Mi THE COURIER. quired to set hundreds of men at work and 'ur present system wlien per fected, will make brain workers of men with muscles and frames llttcd for manual labor. Even now It Is making manual labor more and more dlsplsed and withdrawing men from the avocations which they were built to follow. It Is rulliilnir u people be yond their environment, to their in evitable discontent and disadjust ment with life Wide Tires. An asphalt pavement requires wider tires than macadam or brick. In order to resist the cracking effects of frost, the asphalt is mixed so that it will soften at a comparatively low temperature. The pavement on Eleventh street shows the clTeet of tires. The cuts made by tires in the asphalt will melt together again, but we need an ordinance regulating the width of tires. Other cities have such an ordinance and the taxpayers who lay the paving have a right to ask that their property be not destroyed by the country people and buggy owners who drive up and down on the asphalt pavement with so much en joyment. Tests of the relative draught of wide and narrow tired vehicles on hard and soft, level and hilly roads have demonstrated the superior advantages of the wide tire so that it would be no hardship to require the gradual displacement of the narrow tire by the wide. Newspaper Ethics. It has been the experience of most newspaper people that the general public believes that reporters and editors have no conscience at all, and that they will sacrifice personal prin ciples for the sake of printing an unimportant item of news that is, unimportant to everybody, except the party or parties concerned. My own experience with the newspaper folk of Lincoln and elsewhere, though somewhat limited, has been sufficient to convince me that In comparison with other professions, newspaper men have a keener sense of responsi bility and a greater unwillingness to do any one an Injustice than other men. Tho very ease with which an injustice can be accomplished and a scandal disseminated makes an editor more careful than the lawyer for Instance whose training and instinct incline him to a one sided view of persons and cases. Newspaper folk are human and make mistakes but their mistakes are fewer, though they may have wider consequences than those of other people whose work Is easier and better paid. The world believes that an editor will uso his paper to punish a private wrong. No successful editor ever practised such a principle, no reporter could hold his job and use it for revenge. No community would support a paper published for private revenge only. Newspaper ethics are not theoretical. They are practical and practised by all professional newspaper workers who have any standing whatever. The judicial temperament, which realizes that there are two parties to a suit, two sides to a question, that the world is Jew and Christian, Mo hamedan, Budhlst and whatnot, and that absolute and dogmatic decisions must do some one an injustice, is cultivated to a sturdier growth in a nowspaper office than elsewhere. Members of the profession in good standing do not publish detracting statements of anyone unless they are humanly certain of their truth and not then, unless Justice to tho in nocent require it or unless tho trans gressor is running for office and the editor considers that his election would be a public calamity Re putable newspaper men do not use Information obtained iti friendly and unguarded converse with a friend. It is safer, in fact, to reveal a secret to the average newspaper man, than it is to the average man who babbles more constantly than a brook, on the street corner, to his wife and In his office or club. If a reputable news paper man, concludes to roast an Institution or person, he does so over his own signature or as a responsible member of the stall' of a responsible paper. A reputable newspaper editor never composes a roast and takes it to another editor with the request to publish It anonymously. That cowar dice is reserved for politicians and the unnumbered host of people who write anonymous letters, or seek to hire a newspaper substitute for nothing, to stab their enemies. Tho assassin surely earns his hire. It Is a danger ous, a loathsome and loathed mission, but tho editor who has ever darjd to publish his convictions concerning any vicious character or Institution in the community Is forever after supposed to be an assassin for love of bloodshed and to bo willing to un dertake the private and particular, battles, as well as the family and po litical feuds of all the brawny, large listed, broad-backed army of the in jured and martyred who walk up and down the streets of Lincoln gossiping about those they really hate but pre tend to love. In reality it is not a pleasure to roast anybody but it Is sometimes a duty. The devil could have planned no better, for the worst rascal is apt to have a pleasant, innocent wife and other relatives and connections whom it is cruel to offend but who must share in the expiation the community generally wrings from those who cheat it, even if the culprit is the head of an interesting and blameless family. As tho voice of a certain part of the community the editor is sometimes obliged to call up tho sins of sundry individuals, and then for the rest of his life he must sneak by the female relatives of wrongdoers, as though he were guilty of something besides the accident of being an unwilling vocal organ of the body politic. Then a reputable editor does not publish private matters like engage ments, etcetera without tho consent of the interested parties. It was only last week that a young man with a very red face entered The Courier office remarking that lie had come to suppress an item which no paper had any business to print without his consent. His appearance and tone suggested that the item concerned matrimonial arrangements on his part, heretofore entirely unsuspected by his neighbors. He was pacilled by the assurance that the code would prevent the publication of such an Item without the verification and con sent of one of the contracting parties. The incident is referred to because it happens so often, and because it shows that few outside the profession credit those in it with any sense of propriety. Tramps and the Railroads. Mr.Josiah Flynt, who becomes a tnmipforsix mouths at a time, oil and on, undertook an Investigation suggested to him by tho general man ager of a railroad which had made stealing transportation practically im possible on Its lines. In the current Century, Mr. Flynt admits that the management of this road has suc ceeded In an attempt which began three years ago to rid the cars of the tramp nuisance. Tramps