
"That littlo clarkoy?'" ho questioned,
"Why ho wont down that way qnito a
few minutos ngo, runnin' liko anything.
Guobb ho saw you comln'."
Tho jnnitor wont "down that way''
fruitlessly, took a ramblo round tho block
a procooding which ho folt in his inmost
heart would bo unproductive or. roault,
and roturned to tho building.
When ho was fairly out of sight tho
bir boy got himself off tho proporty of
tho City Improvomont Socloty, and lift
ed tho lid of tho can; from its dopths
omergod Charlio, grinning from our to
It woe cortninly an occasion for tho
npplicatioti of justice I loavoit to
your judgment whether after such un
exhibition of degonoracy it waHHccidont
ul or providential that Churlio was ob
served from tho building und rocoivod
tho rewards of his miadoodB.
maiumket pierce.
Strictly speaking most of this plot is
laid outside the school-room, bat its bo
ginning and ending Fro within.
Ab the end of tho school year draws
near, and tho great out-of-doors, always
so near to the heart of a child, daily-as
sumes new and alluring aspects, some
little feet aro with difficulty kept in the
way which .deads to the wisdom via of
Bchool room and books.
In these later days it not infrequently
happens that a teacher hurrying into
the principal's room after school, comes
suddenly upon a little group of penitents
who bang their heads and twirl their
hats in an oppressive consciousness of
guilt and the accusing presence. Con
fessing ehame-facedly to a weak yield
ing to instinct and the charms of nature,
and promising "never to do it again" they
go forth to renewed defeat "evon as you
and I."
To some the mere exhilaration of the
open air seemB sufficient pleasure, and
some have beon known to take it in the
very shadow of tho building within
which thoy should be pursuing tho
peaceful paths. Perhaps the spice of
danger thus introduced adds to tho
pleasure of tho truant.
Such a boy, known by his teacher to
bo a victim of the vacation habit, was
ono day missing from his accustomed
placo. Experience along cortain lines
tends to mako ono suspicious, and
Charlio would toll you, should you take
the trouble to interview him, that his
teacher is tho most " 'spicious person in
his list of acquaintances." She prompt
ly communicated with the principal,
who knowing Charlie's temperament, in
structed the janitor to keep a sharp
look-out, and should Charlie uhow him
self in the vicinity of tho building, effect
his capture.
Toward the raiddlo of the afternoon
that watchful and discreet man caught
sight of tho truant dieporticg himself
under a tree a block from the school
house. He was ongagod in earnest con
versation with a big boy whose chief oc-
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Rof s rug gtope...
Corner 10tb and tF. 1
Wa npnnTTP.T Gprc
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