THE COURIER. FA8HIN LETTER. Gowns of organdio as J was about to Gay last week rank next in popu larity to gowns of all lace on the Bum mer wardrobe of tbo well-dressed woman. There never was a season when flimsy materials were more in vogue, not only for day wear but for candlelight toilettes as well. Heavy velvets, BatinB, and all stuffs that savor of a dead and gone winter season are now relegated to oblivion with the coming of warm woather. Delightful change from a few years ngo, when women dressed for dinner partiee, on a hot night in summer, with the same oppressive, heavy splendor with which they were wont to desk IhomselveB for a similar function when the mercury wbb down to freezing regions! Nothing is too simple in the way of fabric to serve for the building of these airy aud dninty frocks, that carry an atmosphere of refreshing coolness in their every fold. Lace, organdie, point d'esprit, Liberty gauze, swanskin, pine apple muBlin, net, chiffon, batiste there Ib indeed no end to the fascinat ing fabrics that can be turned into charming toilets. Even dotted Swiss probably the material for which one gets the most for the least money, and which represents the quintessence of economy is far from being despised. As a matter of fact, one of the smartest gowns of this genre that I have reen ie fashioned of white Swiss, covered closely with a small dot tiny dots, let me say, are much better style than the larger ones in this particular material com bined with black Chantilly lace, the lace forming a long polonaise. This polonaise was worn over a plain skirt of dotted Swiss, and fasteaed ''down the front with a row of email stress but tons. Plain and very lanky skirts are much better Btyle now than all the ruflly arrangements exploited the early part of the season, and they bring out the lines of the tunic or polonaise with much more grace and effectiveness. This is the moment, by the way, to use your grandmother's black thread lace shawl. Nothing iB smarter than a polonaise fashioned of Buch a shawl, or it can be turned into a long coat; or, if one does not fancy that, it can be used "Capuchin" fashion on a cape of white taffeta covered with black net; or a dozen other ways, which depend largely upon the size and shape of the shawl, and one of which, will give you a gar ment that you may feel justly proud to possess. For it is not everyone who can boast of a grandmother, you know, let alone a thread-lace-shawl grandmother. But to return to organdies. There are organdies and organdies. For some organdies you pay thirty five and fifty cents, and exquisite color ing you get for the price; and for some organdies you pav one dollar, or two, or three the more expensive it is the more artistic the coloring and the finer and softer the fabric. For Borne organ dies, you can pay well, I don't know how much a yard, because they do not come that way. Each gown is fashioned expressly for its wearer, and the price is considerable, because, in this cbbb, the plain black organdie is hand-painted in whatever design and coloring appeal most to the woman who is ordering it. Raudnitz is responsible for a very good model of this kind. A number of women, including Mrs. "Stuyve" Fish, are exploiting it. It has a black back ground, over which are scattered closely big bunches of huge American Beauty roses. The tints of the rose and the green of its leaves are charmingly ex ecuted. Mrs. Fish's gown is trimmed with black lace and has a tiny guimpe of cloth-of-gold. With this gown she wears a hat that is itself a veritnblo rose garlon. The quality of clothes that ono noods in ono's summer wardrobo, to bo well and comfortably gowned in this change able climato of ours, is something ap palling. You think you havo got just the thiegs you need, when piff! merrily up goon the thermometor sovoral de grees higher, or down it goes equally gayly several degrees lower, than you had anticipated when laying in your Btock of summer things. So the ma jority of ub, unices possessed of un limited resources, epond a good many days in the aggravating condition of being too warmly