know the investigator as Cigarette, and ho lias travelled all over this country for nothing but the discomfort of as. soclatlng with lazy and dirty vaga bonds. Ills devotion to the Baconian meMiod of investigation has been re warded for he is the best tramp authority In the United States and his contributions to tramp literature are helping economists and charity organization students to solve the problem of wandering vagrants. The most unpleasant part of the conduc tor's and brakemen's duty is the con stant ejection of tramps from the tops and trucks of cars. The men who run trains in and out of Lincoln have been particularly bothered thisspring with tramps. In unusual numbers they break the seals on box cars, stretch themselves on the trucks and climb onto the roofs of the cars. The very ease with which they can travel Increases the number of su?h travel lers, itdevelopes the nomadic instinct never quite extinguished in the most industrious. Besides the tramps be gin by begging and as soon as beg ging has extinguished all self respect, and that is very soon, they are ready to steal to satisfy their wants. There fore if the railroads can keep tramps oir the cars they will be benefitting the cities which they infest, in decreas ing the number of objects of charity and of arrests. It will have a direct effect upon the crimes of arson and assault. It is easier for the police to handle criminals with whom they are acquainted, whose habits and haunts they know. The daily reports of the police court is largely made by prison ers accused of having no visible means of support. The agents of the charity organization societies through out the country are also becoming familiar with the history, antecedents and peculiarities of the local paupers, and by intelligent treatment have reduced the number of mendicants. Their work too Is complicated by the nomadic beggar. The number of tramps which are carried free and which destroy company property in crease the expense of the road and thus makes traveling more expensive for the honest and industrious. The general manager already quoted who succeeded in making the tramps be ware of his road, says: "There are three conspicuous reasons that have deterred railroad managers from at tacking the tramp problem. First it has been thought that it would entail a very great expense. Our experience shows that this fear was unwarranted. Second, is has been thought that no support would be given the movement by the local magistrates and police authorities. Our experience shows that in the great majority of cases we have the active support of the local police authorities and that the mag istrates have done their full duty. Third, it was feared that there might be some retaliation by the tramps. Up to date we have very little to complain of on that score. From the reports that I get from my men I believe that we are gradually ridding not only railroad property, but much of the territorv In which It Is situated, of the tramp nuisance. ' ''Mr. Flynt's summary of the cost of tramps is interesting. In summer the entire tramp fraternity may be said to bo in transit. The average number of miles traveled dally by each man at this season of tho year Is about llfty, which, If paid for at regular rates, would cost, say, a dollar which multi plied by 00,000 tramps equal sixty thousand dollars a day worth of trans portation abstracted from the rail road company. This sum multiplied by a hundred which is about the number of days that trampdora tilts, represents approximately tho cost of the traveling they do. Tho people pay the bill in transpora tlon rates and arc assessed in addi tion for the cost of crime and charity. "There Is one more fact which, can not be overlooked the temptation which the railroads have for a ro mantic and adventuresome boy. a child possessed of wanderlust gen orally wanders for a while anyhow, but the chance he now has to jump on a freight train and 'get into the world quick,' as I have heard lads of this temperament remark, has a great deal to do in tempting him to run away from home. Hoboland is overrun with youngsters who have got there on the railroads and very few of them oyer wander back to their parents, Once started 'railroading,' they go on and on, and its attractiveness seems to increase as the years go by. Walking has no such charms for them, and ir it were their only method of seeing the world, the majority of those who keep on seeing it, until death ends their roaming, would grow tired. The railroad makes it possible for them to keep shifting the scenes they enjoy, and in time change and variety become so essential that they nre un able to settle down anywhere. They are victims of what tramps call 'the railroad fever,' a malady for which a remedy has yet to be prescribed." "You're bigger'n me, ain't you, paw?" "tea." "But you're not the biggest man in the world, are you?" "No." "God's the biggest man, ain't he?" "Yes." "He's long, awful long, ain't he?" "I suppose so." "Awful wide, too, ain't he?" "1 guess." "But be uin't big though, is he?" "I really caa't say, my child." "He's thin, ain't he?" "Oh, I don't know." "Don't you know anything about God, paw?" A New England school teacher re ceived the following note from one of her pupils: "Dear Miss; PleaBe do not push Johnny too hard for eo much of his branes is intelleck that he ought to be held back a good deal, or he will run to intelleck intirely.an I do not dezirethis. So pleze hold him back, so as to keep his intelleck from getting bigger than his boddy and injoor'ng him for life. The Bazar. "You should hardly blame him for his lack of success. He does his best, and thinks everything out before hand." "That's just the trouble. He's a man who shouldn't think; he was born with out anything to think with." Jenckes They say that liquid air is the coldest thing known, I wonder if it will ever be put to any ubb. Jonkins-Of course it will. Properly flavored it will be sold in Boston for ice cream. HALF FARE TO HOT SPRINGS AND RETURN. For $15.50, Juno 0th and 20th, anyone can buy tickets to Hot Springs, S. D and return at the Lincoln offices of the Elkhorn line, 117 South 10th street, or depot, corner S and Nineth streets. If you have a stubborn case of rheuma tlsm, stomach or nervous trouble, take t to Hot Springs aud 10 to 1 you will leave it there after a Bbort stay. Other ills of life quickly vanish under the in tluence of a high altitude, healthful climate, picturesque scenery and finest bathing in medicinal waters. A short sojourn there will renew your life. For booklet describing Hot Springs call on or address A. S. Fieldimj, O. T. A., 22-Ct in South 10th street. mmmtmrnmsam