The courier. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1894-1903, June 10, 1899, Page 12, Image 12
&1HH ttttMPai ?vr i J &,., H &&uzzr:' um u,uru,T Slnl,.i.. I-T-1 ft. J. THE COURIER. A BALLAD OF COIFFURES. Oh, I remember pasting well The curly bang the used to wear, That ripling to her eyebrows fell And gave to her a roguish air, My Nellie of the nut-brown hair But Nellie's gone for evermore, To call her that I'd never dare Since she's attained a Pompadour. I mind me of a saintly Nell Who wore, Priscilla-like, her hair All primly parted, showing well A marble forehead smooth and fair; One height were we, but now, I swear, She tops me half a foot or more In the new aspect she doth wear Since she's attained a Pompadour. I wish I had made haste to tell My passion's story, I declare, Either to Nellie or to Nell,- . No solace find I anywhere, For nowadays I never dare To call her naught but Eleanore, So high and mighty is her air Since she's attained a Pompadour. Envoi. Goddess, whose mandate rules the fair, Revoke thine edict, I emplore, For I'm beginning to despair Since she's attained a Pompadour. Harper's Bazar. GOING ANYWHERE THIS SUM MER? Bolow wotako pleasures in recommend ing to you some special money saving round trip rmlroad ridee, initially via the Groat North-WeBtorn Line. Why not patronizo this lino this year, whether on these excursions or other trips? Be sides the abovo wo havo reduced rates to man) tourist points. Columbus, O,, Juno 1, 2, and 4. Rate $22.15, limited Juno 14. Hot Springs, S. D , Juno 0 and 20. Rate $15.50, limit .'JO dayB. Buffalo, N. Y., June 1 L and 12. Rate 827.80, final limit July 2. Los AngoleB, N. E. A., Juno 25 to July 8. Rate 952.00, limit September 1. Detroit, July 3, 4, and 5, (U. S. O. E.) Rate $2.1.05, final limit August 15. Richmond, Va., (B. Y. P. U.) July 10. 11, and 12. Rate 834.10, limit August 15, Indianapolis, July 18, 10, and 20. Rato 820.00, limit August 20. A. S. Fielding, O. T. A., 22-Gt 117 So. 10 Str. "Are you sure no one was looking when you kissed her?" "Positive, she was not even looking herself." "Are you fond of kissing babies?" "Well, I like them better than crying The Nebraska Sanitarium. Located at College View, Nebr., offers the following" inducements to the tired and suffering- public who are seeking- Health, Rest and Comfort: THE institution Is situated on an cle vatod sito, overlooking the city of Lincoln, which lies throe miles to tho northwest, and with which it is connected by an olectric street rail way. Ono of tho most healthy locations bo twoon tho Mississippi River and tho Rocky Mountains. A woll regulated institution for tho troatmont of nil chronic diseases. Water of unusual purity. BattiB of ovory description, including tho ElcctriC'light batb. Scientifically classified dietary. Laboratory of hygiene foribacteriologi cal and microscopical investigation. Stomach fluids analyzed for dyspep tics. Aseptic operating rooms and surgical wards. Four physicians, well-trained, with largo experience in sanitarium medical work. Trained nurses of both sexes. Skillful attention given to tho treat ment of Dieeaeesof the Stomach and Digestive System. Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, and Lunps. Diseases peculiar to women. Best of advantages for the treatment of all formB of chronic diseases. Incur ablo and offensive patients not received. For circulars giving rates and further information, address, NEBRASKA SANITARIUM, College View, Nebraska. ARE YOU GOING TO THE THROUOH EXPRESS FROM VIA OMAHA AND THE Chicago Express from Kansas City In addition to Pullman Sleepers, Free Chair Cars, and tho BeBt Dining Car Service in the World, are equipped with Buffet Library Smoking Cars furnished in club. style and supplied with latest periodicals, illustrated papers and a select library of recent fiction. ABE YOU OOINO TO Colorado ox? tl-&o West? TRY THE "COLORADO FLYER" Fast, carries Dining Cars and Pullman Sleepers. Leave Omgha, 6.40 p.m.; Kan sas City, 6 30 p.m.; St. Joseph, 4.50 p.m. Arrive at Denver and Colorado Springs, next morning. JOnN SEBASTIAN. G. P. A. Chicago, III. E. W. THOMPSON, A. G. P. A. Topeka, Kan. FRANK H. Barnes. G. P. A., Uth and O Streeta, Lincoln, Neb. one. Eve I do bate to have people know why we left Eden. h flnm-.Vrhll nAailn'f msivwu. nanntA ' never believe snake stories. ' MANUFACTURE . . . THE BWSVir UNCOIN STEIv RANGE . . . Warranted to be the Best and Most Satisfactory Range ever made. Any kind of fuel may be used, that one item alone being1 economy. These Ranges would be a comfort in any home. For what they abe They are the cheapest you can buy. At least give one a trial. We warrant you complete satisfaction Write us for full particulars. 786 O t., rISJCJOr, Nob, Jl THE MIR i NEW WORLD Thrice-a-week Edition, Practically a Daily at the price of a Weekly. Tho striking and important events of the laet year have established the overwhelming value ot Thr Thuick-a-Week Wobld to every reader. For an almost nominal sum it has kopt its sub scribers informed of tho progress of nil our waas and, moreover, has reported them as promptly and fully as if it were a daily. With our interests still extend ing throughout the world, with our troops operating in tbe Philippines, and the great Presidential campaign, too, at hand, its value is further increased. The motto of The Thrick-aWekk World is improvement. It strives each year to be better than it was tho year before, and public confidence in it is shown by the fact that it now circulates more than twice as many papers every weok as any other newspaper, not a daily, published in America. We offer this un equaled newspaper and tho Courier together one year for 81.25. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.00 POINTS WORTH REMEMBERING News and Opinions of Na tion Importance. THE SVlH Alone Contains Both. Daily, by mail $6 a yeai Daily and Sunday by mail $8 a year Tt SUNDRY SUN is the greatest Sunday newspaper in the world. Price, 5c a copy. By mail $2 a year. Address The Sun, New York. If 3'ou want the most reliable Bicycle to ride, let 'us show you the superb points of merit in the Bicycle carrying this most liberal guarantee on earth Should tlofoctivo pnrts bo found in Wittmann Bicycles wo will roplnco freo at our storo and pay all transpor tion charges if any. II. Wittmann & Co. ine and most difficult - pairing; is sjjeoialtjr HARNESS, BICYCLES, PHONOGRAPHS. I IAN I B The Rock Island rjlavincr pnrdn ami the slickest you ever handled. One pack will be sent by mail on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. A money order or draft for 50 cents or same in stamps will secure 4 packs. They will be sent by express, charges prepaid. Address, John Sebastian, Q. P, a., Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R'y, Gbicgao. Subscribe for The Courier II a year Established 1870 Xir&oolxi, Nebr. Publisher We have the right man for editor at last. Friend Why? Publisher-He can't understand any thing that is above the bead of the r public. T O r tfiiifti. J fitfinrih fit. ' '.!) 1 i:ji;tst..Ti... ,.