clad or not clad warmly enough. That is whore the fashion of tho coat and skirt, with its vast number of odd bodices, has been so invaluable. Un happily, tho coat and skirt regime is not what it was. In fact, except to bo worn on occasions that involve actual travel, the really well-dres9ed woman haB more or leB9 tabooed them. Even well-dressed women will do stupid things occasionally; for in place of the ubiquitous coat and Bkirt toiletto, one requires a collection of those "sim ple little gowns" that one talks of so lightly, but which, nevertheless, mako one's milliner's bill anything but "sim ple." To be sure of being well and comfortably dressed one needs at least a dozen crowns of thiB descripton, of various weights and hueB. Just at this season, however, many of the smart women are flitting in and out of town and making all manner of small journeys; their coats and skirts are still so much in evidence that the caeual observer might never guess that their cachet had to a great extent departed. Mrs. "Jack" Astor, for one, has been wearing a very smart little coat and skirt lately. The coat is an Eton of dark blue serge, made absolutely plain, with a rolled collar with small rovers done in light blue cloth. The skirt falls, in long, straight, narrow lines, with no suggestion of the double skirt or tunic effect. I notice there is a disposition on the part of many of the best dressed women to eschew these double drapery effects; aud I think they are quite right, for really, although thoy are very effective when carried out in diaphanous ma terials, they often look exceedingly foolish when adapted to gowns to be used practically. With this little frock Mrs. Astor wears a round hat of turquoise blue straw, trimmed simply with a big soft bow of chiffon of the same color. Lady Modish. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL AS SOCIATION MEETING. For the meeting of tho National Ed ucational Association at Los Angeles, Cal., July 11-14 1899, the Union Pacific willraake the greatly reduced rate of one fare plus 92.00 for the round trip. The excellent service given by the Union Pacific was commented on by all who had the pleasure of using it to the convention at Washington In 1898 This year our educational friends meet in Los Angeles, and members of the Association and others from points East should by all means take the Union Pacific The service of the Union Pacific is un excelled and consists of Palace Sleep-ing-Cars, Buffet Smoking and Library Cars, Dlning-Cars, meals a la-cur to. Free Recllnlng-Chair Cars and Ordi nary Sleeping Cars. The Union Paciiic is The Route for summer travel. For full Information about tickets, stop-overs, or a finely illustrated book describing "Tho Overland Route" to tho Pacific Coast, call on E. B. Slossox, Gen. Agt. St owoPL1ksssssssssssssssssssssE'9kssssi W'iiBMBS w ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssmbbSBi rlHHV'I, ''BBBBBBBBBnSM. lKssBBBBBBsraL'nf'v .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBtSBBBBBBSK IHikBBKiBlV KibHV'bbHbbbbHRbV IsKSSSSSSSsflM 4MV"'' saMUssnMV9IPP)flmVL IbBUuSbbbbbbbbbbbV DBNVBR SALT r,AKE, SAN FRANCISCO PORTLAND btKSaTbv'mLI I I vIkIbVEViIbbV V frpSrov .AND. All - Principal - Western - Points ARE MOKE QUICKLY REACHED VIA THE "UNION PACIFIC" THAN VIA ANY. OTHER LINE. X Nits o Utah 0 3Vtts to Coilor"la Magnificently Equipped Trains Daily. vr. Jm, fa1s. folders, and illustrated pamphlets descriptive of the territory tra verse, caU on c...oiossonoenei -- TIME IS MONEY. When you are traveling, due con sideration snould be given to the amount of time spent in making your Thejnlon Pacific is the best line and main the fastest time by many hours to Salt Lake City, Portland and Call- fornia points. For time tables, folders, illustrated books, pamphlets descriptive of the ter ritory traversed, call at City Office, 1044 O Bt. E. B. Slobson, Gen. Agent. First Publication May 10-4 NOTICE. City BodI Estate Co. ) va. To John A. Orr. non- Holmes. 25-87. 1 resident defendant. . I llfl.,1 ll,.t n Mov a 1ROQ lou aro norouy uuuum ui.vm . .., City Roal Estato Company, a Nebraska corpora tlon, as piainun, dckbu uii -and other defendants in tho district court of Lancaster cuum ......, -.- -- which is to forocloso a certain mortgaao on tho following lanii in saia county, :'"' ' """ borll, in block purober 5, n Lincoln Driving Park Company'. First Sub-d vision h .the city or Lincoln, accoraiuK w i".. ,..v cure the payment of a promissory noto of said Elisabeth F. cadwallador and charles M.cad- waUador to said Tho dark & Leonard Invest- ment company lorww.iu "; " due $538.20 with interestfrom November 1,1894, at ton por cent per annum pursuant to coupons Plaintiff orays for docroo of foreclosure and sale of said land to satisfy said liens as aroro said, for the appointment of a recoivor, for on or W'fcc&jrJntW. Dy 8.L. Obutbarot. Attorney. First publication May 27. 3. NOTICE. Notico is horeby givon that on tho 13th day of June, 1899, at tho onst door of tho County Court House, In thn city of Lincoln, county of Lancastor, itatoof Nebraska, at 2 o'clock p.m., standard tlmo, tho undoraiguod will offer for sale at public auction, to tho highest biddor for cash, or upon such c rod It as Is providod by law. tho following described real oh tn to lying In said county of Lancaster, stato of Nebraska, to wit: i. Tho wont ono-half, w 1-2, of lot four teen, 14, in block forty-four. 44, in the city of Lincoln. 2. Lot twolvo, 12, in block two hun dred and twonty-llvo,22V in tho city of Lincoln. 3. Lot Hvo, 5, iu block six, 0, in Trestor's addi tion to tho city of Lincoln. 4. Lot twenty. 20 in block two. a, in Englosldo addition to tho city of Lincoln. 5. Lot 000,1,111 block two, 9, in East Park addition to tho city of Lincoln. 6. Lots ono, two, throo and four, 1, 2. 3, 4, in block two, 2, In Alonzo Harnos' subdivision in Ilia city of Lincoln, Paid salo will bo mado undor and by vlrtuo of a license of salo mado by tho Dis trict Court of Lancastor county. Nobroska, in an action thoroin ponding by tho undorslgnod for llcenso to hoII tho sumo. Bald salo will re main opon for ono, 1, hour, beginning at tho tlmo abovo stated. (iEOBnBH.Cl.AllK. As executor of tho last will and testament of Alonzo Dames, doconsod. First publication May 33. LEGAL NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that in pursu ance to an order of the District Court of Lancaster County, Nebraska, made on the 18th day of March, 1890, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the east front door of the court house at Lincoln, Nebraska, on Saturday the 24th day of June, 1899, at 2 o'clock, p.m.. at public auction to the highest bidder, the following de scribed: real estate, to-wit: Blocks One (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), five (5), nine (0), and ten (10), and Lots One (1) to four (4) inclusive, thirteen '(13), four teen (14), nineteen (19) to twenty-four, (24) inclusive, and twenty-five (25) to forty-two (42) inclusive of Block six (6); and lots one (1) to twenty-nine (29) in clusive and thirty-four to forty-three (43) inclusive in Block seven (7); and lot one (1) to twenty four (24) inclusive, thirty-three (33) to thirty-seven (37) in clusive, and forty-two (42) to forty-four (44) inclusive in Block eight (8): all of said property being in Highland Park, an addition to the city of Lincoln, Lan caster county, Nebraska; also lots A, B, O.D.E.F.G, H,J, K, L, M, N,p, P, an1 " r9 frrwar Plana ViAfn 111 .vision of the S. W. of the S. W. M of section twenty-seven (zi), ana tne a. Hi. of the S. E. i of section twenty eight (28), all in town ten (10), range six (G), Lancaster county. Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one Hour. Terms of sale cash, or one-third cash, one-third in one year, and one-third in two years at the option of the purchaser, deterred payments secured by a mortgage back on the property. Andrew D. Rio kbits, Executor of the estate of John O. Ricketts, deceased. $&20 $32.50 The above greatly reduced rate hai been made by the Union Pacific to Cali fornia points. Through Tourist Sleep ers, quicker than any other line. For tickets and full information call on E. B. Slosson, General Agent.